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1、佼立教育1 Unit 7 Signs around us (七年级上册牛津版)核心词汇1. hike v. 去 远足;做徒步旅行The boy hikes out to the forest. 这个男孩步行去森林。hiking n.远足徒步旅行常用go hiking Do you often go hiking?你经常徒步旅行吗?2. silence n. 寂静;无声Jane first broke the silence. 简首先打破沉默。silent adj. 寂静的;沉默的I think you should keep silent.我认为你应该保持沉默。3. useful adj. 有

2、用;实用的;有帮助的She gave us some useful information. 她给了我们一些有用的信息。useless adj. 无用的;无效的;无价值的use 构词法名词 +ful=形容词启发学生思考,其他ful 结尾的单词careful beautiful helpful peaceful 4 . land v. 落;降落The pilot landed the helicopter in a field. 飞行员将直升机降落在一片稻田里。take off 起飞land vi 着陆n 大陆国土nThere is no use asking him about this ma

3、tter. 这件事问他也没用。v. Can I use your pen? 我可以用你的笔吗?精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 5 页佼立教育2 Before the 1930s this land was desert. 1930 年以前这片土地曾是沙漠。5 luck n. 运气lucky adj. 幸运的luckily adv. 幸运地unlucky adj. 不幸的unluckily adv. 不幸地Good luck to you! 祝你成功!lucky dog 幸运儿6. mean v. 意思,意味着(mean-

4、meant-meant) What does this sign mean?这个标记意味着什么?meaning n. 意思Whats the meaning of this sign? 这个标记的意思是什么?meaningful adj. 有意义的a meaningful outcome 有意思的结果7. roll v. (使)翻滚;滚动The coin rolled under the bed. 硬币滚到床底下去了。8. shelter n 避难所;遮盖物;庇护bus shelter 候车亭There is no shelter from the pouring rain . 没有可以躲避大

5、雨的藏身之处。9. instruction adj. 说明用法的,操作指南的n. 说明用法操作指南指令instructional adj. 指导的,教育的精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 5 页佼立教育3 句型讲解1. This sign tells us how and where to go. This sign tells us how to do something. 在上述两个句子中,均使用了 “ 疑问词 +带 to 的动词不定式” 作宾语的结构, 其作用相当于一个宾语从句。上述两句可改写为:This sign

6、tells us how and where we can go. This sign tells us how we can do something. 2. If you land on a sign, you must say what it means. 你每落在一个标志上,就必须说出该标志的含义。land on 意为“降落在;着陆于”,除了在游戏中使用外,还可用于表示飞机降落。如:That aircraft can take off and land on either land or water. 那架飞机在地面和水面均能起飞降落。3. The player who rolls a

7、 six on the dice goes first. Then all the other players take turns. 掷子掷到六的人先进行游戏,然后其他游戏者轮流掷骰子。who rolls a six on the dice这个句子是用来修饰player,相当于定语,而它是一个句子,一般叫做定语从句例如: The man who wears a black coat is my father. 那个穿黑色外套的是我爸爸take turns to do something 意为“轮流做某事” 。如:We take turns to clean our classroom. 我们

8、轮流打扫教室。4. We must not smoke here.我们不能在这里吸烟。smoke n.烟 vi 吸烟【注意】课文里出现的另外一个句子We must not fish here. (我们不可以在此钓鱼)中 fish 的精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 5 页佼立教育4 用法也类似, fish 本意为“鱼”,在本句中作“钓鱼”讲。语法点讲解情态动词有一定的词义,没有人称和数的变化。本单元中出现了两个情态动词:can 和 must 表达含义例句can 表示能力We can swim across the rive

9、r. 我们能游过这条河。I can ride a bicycle. 我会骑自行车。表示许可You can (= may) to out now. 你现在可以出去了。You can (= may) have a rest for five minutes. 你们可以休息五分钟。用于条件句中If you work hard, you can pass the exam. 如果你努力学习, 你就能通过考试。If you need a camera, you can use mine. 如果你需要照相机,可以用我的。表达含义例句must 表示推测, 通常用否定式He has gone to Londo

10、n, so he can t be in Shanghai now. 他去了伦敦, 因此他现在不可能在上海。Her bag is black. This brown one can t be hers. 她的包是黑色的。 这个褐色的包不可能是她的。must not 表示必要或很重要We must walk on the pavement. 我们必须走在人行道上。We must obey the rules. 我们必须遵守规则。must not 意为“不应该” ;“不许”needn t 可作 must的否定回答We must not throw the rubbish everywhere. 我

11、们不应该乱扔垃圾。 Must I return the book now? 我必须现在还书吗? No, you needn t. 不,你不必。表示猜测The light is on in her office. She must be in the office. 她办公室里的灯亮着。想必她还在那精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 5 页佼立教育5 里。Look at their uniforms. They must be students in that school. 看他们的校服,他们肯定是那个学校的学生。【易错易混

12、题】1. The rules tells us in the library. A. don t talk B. not to talk C. talk D. needn t talk 2. Keep when other students are answering the question. A. quiet B. quiedy C. quite D. quick 3. I find a warning sign the third floor in our building. A. in B. of C. on D. at 4. If you on a sign, you must sa

13、y what it means. A. drop B. land C. put D. live 【中考真题练习】1. Everyone go through the security check when entering the World Expo Park. A. can B. may C. must D. ought 2. To everyone s surprise, Alex play chess very well when he was only four. A. might B. should C. would D. could 3. - May I leave now? - No, you . A. you may B. you can C. you can t D. you don t 【Keys 】1-4 BACB 1-3 CDC 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 5 页



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