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1、学习必备欢迎下载Unit 8 Is there a post office near here? 一重点单词和短语post office 邮局go straight沿着. 直走police station警察局turn right=turn to the right 向右拐pay phone 投币式公用电话turn left=turn to the left 向左转on the Fifth Avenue 在第五大街go along=walk along=go down沿着走across from 在. 对面on one s left在某人的左边next to 紧靠on the right在右边

2、betweenand.在和之间at the first crossing 在第一个十字路口in front of 在前面welcome to 欢迎到 .in the neighborhood在附近a house with a beautiful garden 一个带漂亮花园的near here在这附近enjoy reading 享受阅读take a walk=have a walk 散步look like 看起来take a taxi 乘出租车have a good trip 旅途愉快the way to 去. 的路上have fun 玩到开心二重点单词和短语1. There be 句型(1)

3、结构: There be+sb./sth. + 地点 表示“在某地有某人或某物” (there 是引导词,没有词义; be 是谓语动词;某人 /物是主语,地点作状语,多为介词短语)E.g. There is a bank in the neighborhood. (2)There be 句型的谓语动词be在人称和数上应以后面的第一个名词保持一致。如果后面的名词是可数名词单数或不可数名词,谓语动词用is. E.g. There is some salad on the table . 如果后面的名词是可数名词复数,谓语动词用 are. E.g. There are some students i

4、n the classroom. 如果 There be 句型中有多个名词, be 动词通常与第一个名词保持人称和数的一致。E.g. There is a boy and two girls in the room. There are two girls and a boy in the room. (3)There be 句型的一般疑问句:将be 动词提到句首。Are there any students in the classroom? 肯定回答: Yes, there is /are. 否定回答: No, there isn t/aren t. E.g. Is there a ban

5、k near here? Yes, there is ./No ,there isn t.(4)There be 句型的否定句:在be 后加 notE.g. There is a post office near hear. There isn t a post office near hear. (5)There be 句型的特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词(组)+be +there +其他精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 7 页学习必备欢迎下载E.g. There are three pens in my schoolbag.(

6、请对划线部分进行提问). How many pens are there in your schoolbag? 【拓展】 there be和 have 都表示“有 .” ,但有所区别:含义不同。there be 结构表示的是“某地有某物/人” ,强调“存在关系”;have则表示“某人 /某物所有”,强调“所属关系”。E.g. There is a bus in our factory. Our factory has a bus. 句型不同。there be 结构的句型为“ There be + 某物/某人+某地” ,否定句是把 not 放在 be 之后,疑问句是把be提到句首;have句型为

7、“某人 /某物+ have/ has +某物/某人” ,否定句通常是在have前加 dont ( has 前加 doesnt ),疑问句是在句首加do(第三人称单数加 does) 。E.g. There isnt a cat under the chair. She doesn t have two brothers. 用 there is 或 there are还是用 have或 has均取决于句子的主语。但there be 句型里有两个或多个并列主语时, be习惯上和最靠近的那个在数上保持一致。E.g. There is a bike under the tree. There are s

8、ome bikes under the tree. There is an apple and two oranges on the table. You have a new book./ You have some new books. He has a new book./ He have some new books. 当表示某物的构成和组成部分时,用there be 和 have均可。E.g. Our school has twenty classes. (= There are twenty classes in our school.) 2. across from 意为“在的对

9、面” ,后面接表示地点的名词或代词。E.g. We live across from the street. There is a bank across from the library. 表示“在的对面”的短语还有: on the other side of. The bus stop is on the other side of the river. be opposite to. The fruit shop is opposite the post office. 3、next to 表示“在 .旁边;靠近;紧挨着” ,后接表地点的名词或代词。E.g. The pay phone

10、is next to the library. The garden is next to my house. 【辨析】 near也表示“在 .旁边” ,但与 next to 有所区别:从空间上讲, near只表示“在 .旁边;在 .附近”而 next to 有“紧挨着”之意;也就是说next to 比 near靠的更近。试比较:E.g. Peter sits next to Mike. Peter sits near Tom. 4.【辨析】 between和 amongbetween 表示“在 .中间” ,常与 and连接,构成短语 between.and. ,指在两者之间精选学习资料 -

11、- - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 7 页学习必备欢迎下载E.g. I sit between Lucy and Lily. among 也表示“在 .中间” ,指在三者或三者以上的中间。E.g. My brother is among those boys. 5.【辨析】 in front of/ in the front of 都表示“在 .前面”in front of 指在物体外部的前面There is a bank in front of the hospital in the front of 指在物体内部的前面The teache

12、r s desk is in the front of the classroom. 6. cross 动词表示“横过;越过”E.g. He has to cross the river to school. across 介词 表示“横过;穿过”E.g. He has to walk across the river to school. Through 介词,表示“(从中间)穿过”E.g. go through the forest/park 注:across表示从一定范围的一边另一边, 动作在物体表面进行。E.g. go/walk across the road/bridge/stree

13、t 7. spend 动词,表示“花(时间、金钱) ”spend on sth.(名词)“在某事或某物上花费金钱或时间”E.g. I usually spend one hour on my homework. Linda spends ten yuan on this book. spend (in) doing sth. “花费金钱或时间做某事”E.g. I usually spend one hour (in) doing my homework. She often spends twenty minutes (in) walking to school. 8. pay 动词,表示“付

14、钱;付费;付款” (过去式为 paid)pay for +物 “付钱买某物”E.g. He paid for the books. pay +钱+for +物“付多少钱买某物”E.g. He paid 200 yuan for the books. pay sb. some money for sth. E.g. He paid her 20 dollars for the shoes. 9. see/watch/hear sb. doing sth. 表示“看见 /观看/听见某人正在做某事”E.g. I love to watch the monkeys climbing around. I

15、 often hear some girls singing in the classroom. 10. To get to the park , you just have to cross Center Street. to get to the park 是目的状语前置 , just 起增强语气的作用,和此处的have to表示“只要,仅需”。E.g. To get a good grade, we must study hard. 11. enjoy 动词,表示“享受;喜爱”enjoyable adj. 表示“高兴的”enjoy sth./sb. “喜欢某物 /某人”E.g. Do y

16、ou enjoy this book? enjoy doing sth. “喜欢做某事”E.g. He enjoys listening to music. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 7 页学习必备欢迎下载enjoy oneself =have fun =have a good time 表示“玩得高兴”E.g. Do you enjoy yourself today? have fun (in) doing sth. “做某事很有乐趣” E.g. We have fun (in) learning and spe

17、aking English. 12. easy 形容词,表示“容易的” ,用来修饰名词反义词: difficult “困难的”easily 副词, “容易地;轻松地”,用来修饰动词E.g. The question is so easy. You can get to the library easily. 13. It s one s turn to do sth. 表示“轮到某人做某事”E.g. It is our turn to clean the classroom. take turns to do sth. 表示“轮流去做某事”E.g. Take turns to clean th

18、e blackboard. 14. the way to +地点表示“去的路”E.g. Can you tell me the way to the post office? 15. Then go down Bridge Street and turn left at New Park. go down 意为“往前走”。turn left / right 意为“向左/右拐” 。在英语中表示“往前走”的短语还有go/walk up, go/walk down, go/walk along 等。E.g. Turn right and go straight along this road. 三重

19、点句型(一)问路1) Excuse me, where is the .? 2) Excuse me, is there a . near here? 3) Excuse me, which is the way to.? 4) Excuse me, can you tell me the way to( 去 的路).? 5) Excuse me, how can I get to.? 6) Excuse me, can you tell me how I can get to.?= Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to. (二)提供问路信息时,可以

20、说:(1)Go along/down/up this street/road. (2)Go straight ahead and turn left at the third traffic lights. (3)Take the second turning/crossing on the right/left. = Turn left/right at the second turning/crossing. (4)Go on until you reach the end. /Go along this road to the end. (5)Youll see the on the r

21、ight/left.(6)Its next to the /in front of the /behind the /on the left (right) of (7)Take the No. bus and it will take you there. (8)You cant miss it.意思是 “Its very easy to find !Test for Unit 8 I、词汇A、根据汉语、首字母及句子意思补全单词。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 7 页学习必备欢迎下载1. The park near m

22、y home is very d_, I dont like to go there.2. In the g_, there are some vegetables. 3. Is there a school in the _( 附近)? 4. We see her when she p_ the classroom. 5. Go _( 穿过 )the street when the light( 灯) is green. 6. Im very _(饥饿的 ), I want some food to have. 7. How do you _ ( 抵达) at the airport? B、

23、根据所给单词填入正确的形式。8. The girls enjoy _(see) comedies. 9. I hope the_ (begin) of our tour is happy. 10. They have fun _ (walk) in the park. 11. Do you enjoy _(you) at the birthday party? 12. Go down _ (three) Street and turn right. II、单项选择( )1. _ there a bank near here? A. Am B. Is C. Are D. Be ( )2. Our

24、 school is _ a bank. A. next B. next to C. between D. between and ( )3. - _ is the park? - It s on Center Street. A. What B. When C. Where D. How ( )4. The supermarket is _ Fifth Avenue. A. on B. through C. between D. / ( )5. The library is _ the restaurant and the supermarket. A. next B. near C. be

25、tween D. across ( )6. - Where are you _? - Beijing. A. on B. from C. come D. come from ( )7. Is _ a pay phone in the neighborhood? A. this B. there C. that D. the ( )8. - _ can I get to the post office? -Go down this road and turn left. A. Where B. What C. How D. When ( )9. - Is there a supermarket?

26、 - No, _. A. this is not B. there isnt C. it isnt D. there arent( )10. There isnt _ clean park. A. the B. a C. an D. / ( )11. This is a nice city _ many interesting places. A. of B. with C. on D. and ( )12. Bridge Street is a good place _. A. have fun B. to have fun C. having fun D. to fun ( )13. -

27、Is there a pay phone _ the neighborhood? - Yes, its_Center Street_the right.A. in, down, on B. on, on, is C. in, on, is D. on, down, on ( )14. Can you tell me the way _ the post office? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 7 页学习必备欢迎下载A. to B. on C. at D. of ( )15. You can get money i

28、n the _ and you can get books in the _. A. post office, bank B. bank, garden C. bank, library D. library, bank III 、介词填空,在空格处填入一个适当的介词。1. The library is _ the pay phone and the supermarket. 2. Take a walk _ the park on Center Avenue. 3. That is a picture _ my family. 4. There is a bank _ Center Stre

29、et. 5. The broom(扫帚) is _ the door, we cant see it.V、阅读理解It s Sunday. It s fine. Tom does not go to school today. But he is not at home. Hes now sitting(坐) on a Chinese bus. He is going to the movie house. All his classmates(同学) will go to see a movie this afternoon. His teacher Mr Wang will go ther

30、e, too. They will meet at 2:00 p.m. at the gate( 门口) of the movie house. An old man gets on(上车) the bus. Tom stands up and says( 说) to the old man, “Come and sit here, please.” The old man goes over and sits down. He says, “Thank you very much, my boy. You are a good student.” Tom answers, “Youre we

31、lcome.”“What school are you in?” the old man asks Tom.“I am in No. 2 Middle School.” Tom answers.“No. 2? Thats a good school. My son is a teacher there. He is an English teacher.” The old man says. “English teacher? Excuse me, grandpa. Whats your sons name, please?” Tom asks.“Mr Wang,” says the old

32、man.“Ah, ah, he is my English teacher.” Just then, the bus stops near the movie house. Tom says goodbye to the old man and gets off( 下车) the bus. The old man smiles( 微笑) to Tom. ( )1. In the sentence( 句子) “the bus stops near the movie house”. “stop ” means (意思是 )_. A. 车站B. 开C. 关D. 停( )2. Which(哪一句 )

33、 is right? A. Its Saturday today. B. Its not fine today.C. Tom goes to school on Sunday. D. Tom is a student of No. 2 Middle School. ( )3. Mr Wang is_. A. at home today B. the old mans son C. the old mans father D. a Chinese teacher( )4. What do you think of Tom? A. Tom is a good student. B. Tom is

34、a bad( 坏的) student. C. He does wrong( 错) things. D. He is a good teacher. ( )5. Which is right? A. Tom goes to the movie house on an English car. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 7 页学习必备欢迎下载B. Only Tom and his teacher go to the movie house to see a movie. C. They go to the movie

35、house for a meeting( 会议). D. The old mans son is Toms English teacher.VI、完形填空My name is Daisy. I 1 my parents in an apartment(公寓). The apartment is on 2 floor of a tall building(建筑物 ). 3 14 floors and a car park in the basement( 地下室 ). My father parks(停放) his 4 there. Our apartment isnt in the cente

36、r5 the city. Its 3 km6 the center. My father works in the city, 7 he goes to work 8 every morning. He doesnt drive(驾驶) his car. He uses(用) his car only at 9 . Then he 10 us to the country or to the beach( 海滩 ). ( )1. A. live in B. live with C. have ( )2. A. six B. sixth C. the sixth ( )3. A. There h

37、ave B. There is C. There are ( )4. A. car B. taxi C. bus ( )5. A. in B. of C. with ( )6. A. from B. in C. of ( )7. A. because B. but C. so ( )8. A. take a bus B. by bus C. in bus ( )9. A. weekdays B. weeks C. weekends ( )10. A. takes B. helps C. wants VIII 、句型转换 (15 分) A、根据题后要求完成句子。(5 分) 1. There is

38、 a post office near here. ( 变否定句 ) _ _ a post office near here. 2. The bank is across from the park. ( 对划线部分提问 ) _ is across from the park? 3. The hotel is on Center Street. ( 对划线部分提问 ) _ the hotel? 4. There are some people in the park. ( 一般疑问句并作肯定回答) _ there _ people in the park? Yes, _ _ . 5. go,

39、and, right, straight, turn, just, ( 连成句子 ) _. B、同义句 (10 分) 6. There are five bananas in his box. _ _ five bananas in the box. 7. We have a good time in school. We _ _ in school. 8. I get to the library at six. I _ _ the library at six. 9. There is a pay phone in the neighborhood. Theres a pay phone _ _.10. My aunt buys hamburgers for five dollars. My aunt _ five dollars _ hamburgers. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 7 页



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