高考英语大一轮复习 Module 6 Old and New课件 外研版必修3

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1、Module 6Module 6Old and NewOld and New基础知识基础知识梳理梳理考点知识考点知识导练导练基础知识基础知识梳理梳理 抓主干抓主干 固双基固双基单单词词拓拓展展1.1. /deIt /deIt/ vi./ vi.始于始于( (某一历史时期某一历史时期) n.) n.日期日期adj.adj.过时的过时的 . .2.2. / /kkm mdeIt/ vtdeIt/ vt. .容纳容纳( (乘客等乘客等)n.)n.住宿住宿, , 住处住处 . .3.3. /n/n r r/ adj./ adj.狭窄的狭窄的adv.adv.勉强地勉强地, ,差一点儿差一点儿 . .4.

2、4. /rImu /rImuv/ vtv/ vt. .迁移迁移; ;搬迁搬迁n.n.移动移动; ;搬迁搬迁 . .5.5. /kr/kr /vi. (/vi. (飞机飞机) )失事失事; ;坠毁坠毁6.6. /fri /frizIzI/ adj./ adj.冷冰冰的冷冰冰的; ;极冷的极冷的adv.adv.极冷地极冷地 adj.adj.冷冻的冷冻的; ;冻僵的冻僵的 v.(v.(使使) )结冰结冰 . .7.7. /sIvl/sIvl/ adj./ adj.民用的民用的; ;国内的国内的n. n. 平民平民 . .datedatedateddatedaccommodateaccommodate

3、accommodationaccommodationnarrownarrownarrowlynarrowlyremoveremoveremovalremovalcrashcrashfreezingfreezingfrozenfrozenfreezefreezecivilcivilciviliancivilian单单词词拓拓展展8.8. /end /endInIInIrIrI/ n.(/ n.(土木土木) )工程工程n.n.工程工程 师师 v.v.策划策划, ,谋划谋划 . .9.9. /hIst/hIstrIklrIkl/ adj./ adj.历史的历史的; ;有关历史的有关历史的 adj.a

4、dj.具有历史意义的具有历史意义的 n.n.历史历史 n. n. 历史学家历史学家 . . 10.10. /saIt/n./saIt/n.场所场所; ;遗址遗址;(;(建筑的建筑的) )工地工地11.11. /l /lblbl/ adj./ adj.全球的全球的n.n.地球仪地球仪; ;地球地球; ;世世 界界 . .12.12. /k /knstrnstrk kn n/ n./ n.建造建造; ;建设建设; ;建筑建筑v. v. 建造建造 . .13.13. /rIdIkj /rIdIkjl ls s/ adj./ adj.荒唐的荒唐的; ;可笑的可笑的14.14. /f /fii/ adj

5、./ adj.有浓雾的有浓雾的n.n.雾雾 . .engineeringengineeringengineerengineerhistoricalhistoricalhistorichistorichistoryhistoryhistorianhistoriansitesiteglobalglobalglobeglobeconstructionconstructionconstructconstructridiculousridiculousfoggyfoggyfogfog短短语语记记忆忆1.hold 1.hold 阻止阻止2.make 2.make 有意义有意义; ;有道理有道理3.brin

6、g an end 3.bring an end 结束结束; ;终止终止4.dream 4.dream 梦想梦想; ;渴望渴望e e ( (梦想等梦想等) )变成现实变成现实6.date 6.date 起源于起源于, ,追溯到追溯到7.be 7.be a visit a visit 正对正对进行访问进行访问8.8. that that既然既然, ,由于由于 backbacksensesensetotoof/aboutof/abouttruetruefrom/back tofrom/back toonontotonownow句句型型整整理理 重点重点语法语法1.1. to see the reli

7、cs to see the relics they have they have been submerged? been submerged?既然这些遗迹已经被淹没了既然这些遗迹已经被淹没了, ,还有可能看到它还有可能看到它 们吗们吗? ?2.It 2.It six years six years US$ 20 billion. US$ 20 billion. 它花费了它花费了6 6年时间建成年时间建成, ,耗资耗资200200亿美元。亿美元。3.The dam will generate electricity 3.The dam will generate electricity abo

8、ut 40 about 40 million tons of coal million tons of coal so much air so much air pollution. pollution. 大坝将要生产相当于燃烧大坝将要生产相当于燃烧4 0004 000万吨煤所产生的电量万吨煤所产生的电量, ,但却不会造但却不会造 成那么严重的空气污染。成那么严重的空气污染。 1.Non-defining attributive clauses(1.Non-defining attributive clauses(非限制性定语从句非限制性定语从句) )2.Contraction of attr

9、ibutive clauses(2.Contraction of attributive clauses(定语从句的省略形式定语从句的省略形式) ) IsIsititpossiblepossiblenownowthatthattooktooktotobuildbuildand and costcostequalequaltotowithoutwithoutcausingcausing考点知识考点知识导练导练 解疑难解疑难 提知能提知能1.date v.1.date v.始于始于( (某一历史时期某一历史时期););属于属于( (某时期某时期););加日期于加日期于 n.n.年代年代; ;时代时

10、代; ;约会约会; ;日期日期归纳拓展归纳拓展date from/back to date from/back to 起源于起源于; ;追溯到追溯到date sb.=make a date with sbdate sb.=make a date with sb. .与某人约会与某人约会out of date out of date 过时的过时的, ,不用的不用的to date to date 迄今为止迄今为止up to date up to date 现代化的现代化的, ,切合目前情况的切合目前情况的英文典例英文典例: :That meaning That meaning dates back

11、 todates back to the time of Thomas Edison. the time of Thomas Edison. 那一含义始于托马斯那一含义始于托马斯爱迪生时代。爱迪生时代。TheyTheyve been ve been for months. for months. 他们彼此约会已好几个月了。他们彼此约会已好几个月了。To dateTo date there has been no improvement in his condition. there has been no improvement in his condition. 到现在为止到现在为止, ,他

12、的状况还是没有好转。他的状况还是没有好转。( (朗文朗文P P473473) )特别提示特别提示: :date fromdate from与与date back todate back to两个短语都可译作两个短语都可译作“始于始于”。前者。前者强调从开始延续到现在强调从开始延续到现在; ;后者着眼于开始的时间后者着眼于开始的时间, ,即即“起自起自”。date fromdate from与与date back todate back to尽管总是与表示过去的时间状语连用尽管总是与表示过去的时间状语连用, ,但通常但通常用一般现在时用一般现在时, ,除非所谈论的东西现在已不复存在。除非所谈论的

13、东西现在已不复存在。datingdatingeacheachotherother2.accommodate vt2.accommodate vt. .容纳容纳( (乘客等乘客等););供应供应, ,供给供给; ;使适应使适应 vi.vi.适应适应归归纳纳拓拓展展accommodate sb. with sthaccommodate sb. with sth. .向某人供应向某人供应/ /提供某物提供某物accommodate sb.foraccommodate sb.for the night the night 留某人过夜留某人过夜accommodate oneself to.accommo

14、date oneself to.使自己适应于使自己适应于 英文典例英文典例: :The hall can onlyThe hall can only accommodate accommodate 200 people.200 people. 这个大厅只能容纳这个大厅只能容纳200200人。人。( (朗文朗文P P1111) )He will He will me me the use of his house while he the use of his house while he is abroad. is abroad.他在国外期间将把他的住宅给我使用。他在国外期间将把他的住宅给我使

15、用。We should We should accommodate ourselves toaccommodate ourselves to the changing situation. the changing situation. 我们应该使自己适应不断变化的形势。我们应该使自己适应不断变化的形势。accommodateaccommodatewithwith写作联想写作联想: :典例典例其他表达方式其他表达方式We should adapt ourselves to the changing situation.We should adapt ourselves to the chang

16、ing situation.We should adjust ourselves to the changing situation.We should adjust ourselves to the changing situation.We should accustom ourselves to the changing situation.We should accustom ourselves to the changing situation.3.narrow vt.&vi3.narrow vt.&vi.(.(使使) )变窄变窄 adj.adj.狭窄的狭窄的; ;勉强的勉强的归纳拓

17、展归纳拓展a narrow majority/victory/defeat a narrow majority/victory/defeat 微弱的多微弱的多 数数/ /险胜险胜/ /勉强击败勉强击败a narrow escape a narrow escape 死里逃生死里逃生, ,险些遇险险些遇险narrow onenarrow ones eyes s eyes 眯起眼睛眯起眼睛narrow the generation gap narrow the generation gap 缩小代沟缩小代沟英文典例英文典例: :The trackThe track narrows narrows b

18、efore crossing another stream. before crossing another stream. 路径在穿越另一条小溪前变窄了。路径在穿越另一条小溪前变窄了。The young man has won the election by The young man has won the election by a narrow majoritya narrow majority. .这个这个 年轻人以微弱的多数赢得了这次选举。年轻人以微弱的多数赢得了这次选举。Peter had Peter had from drowning when he fell from dro

19、wning when he fell overboard. overboard. 彼得从船上掉入水中彼得从船上掉入水中, ,险些淹死。险些淹死。( (朗文朗文P P13011301) )a anarrownarrowescapeescape4.remove vt4.remove vt. .迁移迁移; ;搬迁搬迁; ;移动移动; ;开除开除; ;除去除去 vi. vi. 迁移迁移; ;搬家搬家 n.n.移动移动; ;距离距离归纳归纳拓展拓展remove.from.remove.from.把把从从移开移开remove from.to.remove from.to.从从搬到搬到remove sb.f

20、romremove sb.from office office 免去某人的职务免去某人的职务英文典例英文典例: :The agreement The agreement removes removes the last serious obstacle to the the last serious obstacle to the signing of the arms treaty. signing of the arms treaty. 该协议为武器条约的签署去除了最后一个重大障碍。该协议为武器条约的签署去除了最后一个重大障碍。Reference books may not be Refe

21、rence books may not be the library. the library. 参考书不允许带出图书馆。参考书不允许带出图书馆。( (朗文朗文P P16661666) )The election The election removed removed the government the government fromfrom power. power. 这次选举使得政府倒台。这次选举使得政府倒台。removedremovedfromfrom词语辨析词语辨析: :removeremove移动。强调完全放弃原来的地方而到达新的位置。移动。强调完全放弃原来的地方而到达新的位置。

22、有时相当于有时相当于take off/awaytake off/away。removeremove还有还有“开除开除, ,除除去去”的含义。的含义。movemove移动移动, ,搬迁。强调位置和姿态的改变搬迁。强调位置和姿态的改变; ;表示表示“迁居迁居”时时, ,两者均可用。两者均可用。【巧学助记【巧学助记】5.hold back5.hold back阻止阻止; ;抑制抑制, ,控制控制( (情绪、情感等情绪、情感等););隐瞒隐瞒; ;退缩退缩归纳拓展归纳拓展hold on (hold on (打电话用语打电话用语) )等一等等一等, ,不要挂断不要挂断;(;(在困难在困难 中中) )坚持

23、下去坚持下去hold on tohold on to抓住抓住; ;保持保持; ;不要放弃不要放弃hold out hold out 伸出伸出, ,张开张开; ;坚持坚持; ;维持维持hold up hold up 举起举起; ;支撑支撑; ;使停顿使停顿; ;耽误耽误hold onehold ones breath s breath 屏住呼吸屏住呼吸 英文典例英文典例: :He was so impatient that I could hardly He was so impatient that I could hardly hold hold him him backback. .他他

24、是那样急躁是那样急躁, ,我简直拉不住他。我简直拉不住他。I think heI think hes s holding holding something something backback;he;he knows more than knows more than he admits. he admits.我认为他有所隐瞒我认为他有所隐瞒, ,他知道的比他承认的要多。他知道的比他承认的要多。I Ill ll for another few minutes if you like. for another few minutes if you like. 如果你愿意的话如果你愿意的话, ,

25、我就再等几分钟。我就再等几分钟。( (朗文朗文P P936936) )How long will our supplies of food and water How long will our supplies of food and water hold outhold out? ? 供应给我们的食物和水能维持多长时间供应给我们的食物和水能维持多长时间? ?holdholdonon6.make sense 6.make sense 有意义有意义, ,有道理有道理; ;讲得通讲得通; ;理解理解归纳拓展归纳拓展make sense ofmake sense of了解了解的意义的意义; ;懂得

26、懂得in a sensein a sense在某一方面在某一方面; ;就某种意义来讲就某种意义来讲in no sensein no sense决不决不a sense of humoura sense of humour/security/direction./security/direction. 幽默感幽默感/ /安全感安全感/ /方向感方向感There is no sense in (doing) sthThere is no sense in (doing) sth.(.(做做) )某事是不明某事是不明 智的智的( (口语口语) ) 英文典例英文典例: :See, your comput

27、er has broken down again! See, your computer has broken down again! . . to buy the cheapest brand of computer just to to buy the cheapest brand of computer just to save a few dollars. save a few dollars. 看看, ,你的电脑又坏了你的电脑又坏了! !只为省几美元买最便宜牌子的电脑是没有意义的。只为省几美元买最便宜牌子的电脑是没有意义的。ItItdoesndoesnt tmakemakesense

28、senseCan you Can you make any sense ofmake any sense of this article at all? this article at all? 你究竟能不能理解这篇文章的意思你究竟能不能理解这篇文章的意思?(?(朗文朗文P P17931793) )She encouraged She encouraged a sense ofa sense of community ( community (社区社区) by creating ) by creating shelters and promoting education and service

29、s for people in shelters and promoting education and services for people in need need.(2016.(2016全国全国,阅读理解阅读理解A)A) 她通过建立庇护所、促进对贫困者的教育和服务来激励人们的社区她通过建立庇护所、促进对贫困者的教育和服务来激励人们的社区 意识。意识。I donI dont think t think theretheres muchs much sense insense in hanging about here. hanging about here. 我认为在这里闲待着不是很好。

30、我认为在这里闲待着不是很好。特别提示特别提示: : make sense make sense是物作主语是物作主语, ,无被动语态无被动语态, ,用用toto引出人引出人;make ;make sense ofsense of是人作主语是人作主语, ,可以用于被动语态可以用于被动语态, ,用用ofof引出物。引出物。make sensemake sense与与make sense ofmake sense of中中sensesense前使用零冠词前使用零冠词,sense,sense本身只用单数本身只用单数形式。形式。7.bring an end to7.bring an end to结束结束;

31、 ;终止终止归纳拓展归纳拓展bring/put an end to sth.=bring/put sth.tobring/put an end to sth.=bring/put sth.to an an end end结束结束, ,终止终止come to an end come to an end 结束结束in the endin the end最后最后, ,最终最终at an endat an end完毕完毕end to endend to end首尾相连地首尾相连地on end on end 连续地连续地; ;竖着竖着 英文典例英文典例: :ItIts hoped that the pe

32、rsuasion may s hoped that the persuasion may bring an end tobring an end to this this quarrel. quarrel. 希望劝说可以终结这次争吵。希望劝说可以终结这次争吵。That job That job last month.last month. 那项工作上个月完成了。那项工作上个月完成了。( (朗文朗文P P616616) )We made eight different plans for our holiday, but We made eight different plans for our

33、 holiday, but in the endin the end we went to Harbin again. we went to Harbin again. 我们定了八种不同的度假方案我们定了八种不同的度假方案, ,但是最后我们又一次去了哈尔滨。但是最后我们又一次去了哈尔滨。I must warn you that my patience is almost I must warn you that my patience is almost at an endat an end. . 我必须警告你我快没有耐心了。我必须警告你我快没有耐心了。camecametotoananende

34、nd8.Is it possible to see the relics now that they have been 8.Is it possible to see the relics now that they have been submerged? submerged? 既然这些遗迹已经被淹没了既然这些遗迹已经被淹没了, ,还有可能看到它们吗还有可能看到它们吗? ?归纳拓展归纳拓展It is possible to do.It is possible to do.做做是可能的是可能的, ,该句式中该句式中 itit为形式主语为形式主语, ,不定式为真正的主语。不定式为真正的主语。表

35、示表示“可能可能”的三个常用形容词的三个常用形容词likely,possiblelikely,possible和和 probableprobable分别用于下列几种不同的句型分别用于下列几种不同的句型: : It is likely/possible/probable+that It is likely/possible/probable+that-clause-clause It Its likely/possible+tos likely/possible+to do/be. do/be. Sb./Sth.is likely+to Sb./Sth.is likely+to do/be. d

36、o/be.possible possible 常见搭配常见搭配: : as.as as.as possible possible 尽可能尽可能 do one do ones possible s possible 尽力尽力, ,竭力竭力 if possible if possible 如果可能的话如果可能的话 英文典例英文典例: :It is possible to flyIt is possible to fly to the moon in a spaceship now. to the moon in a spaceship now. 现在乘坐宇宙飞船到月球是有可能的了。现在乘坐宇宙飞船

37、到月球是有可能的了。 she might have got lost on the way home. she might have got lost on the way home. 她有可能在回家的路上迷路了。她有可能在回家的路上迷路了。( (朗文朗文P P15231523) )In fact, women In fact, women are less likely toare less likely to have high blood pressure or have high blood pressure or to die from heart attacks to die from heart attacks.(2016.(2016四川四川, ,七选五七选五) ) 实际上实际上, ,女性患高血压或因心脏病去世的可能性要小。女性患高血压或因心脏病去世的可能性要小。ItIts spossiblepossiblethatthat



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