湖北省武汉市第六十三中学中考英语考前复习一 第7讲 八上 Units 56 课件 人教新目标版

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《湖北省武汉市第六十三中学中考英语考前复习一 第7讲 八上 Units 56 课件 人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《湖北省武汉市第六十三中学中考英语考前复习一 第7讲 八上 Units 56 课件 人教新目标版(39页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第七讲第七讲 八年级八年级(上上) Units 56类别类别新课标要求新课标要求重重点点词词汇汇拓拓展展1.freen.1.freen.自由自由 freedomadvfreedomadv. .自由地自由地 freely(freely(反义词反义词)adj.)adj.忙的忙的 busybusy2 2outgoing(outgoing(反义词反义词)adj.)adj.文静的;安静的文静的;安静的 quietquiet3 3calm(calm(反义词反义词)adj.)adj.鲁莽的;轻率的鲁莽的;轻率的 wildwild4 4athleteadjathleteadj. .擅长运动的;活跃的;强健的擅

2、长运动的;活跃的;强健的 athleticathletic5 5careadjcareadj. .仔细的仔细的 carefuladvcarefuladv. .仔细地仔细地 carefullyadjcarefullyadj. .粗心的粗心的 carelessadvcarelessadv. .粗心地粗心地 carelesslycarelessly6 6friendnfriendn. .友情;友谊友情;友谊 friendshipadjfriendshipadj. .友好的友好的friendlyfriendly7 7useadjuseadj. .有用的有用的 usefuladjusefuladj. .

3、用过的用过的 usedused8 8safensafen. .安全安全 safetyadvsafetyadv. .安全地安全地 safely(safely(反义词反义词)adj.)adj.危险的危险的 dangerousdangerous9 9both(both(反义词反义词) )两者都不两者都不neitherneither 重重点点短短语语记记忆忆1.the whole day 1.the whole day 一整天一整天2 2come over come over 顺便来访顺便来访3 3in some ways in some ways 在某些方面在某些方面4 4more than mor

4、e than 超出超出5 5in common in common 公有公有( (的的) );共有;共有( (的的) )6 6be good at be good at 擅长;在擅长;在方面做得好方面做得好7 7begin with begin with 以以开始开始8 8around the world around the world 世界各地世界各地9 9have tennis training have tennis training 进行网球训练进行网球训练1010on weekdays on weekdays 在工作日在工作日1111have good grades have go

5、od grades 取得好成绩取得好成绩 重重点点句句型型整整理理1.1.Can you come to my party?Can you come to my party?SureSure,Id love to.Id love to.2 2Pedro is funnier than Paul.Pedro is funnier than Paul.3 3Im more outgoing than my sister.Im more outgoing than my sister.4 4Liu Ying is not as good at sports as her sister.Liu Yin

6、g is not as good at sports as her sister. 1 1CanCan_ _youyou come to my party? come to my party?你能来参加我的聚会吗?你能来参加我的聚会吗?(Unit 5)(Unit 5)Can you.Can you.?意为?意为“你能你能吗?吗?”表示客气地请求某人做某事。接表示客气地请求某人做某事。接受邀请常用受邀请常用I I would(Idwould(Id) love to.) love to.或者或者 Certainly.Certainly.等来应答。如有事不等来应答。如有事不能接受邀请,则说能接受邀请

7、,则说Im sorryIm sorry,but I cant.but I cant.。这种句式中,用。这种句式中,用couldcould比比cancan语气委婉,显得有礼貌,而用语气委婉,显得有礼貌,而用cancan则较随便。如:则较随便。如:Can you come to my home for dinner?Can you come to my home for dinner?你能来我家吃晚饭吗?你能来我家吃晚饭吗?Im Im sorry.Isorry.I cant. cant.很抱歉,我不能来。很抱歉,我不能来。Could you go shopping with me?Could yo

8、u go shopping with me?你能和我一起去购物吗?你能和我一起去购物吗?SureSure,Id love to.Id love to.当然可以,我很乐意。当然可以,我很乐意。2 2HoweverHowever,we we bothboth enjoy going to parties. enjoy going to parties.然而,我们两个都喜欢参加聚会。然而,我们两个都喜欢参加聚会。(Unit 6)(Unit 6)bothboth意为意为“两者都;两个都两者都;两个都”,既可作形容词,也可作代词。所以,既可作形容词,也可作代词。所以它可以作主语、宾语、定语、同位语等。如

9、:它可以作主语、宾语、定语、同位语等。如:Her parents are both teachers.Her parents are both teachers.她父母都是教师。她父母都是教师。Both of them are good at English.Both of them are good at English.他们两个都擅长英语。他们两个都擅长英语。bothboth作同位语时,其位置一般位于行为动词之前,系动词或助动词作同位语时,其位置一般位于行为动词之前,系动词或助动词之后。如:之后。如:They both have blue eyes.They both have blue

10、eyes.他们都有蓝色的眼睛。他们都有蓝色的眼睛。They are both in Grade Two.They are both in Grade Two.他们都在二年级。他们都在二年级。both.and.both.and.表示表示“既既又又;两者都;两者都”,此结构作主语时,此结构作主语时,谓语动词要用复数形式。如:谓语动词要用复数形式。如:Both you and I were wrong last time.Both you and I were wrong last time.上次你和我都错了。上次你和我都错了。3 3Liu Ying Liu Ying isis not as not

11、 as goodgood_ _atat sports as her sister. sports as her sister.刘英不如她的姐姐体育好。刘英不如她的姐姐体育好。(Unit 6)(Unit 6)be good atbe good atdo well indo well in“擅长;在擅长;在方面做得好方面做得好”;atat为介词,为介词,后可接名词、代词或动名词作宾语。如:后可接名词、代词或动名词作宾语。如:Are you good at drawing?Are you good at drawing?你擅长画画吗?你擅长画画吗?【拓展拓展】 be good for be good

12、 for对对有益;有益;be bad for.be bad for.对对有害有害be good tobe good to对对友好友好be good withbe good with善于应付善于应付 如:如:Mark is good at making friends with othersMark is good at making friends with others,so hes good so hes good with everyone.with everyone.马克擅长与人交友,所以他与所有人相处得不错。马克擅长与人交友,所以他与所有人相处得不错。4 4He always He

13、always beatsbeats me in tennis. me in tennis.打网球他总能赢我。打网球他总能赢我。(Unit 6)(Unit 6)【辨析辨析】 beat beat与与winwinbeatbeat实际上表示实际上表示“打败;胜过打败;胜过”之意,后接的宾语多是某运动员或之意,后接的宾语多是某运动员或球队。另外,球队。另外,beatbeat还可以表示还可以表示“敲打;敲打;( (心脏等心脏等) )跳动跳动”。其过去式为。其过去式为beatbeat,过去分词为,过去分词为beatenbeaten,现在分词为,现在分词为beatingbeating。如:。如:We beat

14、 them by 2 to 1.We beat them by 2 to 1.我们以我们以2 2比比1 1赢了他们。赢了他们。Do you think the Stars will beat the Bulls?Do you think the Stars will beat the Bulls?你认为明星队能打败公牛队吗?你认为明星队能打败公牛队吗?His heart is still beating.His heart is still beating.他的心脏还在跳动。他的心脏还在跳动。winwin意为意为“赢;获胜赢;获胜”,作及物动词,作及物动词,winwin通常接通常接gamega

15、me,warwar,matchmatch,prizeprize之类的名词作宾语,不可以接表示人的名词作宾语。其过去式、过之类的名词作宾语,不可以接表示人的名词作宾语。其过去式、过去分词相同去分词相同(won)(won),现在分词为,现在分词为winningwinning。如:。如:I always win a prize.I always win a prize.我总是赢得奖品。我总是赢得奖品。八年级上八年级上(56单元单元)(训练时间:训练时间:60分钟分值:分钟分值:100分分)基础知识过关基础知识过关一、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词一、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词(8(8分分) )1 1

16、This hat does not fit me, please show me aThis hat does not fit me, please show me a_ one. one.2 2We have an English lWe have an English l_ every day. every day.3 3Be sBe s _ _ ,John! Dont make fun of me. ,John! Dont make fun of me.4 4Tell me the w_ story, from beginning to end.Tell me the w_ story,

17、 from beginning to end.5 5I want to go to the party, I want to go to the party, h_,Ih_,I have no tickets. have no tickets.6 6Light and air are n_ to life.Light and air are n_ to life.notheressoneriousholeoweverecessary7 7His two great iHis two great i_ in life are music and painting. in life are mus

18、ic and painting.8 8Will you go to watch the basketball Will you go to watch the basketball m m_thisthis afternoon? afternoon?二、根据汉语提示完成句子二、根据汉语提示完成句子(17(17分分) )1 1请随便什么时候过来坐坐,我们总是在家的。请随便什么时候过来坐坐,我们总是在家的。_ any time, were always in._ any time, were always in.2 2这个城市人口超过一百万。这个城市人口超过一百万。This city has a

19、population of _ 1,000,000.This city has a population of _ 1,000,000.3 3他法语和英语都说得好。他法语和英语都说得好。He speaks _ French _ English well.He speaks _ French _ English well.nterestsatchCome overmore thanbothand4 4我篮球曾打得很好,可惜现在已生疏了。我篮球曾打得很好,可惜现在已生疏了。I used to I used to _ basketball, but now Im out of practice. b

20、asketball, but now Im out of practice.5 5我不管你是怎么想的,我肯定他是对的。我不管你是怎么想的,我肯定他是对的。I dont I dont _ what you think, Im certain he is right. what you think, Im certain he is right.6 6我和简毫无共同之处。我和简毫无共同之处。I have nothing I have nothing _ with Jane. with Jane.7 7在某些方面,上个世纪文明似乎进展不大。在某些方面,上个世纪文明似乎进展不大。_ ,_ ,civil

21、ization does not seem to have progressed civilization does not seem to have progressed much in the last century.much in the last century.be good atcare aboutin commonIn some ways8 8没有人喜欢被人讥笑。没有人喜欢被人讥笑。Nobody likes to be Nobody likes to be _. .三、用方框中所给词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。三、用方框中所给词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。(10(10分分)

22、 )1 1Who is Who is _ _ ,Lily or Kate?Lily or Kate?2 2It snowed for three _ days.It snowed for three _ days.3 3She wants to be a famous cook _ her father when she She wants to be a famous cook _ her father when she grows up.grows up.4 4What _ you so angry last week?What _ you so angry last week?5 5We

23、 played very wellWe played very well,and and _ them on Wednesday. them on Wednesday.laughed atquieterwholelikemadebeat综合能力提高综合能力提高一、单项选择一、单项选择(10(10分分) )1 1Today is my birthday. Can you come to my party tonight?Today is my birthday. Can you come to my party tonight?_._.A ADont worry BDont worry BSur

24、e, Id love toSure, Id love toC CThats too bad DThats too bad DNo, I dont knowNo, I dont know【解析解析】考查情景交际。句意为考查情景交际。句意为“今天是我的生日。你能来参加我今今天是我的生日。你能来参加我今晚的生日聚会吗?晚的生日聚会吗?”“”“是的,我愿意去。是的,我愿意去。”故选故选B B。【答案答案】B B2 2Thank you _ inviting me to your birthday party. I Thank you _ inviting me to your birthday par

25、ty. I really had a good time there.really had a good time there.A Aon Bon Bof Cof Cin Din Dforfor【解析解析】考查介词的用法。句意为考查介词的用法。句意为“谢谢你邀请我参加你的生日聚会。谢谢你邀请我参加你的生日聚会。我真的很开心。我真的很开心。”故选故选D D。【答案答案】D D3 3Which one do you want to buyWhich one do you want to buy,an iPod touch 4an iPod touch 4,an an iPadiPad 3 or a

26、n 3 or an iPhoneiPhone 5? 5?_.They are too expensive._.They are too expensive.A AAll BAll BBoth CBoth CNone DNone DNeither Neither 【解析解析】考查不定代词的用法。考查不定代词的用法。allall意为意为“都;全部都;全部”,强调三者或,强调三者或者三者以上的人或事物;者三者以上的人或事物;bothboth意为意为“两者都两者都”;nonenone意为意为“三者或三三者或三者以上都不者以上都不”;neitherneither意为意为“两者都不两者都不”。句意为。句意

27、为“你想买哪一件?你想买哪一件?”选择对象是三个,回答为选择对象是三个,回答为“它们太贵它们太贵”,故选,故选C C。【答案答案】C C4 4Dont _ people when theyre in trouble. Instead, Dont _ people when theyre in trouble. Instead, you should give them a hand.you should give them a hand.A Ahear from Bhear from Bgo overgo overC Claugh at Dlaugh at Dlook likelook lik

28、e【解析解析】考查短语辨析。考查短语辨析。hear fromhear from“收到某人的信;从某人的信中收到某人的信;从某人的信中得知得知”;go overgo over“考虑;检查考虑;检查”;laugh atlaugh at“嘲笑嘲笑”;look likelook like“看起看起来像来像”。根据句意可知选。根据句意可知选C C。【答案答案】C C5 5Which of the caps will you take?Which of the caps will you take?Ill take _Ill take _, one for my father, the other for

29、 my one for my father, the other for my brother. brother. A Aneither Bneither Bboth Cboth Call Dall Dnonenone【解析解析】考查介词的用法。考查介词的用法。bothboth表示表示“两者,双方两者,双方”,由答语,由答语“一个一个给我的父亲,一个给我的哥哥给我的父亲,一个给我的哥哥”,可知选,可知选B B。【答案答案】B B6 6(2011(2011临沂临沂)If you sit in a chair _ a long time)If you sit in a chair _ a long

30、 time,your back may begin to hurt.your back may begin to hurt.A Aat Bat Bin in C Con Don Dforfor【解析解析】考查介词的用法。介词考查介词的用法。介词forfor用来引导一段时间,本身无具体用来引导一段时间,本身无具体意义,有时可译为意义,有时可译为“计,达计,达”等。故选等。故选D D。【答案答案】D D7 7Are you _ painting and writing? Welcome to be in Are you _ painting and writing? Welcome to be i

31、n the art club!the art club!A Agood for Bgood for Bgood withgood with C Cgood at Dgood at Dgood togood to【解析解析】考查固定短语的用法。考查固定短语的用法。be good atbe good at意为意为“擅长干某事擅长干某事”。故。故选选C C。【答案答案】C C8 8(2011(2011枣庄枣庄)Of all Gong )Of all Gong LinnasLinnas songs songs,I like her I like her UneasyUneasy( (忐忑忐忑)_)_A

32、 Awell Bwell Bbetter Cbetter Cbest Dbest Dthe bestthe best【解析解析】考查副词最高级的用法。由考查副词最高级的用法。由allall可知比较对象是三者或三者可知比较对象是三者或三者以上,在三者或三者以上作比较时用最高级。以上,在三者或三者以上作比较时用最高级。like bestlike best意为意为“最喜欢最喜欢”。句意为句意为“在龚琳娜的所有歌中,我最喜欢她的在龚琳娜的所有歌中,我最喜欢她的忐忑忐忑”。【答案答案】C C9 9(2011(2011淄博淄博) )Who is the man over there?Who is the

33、man over there?He is an old friend of _.He is an old friend of _.A AI BI Bmy Cmy Cmine Dmine Dmeme【解析解析】考查代词用法。此题考查双重所有格,用名词性物主代词。考查代词用法。此题考查双重所有格,用名词性物主代词。【答案答案】C C1010(2011(2011邵阳邵阳) )My grandfather was ill in hospital last My grandfather was ill in hospital last week.week._._.A AI dont think soI

34、dont think soB BIm sorry to hear thatIm sorry to hear thatC CThats a good ideaThats a good idea【解析解析】习惯用语的考查。习惯用语的考查。I dont think so.I dont think so.“我不这样认为我不这样认为”。Im sorry to hear that.Im sorry to hear that.“听到这个消息我很难过。听到这个消息我很难过。”Thats a good Thats a good idea.idea.“是个好主意是个好主意”。句意为。句意为“我的祖父上周生病住院了

35、。我的祖父上周生病住院了。”“”“听到这个听到这个消息我很难过。消息我很难过。”故选故选B B。【答案答案】B B二、完形填空二、完形填空(15(15分分) )根据短文内容填写单词,每空一词。根据短文内容填写单词,每空一词。“I like to _I like to _1 1_ friends who are like _ friends who are like me.Imme.Im quieter than quieter than most of the kids in my classmost of the kids in my class,and so _and so _2 2_ m

36、y best friend _ my best friend Loretta.ThereLoretta.There are some differences are some differences,though.Imthough.Im _ _3 3_ _ intellectual than intellectual than Loretta.ShesLoretta.Shes more athletic. more athletic.”“I like to have friends who are different _I like to have friends who are differ

37、ent _4 4_ _ me.Myme.My best best friend Ruben is taller and more outgoing than friend Ruben is taller and more outgoing than me.Weme.We _ _5 5_ like _ like sportssports,but Ruben is more athletic than but Ruben is more athletic than me.Alsome.Also,Im quieter than Im quieter than he _he _6 6_._.”“I l

38、ike to have friends who are different from I like to have friends who are different from me.Myme.My _ _7 7_ _ friend is friend is Livan.LivanLivan.Livan is _ is _8 8_ funny and more outgoing _ funny and more outgoing _9 9_ I _ I am.Butam.But we both like _ we both like _1010_ the same things._ the s

39、ame things.” Mary Marciano Mary Marciano【答案答案】1 1makemake【解析解析】make friends(make friends(交朋友交朋友) ),是固定词组。,是固定词组。2 2isis【解析解析】此句是一个倒装句。主语是后面的此句是一个倒装句。主语是后面的my best friend my best friend LorettaLoretta。3 3moremore【解析解析】由句中由句中thanthan可以看出,此句是比较级。可以看出,此句是比较级。4 4fromfrom【解析解析】be different frombe differen

40、t from是固定词组,意为是固定词组,意为“与与不不同同”。5 5bothboth【解析解析】由此空后一句可以看出,由此空后一句可以看出,“我们两个都喜欢运动我们两个都喜欢运动”。6 6isis【解析解析】在比较级中,在比较级中,thanthan后的部分与后的部分与thanthan前的结构是一致的。前的结构是一致的。hehe是第三人称单数,故用是第三人称单数,故用isis。7 7bestbest【解析解析】由第三段第一句由第三段第一句“我喜欢交与我性格不同的朋友我喜欢交与我性格不同的朋友”可以看出,第二句应为可以看出,第二句应为“我最好的朋友是我最好的朋友是LivanLivan”。8 8mo

41、remore【解析解析】由由andand后的后的moremore可以看出,此处也是比较级。可以看出,此处也是比较级。9 9thanthan【解析解析】由句中由句中moremore可以看出,此句是比较级。可以看出,此句是比较级。1010doingdoing【解析解析】like doing like doing sthsth. .是固定用语。是固定用语。三、阅读理解三、阅读理解(10(10分分) )根据短文内容,判断正根据短文内容,判断正(T)(T)误误(F)(F)。A little girl thought she was not as beautiful as other A little g

42、irl thought she was not as beautiful as other girlsgirls,and nobody liked and nobody liked her.Soher.So she was always unhappy and didnt she was always unhappy and didnt like to talk to like to talk to others.Howeverothers.However,one dayone day,her mother gave her a her mother gave her a beautiful

43、hair clip(beautiful hair clip(发夹发夹) )When she wore itWhen she wore it,she looked much more she looked much more beautiful than beautiful than before.Shebefore.She decided to wear it to school. decided to wear it to school.On her way to school she found that everyone who saw her On her way to school

44、she found that everyone who saw her smiled at smiled at her.Mosther.Most of her schoolmates of her schoolmates saidsaid“hellohello”toto her her,but but this never happened this never happened before.Shebefore.She thought that the beautiful hair thought that the beautiful hair clip had brought her th

45、em clip had brought her them all.Sheall.She was so happy about all of the was so happy about all of the wonderful wonderful things.Althoughthings.Although she didnt tell her classmates she didnt tell her classmatesabout her beautiful hair clipabout her beautiful hair clip,they all wanted to know wha

46、t had they all wanted to know what had happened to her.happened to her. When she went back home after school When she went back home after school,her mother asked herher mother asked her,“Did you know you dropped your hair clipDid you know you dropped your hair clip?I found it by the door I found it

47、 by the door this morning.this morning.” She understood that she hadnt worn the hair clip to school at She understood that she hadnt worn the hair clip to school at all.all. It is not important what we wear or how we It is not important what we wear or how we look.Thelook.The most most important is

48、how we think about ourselves.important is how we think about ourselves.1 1The little girl was not beautiful because she hadThe little girl was not beautiful because she hadno money to buy a hair clip.no money to buy a hair clip.【解析解析】由第一段的第一句可知此句与短文不符。由第一段的第一句可知此句与短文不符。【答案答案】F F2 2Her mother didnt l

49、ike the little girlHer mother didnt like the little girl,either.either.【解析解析】短文中说她母亲给她买了一个发夹,这说明她母亲喜欢她。故为短文中说她母亲给她买了一个发夹,这说明她母亲喜欢她。故为F F。【答案答案】F F3 3Most of the schoolmates liked her beautiful hair clip very Most of the schoolmates liked her beautiful hair clip very much on that day.much on that day

50、.【解析解析】由短文知,她那天并没戴发夹去学校,故为由短文知,她那天并没戴发夹去学校,故为F F。【答案答案】F F4 4Her mother found the clip by the door after the girl went Her mother found the clip by the door after the girl went to school.to school.【解析解析】由短文知,这个女孩去上学之后,她母亲在门口发现了她的由短文知,这个女孩去上学之后,她母亲在门口发现了她的发夹。故为发夹。故为T T。【答案答案】T T5 5It is not important

51、 what we wear or how we look.It is not important what we wear or how we look.【解析解析】由短文最后一段知:我们戴什么和我们的长相并不重要,最由短文最后一段知:我们戴什么和我们的长相并不重要,最重要的是怎样看待自己。故为重要的是怎样看待自己。故为T T。【答案答案】T T四、任务型阅读四、任务型阅读(10(10分分) ) In _the _United_ In _the _United_ States_peopleStates_people _sometimes_ go_ camping _sometimes_ go_

52、 camping _ _forfor_ _vacationvacation. . Instead of staying at modern hotels and Instead of staying at modern hotels and restaurantsrestaurants,they live in the woods and do everything for they live in the woods and do everything for themselves for a few days to relax.themselves for a few days to re

53、lax.When you are campingWhen you are camping,you make all of your own you make all of your own food.Itfood.It is is rather like a largerather like a large,manymany dayday picnic.Barbequespicnic.Barbeques( (烤肉架烤肉架) are very ) are very common while common while camping.Youcamping.You can bring meat an

54、d vegetables to the can bring meat and vegetables to the camp.Tocamp.To make a fire make a fire,you can find or bring your own wood and you can find or bring your own wood and light it with a lighter(light it with a lighter(打火机打火机) ) Remember to_ Remember to_ put_stones_aroundput_stones_around_ _ th

55、e_fire_so_that_itthe_fire_so_that_it _ _wont wont _ _getget_ _tootoo_ _bigbig_ _andand_ _dangerousdangerous! ! When the fire is ready When the fire is ready,you you can cook food over can cook food over it.Besidesit.Besides meat and vegetables meat and vegetables,you can also you can also cook marsh

56、mallows(cook marshmallows(果酱软糖果酱软糖) with the fire.) with the fire.Children really like this activity at Children really like this activity at night.Thenight.The whole family whole family sit around the firesit around the fire,eat marshmallowseat marshmallows,and drink hot chocolateand drink hot choc

57、olateespecially when it is cold outside! Everyone can sing camping especially when it is cold outside! Everyone can sing camping songs and dance together.songs and dance together.Camping is a fun activity for the family to do.Camping is a fun activity for the family to do.Vacation does not have to m

58、ean going to visit faraway placesVacation does not have to mean going to visit faraway places,it it could be as simple as setting up a tent in a nearby forest!could be as simple as setting up a tent in a nearby forest!1 1Where do Americans go camping?Where do Americans go camping?_【解析解析】由第一段第二句由第一段第

59、二句“.they live in the woods.they live in the woods.”可知答案。可知答案。【答案答案】In the woods.In the woods.2 2Why do they put stones around the fire?Why do they put stones around the fire?_【解析解析】由第三段第一句可知。由第三段第一句可知。【答案答案】To make sure the fire wont get too big and To make sure the fire wont get too big and dangero

60、us.dangerous.3 3将画线部分将画线部分翻译成汉语。翻译成汉语。_【解析解析】go campinggo camping“野营野营”,vacationvacation“假期假期”。【答案答案】在美国,人们有时在假期去野营。在美国,人们有时在假期去野营。4 4将画线部分将画线部分翻译成汉语。翻译成汉语。_【解析解析】remember to do remember to do sthsth. .“记得做某事记得做某事”,so thatso that“以便以便”。 【答案答案】记住在火的四周砌上石头,这样火就不会蔓延而带来危险。记住在火的四周砌上石头,这样火就不会蔓延而带来危险。5 5给文

61、章拟一个标题。给文章拟一个标题。_【解析解析】通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了在美国野营的相关情况。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了在美国野营的相关情况。【答案答案】Camping in the USCamping in the US五、书面表达五、书面表达(20(20分分) )以以“A Person I Will Never ForgetA Person I Will Never Forget”为题,写一篇英语短文。为题,写一篇英语短文。要求如下:要求如下:1 1短文内容应包括人物的外貌、性格、爱好和使你难忘之处等;短文内容应包括人物的外貌、性格、爱好和使你难忘之处等;2 2短文中不得出现真实的校名

62、和人名;短文中不得出现真实的校名和人名;3 3词数词数8080左右。左右。A Person I Will Never ForgetA Person I Will Never Forget_The person Ill never forget is my English The person Ill never forget is my English teacher.Hesteacher.Hes a a tall man with thick tall man with thick glasses.Heglasses.He likes sports and often plays likes

63、 sports and often plays football and basketball with football and basketball with us.Hesus.Hes humorous and always makes humorous and always makes his classes lively and his classes lively and interesting.Hesinteresting.Hes kind but is strict with kind but is strict with us.Heus.He never allows us t

64、o pretend that we know what we dont never allows us to pretend that we know what we dont know.Heknow.He often tells us that its no use memorizing new words often tells us that its no use memorizing new words _ without without understanding.Myunderstanding.My English has greatly improved with his English has greatly improved with his help.help.



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