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1、学习必备欢迎下载Lesson 1 I d like a cold drink. 我想一份冷饮A.Let s listen and say. The children visit the market today. 今天孩子们逛了市场。1.-Can I help you? 我能帮忙吗?你要买什么?- Id like some cakes.我想要一些蛋糕。2. -Id like a cold drink. 我想喝一份冷饮。“OK!lets go. 好的!让我们去吧 .3-Would you like some buns? ”你想要一些馒头吗?-Im hungry.我饿了Id like some b

2、uns. ”我想要一些馒头。-I feel hungry,too. ” 我也饿了。-Id like some dumplings. ”我想要一些饺子。B.Let s learn. feel hungry cold drink bun 感到饿了冷饮馒头C.Let s practise.1.-Do you have any drink cards? 你有冷饮卡片吗?-Yes,I have. 是的,我有。2.- Linda ,do you have any fruit cards? 琳达,你有水果卡片吗?- Yes, I have. 是的,我有。3. - Do you have any fruit

3、cards, Jane? 珍妮,你有水果卡片吗?-No, I dont.不,我没有。4.-But I have all the three cake cards. 但我有所有的这三张蛋糕卡片。=但是这三张蛋糕卡片我都有。D.Let s read. It is a sunny Saturday afterlnoon.今天是个阳光明媚的周六下午。The children are having a picnic.孩子们在外面野餐。Anne is having an ice-cream. 安妮正在吃冰淇淋。Peter is eating a piece of cake. 彼得正在吃一块蛋糕。Lingl

4、ing is having an apple and Mingming is eating a sandwich. 玲玲正在吃苹果,明明正在吃三明治。They enjoy eating at the beach. 他们在沙滩上吃得很开心。=他们享受着在沙滩上吃东西的乐趣Lesson 2 Do you want some rice? 你想吃点饭吗?A.Let s listen and say. The children are having lunch in Linglings home. 孩子们正在玲玲家吃午餐。1.-Do you want some rice,Peter? ” 彼得,你想吃点

5、饭吗?”-Yes, please.Thank you, Mrs Chen 。是的,谢谢。陈夫人。2.-Do you want some soup,Anne? 你想喝点汤吗?-Yes ,please,Mrs Chen.好的,请给我一点。陈太太。3. -Do you want some soup, Dongdong?东东,你想喝点汤吗?4.“No, Mummy. I want some more vegetables, please.”不,妈妈。我想多吃点蔬菜。5.-Here you are.给你。-Thank you very much, Mom“ 非常谢谢,妈妈。B. Let s learn.

6、water soup vegetables 水汤蔬菜breakfast lunch supper 早餐午餐晚餐精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 9 页学习必备欢迎下载pepper salt 胡椒粉盐C.Let s practise.1.-Do you want some pepper,Jane?“ 你想要点胡椒粉吗,珍妮?”“Yes, please.”是的。-I like to add some pepper to my noodles. “ 我想在我的面条里加些胡椒粉。2.-Do you want some salt,

7、Benny? 你想要点盐吗,贝尼?-No, thank you.不,谢谢。Lesson 3 Can I borrow a pencil? 我 能 借一支铅笔吗?A. Let s listen and say. 1.-Excuse me.对不起,打挠一下-Yes?有什么事吗?2.“Can I borrow a pencil, please? 我能借一支铅笔吗?“ Yes, here you are. ”可以,给你。3.-What do you want, Peter?彼得,你想要什么?-Can I borrow a ruler,please?我能借一把尺子吗?2.-Thank you. 谢谢.

8、-You are welcome.不用谢 .5.-Can I borrow your English book, please?我能借一下你的英语书吗?-Peter, where are all your things?“ 彼得,你的东西都在哪里?-They re in my schoolbag. 它们在我的书包里面。Let s learnforget 忘记remember 记得tomorrow 明天borrow 借B.Let s practise. 1-Benny, please clean the blackboard.”贝尼,请把黑板擦干净。-Can I have a brush, pl

9、ease? “我能有一把刷子吗?2.-Yes ,you can. 可以的。-Thank you. 谢谢。3-Lingling,draw a line.”玲玲,画一条线。-Can I have a ruler,please?我能借把尺子吗?5.-Yes, you can.可以的。-Thank you.谢谢。C.Let s read. Anne: What are you making, Mingming? 明明,你在做什么?Mingming: I m making a kite. Oh dear! I forgot to bring my glue. Can I borrow your glue

10、, please? 我在制作一个风筝。噢,天哪!我忘记带我的胶水了。我能借一下你的胶水吗?Anne: Yes, here you are. 好的,给你。Mingming: Thank you. I dont have any my colour pencils, either. 谢谢,我也没有我的彩色铅笔。Lesson 4 Can I have a puppy? 我能养一只小狗吗?A.Lets listen and say.1. -Mummy, can I have a puppy? “妈妈,我能养一只小狗吗?2. No, you cant. You cant have a puppy in

11、the flat. But you can have a rabbit. ”“不,你不能。在套间里,你不能养小狗。但是你能养小白兔。 ”3.“Can I have a basket for my rabbit? ” 我能给我的小白兔买个篮子吗?”“No, baskets are expensive. “不,篮子是很贵的。 ”You can have a cage for it. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 9 页学习必备欢迎下载“你能给它买个笼子。”4.“ Its Iovely. Can I hold| it ? ”

12、“No, you cant. Bu t you can touch it. ” “它好可爱的。我能抱一下吗?”“ 不,你不能。但是你能摸它。B.Let s learn.a kitten 一只小猫a pet 一只宠物a puppy 一条小狗a cage 一个笼子a rabbit 一只小白兔a basket 一个篮子hold 拿,抱C.Lets practise.1. “ Can I have a rabbit , Mingming? “ 明明,我能养一只小白兔吗?”-No, you cant.You can have a kitten. 不,你不能。你能养一只小猫。Let s read.Jane

13、 and her farther are at the pet shop.Jane wants to have a pet. She chooses a talkative and pretty parrot.They go home with it happily.珍妮和她的爸爸在宠物店。珍妮想要养宠物。她挑选了一只会说话的鹦鹉。他们带着它很高兴的回家了。At home, the parrot scolds Janes mother loudly. Janes mother is very angry. She says,You can have a pet, but you cant ha

14、ve this rude parrot! 在家里,鹦鹉大声地责骂珍妮的妈妈。她说,你能养宠物,但是你不能养这只无理的鹦鹉。Jane and her farther bring the parrot back to the shop. Janes farther lets her choose a small kitten. They go home happily with the new pet. 珍妮和她的爸爸带着鹦鹉返回到商店。珍妮的爸爸让她挑选一只小猫。他们带着这只新的宠物高兴的回家了。Lesson 5 Which one do you want? 你想要哪一件?A. Let s li

15、sten and say. One day, Lingling and her mother go shopping. 一天,玲玲和她的妈妈去商店购物。1. “Can I have a new raincoat, Mummy? ” “ 我能买一件新的雨衣吗?”-Yes, dear. 可以 。2. “Which one do you want, a long one or a short one? ” “ 你想要哪一件,长的还是短的?” “A short one, please. ” “ 一件短的吧。 ”3.-Which one do you want, the thick one or the

16、 t hin one? ”你想要哪一件,厚的还是薄的?The thick one,please. 厚的这件。4.-These are nice. Which one do you want, the yellow one or the red one? ” “这些都很漂亮。你想要哪一件,这件黄色的还是这件红色的? ” “The red one,please. ” “这件红色的。 ” 5. “How much is this raincoat? “I t_s fifteen yuan. “ 这件雨衣多少钱? ”“ 15元。”6. -Thats cheap,Can I have it,please

17、? 很便宜,我能买下吗?- Certainly. 当然可以。B.Let s learn.a raincoat一件雨衣a cheap T-shirt一件便宜的衬衫a thin book一本薄书a thick book 一本厚书C.Let s practise.精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 9 页学习必备欢迎下载Work in pairs. Find two similar things. Then ask your friend to make a choice. 两人一组,找两种相同的事物。然后问你的朋友组成对话来选择

18、。1.“ Kenny, which ruler do you want, the long one or the short one? ” “肯尼,你想要哪把尺子 ?长的还是短的? ”“The short one,please. 短的。D.Let s read.Peter and his mother are shopping for winter clothes. 彼得和她的妈妈在商店买冬天的衣服。Mrs White asks Peter if he wants a thick coat or a thin one. Peter wants a thick coat because it i

19、s so cold in winter. 怀特夫人问彼得是否想要厚的外套还是想要薄的外套。彼得想要厚的外套,因为在冬天很冷。Mrs White asks him if he wants a long scarf or a short one. Peter says he wants a long scarf. 怀特夫人问他是否想要一条长的围巾还是想要一条短的围巾。彼得说想要一条长的围巾。Lesson 6 I like sweets. 我喜欢吃糖果A.Let s listen and say.1. - I have a box of sweets. - I like sweets. ” “我有一

20、盒子糖果。 ”“我喜欢吃糖果。3. “Which one do you like, a hard one or a soft one? 你想要哪一种,是硬的还是软的呢?” -I like soft ones.Can I have a soft one? ” “ 我喜欢软糖。我能吃一个吗?” “Yes, of course.”“ 当然可以。 ”3. “Look at the picture. Where are the soft ones? “ These are the soft ones. ” “看图片,软糖在哪里?”“ 这些是软糖。 ”4. -I like sweets!“ 我喜欢吃糖果。

21、 ”-You can have a soft one and a hard one. ” 你可以吃一个软糖和一个硬糖。5.-Can I have more? ” 我能再吃一些吗? ”- No, you cant. “不 ,你不能。 ”Too many sweets are bad for your teeth. ” “吃太多的糖对牙齿不好。 ”B. Let s learn.a box of sweets 一盒糖果soft jelly 果冻hard nuts 坚果I like sweets. 我喜欢吃糖果Lesson 7 Do you have any hobbies? 你有爱好吗?A. Let

22、 s listen and say.The children are at a park: 孩子们在公园里。l. -Do you have any hobbies, Peter? ” “ 彼得,你有爱好吗? ”“I like collecting stickers. Collecting stickers is my hobby. ” “我喜欢收集贴画。收集贴画是我的爱好。”2.“ What about you ,Anne? ” 安妮,你呢“I like roller-blading. ”我喜欢滑旱冰。3-What hobbies do you have,Lingling? ” 玲玲,你有什么

23、爱好?”-Reading is my hobby 看书是我的爱好。.4.“ What does Mingming like? ” 明明喜欢什么?5. -What does he like? 他喜欢什么?6.“Let me guess. Oh, he likes 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 9 页学习必备欢迎下载eating! Eating is his hobby. ”让我猜猜,哦,他喜欢吃!吃是他的爱好。B.Let s learn.roller-blading 滑旱冰a sticker album贴画册readin

24、g stories 看故事collecting stickers收集贴画C.Let s practise.1. -Do you have any hobbies, Benny? ”贝尼,你有什么爱好?-I like reading stories.”我喜欢看故事。2. -Do you have any hobbies,Jane? ” 珍妮,你有什么爱好?”-I like swimming. ”“ 我喜欢游泳。 ”4.Does Tony have any hobbies? ” 托尼,你有什么爱好?”-He likes cycling. ” “ 他喜欢骑自行车。Lesson 8 What time

25、 do you get up? 你什么时候起床?A.Let s listen and say.1. -Hi, can I ask you some questions? ”你好,我能问一下你一些问题吗?”“Yes.” 可以。1.“ What time do you get up? ”“ I get up at 6:50. ”“ 你什么时候起床? ”“ 我 6:50 起床。 ”2.“ What time do you have breakfast? ”你什么时候吃早餐?”-I have breakfast at 7o clock. ”我 7 点钟吃早餐。”3.“What time do you

26、go to school?”“你什么时候去学校?”“I go to school at half past7.”“我 7 点半去学校。 ”5. -What time do you have English? 你什么时候上英语课?”-I have English at 9:20. ”我 9:20 上英语课。6-What time do you come home?你什么时候回家?”-I come home at 4 oclock. ”“我 4:00 回家。”7.-What time do you go to bed?”你什么时候去睡觉?”-I go to bed at 9:30. ”我 9:30

27、 去睡觉。”8.-Here you are. This timetable is about your day. 给你 ,这是你一天的作息时间表。B.Let s learn.get up 起床go to bed 睡觉a timetable时间表Chinese 语文math 数学music音乐half past one一点半English class 英语课C.Let s practise.1.“ Zhenzhen, what time do you have your computer class? ” “ I have my computer class at 9 oclock. ” “ 珍

28、珍,你什么时候有英语课?”“9:00 我有英语课。”. 2. “Janet, what time do you take the school bus? ”你什么时候乘校车?-I take the school bus at half past seven. 我 7 点半乘校车。Lesson 9 My father helps me.我爸爸帮助我精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 9 页学习必备欢迎下载A. Let s listen and say. 1. -Do you help your mother and fathe

29、r at home ever Sunday?”“每周日,你在家帮你爸爸妈妈干活吗?”2. “Yes, I help them.”“是的,我帮他们。”3. My mother makes the bed. 我妈妈整理床。I help her. 我帮她。4.My mother irons the clothes.我妈妈烫衣服。I help her.我帮她。5. My father cleans the windows. 我爸爸擦窗户。I help him. 我帮她。6.My mother cooks a big meal.I help her. 我妈妈在做饭。我帮她。7. I water the

30、plants. My father helps me. 我在浇植物。我爸爸帮我。B.Let s learn.cook a meal 煮饭have a meal吃饭iron clothes 熨烫衣服water plant 给植物浇水Lesson 10 What does that sign mean A. Let s listen and say.1.Lingling and Mingming are going to the cinema. 玲玲和明明去电影院。2.-No,Mingming! 不,明明 !3. “ This sign saysGuests do not go in. 这个标语说

31、“闲人止步”4.“ What does that sign mean?“ 那个标语的意思是什么?”-It means“You can go outfrom there.”它的意思是“你可以从那里出去.”4.“ What does that sign mean? Do you know?”“ 那个符号是什么意思?你知道吗?”“ Yes. It means “Do not use mobile phone.” “ 是的,它的意思是说,请勿使用手机。” B.Let s learn.a sign 一个符号No mobile phone 请勿使用手机a cinema 一个电影院No talking请勿讲

32、话No fishing请勿钓鱼Guests do not go in闲人止步No picking of flowers请勿摘花No spitting请勿随地吐痰C.Let s practise.1.This sign means “Do not turn left . ”这个符号表示 “ 请勿向左转 ”2.This sign means No mobile phone. 这个符号表示 “ 请勿使用手机”3.This sign means No parking.”这个符号表示“请勿在此停车”4.This sign means Guests do not go in. 这个符号表示“闲人止步”5.

33、 This sign means No spitting. 这个符号表示 “ 请勿随地吐痰 ”6. This sign meansNo eating and drinking here. 这个符号表示 “ 请勿在这里吃东西和喝东西”D.Let s read.It is Saturday. Peter and his friends are cycling in a carpark. They see a sign that means No bicycles. They then cycle to the park. At the park entrance 精选学习资料 - - - - -

34、- - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 9 页学习必备欢迎下载there is a sign that means No spitting. They cycle to a beautiful rose garden. Peter sees a sign that meansNo picking of flowers. They cycle in the park until they are tired. 今天是星期六,彼得和他的朋友在停车场里骑自行车。他们看到一个标语“请勿骑自行车”然后他们骑自行车去了公园。在公园的进口,有一个标语是 “请勿随地吐痰”。他们

35、便骑车去了一个漂亮的玫瑰花园。彼得看见了一个标语“请勿摘花”。他们在公园里骑车, 直到他们感到疲劳。Lesson 11 A. Lets listen and say. 1.-Lets have fun. The teacher is not here.让我们玩吧。 老师不在这里。2.-Peter?彼得?- Oh!No! 不要 ! 5. The teacher scolds Peter. He feels sorry.老师责备了彼得。他感到很懊悔。-This is a desk. It isn t a chair.这是一张桌子。它不是一把椅子。-I m sorry.Miss Li.对不起,李老师

36、。4.-We are sorry, Miss Li.李老师,对不起。-We will not do it again.我们不再这么做了。I m happy to hear that.听到这些话我感到很开心。. B.Let s learn.The boy feels sorry.男孩感到不好意思。The girl feels sad.女孩感到伤心。The boy is angry.男孩生气。The girl feels shy. 女孩感到害羞。I The boy is tired.男孩疲劳。The girl is happy.女孩开心。Lesson 12 The Spring Festival

37、A.Let s listen and say.The Spring Festival is coming. The Li family is shopping forthe festival. 春节来临了,李氏一家在为节日买东西。Mrs Li is busy cooking the food for her family and relatives.李太太在为她的一家和她的亲戚好友做饭。All of Mingmings relatives meet at his parents house for dinner on the eve of the Spring Festival. 除夕之夜,明

38、明家所有的亲戚相聚在他爸妈家吃饭。They have a big and delicious meal together. This is the reunion dinner. Children enjoy the Spring Festival most. They wear new clothes. They receive red packets from their family and relatives. In the evening, they burn firecrackers. During the day,they watch lion,dance and many ot

39、her celebrations. They have great fun. 他们在一起吃着这可口的饭菜。这是团圆饭。小孩们最喜欢过春节了。他们穿着新衣服。家里和亲戚家都给他们红包。晚上,他们放鞭炮。在这期间,他们观看舞狮和许多其它的庆祝活动。他们玩得很开心!B.Let s learn.eve of the Spring Festival除夕burn firecrackers放鞭炮lion dance舞狮a family reunion dinner团圆饭red packet红包dragon dance 舞龙C.Let s practise.The people have many custo

40、ms during the Spring Festival. We also call it Lunar New Year. 在春节,人们又许多习俗。我们也叫它农历新年。-Do you exchange red packets? 你们交换红包吗?” -Yes,we 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 9 页学习必备欢迎下载do. 是的。-The older people give red packets to the children. ”老人给小孩们红包。What other customs do you have?你们有

41、其他的习俗吗?-We wear new clothes. We cannot sweep the floor. 我们穿新衣服。当天不能扫地。D.Let s read.The Spring Festival is here, people buy many flowers and put them in their houses. They cook good food for the family. They also burn firecrackers. 春节来了,人们买许多花, 把它们放到屋子里。他们为家里面做好吃的。他们也放鞭炮。When friends meet,they wish e

42、ach other happiness and good luck. 当朋友见面的时候,他们相互祝愿幸福、好运!1. What do people do to celebrate the Spring Festival? 人们怎样庆祝春节?2. What do people do when they meet each other? 他们相互见面的时候,人们做什么?Lesson 13 I brush my teeth every day. 我每天刷牙A. Let s listen and say. 1. - I brush my teeth every day. My brother brus

43、hes his teeth every day. His teeth are clean. 我每天刷牙,我哥哥每天刷牙。他的牙齿很干净。-Your teeth looks white. 你的牙齿看起来很白。2.-I comb my hair every day. My brother doesnt comb his hair every day. His hair is untidy. ”我每天梳头,我哥哥每天不梳头,他的头发不整洁!-You hair looks tidy. “ 你的头发看起来很整洁。3.“ I do my homework every day. My brother doe

44、s his homework every day,too.He works hard. ”“我每天做作业,我哥哥每天也做作业。他很努力学习。”6. -My sister helps me every day.She is very kind. 我姐姐每天帮我,她很善良。B.Let s learn. Dino has_a big box. He sleeps in his box.He gets up at six o clock every day. Dino有一个 大箱子,它在箱子里睡觉。它每天六点钟起床。He washes his face and sharpens his teeth.

45、Then he eats his breakfast. He cleans his box every day. After that, he reads a storybook.Then he flies about and makes a lot of noise. 他洗脸,打理牙齿。然后吃早餐。它每天都清理盒子。然后,它看故事书。然后,它四处飞,制造大量的噪音。L14 Whats the name of this place?A. Let s listen and say. Anne and her parents are on a trip in Hunan Province. 安妮和

46、她的爸妈在湖南省旅游。1.-What s the name of this place? 这个地方的名字叫什么?2. East Bus Station. 公交车东站3.-This is big and grand! What s the name of this place? ”这个建筑大又宏伟!这地方的名字叫什么?- It is the Hunan Provincial Museum. 它是湖南省博物馆。7.-This is a pretty place. Whats the name of this place? ”这是个很漂亮的地方,这地方的名字叫什么?”精选学习资料 - - - - -

47、 - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 9 页学习必备欢迎下载-Taoyuandong National Forest Park. ” “ 桃源洞国家森林公园”8. “Whats the name of this place? ”“这个地方的名字是什么?”“ It is the Yueyang Tower. ”“它是岳阳楼。”6.Whats the next place we are going to? ” 我们将要去的下个地方是什么?-Lets go to the Window of the World. ” -让我们去世界之窗!-This is beautiful. Whats the name of this place? ”这个地方好漂亮。这地方的名字叫什么?”“ It is the Window of the World, I think. 我认为它是世界之窗。 ”8.“I like Hunan. Its beautiful. “我喜欢湖南。它很漂亮!”精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 9 页



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