八年级英语下册 Module 3 Journey to space Unit 1 Has it arrived yet课件 (新版)外研版

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1、Unit1Hasitarrivedyet?Module 3 Journey to space目录contents课前预习课堂导学课堂小堂小测课后作后作业课前预习课前预习目录contents课前预习Listen attentively课堂堂导学学目录contents课堂导学Listen attentively1.What are you up to? 你在干什么呢?be up to 意为“忙于,从事,正在做”。What are you up to?常用于口语中,相当于“What are you doing?”。如:I havent seen you recently.What are you u

2、p to?我最近没看见你。你在干什么呢?2.I havent started yet because Im not sure how to make it.我还没开始因为我还没确定如何制作它。课堂导学Listenattentivelyhow to make it 构成“疑问词+不定式”结构,经常放在show,teach,know,wonder,find out 等动词(短语)之后作宾语。如:Can you teach me how to use the computer? 你能教我怎样使用这台电脑吗?【学以致用学以致用】 ( )Ill have a ten-day holiday.But I

3、dont know_.How about Paris?A.what to do B.where to go C.when to go D.how to go B课堂导学Listenattentively3.Sure,no problem.当然可以,没问题。no problem 意为“没问题”,用于表示乐于做某人要求做的事。如:Im not good at English.Can you help me? 我不擅长英语,你能帮我吗?No problem.没问题。4.Thats why its on the news.这就是它(宇宙飞船)在新闻中播放的原因。that is why 表示“这就是的原

4、因”。如:That is why he is late.这就是他迟到的原因。课堂导学Listenattentively5.Lots of scientists are working hard in order to send astronauts to Mars one day.很多科学家正努力工作,为了有一天把宇航员送到火星上去。in order to do sth.意为“为了做某事”,表示目的,可位于句首或句中,其否定形式为in order not to do sth.。【学以致用学以致用】 ( )In order_ for the meeting, my sister forced h

5、erself to get up early this morning.A.not to be late B.not being late C.to be late D.being lateA课堂小测目录contents课堂小测Listenattentively一、根据中文意思或首字母提示,用一、根据中文意思或首字母提示,用单词的适的适当形式填空。当形式填空。1.Have you received her letter y_ ?2.Have you heard the l_news?3.Who _(发现) America?4.The six _(宇航员) on board will spend

6、 ten days in space.5.Ive just made a model _(宇宙飞船) for our school project.etatestdiscoveredastronautsspaceship 课堂小测Listenattentively二、根据句意和二、根据句意和汉语提示完成句子。提示完成句子。1.吉姆在做什么呢?What _Jim_?2.火车什么时候到达伦敦? When does the train_ London?3.你知道姚明的最新消息吗?Do you know _ about Yao Ming?isup toarrive inthe latest news课

7、堂小测Listenattentively4.做完这些作业将花费我两个小时的时间。_will _me two hours to finish the homework.5.他刚刚做完这个模型。He _ this model.Ittakehas just made课堂小测Listenattentively三、三、单项填空。填空。( )1.Where is my pen? I_ it here but now I cant find it. A.put B.have just put C.was putting D.has just put( )2.Hasnt Betty come yet?No,

8、and I_ for her for nearly 2 hours.A.wait B.waited C.have waited D.had waited( )3.Will you carry the box for me,please? Sure,_ .A.no good B.no problem C.no idea D.no way BCB课堂小测Listenattentively ( )4.The student didnt find much_ about the topic on that website.A.report B.article C.information D.story

9、 ( )5.The two astronauts have_ returned from the space station.A.just B.just now C.still D.yet CA课后作后作业目录contents4课后作业Listenattentively一、一、单项填空。填空。( )1.They have_ finished doing housework, but they havent done their homework_ .A.already; yet B.yet; already C.yet; yet D.already; already( )2.He had to

10、 find another job_ make a living in the city.A.in order to B.so that C.in order D.in order thatAA课后作业Listenattentively( )3.Is Tom at home? No, he_ to town.A.has been B.has gone C.goes D.will go ( )4._?Im busy with my homework.A.What has happened B.What are you up toC.Are you busy D.Whats the matter(

11、 )5.Could you help me to carry the box?Sure,_.A.all right B.Im sorry C.good luck D.no problemBBD课后作业Listenattentively二、用所二、用所给单词的适当形式填空的适当形式填空 。1.So have they _(discover) life on Mars?2.Lucy isnt at the cinema now because she _(go) to the library.3.Miss Zhang agreed to teach us how _(swim).4.There a

12、re _(billion) of stars in our galaxy.5.I have finished _(read) the book.discoveredhas goneto swimbillionsreading课后作业Listenattentively三、完形填空。三、完形填空。 How much do you learn about the solar system? The following passage(短文) will tell you. The earth is a planet.It as well as seven 1 planets goes around t

13、he sun.We 2 the eight planets and the sun the solar system.The first planet, 3 the sun, is Mercury(水星).It is 58 million 4 from the sun.Venus(金星) is the second planet next to the sun, and 5 planet, the earth, is the third.It is 150 million kilometers from the sun.课后作业ListenattentivelyJupiter(木星), Sat

14、urn(土星), Neptune(海王星) and Uranus(天王星) are all 6 than the earth, 7 Venus, Mars and Mercury are smaller than the earth. Animals, trees and humans can only 8 on the earththe other planets in our solar system do not 9 air or water.Do any planets in other galaxies have 10 ? We dont know about it.课后作业List

15、enattentively( )1.A.else B.others C.other D.another( )2.A.know B.call C.take D.pick( )3.A.next to B.before C.out of D.in front of( )4.A.years B.hours C.meters D.kilometres( )5.A.our B.their C.her D.his( )6.A.lighter B.bigger C.shorter D.safer( )7.A.but B.or C.till D.so( )8.A.knock B.try C.live D.land( )9.A.have B.bring C.fill D.join( )10.A.planet B.system C.galaxy D.lifeCBADABACAD谢谢观看!



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