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1、- 1 - / 9 Book7 Module 3单元测试卷(外研版)Class: Name: Marks: 满分( 120)一、语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题 1分,满分 15分)1. A falling stone hit a tourist in _ leg but luckily he was sent to _ hospital without delay. A. a。 the B. /。 the C. the。 / D. a。 / 2. Did you get much _ from the training course? Yes, quite a lot. A. honor

2、B. benefit C. reward D. prize 3. Only by helping with each other can we _ our goal and it s the key to success. A. establish B. value C. accomplish D. obtain 4. A shop assistant _ a criminal who was being wanted online and reported to the police. A. looked out B. called out C. turned out D. picked o

3、ut 5. I m _ about you you shouldn t have returned home so late. A. anxious B. eager C. curious D. skeptical 6. Greater efforts are needed to _ their goal of setting up ten free schools in that town. A. elect B. confirm C. attain D. appoint 7. On the wall _, which was painted by Qi Baishi. A. does a

4、painting hang B. hangs a painting C. a painting does hang D. is a painting hanging 8. The teachers are trying hard to make the children feel _ in the kindergarten. A. at heart B. at will C. at home D. at most 9. It was Oliver s asking for another bowl of soup that day _, I think, caused him in troub

5、le. A. when B. which C. what D. that 10. Not until 30 days after his operation _ to leave hospital. A. was he allowed B. did he allow C. he was allowed D. had he allowed 11. I m sure that the experience _ from tak ing part-time jobs will do good t o your future careers. A. to accumulate B. accumulat

6、ed C. is accumulated D. having accumulated 12. Why didn t you bring _ to your boss attention that it wasn t your fault? A. it B. him C. that D. yourself 13. The weather forecast says it s clearing up tomorrow. _! The big rain will finally come to a stop. A. Well done B. It s fascinating C. Nonsense

7、D. Thank goodness 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 9 页- 2 - / 9 14. What about the Italian restaurant near Leicester Square? Four waiters _ lunch to us. A. has served B. was serving C. served D. had served 15. Please _ that stamp, for it is quite rare nowadays. A. turn to B. come

8、 up to C. attend to D. hold on to 二、 完形填空(共 20小题;每小题1分,满分 20分)A couple of weeks ago, my friend had a yard sale. She 16 to sell some of our stuff for us. I thought it would be a good 17 to clean my 7-year-old son s room and get rid of some toys that he had 18 . We agreed that whatever we sold in toys

9、 would be his 19 . The night before the sale, we 20 up the truck with toys and a little bike that he was too 21 for. This little bike had had at least two 22 owners that we knew of. It was not in the best 23 and it certainly was not shiny new 。 24 , it was still good for use.We put a 25 of $10 on it

10、 but it didn t sell. So, after the sale was over, my friend put it on the sidewalk with a 26 that said “ FREE BIKE ” . Within five minutes her doorbell rang. A little boy was standing there. He 27 if the bike was really 28 . My friend said yes and that he could have it for nothing. He 29 , hopped (跳

11、上 ) on the bike and rode away. Later that evening, when I told my son how much money he had made at the yard sale, he was very 30 . He always asked about a few of his things,31 if they had been sold. When he asked about the 32 , I told him that a little boy had got it for free, and had made a smile.

12、 The grin (咧嘴笑 ) on my son s face was 33 priceless, much more than when I told him how much he had made. He was so pleased to hear that someone else would make good 34 of that little bike. The bike was given to us, so in this way, I guess we got to pay it 35 ! 16. A. refused B. hurried C. offered D.

13、 waited 17. A. deal B. opportunity C. sale D. yard 18. A. outgrown B. contained C. dissatisfied D. destroyed 19. A. help B. money C. effort D. success 20. A. held B. equipped C. loaded D. provided 21. A. tall B. suitable C. eager D. angry 22. A. kind B. previous C. generous D. wealthy 23. A. place B

14、. way C. fashion D. shape 24. A. therefore B. however C. otherwise D. anyway 25. A. value B. bill C. cash D. price 26. A. word B. symbol C. sign D. letter 27. A. asked B. reminded C. questioned D. requested 28. A. cheap B. good C. free D. new 29. A. agreed B. accepted C. smiled D. believed 30. A. ex

15、cited B. shocked C. grateful D. desperate 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 9 页- 3 - / 9 31. A. knowing B. expecting C. recognizing D. wondering 32. A. boy B. toy C. bike D. truck 33. A. truly B. rarely C. usually D. suddenly 34. A. item B. supply C. use D. point 35. A. constantly

16、 B. forward C. instantly D. backward 三、阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分 40分)A In 1969, Nueng Garcia was born in Thailand, whose father was an American serviceman. When Nueng was only three months old, his father went back to the USA. When he grew up, Nueng immigrated to the United States and worked as a gas stat

17、ion clerk in Pueblo, Colorado. It was just another day on the job until he noticed the name of one man who paid with a check. The man, who was in his fifties, had the same surname as his own. Nueng raised his head from the check and stared at the man. Could this man be his father? “ Are you John Gar

18、cia?” he asked. “ Yes,” came the answer. “ Were you ever in the Air Force? ”“ Yes.”“ Were you ever in Thailand? ”“ What s that to do with you? ” answered the man, who became suspicious. “ Were you or were you not? ” Nueng persisted. “ Yes.”“ Did you have a son?”This truth began to dawn on the old ma

19、n. He and the clerk realized at the same moment that they were father and son who were separated 27 years ago and half a world away. John Garcia hadn t seen his son since 1969, because Pratom Semon, Nueng s mother, did not want to leave her homeland for the United States at that time. He continued t

20、o write and send checks to his son s mother after he left Thailand. Years later, Pratom Semon was seeing another man, so she put a stop to John Garcia s correspondence. He said he never went to that gas station, wasn t even low on gas that day and hardly ever paid with a check. He did not even know

21、why he stopped for gas. His newfound 27-year-old son put his arms around the man who was once a stranger and said, “ Dad.I m glad you stopped. ” As for their plans now, Nueng said: “ Twe nty-seven years is a long period we re catching up.”36. Nueng Garcia found his father _. A. by chance B. through

22、a clerk C. on purpose C. through a letter 37. Which of the following statements is TRUE? A. Nueng Garcia once served in the US Air Force in Thailand. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 9 页- 4 - / 9 B. Nueng Garcia never gave up his efforts to find his father but in vain. C. John Ga

23、rcia went to that gas station before but never paid with a check. D. It was the same surname that attracted Nueng Garcia s attention. 38. What can we infer from the passage? A. Nueng came to the USA to find his father. B. John Garcia met his son in 1996. C. Nueng Garcia s parents divorced when he wa

24、s young. D. John Garcia abandoned his wife and son in 1969. 39. The underlined part means that the old man began to _ the truth. A. know B. doubt C. cover D. refuse 40. Which can be the best title for this passage? A. Dad and his lost son B. Never give up and there will be a miracle C. Dad, son unit

25、ed after 27 years D. The love story between Dad and son B“ How do I love thee, let me count the ways.”These words, penned by Elizabeth Barrett Browning, are some of the most widely-known love lyrics in Victorian English poetry. Elizabeth Barrett Browning was born at Coxhoe Hall, Durham, England on M

26、arch 6, 1806. Browning was privately educated and spent much of her childhood in the country. It was a very happy childhood until Browning became seriously ill at age 15. In 1832, Browning moved with her family to Sidmouth, Devon and then several years later to London. In 1833, Browning s translatio

27、n of Prometheus Bound ( 被束缚的普罗M 修斯) received high praise. After moving to London, Browning began to publish her own writings. Her first collection entitled The Seraphim and Other Poems was published in 1838, and her second volume Poems was published in 1844, which included an introduction written by

28、 Edgar Allan Poe. In 1845, Browning received a telegram from the poet Robert Browning. The telegram read “ I love your verses with all my heart, dear Miss Barrettand I love you too.”The two met several months later and fell in love. During this period Browning composed her famous Sonnets (十四行 诗) fro

29、m the Portuguese, which was published in 1850. Shortly after their marriage, Elizabeth and Robert departed for Pisa, Italy and ultimately settled in Florence. In Italy, Browning regained her health and in 1849 gave birth to the couple s only child, Robert Wiedemann Barrett. The Brownings lived in Fl

30、orence in the next 15 years, with occasional visits to London. During this period, she produced her most ambitious work entitled Aurora Leigh . The poem is a love story that defends a woman s right to intellectual freedom. Elizabeth Barrett Browning died on June 29, 1861 in Florence. She is chiefly

31、remembered for her love poems, although Aurora Leigh has recently received new appreciation. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 9 页- 5 - / 9 41. What do we know about Elizabeth Barrett Browning s education? A. She received much formal education. B. She was taught at home. C. She wa

32、s poorly educated. D. She only went to school at her village. 42. Browning had her own writings published when _. A. she was living in the countryside B. she was in London C. she was doing the translation of Prometheus BoundD. she met her would-be husband 43. Robert Browning sent a telegram to Eliza

33、beth Barrett Browning to _. A. express his love for her and her poems B. ask her to marry him C. give her some suggestions on writing D. ask for a date with her 44. Elizabeth Barrett Browning is mainly remembered for _. A. her love with a famous poet B. the fight for women s rights C. her love poems

34、 D. the style of her poems 45. We may infer from the passage that Elizabeth Barrett Browning _. A. suffered from poor health all her life B. was much influenced by her husband C. stopped her writing after she got married D. may have enjoyed her family life CSurveys of American teenagers find that ab

35、out half of them do not get enough sleep on school nights. They get an average of sixty to ninety minutes less than experts say they need. One reason for this is biology. Experts say teens are biologically programmed to go to sleep earlier and wake up later than other age groups. Yet many schools st

36、art classes as early as seven in the morning. As a result, many students go to class feeling like Danny. Danny is an active teen except in the morning. “ Getting up in the morning is pretty terrible. I m just very out of it and tired. In the first and second period I can barely stay awake, ” he said

37、. Michael Breus, a psychologist, says, “ Teens need to sleep eight to nine hours or even nine to ten hours a night. Sleepy teens can experience a form of depression that could have big effects on their general well-being. It can affect not just their ability in the classroom but also on the sports f

38、ield and on the road.”So what can schools do about sleepy students? The psychologist suggests that one thing they can do is to start classes later in the morning. Studies show that students can improve a lot in their 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 9 页- 6 - / 9 first- and second

39、-period classes. Eric Peterson is the head of St. George sSchool in the northeastern part of Rhode Island. He wanted to see if a thirty-minute delay would make a difference. It did. He says visits to the health center by tired students decreased by half. Late arrivals to the first period fell by a t

40、hird. And students reported that they were less sleepy during the day. Eric Peterson knows that changing the start time is easier at a small, private boarding school like his. But he is hopeful that other schools will find a way. 46. The underlined word “ this” in the second paragraph refers to _. A

41、. children s getting up late B. children s staying up C. children s not getting enough sleep D. time children need for sleeping 47. According to the text we can learn that Eric Peterson _. A. runs a private boarding school B. made the survey all by himself C. is strict with the students D. needs mor

42、e sleep 48. Michael Breus thinks that _. A. teens lack of sleep can lead to bad results B. teens should not get up late C. depression is common in teens D. the first class should be cut off 49. The last paragraph tells us _. A. it s not easy for Eric Peterson to change the start time B. Eric Peterso

43、n visits the health center every day C. the students aren t late for school any more D. students in St. George sSchool can get up later than their peers 50. What can we infer from the text? A. Danny is a lazy boy. B. The psychologist has no idea to solve the problem. C. Enough sleep makes a healthy

44、and active student. D. American teens are all in bad conditions. DTowns and cities around the globe have embraced the use of renewable energy. Most of the time, you ll hear about people switching to solar or wind power, but the Oregon town of Klamath Falls is one of the few towns that use geothermal

45、 (地热 ) power for everything imaginable. The geothermal power of Klamath Falls is used to heat buildings, greenhouses and provide lighting for the local college campus. They are also looking to expand their geothermal use beyond heat and towards electricity, too. The use of geothermal energy is pract

46、ically unknown it only makes up 0.5% of the United 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 9 页- 7 - / 9 States entire energy production. However, it has extreme potential. A 2007 survey conducted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology estimated that EGS (Enhanced Geothermal System

47、s) could produce 100 gigawatts (千兆瓦 ) of electricity by 2050. That amount of output is equal to 1,000 coal-fired or nuclear power plants. Although there is huge potential for the use of geothermal energy, it also has its drawbacks. For one, it can be difficult to find the 3 natural components (成分 )

48、needed to use geothermal energy all in one place. Those 3 things are: water, hot rock close to the surface, and cracks (裂缝 ) in the rock that can act as a reservoir (水库 ). One way EGS can be used is by drilling thousands of feet into the earth until you reach hot rock. Water is then pumped down to t

49、he rock in order to create cracks and reservoirs. Once the cracks are created, more water can be sent down one area and it will come up through another well as hot water or steam. This hot water or steam will cause a turbine( 涡轮 ) to spin, thus generating electricity. 51. The Oregon town of Klamath

50、Falls intends to _in the future. A. heat buildings with geothermal power B. export geothermal power to other parts of the country C. power the lights of college campus in the town D. make electricity with geothermal power 52. We can learn from the third paragraph that _. A. geothermal energy is wide

51、ly used in the USA B. geothermal energy has great potential C. it is not economic to make electricity with geothermal energy D. the US falls behind other countries in using geothermal energy 53. Which of the following are the 3 natural components needed in using geothermal energy? A. A reservoir, wa

52、ter and hot rock in deep earth. B. Water, hot rock near the surface and cracks in the rock. C. Water, hot rock on earth and a reservoir. D. Water, hot rock near the surface and deep wells. 54. Water is pumped down to the rock to _. A. cool the hot rock B. lower the pressure underground C. create cra

53、cks and reservoirs D. mix with the hot water underground 55. Which of the following pictures shows the correct way to get geothermal energy? A. B. C. D. 四、书面表达(共两节,满分45分)第一节阅读表达(共5小题;每小题3分,满分 15分)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 9 页- 8 - / 9 阅读下面短文并根据短文后的要求回答问题(请注意问题后的词数要求)。1 The

54、re are so many activities people do in their free time to relax their stressed mind. The popular hobbies are stamp and coin collecting, music, painting, photography, reading and cooking. Among the long, long list of various hobby activities, there is one interesting, informative and adventurous hobb

55、y which is also one of the most popular and loved pastimes. That is travelling. 2 For some it is a waste of time and money. They argue to use an alternative and read a book or watch a film related to places to be travelled. For others, there is no doubt that a person _ by walking a mile than reading

56、 an entire book. 3 The world is so big and there are so many places to visit. A crowded market, a monument, a lonesome beach, and high hills are all worth visiting. 4 If you are travelling to a place, remember to get prior information and an authorized guide. If you are going to any adventurous plac

57、e, you d better go in a group or with a trained person and take an emergency box. If you are travelling to a new country, make sure of having a list of hotels, food, emergency numbers, and currency of that region. 5 Travelling gives you a great break from your routine and an opportunity to learn a n

58、ew culture and make new friends. Travelling is a perfect educational hobby as it helps you learn a lot of new things in life. 56. What is the main idea of the text? (no more than 8 words) _ 57. Do you agree with the opinion that traveling is a waste of time and money? Give your reasons. (no more tha

59、n 30 words) _ 58. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words. (no more than 6 words) _ 59. Which sentence in the text is the closest in meaning to the following one? People have different options to try when they are going to travel. _ 60. Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5 int

60、o Chinese. _ 第二节写作(满分30分)当前有不少中外经典作品被改编成了电影。有的人喜欢看电影,有的人则喜欢读原著。请你以 “ Film or book, which do you prefer? ” 为题,写一篇英语短文,阐述你的看法和观点。注意:1. 词数 120-150; 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 9 页- 9 - / 9 参考答案 : 1-15 CBCDA CBCDA BADCD16-35 CBABC ABDBD CACCA DCACB 36-55 ADBAC

61、BBACD CAADC DBBCD 56. How to develop the hobby of traveling. 57. I don t agree with it, as I think traveling can give us an opportunity to learn a new culture and make new friends. 58. can get more life experience 59. The world is so big and there are so many places to visit. 60. 旅行是一种非常理想的有教育功能的爱好,

62、因为它可以帮你学到人生中的许多新东西。One possible version: Film or book, which do you prefer?When a novel is very successful, a director usually wants to turn it into a film. It is exciting to see how the actors bring the characters to life on the screen. It can make some parts of the novel much clearer. So many peop

63、le think that the movie is better than the book. However, changes are absolutely necessary when adapting hundreds of pages of a novel for a couple of hours of film. Some hidden meanings of the novel might be lost. So many people prefer reading the book to watching the movie. My feeling is mixed. I really enjoy reading the novel and picturing the people in my mind. It is also fun to see the movie. I would have to say that both the novel and the film are just great. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 9 页



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