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1、学习必备欢迎下载小学英语五年级(上学期)全册备课对新课标的理解:英语作为一门世界性的语言,对现代人的生活、工作、学习越来越重要了。尤其是小学英语的教学更为重要,在小学阶段要培养学生学习英语的兴趣,激发他们的求知欲望。新课标强调课程应从学生的学习兴趣、生活体验和认知水平出,倡导学生体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式和任务型的必学途径,发展学生的综合语言运用能力, 使语言学习的过程成为学生形成积极的情感态度,主动思维和大胆实践,提高跨文化意识和形成自主学习能力的过程。如何使学生形成良好的英语习惯呢,就要为学生创造良好的语言环境,鼓励学生将自己学习的英语用到生活中,能用英语的就用英语来说, 这样

2、既锻炼了学生的语感,又养成了讲英语的好习惯,将学英语变为讲英语。另外,了解学生在学习过程中的感悟、体验。注意培养学生的语感及文化意识。充分利用多媒体手段, 通过形象生动的画面, 声音将学生带入英语的世界。通过说,唱,模仿,表演等形式进行英语的训练。新课标对学生的能力要求更为重要,注重学生的全面发展, 体现了素质教育。通过对新课标的认识,更加明确了小学英语教学的任务及重要性。Teaching contents: 本册书共六个单元,其中五个单元是精读课文,一个复习单元。Unit 1: Mocky the juggler Unit 2: I like Bobby Unit 3: Its too ex

3、pensive Unit 4: Where is it? Unit 5: Our town Unit 6: Review Teaching aims: 知识技能:1. Listening 充分利用现有的电教资源,如录音机、多媒体英语教学软件、自制课件等手段,让学生在一定的语言环境中学习英语,尽可能多地给学生一个英语母语的世界。使学生能够听懂一些简单的基本的日常用语。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 48 页学习必备欢迎下载2. Speaking 尽可能多地给学生提供说的机会,把自己所学的内容联系生活实际。在实际的生活中讲英

4、语,真正做到会讲英语。3. Reading 能够将所学的对话正确地读出来,并在此基础上注重语感、语音语调、发音等。多做练习,不断提高读英语的感觉。认读字母和带有此字母的单词。4. Writing 在正确书写英文单词及对话的基础上,注意书写的艺术。书写要工整、美观。过程方法:1 通过教师的引导作用, 充分调动学生的主动性, 在一定的语言情景中, 激发学生的兴趣,在原有的语言基础上, 进行新的语言的拓展, 从而传授新的语言知识。让学生在轻松、 愉快的氛围中接受新的知识,巩固原有的就知识, 将新旧知识有机的贯穿起来。让学生灵活的运用所学的英语。2 充分利用现有的教育资源, 如自制的英语教学课件, 录

5、音机、 英语动画片等为学生提供一个英语母语的氛围。 让学生真实地感受正宗的英语, 培养学生英语的语感。3 可以为学生介绍一些英语国家的风俗习惯,让学生对他们有一些了解。 可以了解一些外国的节日, 外国一些重要的城市及他们的特点。还可以上学生利用现有的网络资源自己搜索一些外国的故事,然后介绍给同学们。 了解这些对学生学习英语有很大的作用。情感态度与价值观:1 注重培养学生良好的讲英语的习惯,培养学生尽可能多地在现实生活中用英语。2 在对学生进行英语教学的同时, 还应对学生进行思想道德的教育,帮助学生树立正确的人生观,价值观及正确的学习观。3 培养学生的学习意识,对于申奥成功,无疑是北京对世界张开

6、怀抱的一个机会,学生作为未来世界的主动力, 在学习中提倡培养学生的创新意识。这样才能在竞争如些激烈的社会中立足,做一个社会主义新人。Teaching Emphasis: 一些日常用语的应用,如:What does she/he do? She/he is a farmer/doctor/vet I like Do you like it? Yes, I do / No, I dont 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 48 页学习必备欢迎下载How much is it? Where is it? Its on/in So

7、me new words and some expression Teaching difficulty: Can ask and answer the sentences in life Can understand the daily speaking Can read and write the words correctly PS:Teacher s activities=T Students activities=S UNIT ONE Mocky the juggler 新课标体现:鼓励学生使用英语礼貌用语,培养学生说英语的习惯,让学生在潜移默化中理解并运用所学的知识。 让学生充分发

8、挥自己的想象, 构造一个生动的故事情节,增加学习英语的积极性。Teaching aims: 知识技能 : 1Listening: Can understand some sample sentences Can understand the new words and point it 2Speaking: Can use the daily sentences in life Can speak something in English 3Reading: Can read the words and dialogue correctly Can differentiate some wor

9、d s pronunciation 4Writing: Can write the words correctly and beautiful 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 48 页学习必备欢迎下载Can copy the dialogue correctly 过程方法 : 1、利用现有的教设备资源,使学生可以更加直观的对所要学习的内容有整体了解,并且可以培养学生良好的发音习惯,为以后的学习打下基础。2、在教授对话的同时,把单词或重点句型出示给学生,这样可以使学生更方便于学习,掌握,和运用。3、在教学时多采取同学之间互

10、相帮助的功能,可以加深同学之间的感情,还可以帮助班主任更好的完成思想道德教育工作。Teaching Emphasis: Sentences : she/he is and she can Vocabulary: a student a policeman a doctor a vet a pilot a juggler a nurse can cant Teaching Difficulty: Read and write the words correctly Can know some vocation in life UNIT ONE Mocky the juggler The 1st

11、perTeaching aims: 1 Use greetings and polite expressions in life 2 Can understand and read the dialogue 3 Can read and write the words correctly 4 Can make the dialogue Teaching emphasis: 1 use greetings and polite expression in life 2 understand the sentences Teaching process: Step 1: use greetings

12、 and polite expression in life. Example: T: Good morning/afternoon/Goodbye/Please/Thank you/You are welcome/Excuse me/sorry 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 48 页学习必备欢迎下载S: Good morning/afternoon/Goodbye/Please/Thank you/You are welcome/Excuse me/sorry Step 2: show new words T: sh

13、ow the new words cards like a student a teacher a policeman a vet a doctor Read the words after the teacher Step 3:model the dialogue T: hold up the flashcard for dance. Say “She is a dancer ” and “She can dance ”S: repeat the sentences after the teacher Like this to do other sentences T: review the

14、 word can and can t S: to know the differences into can and can t. T: hold the flashcard for doctor. Say “he is a doctor . He can t help animals. S: to repeat it Step 4: T: look at the picture and think some question Picture1: where are Ann, Ken and Mocky? Picture2: what are Ann, Ken and Mocky looki

15、ng at? Picture3/4: what is happening now? Picture5: what is Ann pointing to? Picture6/7: who comes to help? Picture8: who is the man in the green shirt? Picture9/10: what is happening now? S: to look at the book and answer the questions in Chinese Step5: T: listen to the radio “what did they say? ”S

16、: by listening by looking By listening by reading with the radio Blackboard writing She/he is a dancer She/he can dance Step7: homework 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 48 页学习必备欢迎下载Homework Ask the children to tell the story to their families 课后反思: 学生对所学习的故事很感兴趣,学习兴趣浓厚。 能够根据图片复述故

17、事内容。The 2nd per Teaching aims: 1 to review the sentences 2 to learn some new words 3 to use the classroom commands Teaching emphasis: 1 can understand the teachers speaking in classroom. 2 ask and answer with “what does he/she do? ” and “shes a. 3 can answer “yes, she can /No, she can t Teaching dif

18、ficulty: 1 ask and answer with “what does he/she do? ” and “shes a ”2 read and write the sentences correctly Teaching process: Step1: to review classroom commands introduced before: stand up sit down open your books Step2: sentences T: to write “what does she/he do ” in the blackboard and explain it

19、 ,then read it S: to read it after the teacher T: hold up each flashcard in turn, ask “what does he do? ”. Elicit the student to answer “he is a teacher ”S: answer “he is a teacher ”Like this to review the other jobs flashcards. Step3:exercise T: have the children look at the pictures at the top of

20、the page4, by listening the tape by touching the matching pictures or the word S: listen and point out T: listen to the radio S: repeat after the radio 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 48 页学习必备欢迎下载T: look at the picture and read the word S: read the word correctly T: point to Ann

21、 and ask “what does she do? ”S: to answer with old words Like this do others T: listen to the radio and point to the corresponding person S: can point out T: play again and write the corresponding sentence number in the box below the matching S: to complete the exercise T: to read the sentences corr

22、ectly S: to read Blackboard writing What does he do? He is a teacher. Homework To write two sentences with “what does he do? ” and “he is a ”课后反思:大部分学生能够掌握所学习的几种职业名称,并能够根据图片读出单词,并能够用英语询问某个人的职业。The 3rd per Teaching aims: 1 To practices the sentences “what does she/he do? ” and “she/he is a .”2 can un

23、derstand and answer “yes, he is./ No, (he) isn t. 3 to review some job s words Teaching emphasis: 1 can answer “yes, (he) is./ no , (he) isn t.”2 can ask “Are you a doctor?” and answer “yes, I am. ”Teaching difficulty: 1 can understand “what does he/she do? ” and answer “ he/she is a (doctor) ”2 can

24、 answer “yes, (he) is/ no ,(he ) isn t.”Teaching process: Step1:Review 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 48 页学习必备欢迎下载T: hold up the flashcards to ask “Is he a doctor? ”S: yes, he is /no, he isn t Like this to do review others words Step2: Game T: ask one child come up and tell him

25、 to imitate a doctor checking up a patient, ask the children “what does he do? ”S: he is a doctor S: to ask one “are you a doctor ”S: to answer “yes, I am ”Like this to do Step3: Do exercise talks together Do exercise page 6, read the sentences in the first speech bubble aloud as you point to each w

26、ord. Have the children repeat the words after you. Like this to do others Divide the class into groups and have the children repeat the dialogue in a role play, and encourage them to substitute other job names. 2 listen and match T: show the picture and ask “what does he/she do? ”S: answer “he/she i

27、s ”T: listen to the radio and point out the picture S: can understand and point out Like this to do others T: listen again and write the sentence number next to the matching picture. S: write the number and read the sentence together Step4:Reading T: to look the picture and tell the children that in

28、 this activity they will read about a boys family. To meet a new friends Jack and to know others numbers of his family Point to the grandfather to ask “who is he?”S: grandfather 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 48 页学习必备欢迎下载Like this to know others T: point to the text and tell th

29、e children that they must read the text and then complete the activities below it. Read the text slowly with children and make sure they must understand all the vocabulary. Homework Can introduce the jack s family to your parents. Blackboard writing: Is he a doctor? Are you a doctor? Yes, he is Yes,

30、 I am. No, he isnt. 课后反思:学生能够较熟练的询问某个人的职业,并能作出相应的回答。学习积极性很高。The 4th per Teaching aims: 1 to practice the pronunciation of “a , e ,I ,o ,u ”2 can read the words correctly Teaching emphasis: To read Teaching difficulty: Teaching process: Step1:Do exercise page 8 T: listen to the radio and practice som

31、e sounds. Work with the a sounds first. Play the tape and have the children point to each word as they hear it S: to hear and read after the radio T: by listening by read after the radio and to check out S: read with the tape and read it yourself Step2: T: to point to the first word “snake ” and pla

32、y the tape of the snake to listen S: to listen carefully snake T: listen for the word in the second row that has the same long sound S: listen and find the same long sound Like this to do other words T: to read the same long sound together Step3: 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共

33、48 页学习必备欢迎下载T: listen to the radio and point out the words of you heard. S: listen carefully and point out T: speak some same words S: to think and answer T: to read the words after the radio Step4: T: open the book page 9 and read the sentences S: to read after the radio and read the sentences toge

34、ther Step5: T: point to the picture of the page 9 and ask “what does she do? ”S: answer “she is a doctor. ”Like this to do other profession words T: point to the picture of the page 9 to ask “ Is she a nurse? ”S: to answer “yes, she is. ”Read the sentences after the teacher T: to do others exercise

35、with page 9 Step 6: To do oral exercise in pairs with “what does she do? ” and “she is”“Is she a ?”and “yes, she is / no, she isn t”Blackboard writing: What does she do? Is he a doctor? Are you a nurse? She is a yes, she is Yes, I am. No, she isn t. 课后反思:大部分学生掌握了字母的发音规则,并能够根据读音规则拼读单词。The 5th per Tea

36、ching aims: 1 can sing the song and can change some words 2 use the English to do some thing Teaching emphasis: Sing the song correctly and can change some words Can use the knowledge in the life Teaching difficulty: Use the knowledge in life 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 48

37、页学习必备欢迎下载Teaching process: Step 1:Acting game Requires: take the flashcard and play about the card. Example: if you pick up a card showing a dancer. They must pretend to be a dancer and act out dancing movements. T: to play the cards and ask the others to guess, what does she do? S: to active and ot

38、hers to guess she is a dancer. T: have the children to ask, Are you a dancer S: answer yes, I am /no, I am not Like this to do others Step 2: Read and write To do exercise pate 10 T: read the questions, and then ask the children to trace the correct answers. For example the first two answer. S: to l

39、ook the example T: look at the picture and ask, What does she do S: Answer, She is a nurse and trace the correct answer on line Like this to do others Step3: T: we will learn a chat. Look at the picture and ask, What does she do? S: she is a teacher T: to read the first four lines and read after the

40、 teacher S: to read after the teacher T: listen to the tape carefully Play again and stopping after each sentence, have the children to repeat S: to repeat with the tape T: play again and sing after the tape S: say the chat with the tape Can say the chat complete Step4: Color the pictures on page 10

41、 Homework 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 48 页学习必备欢迎下载Say the new chat to their family members To complete the page 11 lets find out 课后反思:大部分学生基本掌握了本课所学内容,并能够把所学习的内容运用到实际生活中。The 6th per Teaching aims: 1 to improve the students reading skill and know some foreign knowledge 2 to

42、self-assessment Teaching emphasis: Understand the story and know some foreign knowledge Teaching difficulty: Can read the sentences and words correctly Teaching process: Step1: T: tell the children that they are going to read a story about a boy visiting Africa And ask what they know about Africa S:

43、 say black people giraffe corn T: to read the story you and look around the class, providing helps where children need S: read self and be providing helps with the teacher T: look at the picture one to ask, what happen? and point the sentences that you read S: read the sentences after the teacher Li

44、ke this to do others T: listen to the tape and point out the picture S: can point out the picture of you heard T: play the tape, stopping after each picture and read S: to read after the tape Step2: T: to pick out 9 cards and can pick out the card that you read S: to understand and pick out the card

45、 Like this to do, until all the student have covered a full column down their cards Step3: 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 12 页,共 48 页学习必备欢迎下载Self assessment T: look at the picture and ask, What does she do? S: she is a nurse T: read it and spell it S: read and spell after the teacher

46、 T: to find out the words S: to find and circle it Like this to do others T: Ask, What do they do? S: Answer, He is a pilot and write the sentences on the line. Can write the others sentences on the line Step4: Reflection To complete the page 13 and talk about UNIT TWO I LIKE BOBBY Teaching aims: 1

47、listening can understand “I like ”Can hear the new words and point out 2 speaking can express “ I like ” in life Can use the words in life 3 reading can read the words correctly and “I like ”4 writing Can write the words correctly and can write the sentences 过程方法:1 利用录音机对学生进行发音、 听力的练习, 使学生能够掌握比较纯正的英

48、语语音、语调。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 13 页,共 48 页学习必备欢迎下载2 利用图片,彩色挂图,多媒体教学软件, 为学生提供一个比较真实的语言环境。使学生能够掌握一定的语言色彩。直观的教学可以激发学生的学习兴趣,帮助他们更深刻的记忆所学的知识。3 为学生提供较多的使用语言的机会, 多让学生做一些英语游戏, 英语小对话等,提高学生的表达和表演的技巧,活跃课堂的氛围, 调动学生的情趣。 将英语教学轻松快乐的进行。Teaching emphasis: 1 can express “I like” and “I dont lik

49、e ” in life 2 can ask and understand “do you like” or “ does she like ” and answer “yes, I do/ no, I don t” “yes, she does/no, she doesnt”3 can read the words correctly and the sentences Teaching difficulty: 1 can express “I like” and “I dont like ” in life 2 can ask and understand “do you like” or

50、“ does she like ” and answer “yes, I do/ no, I don t” “yes, she does/no, she doesnt”Lessons one Teaching aims: 1 can express “I like / I dont like” in life 2 can ask “do you like ” and answer “yes, I like (him) a lot /no, I don t like (him).”3 can read and understand the new words Teaching emphasis:

51、 1 can express “I like / I dont like” in life 2 can ask “do you like ” and answer “yes, I like (him) a lot /no, I don t like (him).”3 some animals Teaching difficulty: 1 can express “I like / I dont like” in life 2 can ask “do you like ” and answer “yes, I like (him) a lot /no, I don t like (him).”T

52、eaching process: The 1st per 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 14 页,共 48 页学习必备欢迎下载Teaching aims: 1 can understand and express “ I like ” and “I dont like”2 learn some new words 3 can understand the story and tell the story to their families. Teaching emphasis: 1 can express “I like”and

53、“I dont like” in life 2 can understand the story and talk about story Teaching difficulty: 1 can express “I like” and “I dont like” in life 2 can read and write the new words correct 3can read and understand the story Teaching process: Step1: T: to ask what kind of animals they know S: to say some a

54、nimals T: to ask what kind of animals they like and write on the blackboard S: to say some animals that they like T: read the words S: read after the teacher Like this to ask what kind of animals they dont like T: pick up the flashcard of tiger, read and teach S: read after the teacher Step2: Point

55、to one of the animal names of they like and say “I like”Read after the teacher Let student to say “ I like ”Like this to do others Point to one of the animal names of they don t like and say “I dont like”Read after the teacher Let student to say “ I like Like this to do others Step3: Look at the boo

56、k page14 and 15 T: look at the picture and think the flow questions 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 15 页,共 48 页学习必备欢迎下载Picture 1: where are Ann and Ken? Who can they see? Picture 2/3: what do you think is happening now? Picture4: what is bobby doing? (Present the English word glasses.

57、) Picture5/6: What animals are Bobby, Ann and Ken looking at? Do they like these animals? Picture7: What animals is this? (Present the English word fox) Picture8: Does bobby like the fox? Picture 9: What is happening now? Step4: T: Listen to the radio and to hear what the characters said S: by liste

58、ning by look at the picture T: play again, pausing at each new picture S: repeat the sentences Step5: Encourage the children to tell the story to their families. Blackboard writing: I Like I DonLike Dog cat duck sheep monkey snake crocodile frog 课后反思: 学生对所学习的故事很感兴趣,学习兴趣浓厚。 能够根据图片复述故事内容。The 2nd per T

59、eaching aims: 1 can read and write the new words 2can understand and answer “Does she like?” “yes, (she) like (them)/no, (she) doesn t like (them)”3 can understand and answer “Do they like?”“Yes, they like (them)/no, they dont like (them)”Teaching emphasis:1 can understand, read, write and speak the

60、 new words 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 16 页,共 48 页学习必备欢迎下载2 can answer the question with “yes, ( ) like (them)/no, ( )doesn t(dont) like them”Teaching difficulty: 1 read the words correctly 2 can answer the question correctly and understand the sentences Teaching process: Step1: T

61、: use the flashcard to teach the new words Hold he flashcard and say “this is a tiger-tiger”S: read after the teacher and say the meaning in Chinese Like this to teach other words T: hold up one flashcards to ask “do you like tiger” and express it in Chinese S: yes/no T: if like you can say “yes, I

62、do” otherwise “no, I dont”S: “yes, I do/no, I dont”Like this to do exercise T: “do you like tiger?”S: “yes, I do/no, I dont”T: point to the student to ask “does she like tiger? ”S: “yes, she does/ no, she doesnt”T: to ask other “do you like tiger?”S: “yes, I do/no, I dont”T: point to the students to

63、 ask “do they like tiger?” and express it S: “yes, they like them/no, they don t like them”Step2: Listen to the radio and point out what you heard Listen and read after the radio Step3: Look at the book page16 and let student to say what you see T: look at the picture and ask “what are they? ”S: ans

64、wer “ they are squirrels ”Like this to do others T: listen to the radio and think “do they them? ”By listening by point out the picture 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 17 页,共 48 页学习必备欢迎下载S: listen the radio Stopping after each questions and answer. like () dont like () Check the answe

65、rs with the children Step4: T: look at the picture and ask “whats this?”S: It is a snake Like this to review the words T: read the questions and answers S: repeat after the teacher To explain the game s rules Two in pairs to do the game Step5: To copy the words Blackboard writing Do you like ? Dose

66、she like ? Do they like ”Yes, I do Yes, she likes them yes, they like them No, I don t . No, she doesn t like them no ,they don t like them. 课后反思:大部分学生能够掌握所学习的几种动物名称,并能够根据图片读出单词,并能够用英语说出自己喜欢的动物。The 3rd per Teaching aims: 1 can hear, speak and read the sentences 2 can understand the sentences Teachin

67、g emphasis: 1 can use the sentences in life 2 can understand and read the sentences Teaching difficulty: 1 can understand the text 2 can use the sentences in life Teaching process: Step1: Review 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 18 页,共 48 页学习必备欢迎下载T: to say one animals in English S: to

68、act the animals of the teacher said Like this to review the old words Step2:Page 18 T: look at the picture and ask “whats the name of the girl? ”S: her name is sue T: ask “whats the name of the girl who Ann is speaking to? ”S: her name is Betty T: read the sentences of the Ann said S: point the word

69、s and read after the teacher Like this to do others T: look at the second picture and ask “what Ken and Tommy are looking at? ”S: strawberries T: to practice others (remind the children that the word them is a plural pronoun. In this situation them refers to strawberries) To do exercise, divide the

70、class into two groups Like this complete the second dialogue Step3:T: point the picture and ask “what is this?”S: answer “panda ”T: play the tape and ask “what does Ann like?”S: to point out the animals that Ann like Like this to do others T: play again and ask the children to match S: match the sen

71、tences T: review the answers in a class drill Step4: T: ask the children what they know about cats S: to say what they know about cats T: look at the picture and read the sentences S: to read with the teacher T: read again and ask some questions about the text S: can answer the questions 精选学习资料 - -

72、- - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 19 页,共 48 页学习必备欢迎下载T: let children to look out the picture about the sentences describe Like this to do others T: answer the question that best expresses their ideas Step5:Homework To color the picture of page 18 Tell their parents about the big cats they learned

73、today 课后反思: 学生能够较熟练的说出自己喜欢的动物,并能询问别人作出相应的回答。学习积极性很高。The 4th per Teaching aims: 1 can know the pronunciation of “th”2 use the sentences “do you like ” and answer in life Teaching emphasis: 1 can know the pronunciation of “th”2 can ask and answer what you like Teaching difficulty: Can know the pronunc

74、iation of “th”Teaching process: Step1: T: look at the page 20 and read the words after the radio S: read after the radio T: play again and ask one to read it S: to read the words Step2: Say that three of the words have a /th/ sound in them but one word doesnt Listen to the radio and read after it Cr

75、oss word without a /th/ sound in it Repeat the procedure for the second row Step3: Read the first two words with the radio ,to point out Ask the children if they can find that all the words have a /th/ sound Tell the children to find out how to read the last two words and say some others words 精选学习资

76、料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 20 页,共 48 页学习必备欢迎下载Repeat the procedures for the other words Step4: T: Point one student to ask “do you know her?”S: yes, I do T: write in the blackboard T: do you like her S: yes, I do /no, I don t T: write in the blackboard T: look at the page 21 and ask “

77、does mocky like cows? ”S: yes, he does /no, he doesnt T: do they like rabbits? S: yes, they do Use the sentences to do exercise Blackboard writing Do you know her/him? Yes, I do Do you like him? Yes, I do. I like him a lot Does he/she know you/me No, he/she doesn t 课后反思:大部分学生掌握了字母的发音规则,并能够根据读音规则拼读单词

78、。The 5th per Teaching aims: To practice “like” in life Teaching emphasis: Can ask and answer “do you like” in life Teaching difficulty: Complete the sentences Teaching process: Step1: T: to say some feature of the animals S: to act and say the animals Like this to review the words of the animals 精选学

79、习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 21 页,共 48 页学习必备欢迎下载Step2: Look at the page 22 and point the picture to ask “whats this”S: answer it T: do you like it S: yes, I do/no, I don t T: point the student to ask “does he/she like ?”S: yes, he does /no, he doesnt Like this to ask others T: to disc

80、over what each person or animal likes or doesn t like ,then they must fill in the missing word(s) in the sentences Point to the picture of cat “does the cat like goats? ”S: no, it doesn t and write the missing words Like this to do others Step3: T: point to the picture and ask “do you like sheep? ”S

81、: to answer T: to read the words S: to read after the teacher Listen to the radio and read after it Like this to learn the chat Homework To look into your friend that “does he like rabbits? ” and fill in the tables page 23 Say the chat to your family 课后反思:大部分学生基本掌握了本课所学内容,并能够把所学习的内容运用到实际生活中。The 6th

82、per Teaching aims: To understand the uncle Booky s story Teaching emphasis: Understand the story and complete the question yourself Teaching difficulty: Understand the story yourself 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 22 页,共 48 页学习必备欢迎下载Teaching process: Step1: To read the story yourself

83、 Look at the picture and read the sentences, let the children to say in Chinese and read with the teacher Listen to the radio and read after it To ask some question “ does he like birds? ” and can answer Step2: To complete the page 25 Ask “what is this?”Answer it Like this to complete others Step3:

84、To complete the reflection with your idea Unit three It s too expensive 新课标的体现:培养学生的消费观念,培养学生实际运用英语的能力,让学生在生活中学习英语,并把所学的知识运用到生活中。对生活中一些实物能用英语表述出来。Teaching aims: 知识技能 : 1Listening: Can understand some sample sentences Can understand the new words and point it 2Speaking: Can use the daily sentences in

85、 life Can speak something in English 3Read: Can read the words and dialogue correctly Can differentiate some word s pronunciation 4Write: Can write the words correctly and beautiful Can copy the dialogue correctly 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 23 页,共 48 页学习必备欢迎下载过程方法 : 1 通过听录音培养学生的听

86、力,使学生受到语言的熏陶。2 让学生在实际的环境中进行练习,既锻炼了学生说英语的能力, 也培养了学生将所学用到生活中,并同时对学生进行勤俭的教育。3 让学生练习生活实际进行自编对话的联系,达到新旧知识的有机结合。Teaching emphasis: 1 to ask something in shop 2 can understand and express Teaching difficulty: 1 can read and write the new words 2 can ask, Do you have. in life 3 Its cheap and Its expensive T

87、eaching content: The 1st per Teaching aims: 1 can express its cheap/expensive 2 can understand and ask, What size do you want? small , medium , big Teaching emphasis: 1 can read and write the new words 2 can express its cheap/expensive Teaching difficulty: 1 can read and write the new words 2 can ex

88、press its cheap/expensive Teaching process: T: show something: one ball two bikes three books etc Point the one to ask, How many (books) are there? S: there are (three) Like this to do others Let they to read the numbers T: show the card thirty and write S: read the word with the teacher Like this t

89、o teach forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety T: write 20+1=21 twenty-one and read it S: read with the teacher 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 24 页,共 48 页学习必备欢迎下载T: write 20+2=22 twenty-two S: read with teacher Like this to learn twenty-three to thirty To read thirty-one to ninety-n

90、ine T: to show two bags, one is 25 and other is 50 and write cheap and expensive S: to understand cheap and expensive T: to show some different shoes and write medium and large M/L Like this to teach clothes and size T: show and teach a skirt shorts trousers and shoes This is a skirt or they are tro

91、users shoes and shorts , trousers Put up one to ask how much is it or how many are they T: do you have any shoes? S: Yes, I do /no, I dont T: look at the picture and ask Picture1: who do you think Ann and Ken are with Picture2/3: what are they doing? Picture4: what is Ann looking at? Picture5: what

92、is wrong with the pants Picture6: what is Ken wearing? Picture7/8/9: what is happening now S: to answer it in Chinese T: now lets listen what they said S: by listening by look at the picture T: pausing at each picture S: read after the radio Homework copy the new words Blackboard writing: cheap expe

93、nsive medium(M) large(L) 课后反思: 学生对所学习的故事很感兴趣,学习兴趣浓厚。 能够根据图片复述故事内容。The 2nd per 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 25 页,共 48 页学习必备欢迎下载Teaching aims: 1 understands and expresses we have some (socks) 2 can read and write the new words and use in life 3 can sing the song Teaching emphasis: 1

94、can read and write the new words 2 can express something in English 3 can sing the song Teaching difficulty: 1 can read and write the new words 2 use it in life Teaching process: To review the numbers twenty to ninety T: put up the card whats this or what are these S: to answer it T: look at the pic

95、ture with page 28, play the tape S: listen to the radio and point out that you heard T: play again and stop each one S: to read after the radio T: point to ask whats this /what are these S: Its .or these are. T: listen and point out what you heard S: listen and understand T: by listen by number S: n

96、umber To correctly T: point the picture and ask, What are these S: these are. T: page 29 and ask, What is she doing? with the picture S: she is washing T: what s she washing in Chinese S: socks T: to explain the new words iron clean early morning S: read the words 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - -

97、 - - - - -第 26 页,共 48 页学习必备欢迎下载T: to read the sentences Homework Sing the song to your parents 课后反思:大部分学生能够掌握所学习的几种动物名称,并能够根据图片读出单词,并能够用英语说出自己喜欢的动物。The 3rd per Teaching aims: 1 can understand and ask, Do you have. Size. How much. 2 can understand the text and complete the questions 3 can know some o

98、ld words Teaching emphasis: Can understand and ask, Do you have. Size. How much. Teaching difficulty: 1 can understand and ask, Do you have. Size. How much. 2 can understand the text and do exercise Teaching process: T: lets sing the song S: sing the song together T: put up the picture and ask, Do y

99、ou have. ”S: yes, we do /no, we dont any Like this to review the old words and sentence T: turn page30 and look the picture 1 what is ken doing Read the sentence S: ken is shopping Read after the teacher and say in Chinese Like this to do others T: work in pairs to action Can use the different thing

100、s T: now lets listen and check To ask, Whats this what are these S: its. They are. T: to listen that store doesnt have some clothes Ann wants. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 27 页,共 48 页学习必备欢迎下载Play the tape complete Play again and stop each one S: by listen by do T: to correct T: tur

101、n page 31 and look at the picture 1 whats the boy wearing? 2 whats the girl wearing? Read the text and complete the follow questions S: to answer the question in simple words Can understand the text and say in Chinese T: according to the clothes to say her or his name Step: read the text and fill in

102、 the blank Like this to do others T: i am wearing a red skirt and black shoes By saying by point to What are you wearing? Homework color the picture in page 31 课后反思: 学生能够较熟练的说出自己喜欢的服装,并能询问别人作出相应的回答。学习积极性很高。The 4th per Teaching aims: 1 can know /wh/ in words 2 can read the words with /wh? Correct 3 c

103、an ask and answer, Do you have. Yes, we do/no, we dont 4 can express your idea about the sales Teaching emphasis: 1 can know /wh/ in words 2 can ask and answer in life Teaching difficulty: Read the words correct and can spell the words you Teaching process: Step1: 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - -

104、 - - - - -第 28 页,共 48 页学习必备欢迎下载T: /wh/ and /w/ is same pronunciation Listen to the radio and read after it To read the words each one S: read the words T: page 32 and read the words you know Look at the first line and tell me what is not same to others Step2: Listen to the radio and read after it S:

105、 read the radio and say what is not same to others Like this to do next Can read the words correctly T: to read the words yourself Listen to the radio and read after it S: read after the radio Read the words yourself T: to review Step3: Put up the cards and ask, what is this what are these Do you ha

106、ve. S: its. They are. Yes, we do /no, we dont any Like this to do exercise T: read the sentence yourself S: read it T: in pairs to do exercise with page33 Step4: Do exercise Example: whats this/ what are these Its ./ they are. Do you have. Yes, we do/ no, we dont Blackboard Writing Do you have sweat

107、ers? What size do you want? Yes, we do small/size 20 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 29 页,共 48 页学习必备欢迎下载Yes, we have some. The shoes are too expensive/big/small Do you have any jeans? No, we dont No, we dont have any Homework To read the words in page 32 课后反思:学生较好地掌握了字母的读音规则,并能够根据读音规则

108、, 拼读单词。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 30 页,共 48 页学习必备欢迎下载The 5th per Teaching aims: 1 can say the chat 2 can write the complete sentences you Teaching emphasis: Write the complete sentences you Teaching difficulty: 1 can express your idea completely and write 2 chat fluently Teaching

109、 process: Step1: T: to describe what you wear today S: describe yourself T: take out the cards and have the children to see apart is it a shirt are they jeans S: to guess and say Like this to do others Step2: T: turn page 34 Look at the first picture and read the sentences S: read the sentences T: w

110、rite it T: look at the second picture do you have any jackets? S: yes, no, we dont any T: to write and read it Like this to do next yourself T: to correct the answer T: to listen to the radio and tell them well learn it Step3: listen T: to read the sentence each one Read after the teacher S: read af

111、ter the teacher 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 31 页,共 48 页学习必备欢迎下载Read after the radio T: play the tape completely S: say the chat altogether Homework: To say the chat to your family 课后反思:大部分学生基本掌握了本科的学习内容,并能够把本课所学习的内容运用到实际生活中,但运用不灵活。应加强练习。The 6th per Teaching aims: 1 can understand

112、the story and read you 2 can complete the question yourself Teaching emphasis: To understand the story Teaching difficulty: Can ask and answer in life Teaching process: Step1: T: well know a new friend, Candy and what happen Read the story yourself and you can ask what you dont understand S: read it

113、 T: look at the first picture and think what happend S: the skirt is bad in Chinese T: read the sentence S: read after the teacher Like this to do others Step2: T: play the tape and read after it S: read after the radio T: to say what meaning of the story S: say in Chinese T: indived to pairs, one i

114、s rabbit, the other is cat To say one words S: to write the words what teacher said 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 32 页,共 48 页学习必备欢迎下载Like this to do Then read the words yourself T: to describe your classmate what she/he wear S: a red shirt Like this to do Step3: T: to complete page3

115、7 what do they have? T: to say the numbers twenty-ninety-nine S: to say one by one T: to complete page 37 I can write these numbers S: to write yourself T: to complete page37 reflection Homework: To review the old words and numbers Unit four Where is it? Teaching aims: 1 can read, write and understa

116、nd the words “on understand in behind next to sad happy now look floor water sofa in front of ”2 can ask “where is the ” and answer “its ( ) the desk ” in life can understand the text and can read it can sing the song and can understand the story 知识技能:1Listen: Can understand the sentences “where is

117、the ” and the text 2Speak Can ask “where is the ” and answer “its ( ) the (desk) ” in life 3Read Can read the text yourself and read the words 4Write Can write the words correctly and can write the sentence yourself 过程及方法:精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 33 页,共 48 页学习必备欢迎下载1 通过实物操练让学生真

118、正的理解表示方位的介词,培养学生正确的表示某些物品的方位。2 通过录音机让学生尽量模仿原生的发音,加强学生的语音练习。Teaching difficulty: 1Can express the words “on under behind in front of next to” in life 2Can understand “where is the ” and answer “its ( ) the ( )”3Can understand and read the text Teaching emphasis: 1 Express the words “on under behind i

119、n front of next to” in life 2 can use “where is the ”and “its () the ()”Teaching process: The 1st per Teaching aims: Can understand, read and write the words “on under behind in front of next to”Can understand and read the text Teaching difficulty: 1 can read and express the words “on under behind i

120、n front of next to”2 can read the text and understand Teaching emphasis: 1 can read and express the words “on under behind in front of next to”2 can understand the text Teaching process: Step1: T: take out a book on the desk “whats this?”S: its a book T: The book is on the desk Write the sentence on

121、 the blackboard Step2: To guess T:The book under the desk Write the sentence on the blackboard S: to guess T: read the sentence and the word “on under”精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 34 页,共 48 页学习必备欢迎下载S: read after the teacher Like this to teach “behind in front of next to”T: take ou

122、t a bag on the desk and ask “Is the bag on the desk ”S: yes, it is T: is the bag under the desk S: no, it isnt Like this do exercise T: point the book and ask “where is the book? ” and write it on the blackboard S: it is on the desk T: write the sentence “it is on the desk ”Like this to do exercise

123、with on under in front of behind next to T: open the book and look at the picture and ask Step3: picture 1: where is the Mocky (he is in front of the tree and teach rock) Picture 2: what is happening now Picture 3: what can you see in this picture Picture 4: what do you think Mocky is looking for Pi

124、cture 5/6: where are Mocky and lulu looking(in the water and under the rock, ground) Picture7: what is happening now Picture8: what is squirrel giving to Mocky T: listen to what they said S: listen and point out the matching picture T: listen to the radio and repeat S: read after the radio Homework:

125、 Read the text after class and tell the story to your family Blackboard writing Where is the pen? Its on the desk. Its behind the door next to Under in front of rock ground 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 35 页,共 48 页学习必备欢迎下载课后反思: 学生对所学习的故事很感兴趣,学习兴趣浓厚。 能够根据图片复述故事内容。The 2nd per Teaching

126、 aims: 1 can read and write the new words: sofa floor 2 Use “on under behind in front of next to” in life 3 Do some exercise Teaching difficulty: 1 can read and write the new words correctly 2 can do exercise with on under behind in front of next to Teaching emphasis: Can understand and do exercise

127、Teaching process: Step1: T: use the flashcard to review the words on under behind in front of next to S: read the words T: play the tape with page 40 S: listen to the radio and point the matching words T: play the tape again and stopping after each words S: read after the radio T: look at the pictur

128、e and point one to ask “where is (she)? ”S: (she) is (on) the car Like this to ask others Step2: T: look at the picture with “write the numbers ” and ask “what is this?”S: its a hat T: where is the hat? S: its on the table Like this to ask other pictures Then listen to the radio , write the numbers

129、with listening T: turn page 46 and look at the “read and write”Write the words yourself S: to write the words 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 36 页,共 48 页学习必备欢迎下载T: look at the picture and ask “where is the bird?”S: its on the rock T: the bird is (on the rock) Like this to do 1-3 T: do

130、 the next yourself T: turn page 49 and complete “where is the squirrel? ” do it yourself S: to do it HW : To read the text Blackboard Writing Sofa chair floor 课后反思:大部分学生能够掌握所学习的表示方位的单词,并能够根据图片读出单词,并能够用英语说出物品的位置。The 3rd per Teaching aims: 1 can sing the song 2 can understand and use “is it on your de

131、sk?” and answer “no, it isnt/yes, it is”Teaching difficulty: 1 can sing the song with the radio, then sing yourself 2 can ask “where is your book? Is it on your desk? ” and answer “no, it isnt /yes, it is”Teaching emphasis: Can ask “where is your book? Is it on your desk? ”and answer “no, it isnt /y

132、es, it is”Teaching process: Step1: T: turn page 41 and point to the picture to ask “whats this?”S: its a cat T: where is it S: its under the table 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 37 页,共 48 页学习必备欢迎下载Like this to do others “duck bird”T: to read the first line S: to point the matching wo

133、rds Like this to do others Step2: T: play the tape again S: by listening by acting T: listen again S: sing after the radio T: divide into three groups to sing the song S: sing the song T: turn page 42 and do “listen and number ”Look at the picture and ask “where is the rabbit? ”S: it is in the water

134、 Like this to do others Step3: T: listen to the radio and write the numbersS: do it T: take a book on the desk and ask “where are your book? Is it on your desk? ”S: no, it isnt (yes, it isnt) Like this to do others HW: To sing the song to their parents 课后反思: 学生能够较熟练的说出自己物品的位置,并能询问别人作出相应的回答。学习积极性很高。T

135、he 4th per Teaching aims: 1 can read the words correctly 2 do exercise Teaching difficulty: Words pronunciation Teaching emphasis: Can read the words correctly and know the /ar/ pronunciation 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 38 页,共 48 页学习必备欢迎下载Teaching process: Step1: T: sing the song

136、with radio S: sing the song T: turn page 44 and listen to the radio, then read after the radio S: read after the radio T: read the words yoursel Look at the “listen for sounds” and ask “what is this?”S: its a arm Like this to do others T: listen to the radio and do it S: do exercise Step2: T: look a

137、t this and read after the radio to “card large ”S: read the next “bar yard”Read after the radioT: look at the page 43 “where are they? ”S: Read the text yourself T: read the text S: read it after the teacher T: “where is the peter? ”Like this to ask others S: write the name in the correctly place HW

138、: Read the text yourself 课后反思:学生较好地掌握了字母的读音规则,并能够根据读音规则, 拼读单词。Unit 5 Our Town Teaching aims: 1 to know some place , can read and write 2 can express the word correctly with “next to , near , behind , in front of”精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 39 页,共 48 页学习必备欢迎下载3can ask “where is the

139、 ”and answer “ its ”知识技能:1Listen: Can understand the sentences “where is the ” and the text 2Speak Can ask “where is the ” and answer “its ( ) the ()” in life 3Read Can read the text yourself and read the words 4Write Can write the words correctly and can write the sentence yourself 过程方法:1 培养学生的方位意识

140、,通过实际的训练让学生能够正确的表述出某一场所的位置。2 培养学生的文明礼貌,通过本课的学习使学生会问路,学会问路的方式。2培养学生的交际能力Teaching emphasis: 1 can express the place correctly 2can understand the words and read it 3can answer “where is the ”Teaching difficulty: 1 can answer “where is the ”2 can understand and express “turn left , turn right , go stra

141、ight”The 1st per Teaching aims: 1 can understand the text and can read it 2 can ask “where is the ”and answer “its (near/between)the park ”Teaching emphasis: 1 can ask and answer “where is the ” “its ”2 can read the text and understand it Teaching difficulty: 1 can answer “its ” with “near, between

142、”2 can understand the text Teaching process: 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 40 页,共 48 页学习必备欢迎下载Step1 Review the words(use the gesture) On in behind in front of under next to T: The teacher makes the gesture and has the children speak out them. S: Speak out the words. T: The teacher s

143、peaks out the words and has the children make the gesture. S: Make the gesture. Step2: Learn the new words Near between T: The teacher read the words and shows the pictures and has the children make the gesture. S: Read the new words and make the gesture. Step3: Learn the other new words. Park schoo

144、l movie theater swimming pool train station supermarket toilet T: Read the new words and have the children read after the teacher and stick the words on the blackboard. S: Read the words after the teacher and read the words one by one T: The teacher show the picture and have the children understand

145、the words. S: Read the words and look at the picture and the blackboard. Step4: Play a game (Simon says) Step5: T: Have the children look at the map and ask . Where is the supermarket? Its near the train station. Where is the swimming pool? Its between the park and the train station. Where is the mo

146、vie theater? Its behind the school. T: Have the children read the dialogue after the teacher. S: Read the dialogue and understand the dialogue. T: Have the children make the dialogue in pairs using the map. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 41 页,共 48 页学习必备欢迎下载S: Try to make the dialogue

147、. T: Have the children speak out the dialogue.(two pairs) Step6: Have the children dance (Happy rabbits) Have the children understand left and right Step7: Learn the story T: Have the children read the story and answer some questions. 1.What is Ann and Ken looking at?2.Where are they going? 3.Does M

148、ocky like zoos? Why? S: Read the story and try to answer the questions. T: Read the story together and answer the questions. T: Have the children listen to the story. S: Just listen and understand the meaning. T: Have the children read the story after the tape. S: Read the story after the tape two t

149、imes. T: Have the children read the story in groups. S: Read the story in roles. T: Have one group read the story. Homework: Tell the story to your parents. Blackboard writing Unit5 Our town Where is the supermarket? park Its near the train station. school Where is the swimming pool? movie theater I

150、ts between the park and the train station. swimming pool Where is the movie theater? train station Its behind the school. supermarket toliet 课后反思: 学生对所学习的故事很感兴趣,学习兴趣浓厚。 能够根据图片复述故事内容。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 42 页,共 48 页学习必备欢迎下载The 2nd per Teaching aims: 1 learn the new words “ a

151、 bank post office a fire station a toilet”2 do some exercise Teaching emphasis: 1 can read the new words and write it 2 can answer “where is the ”Teaching difficulty: Can read and write the new words Teaching process: Step1: T: put up the card and ask “whats this”S: “its a school ”Like this to revie

152、w the words Step2: T: open the book , turn page 54 and look at the picture Where is the school? S: its near the park Like this to do exercise Step3: T: listen to the radio and point to the words S: by listening by point T: ask “where does the policeman work ”S: police station Like this to learn othe

153、rs T: do exercise with page 52 “listen and number ”Look at the picture and ask “where is the ”S: “its ”T: listen and number S: listen and number T: listen again and repeat it S: repeat Step3: 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 43 页,共 48 页学习必备欢迎下载T: turn page 53, look at the picture and a

154、sk “whats this”and “whats color”S: its a train and it s a red train T: read the sentence S: by pointing by reading after the teacher T: listen to the radio complete S: by listening by singing T: divide the class into two groups, and have each group sing one verse. Then exchange Step4: Sing the song

155、HW: To sing the song to your family 课后反思: 大部分学生能够掌握所学习的建筑物,并能够根据图片读出单词, 并能够用英语说出物品的位置。The 3rd per Teaching aims: 1 to practice ask the way “excuse me, where is the ”and “its ”2 do some exercise Teaching emphasis: Can ask “where is the ”and answer “its ”Teaching difficulty: Can ask “where is the ”and

156、 answer “its ”Teaching process: Step1: T: review the words Point to the picture “whats this”S: its Like this to review the words Step2: T: open the book and turn page 54 ,then say “this is ”S: this is school Like this to say other building T: where is the post office S: its between the movie theater

157、 and the train station 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 44 页,共 48 页学习必备欢迎下载T: where is the school S: its in front of the train station Like this two in pairs to do oral exercise Step3: T: listen and match To review the building S: listen and match T: listen and repeat S: repeat it T: t

158、urn page 55 , read the text and understand it S: to read the text T: to tell this is a e-mail , from sue to bill , to understand it Step4: The teacher read the first half of each sentence and have the children complete the rest Ask “where is sue s house? ”S: to find out sues house and take it out Li

159、ke this to do others T: to draw out the route for bill on the map HW: Color the pictures on page 54 课后反思: 学生能够较熟练的说出建筑物的所在地,并能询问别人作出相应的回答。学习积极性很高。The 4th per Teaching aims: 1 note the /er/ sound can be spelled in different ways ,ir, or,and ur 2 do some oral exercise Teaching difficulty: Can read the

160、 words correctly Teaching emphasis: Some words pronunciation Teaching process: Step1: T: turn page56 and look at the picture, to hear words that have the /er/ sound 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 45 页,共 48 页学习必备欢迎下载Listen to the radio and read after it S: listen and repeat Read the w

161、ords with the teacher or the radio Step2: T: to do exercise with page56 Listen to the radio and cross the picture that doesnt have the sound S: to do it Like this to do next lines T: play the tape again and read after the radio T: read with uncle booky Play the tape for the first three words; point

162、out the words that heard Step3: Lets the student to read the next words S: try to read the next words Like this to read the next lines T: listen to the radio again and read after it S: read after the radio T: look at the picture at page57, point to one to ask “where is the school? ”S: its next to th

163、e movie theater Like this to ask the others like supermarket, swimming pool Two in pairs to do oral exercise with “where is the ” “its ”T: to read the uncle booky s blackboard S: read after the teacher HW:Write two sentences with “where is the ” and “its ”课后反思:学生较好地掌握了字母的读音规则,并能够根据读音规则, 拼读单词。The 5th

164、 per Teaching aims: 1 can say the rhyme 2 do some exercise Teaching emphasis: Do exercise correctly Teaching difficulty: 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 46 页,共 48 页学习必备欢迎下载Can read the rhyme Teaching process: Step1: T: look at the picture and ask “where is the school? ”S: its behind t

165、he park Like this to do others exercise Step2: T: turn page 58 and look at the picture , then read the sentences S: read the sentence after the teacher T: look at the picture and read the sentence , according to the answer to think the question and complete the sentence S: to read the sentence and f

166、ill in the blank Like this to complete the sentence Step3: Read the sentence in pairs (one ask and another answer) T: turn page 59 and read the rhyme yourself S: to read T: listen to the radio ,then repeat it S: listen and repeat, say and act T: to do “lets find out”To say the building about the pic

167、ture, read the text and fill in the blank S: fill in the blank and read it HW: Can draw the route about the Jim s house 课后反思:大部分学生基本掌握了本课的学习内容,并能够把本课所学习的内容运用到实际生活中,但运用不灵活。应加强练习。The 6th per Teaching aims : 1 Can read and understand the story 2 complete the blank about the page 61 Teaching emphasis: C

168、an read and understand the story 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 47 页,共 48 页学习必备欢迎下载Teaching difficulty: Can do the exercise correctly Teaching process: Step1: T: lets sing the song with the radio T: open the book and turn page 60, look at the picture, today were going to read a story

169、 about Captain Black Cat and a thief mouse, you can read the story yourself to understand it Step2: Point the first picture and ask “what happened? ”S: to answer it T: read the first sentence Like this to complete others pictures T: listen to the radio and read after it S: listen and repeat Step3: Make a play to act it T: turn page 61 to do exercise S: do exercise yourself HW: To complete the reflection 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 48 页,共 48 页



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