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1、学习必备欢迎下载词汇专训一、用所给词的适当形式填空1Teachers Day is on September _ (ten). 2I like elephants best because they are very _ (friend) 3Would you like some beef and _ (potato) noodles? 4Please speak _ (quiet) in the reading room. 5Its very _ (danger) to touch animals like tigers and lions in the zoo. 6He exercises

2、 at _ (little) five times a week. 7We _ (dig) a hole first; then we put the tree in the hole and watered it. 8Not everyone knows the _ (important) of health. 9Dont go out now. Its raining _ (heavy) outside. 10These _ (invent) greatly changed peoples lives. 11A basketball hits on the window and the w

3、indow is _ (break)12Can you speak _ (France)? 13Im afraid to talk in English in class because of my poor_ (pronounce)14The host treated us with kindness and _(warm) 15It is necessary for everyone to know how to ask for help _ (polite)16China is an _ (Asia) country, which lies in the east of Asia. 17

4、English is spoken_ (wide) in the world. 18There are lots of _ (customer) in the supermarket at the weekend. 19He likes all the _ (poem) written by Bai Juyi. 20I felt so _ (sleep) that I wanted to sleep for a whole day. 21The moon was _ (reflect) on the lake and it was very beautiful. 22Could you ple

5、ase give me some _(suggest) about learning English? 23Carla doesnt eat too much to lose _ (weigh) 24Qinghai lies in the _ (western) of China. 25She is an artist. She has many good _ (work)26Eating too much chocolate is _ (harm) to your health. 27The bird can fly in the sky because it has two _ (wing

6、)28Their classroom is small. _ (we) is big. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 34 页学习必备欢迎下载29The show was _ (cancel) because of the heavy snow. 30We all went to the museum _ (beside) Mary. 31In many families today, dogs are _ (they) best friends. 32You may find most Chinese _ (kid)

7、 dont get enough exercise. 33The sun is _ (near) to the earth than many other stars. 34Brush your teeth at least _ (two) a day: in the morning and before bedtime. 35Blue is a _ (peace) color. People often feel quiet in blue rooms. 36Sometimes, a persons opinion is _ (easy) changed by other peoples i

8、nfluence. 37We should keep an eye on food _ (safe)38The number 13 is considered an _ (lucky) number in some Western countries. 39George treats everyone with kindness and _ (warm), spreading positive energy. 40They enjoyed _ (they) at Toms birthday party last Sunday. 二、选词并用其适当形式填空(A)1Tom is five year

9、s old. His mother has a party for his _ birthday today. 2Look! Some _ are eating a cake on the table. 3Whats the weather like in London ?It often _. 4Michael, go and see who is _ on our door. Oh, its Kangkang. Come in, please. 5There is something _ in todays newspaper. Lets read it right now. (B)6Sh

10、e should do something to protect _. 7If a river is _ , farmers cant use the water for their crops. 8Hope is _. People can achieve anything with hope and effort. 9The students who are good at writing can always use words _. 10Children usually attend a primary school at the age of _in China. (C) 精选学习资

11、料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 34 页学习必备欢迎下载11She took lots of interesting _ about her daily life. 12Sally, you should know that believing in _ is the first step to success. 13Tomorrow will be _. How about going to Mount Gu for a picnic? 14Can you _ the meaning of the sentence to me

12、again? 15He was facing a difficult _ between working in Shanghai and working in Beijing. (D) 16It is _ three years since we studied in this school. 17Doctors say too much pressure is not good for a childs _. 18What _ you from going to the movies last night? The heavy rain. 19My mother never takes _

13、chopsticks or plastic forks when she buys takeaway food. 20If the birthday person blows out all the _ in one go, the wish he or she has made will come true. (E) 21Even friends can sometimes _ each other. 22. When the building _ , many people were badly hurt. 23. Please _ the radio. I am trying to do

14、 my homework. 24In the South Pole, the ground _ snow all year round. 25I cant go to the movies because I have to _ my math test. (F) 26The teacher asked who could _ a good solution to this problem. 27He tried _ his friend with funny stories. 28He _ smoking three years ago. 29I have _ the life in the

15、 new school. 30Dont _ the work till tomorrow. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 34 页学习必备欢迎下载(G)31The king was ill. The doctors were _ right now to examine him. 32The coach made a decision to _ three players from his soccer team. 33I waited for him for a long time, but he didnt _ b

16、efore I left. 34She _ the red Tshirt and put on a white one. 35They are outgoing and always _ some outdoor activities. 三、根据句意及汉语提示填单词1Toms mother is making a _ ( 生日 )cake for him. 2His uncle is a famous _ ( 音乐家 )3Though this gift is not _ ( 昂贵的 ), its full of love. 4Cities will be more _( 拥挤的 )in th

17、e future. 5Could you help me with the _ ( 准备 )of the party? 6This film is very _ ( 有教育意义的 )7His parents _ (建议 )him to go to the dentist as soon as possible. 8That company _ (提供 )many books for the pupils in my hometown. 9Her _ ( 嗓音 )sounds really sweet. 10Mike is an _ ( 诚实的 )boy; everybody here beli

18、eves in him. 11Whats wrong with you? You are _( 咳嗽 )badly. 12My parents _ ( 允许 )me to play computer games on weekends. 13Please pay _(注意 )to the important words in the passage. 14If we cant finish the work on time, we will be _(惩罚 )15Could you tell me your email _( 地址 )?I want to write to you. 16As

19、a student, he _(很少 )asks his teachers any questions. 17The _(国际的 )kite festival is held every year. 18Youd better put the meat into the _( 冰箱 ), or it will go bad. 19Whatever you say in the meeting, I will _(支持 )you. 20There are lots of _(宝贵的 )things in the museum. 21I like to listen to _( 悦耳的 )musi

20、c when I am tired. 22There are four _( 季节 )in a year, spring, summer, autumn and winter. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 34 页学习必备欢迎下载23. They took a taxi to the _( 机场 )yesterday. 24To my surprise,my teacher nodded in _(同意 )at that time. 25Mike felt like there was a heavy weight

21、on his _(肩膀 )at that moment. 26Little Gina _( 举止 )well at the party the day before yesterday. 27Mrs. King told me a good _( 方法 )of cooking fish. 28There is lots of rubbish at the _( 底部 )of the river. 29There is a big _(木制的 )table in the dining room. 30Hold on to your dreams and you can _( 克服 )all th

22、e difficulties. 31Mary has developed a new way of life by getting close to _ (自然 )32Frank, take off your _( 湿的 )shoes and put on the dry ones. 33This Chinese painting is the greatest work of _ ( 艺术 )I have ever seen. 34The little boy gives each of his parents a _ ( 亲吻 )every night before he goes to

23、bed. 35Im _ ( 确信的 )that our plan is a perfect one. 36Tom is a good friend of _ ( 我的 ). 37A big _ ( 博物馆 )will be built in Nanchong next year. 38There is a _ (医学的 )college in Nanchong. 39Our city is famous for its _ ( 海滩 ). We can enjoy the sun on them. 40Steve is so _ (粗心 ) that he often makes mistak

24、es. 四、根据句意及首字母提示填单词1Mrs. Green is Marys mother, so Mary is her d_. 2Today is Monday and t_ is Tuesday. 3The bag is too h_ for me to carry. 4I wont go a_ today. I just want to stay at home and watch TV . 5He is interested in science and he wants to be a s_ when he grows up. 6P_ the bananas before you

25、 cut them up to make a banana milk shake. 7Nothing is i_ if you put your heart into it. 8Lets set out now since the sun has r_. 9Dont give up. You know hard work leads to s_. 10No driver is needed, and the car can run by i_. 11Li Pings name is on the cover of this dictionary. He must be the o_ of 精选

26、学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 34 页学习必备欢迎下载the dictionary. 12W_ happens, face it bravely. 13What about reading a_ to practice our English? 14The illness s_ all over the country quickly. It caused panic. 15P_? I cant understand what you said. Tell me again, please. 16It is not pol

27、ite to talk loudly in p_. 17The man comes from G_. He can speak German. 18Many people are using m_ phones to get in touch with each other. 19Mr. Wang often d_ the class into five groups to practice English. 20If you want to drive a car, you must have a drivers l_. 21W_ hair band is this? Its Jane s.

28、 22. I r_ a letter from Lily yesterday. 23It is a p_ that you didnt pass the exam. 24Paris is the c_ of France. 25We will k_ you off unless you work hard. 26L_ and gentlemen,welcome to the Music Club! 27This can turn the u_ places into beautiful ones. 28Our government has made some l_ to protect the

29、 environment. 29I am t_. Could you give me something to drink? 30Please use the machine according to the i_. 31To a_ the heavy traffic, he goes to work early and drives home late. 32To tell you the t_ , I dont care about the result of the speech contest. 句型专训一、单项选择1_ is the Tshirt? Its $30. 精选学习资料 -

30、 - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 34 页学习必备欢迎下载AHow much BHow many CHow old DHow long 2_ do you like koalas? Because theyre cute. AHow BWhat CWhere DWhy 3_ did you go on vacation? I went to Shanghai. AWhat BWho CWhere DWhen 4_ do you exercise? Twice a week. AHow far B How soon CHow often D

31、How long 5Are you _ your sister? No, Im friendlier. Aso friendly as Bas friendly as Cas friendlier as Dfriendlier than 6Talent shows are getting _. Amore popular and more Bmore and more popular Cmore popular and more popular Dthe more popular, the more popular 7_ you want to watch a game show? Yes,

32、I do. ADo B Have CDid DAre 8What _ when you grow up? Im going to be a computer programmer. Ado you want Bare you going to be Cwill you want Ddid you want to be 9_?I have a cold. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 34 页学习必备欢迎下载AWhats the matter BWhats the wrong CWhat problem DWhats m

33、atter 10_ you please take out the rubbish? Sure. ADo B Must CCould DAre 11What _ at eight last night? I was taking a shower. Adid you do Bdo you do Care you doing Dwere you doing 12Have you ever _ a museum? Of course. Abeen to Bgone to Cgo to Dcome to 13He used to be fat, _ he? Adid Bdidnt Cdoesnt D

34、 isnt 14How do you solve your problem? _ facing them bravely. AWith BBy CAt DIn 15_ interesting TV program it is! My family watch it every week. AHow BWhat CWhat a DWhat an 16My classmate asked me _. Awhen would I go to the library Bwhom I would play volleyball with Chow did I get home that day Dwhe

35、ther I have been to Hong Kong 17Its Fathers Day today, _?Yes, lets buy something for our dad. Aisnt he Bdoesnt it Cisnt it Dis it 18How does your father usually go to work? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 34 页学习必备欢迎下载He _ drive a car, but now he _ there to lose weight. Aused to;

36、 is used to walk Bwas used to; is used to walking Cwas used to; is used to walk Dused to; is used to walking 19_ is this model car made of? Its made of used wood and metal. AWhat BWhen CWho DWhere 20_ was the machine invented by? An engineer named Lincoln. AWhen B Whose CWho DHow 21Could you please

37、help me carry the table? _. ARight B With pleasure C Never mind D It doesnt matter 22. Whose magazine is this? It _ be Lucys. Her name is on the cover. Amay Bmight Ccant Dmust 23What kind of music do you like best? I like music _ is smooth. Awhat Bthat Cwho Dwhose 24You _ drive carefully on the road

38、. Asuppose Bsupposed to Care supposed to Dare suppose to 25By the time we got to the station, the bus _. Ahad left Bwas leaving Cwould leave Dleft 二、根据汉语意思完成句子1你妈妈的生日是什么时候?_ _ your mothers birthday? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 34 页学习必备欢迎下载2 你现在在干什么? 我在看电视。_ _ you _ now? Im w

39、atching TV. 3 你周末过得怎样? 很好!_ _ your weekend? Great! 4你认为970AM 怎么样?What do you _ _ 970 AM? 5你怎样制作一份香蕉奶昔?_ _ you make a banana milk shake? 6如果你去参加派对的话,你将玩得很开心。_ you go to the party, you _ _ a good time. 7我们需要想出一些新的办法使污水变干净。We need to _ _ _ some new ideas to make polluted water clean. 8你为什么不给她打个电话说声对不起呢

40、?_ _ _ just call her and say sorry? 9世界上最高的山是什么山?Whats _ _ _ in the world? 10他经常在语法方面犯错。He often _ _ _ grammar. 11他不知道怎样和她沟通。He doesnt know how to _ _ her. 12她开始跳舞以对付她的肥胖问题。She took up dancing to _ _ her overweight. 13那辆卡车突然冲进了河里。The truck ran into the river _ _ _ _. 14李先生在餐馆吃完饭后错拿了别人的伞。Mr. Li took

41、somebody elses umbrella _ _ after eating in the restaurant. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 34 页学习必备欢迎下载15走路去上班不但减少空气污染,而且有助于我们身体健康。Walking to work _ _ cuts down air pollution, _ _ helps to keep us healthy. 16那个男孩子过去常常和妈妈顶嘴,但现在不了。The boy _ _ _ _ to his mom, but now he doesnt. 1

42、7潍坊以其风筝为人知晓。Weifang is _ _ its kites. 18孔子的话总是很有道理。Confucius words always _ _ _. 19请让孩子们远离火堆。Please _ the children _ _ the fire. 20这本书一定是莉莉的,因为她非常喜欢读书。The book _ _ _ Lily because she likes reading very much. 21我更喜欢能够跟着一起唱的音乐。I prefer music that I can _ _ _. 22. 悲伤的电影使我想哭。Sad movies _ _ want to cry.

43、23每个人的生活都充满了意料之外的事。Everyones life _ _ _ the unexpected. 24我们在尽我们的最大努力来拯救地球!Were trying our best _ _ the earth! 25我记得在七年级时遇到了我最好的朋友。I _ _ my best friend in Grade 7. 三、句型转换1If I join the Lions, Ill become a great soccer player.(改为一般疑问句) _ _ become a great soccer player if you join the Lions? 2My siste

44、r learned English by_watching_English_movies in the past. (对画线部分提问) _ _your sister learn English in the past? 3Jack has already eaten breakfast. (改为否定句 ) Jack _ eaten breakfast _. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 34 页学习必备欢迎下载4Does he celebrate Halloween with his friends? ( 用 I w

45、onder 改写成含有宾语从句的复合句 ) I wonder _ he _ Halloween with his friends. 5You can keep these books for two weeks.( 改为被动语态) These books _ _ _ for two weeks. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 12 页,共 34 页学习必备欢迎下载语法专训(一)名词1The New Silk Road will offer a good _ for more nations to communicate. Acha

46、nce Bhabit Cquestion Dprice 2People usually touch something with their _. Aeyes Bnoses Cmouths Dfingers 3Can you tell me some _ about the Brazil Olympic Games? OK. Let me help you search the Internet. Aservice Binformation Cdiscussion Dsuccess 4Some old people need a _ because they feel lonely. Agif

47、t Bstick Cpet D watch 5Why do people never cut up the _ on their birthdays? Because they are a symbol of long life. Aeggs Bcakes Cnoodles D dumplings 6Why do you look so excited, Tim? Ive just got a wonderful _. Anews Bjob Cfurniture 7My uncle keeps many _ on the farm. And I often help him feed them

48、. Acow Bhorse Cpig Dsheep 8The broken _ may cut into your hand if you touch it. You should be careful. Aglass Bglasses Ccandle Dcandles 9You paid ¥10 for _ this morning. A4 bottle milks B 4 bottles of milk C4 bottles of milks D4 milk 10Whos the woman under the tree? Shes _ aunt. AKelly and Joes BKel

49、lys and Joe CKellys and Joes (二)冠词精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 13 页,共 34 页学习必备欢迎下载1I want to be _ engineer when I grow up. Aa Ban Cthe 2Look! There is _ bottle on the table. Aa Ban Cthe D/ 3The boys often play _ basketball after school. A/ Ba Can Dthe 4Do you know _ boy over there?

50、 Yes, he is my brother, Li Lei. Athe B an Ca 5Kate, are you _ only child in your family? Yes, but _ new baby is on the way. Athe; a Ban; the Ca; the D the; the (三)代词1Is this Kates bicycle? No, _ is under the tree. She put it there this morning. Ahis Bhers C mine Dyours 2The Rio 2016 Olympic torch (

51、火炬 ) began _ 95day journey in Brazil on May 3rd. Ait Bits Cits Ditself 3Mike lost his school ID card this morning. He is looking for _ now. Ait Bhim Cthem 4My mobile phone doesnt work, but I cant find a shop to repair it. Oh, let me show you _ near our school. Athat Bthose Cit Done 5Can I come today

52、 or tomorrow? _ is OK. Im busy today and tomorrow. AEither BNeither C Each DNone 6When we got to the park yesterday, _ started raining. Athat Bit C this 7Everyone makes mistakes in his life. The important thing is not to repeat _. Ait Bthem Chim Dher 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 14

53、 页,共 34 页学习必备欢迎下载8I cant find my eraser. May I use _ ?Of course. Ayou Byour Cyours 9Is there anybody who can lend me a hand? I am afraid not. You know, you are supposed to depend on _. Amyself B yourself Cthemselves 10What else do you need, sir? _ else. Ive got enough. Thanks. ANothing BAnything CSo

54、mething DEverything (四)数词1Today is Jacks birthday. He is _ years old now. Afourteenth Bfourteen Cthe fourteenth Dthe fourteen 2My father gave me a bike on my _ birthday. Aten B a tenth Cthe tenth Dtenth 3_ birds have come back because the environment here becomes better and better. AThousands of BTh

55、ousand of CThousands 4Can you write the number sixtyfive thousand, six hundred and twentysix? Yes, its _. A65, 662 B 65, 626 C56, 662 D56, 626 5Mum, _ of the apples _ gone bad. Wed better eat up the rest as soon as possible. Aone third; have Bone thirds; have Cone third; has Dfirst three; has (五)介词和

56、介词短语1_ April 22nd,people around the world celebrate Earth Day in different ways. AIn BAt COn 2Who is Dave looking _ ?His mother. Shes been in hospital for a few days. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 15 页,共 34 页学习必备欢迎下载Afor Bafter Cat Dup 3To my pleasure, my family are always _ me what

57、ever I decide to do. Aabove Bbehind Cfrom Dthrough 4Stephen Hawking got more than 380 ,000 followers in two hours _ he put his first message on Weibo. Abefore Bsince Cafter Duntil 5The “ teacherfree exam” means that students take their exams _ teachers. Students must be more honest. Awithout Bagains

58、t Cthrough Dby 6Our reading club shares ideas with each other _ one hour every Tuesday. Ato Bon Cat Dfor 7Vienna is famous for having many great musicians. _ , Johann Strauss the younger wrote hundreds of wonderful pieces of music there. AIn fact BFor example CAs a result DIn my opinion 8Hi, guys. W

59、here were we yesterday? We learned the differences _ fact and opinion. Abetween Bamong Cduring Dbeyond 9They will arrive _ Paris _ the morning of December 5. Ato; on Bat; on C in; in Din; on 10Its dangerous for you to go out for a walk in the forest _ at night. Aon business Bby the way Con your own

60、Don the top (六)副词和形容词1Eating dumplings at the Spring Festival is _ in China. Apatient Blucky Cpossible Dtraditional 2I want to buy a shirt. But I have only a little money. The shirts here are all very cheap. And the yellow one is _. Do you like it?Acheap Bcheaper 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - -

61、- - - - -第 16 页,共 34 页学习必备欢迎下载Cthe cheapest Dexpensive 3Sleeping is a good thing, but some people sleep _. Aeasily Bbadly C quickly Dwell 4There are many beautiful places to visit in Anhui, _ Mount Huang in autumn. Asimply Bfinally Cluckily Despecially 5Nothing is _ than keeping trying if you want t

62、o achieve your dream. Avery important Bmore important Cthe most important Das important as 6What do you think of the movie? Great! I have never seen a _ one. Agood Bbad Cbetter Dworse 7It is five years since we began to enjoy a _ spring holiday each year. Atenday Bten day Cten days Dten days 8What d

63、o you think of the environment in your hometown? Its _. Both the air and the water are badly polluted. Anot bad B as good as before Cnot so good as before Dmuch better than before 9The harder we study, the _ result we will get. Agood B better Cbest 10There are _ sharing bikes in many cities. So ther

64、e will be _ pollution. Aless and less; more and more Bless and less; fewer and fewer Cmore and more; less and less Dfewer and fewer; less and less (七)动词和动词短语1It is necessary for schools to _ the need of all the students development. Acut B hide Crefuse D satisfy 2While traveling in a strange place,

65、youd better _ the local people and follow 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 17 页,共 34 页学习必备欢迎下载their customs (习俗 )Awatch Bchange Ccontrol D teach 3Grandfather lives with us. We all _ him. Alook at Blook for Clook after Dlook like 4Whos your favorite teacher? Miss Green. She makes us _ E

66、nglish in an interesting way. Abelieve in Btake part in Ccome up with Dfall in love with 5No one can be right all the time. When people make mistakes, we shouldnt _ them. Await for Bsend for C knock at Dlaugh at (八)动词的时态1By the time I got back to school, the bell _. Arang Bhas rung Chad rung 2By the

67、 time we got to the station, the train _ already _. Ahad; leave Bhad; left Chave; left D have; leaved 3By the end of last week, she _ in the west of China for two months helping the homeless children. Awill stay Bhas stayed Cwould stay D had stayed 4Lucy has _ to London. How can I get in touch with

68、her? Dont worry. She will phone you as soon as she _ there. Abeen; will get Bbeen; gets Cgone; will get D gone; gets 5Dont take the dictionary away. I _ it. Ause Bused Cam using Dhave used 6Did you hear someone knock at the door just now? Sorry. I _ to my friend on the phone. Awas talking B talked C

69、am talking 7Hello, John. This is Mike. What are you doing now? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 18 页,共 34 页学习必备欢迎下载Im watching a football match. It started at 7 :30 pm and _ on for another one hour. Ahas been Bwas Cwill be 8Look at my new smart phone. Wow, its so cool. When and where _

70、 you _ it ?Ado; buy Bhave; bought Cdid; buy Dhave; had 9As soon as the rain _, they will go out to pick apples. Astops Bstopped Cwill stop Dis stopping 10Paul, Im busy cooking. Can you give me a hand? Just a minute. I _ my email. Aam checking Bwill check Chave checked Dwas checking (九)被动语态1Teenagers

71、 have to be 18 years old before they _ to drive a car. Aare allowed Ballowed Cwill be allowed Dallow 2They have collected more than 14, 000 books since the library _ last month. Abuilt Bwas built C builds Dis built 3Hangzhou _ as the City of Silk. Tourists like shopping for silk there. Aknows B is k

72、nown Cwas known Dwill be known 4More schools in Laiwu _ to provide children with better education in a few years. Abuilt Bare built Cwere built Dwill be built 5Mom, can I drive my fathers car to the cinema? No way! You should not _ to drive; you dont have a drivers license. Aallow Ballowed Cbe allow

73、ed Dare allowed 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 19 页,共 34 页学习必备欢迎下载(十)非谓语动词1Doctors in the town are using the books _ their studies and treat patients. Acontinue Bto continue Ccontinuing Dcontinues 2_ Chinese culture, many college students go to foreign countries every year. ASpreadin

74、g BTo spread CSpreads DSpread 3Bad Luck. The film star had her leg _ while playing a part in the film. Ato break Bbreaking Cbreak D broken 4Look! There are some birds _ in the sky. They are very beautiful. Ato fly Bfly Cflying Dflown 5Sarah, youd better drink more water after _ for such a long time.

75、 Arun Bruns Cto run D running (十一 )情态动词和系动词1Everybody except Mike and Linda _ there when the meeting began. Aare Bwas Cwere 2There are so many fish swimming in the pool. They _ very happy. Ataste Bsmell Csound Dlook 3Could I invite my friends to the party on Saturday, Mom? Of course you _. That soun

76、ds like fun. Amay Bcould Cmust Dcan 4In some countries,people _ download ( 下载 ) music from the Internet without paying, because its against the law. Awouldnt Bneednt Cmustnt Dcouldnt 5This pair of glasses _ be Tonys. Hes the only one who wears glasses. Amust Bmight Ccant (十二 )句子种类1_ carefully, pleas

77、e! Look at the road sign. There is a school ahead. ADrive BTo drive C Driving 2_ wonderful the speech is !精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 20 页,共 34 页学习必备欢迎下载AHow BWhat CWhat a DWhat an 3Is there a watermelon on the table? _ AYes, there is. BYes, it is. CNo, there is. DNo, it isnt. 4Th

78、e Changchun subway will be in use. _ will it take you to get to school on it? Only ten minutes. Itll be quick and convenient. AHow much BHow many CHow often DHow long 5He has never been to Beijing, _ ?Ahasnt he Bhas he Cdoesnt he (十三 )宾语从句1Do you know _ Ann goes to work every day? Usually by undergr

79、ound. Awhy Bhow Cwhen Dwhether 2The door bell is ringing; please go and see _. Awho is it Bwho it is Cwho was it Dwho it was 3Andy, I wonder _ the new sports clothes. Of course by credit card. Awhat you paid for Bhow you paid for Cwhy you paid for 4Could you please tell me _ ?For two weeks. Ahow soo

80、n he will be back Bhow long he will be away Chow long will he be away 5Fathers Day is coming. Im thinking about _. Awhat present I gave him Bwhere will we have a big meal 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 21 页,共 34 页学习必备欢迎下载Cif I planned a party for him Dhow I will give him a surprise 6

81、I wonder _. Aif the program Readers is popular Bhow does the program Readers succeed Cwhen did the program Readers begin Dwhether is the program Readers popular 7Can you tell me _ ?It will be built to help work out big city problems in Beijing. Aif Xiongan New Area will be built Bwhen we will build

82、Xiongan New Area Cwhy Xiongan New Area will be built Dwhat will happen to the people in Xiongan New Area 8Excuse me, I wonder _. Yes, its near the bookstore. Awhere we will go for the holiday Bif there is a lost and found office Cwhen she will give me a call Dhow we can go to Hong Kong 9Do you know

83、_ to our school? Next term. Awhen the exchange students came Bwhen did the exchange students come Cwhen the exchange students will come Dwhen will the exchange students come 10I want to know more about Hong Kong. Can you tell me _?In 1997. Awhen did it return to China Bwhen it returned to China Cwhe

84、n does it return to China 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 22 页,共 34 页学习必备欢迎下载Dwhen it returns to China (十四 )连词和状语从句1I like dancing _ I dont have enough time to practice it. Aor Bso Cbut Dbecause 2They were playing soccer on the playground _ the storm came. Aas soon as Bas long as Cwhe

85、n Dwhile 3The traffic policeman took away Jims drivers license _ he broke the traffic rules of drunk driving. Athough Bbecause Ctill Dand 4Many people still try to climb Qomolangma every year _ it is very dangerous. Awhen Bif Cthough 5My arm is still painful, _ Im going to see a doctor. Aso Bfor C b

86、ut Dor 6He felt _ surprised that he couldnt say a word with his mouth wide open. Avery Bsuch Cso D too 7Youll get better grades _ you follow the teachers advice. Aif Buntil Cthough Dwhile 8A little monkey might feel sad because of having a new baby sister or brother! Yeah. I didnt know that _ I saw

87、the film Born in China. Aif Buntil Csince D although 9Our teachers have been with us for nearly three years _ we came to junior high school. We should thank them for what they have done for us. Auntil Bbefore Csince 10Hold your dream, _ you might regret some day. Aand Bor Cbut Dso 11Jacks mother was

88、 so tired. She fell asleep _ she lay down on the bed. Auntil Bas soon as Cunless Dalthough 12Mom wont let Dick go out _ he promises to be back by 10:00 tonight. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 23 页,共 34 页学习必备欢迎下载Aif Bwhen Csince Dunless 13My father was drinking tea in the living room

89、_ my mother was doing the dishes in the kitchen. Aif B while Cuntil Dunless 14I want to be a teacher when I grow up. Work hard, _ your dream will come true. Aor Bbut Cthough Dand 15You will see many aunts dancing together on the square if it _ in the evening. Adoesnt rain Brains Cwill rain Dwont rai

90、n (十五 )定语从句1Roald Dahl was a great childrens writer. His dark past helped him paint a picture _ was different to most other writers. Athat Bwho C/ Dwhom 2A kind of shared bike _ is called bluegogo is getting more and more popular in Chengdu. Ait Bwho Cwhich 3Does anyone know _ the famous scientist w

91、as born? I know! In New York. Awhen Bwhy Cwhether Dwhere 4What kind of movies do you prefer? I prefer the movies _ me something to think about. Awhich give Bthat gives Cwhich gives Dwho gives 5My cousin is a boy _ lots of trouble to his parents. Awho bring Bwhich brings Cwho brings Dthat bring 精选学习资

92、料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 24 页,共 34 页学习必备欢迎下载答案? 词汇专训一、 1.tenth 2.friendly 3.potato 4.quietly 5. dangerous 6. least 7. dug 8. importance 9. heavily 10. inventions 11. broken 12. French 13. pronunciation 14. warmth 15. politely 16.Asian 17. widely 18. customers 19. poems 20. sleepy 21

93、. reflected 22. suggestions 23. weight 24. west 25. works 26. harmful 27. wings 28. Ours 29. cancel(l)ed 30. besides 31. their 32. kids 33. nearer 34. twice 35. peaceful 36. easily 37. safety 38. unlucky 39. warmth 40. themselves 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 25 页,共 34 页学习必备欢迎下载二、 (

94、A)1. fifth 2.mice 3.rains 4knocking 5. interesting (B)6. herself 7. polluted 8. powerful 9. properly 10. six (C)11. photos 12. yourself 13. sunny 14. explain 15. choice (D)16. nearly 17. development 18. prevented 19. wooden 20. candles (E)21. disagree with 22. fell down 23. turn off 24. is covered w

95、ith 25. prepare for (F) 26. come up with 27. to cheer up 28. gave up 29. been used to 30. put off (G)31. called in 32. kick off 33. show up 34. took off 35. take part in 三、 1. birthday 2.musician 3.expensive 4.crowded 5. preparation 6. educational 7. advised 8. provided 9. voice 10. honest 11. cough

96、ing 12. allow 13. attention 14. punished 15. address 16. seldom 17. international 18. fridge 19. support 20. valuable 21. smooth 22. seasons 23. airport 24. agreement 25. shoulders 26. behaved 27. method 28. bottom 29. wooden 30. overcome 31. nature 32. wet 33. art 34. kiss 35. sure 36. mine 37. mus

97、eum 38. medical 39. beaches 40. careless 四、 1. daughter 2.tomorrow 3.heavy 4.anywhere 5. scientist 6. Peel 7. impossible 8. risen 9. success 10. itself 11. owner 12. Whatever 13. aloud 14. spread 15. Pardon 16. public 17. Germany 18. mobile 19. divides 20. license/licence 21. Whose 22. received 23.

98、pity 24. capital 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 26 页,共 34 页学习必备欢迎下载25. kick 26. Ladies 27. ugly 28. laws 29. thirsty 30. instructions 31. avoid 32.truth ? 句型 专训一、1.A 2.D 3.C 4.C 5.B 6.B 7.A 8.B 9A 10.C 11.D 12.A 13.B 14.B 15.D 16B 点拨:语法判定法。横线处是宾语从句,宾语从句用陈述语序,由此排除选项A和 C;宾语从句的时态要视主句的时态

99、而定,主句为一般过去时,从句要用过去的某种时态,由此排除选项D。17C 点拨:句式分析法。该句是一个反意疑问句,反意疑问句的特点是前否后肯、前肯后否, Its 是肯定句,后面用否定句且主谓语与前面一致。18D 19.A 20.C 21B 点拨:交际法。别人请求帮忙时,常用With pleasure 应答,意为 “ 乐意效劳 ” 。22D 点拨:逻辑推理法。根据Her name is on the cover.推断 “ 一定是 ” 露西的。23B 24.C 25.A 二、 1. When is 2.What are; doing 3How was 4.think of 5. How do 6.

100、If; will have 7. come up with 8. Why dont you 9. the highest mountain 10. makes mistakes in 11. communicate with 12. deal with 13. all of a sudden 14. by mistake 15. not only; but also 16. used to talk back 17. famous/known for 18. have a point 19. keep; away from 20. must belong to 21. sing along w

101、ith 22. make me 23. is full of 24. to save 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 27 页,共 34 页学习必备欢迎下载25. remember meeting 三、 1. Will you 2. How did 3. hasnt; yet 4. if/ whether; celebrates 5. can be kept ? 语法专训(一)1.A 点拨:辨析法。句意:新的丝绸之路将会为更多的国家交流而提供一个好的_。chance 机会; habit 习惯; question 问题; price

102、价格。结合句意和选项,空处填入 “ 机会 ” 最合适。故选A。2D 3B 点拨:辨析法。service 服务; information 信息; discussion 讨论; success成功。由答语 Let me help you search the Internet. 可知上句问的是:你能告诉我一些关于巴西奥运会的信息吗?4C 点拨: gift 礼物; stick 拐杖; pet 宠物; watch 手表。由 “ 老人感觉孤单” 可知其需要有宠物陪伴。5C 点拨: egg 鸡蛋; cake 蛋糕;noodle 面条; dumpling 饺子。 长寿面是长寿的象征,所以此处指的是面条。6B

103、 7D 点拨:词形分析法。句意:我的叔叔在农场上养了许多_。我经常帮他喂它们。 cow 奶牛,复数形式为cows;horse 马,复数形式为horses;pig 猪,复数形式为 pigs;sheep 羊,其单复数形式相同。many 修饰可数名词复数,故选D。8A 9.B 10A 点拨:固定表达法。若为两人共有,则后一个人名用所有格,故选A。(二)1.B 点拨:句意:当我长大了,我想要成为一名工程师。名词engineer 的第一个音是元音音素,故其前表示“ 一个 ” 用不定冠词an。故选 B。2A 点拨:句意:看!桌子上有一个瓶子。此处表示“ 泛指一个 ” 且 bottle 以辅音音素/b/开头

104、。故选A。3A 点拨:固定搭配法。play 与球类名词之间不加冠词,故选A。4A 点拨: 句意: 你认识那边那个男孩吗? 是的, 他是我的哥哥, 李雷。 over there 作后置定语,表特指需要加定冠词the,故选 A。5A 点拨:句意: 凯特,你是你家唯一的孩子吗? 是的,但是一个新生儿快精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 28 页,共 34 页学习必备欢迎下载出生了。 “the only 名词 ” 表示 “ 唯一的 ” ;第二空表示泛指,且new 以辅音音素开头,故用a。(三)1.B 2.B 3.A 4D 点拨:辨析法。that

105、 常用来指代前面出现过的不可数名词;those 指代可数名词复数;it 指前面提到的同一个事物;one 指前面提到同一类事物中的一个。句意:我的手机坏了, 但我找不到一个店修它。 哦,我指给你在我们学校附近的一个。故选项 D 符合句意。5B 点拨:辨析法。句意: 我是今天来还是明天来呢? _可以。我今明两天都忙。 Either 两者中的任一;Neither 两者都不; Each 每一个; None 没有人,没有任何东西。根据答语可知选B。6B 7.B 8C 点拨:辨析法。you 是“ 主格 ” 代词 “ 你” ,也可以作宾格;your 是形容词性物主代词你的; yours 是名词性物主代词。空

106、后没有名词, 空处应用名词性物主代词yours,相当于 your eraser。9B 10 A 点拨:根据后两句 “Ive got enough. Thanks.”可知是不再需要别的东西了。故选 A。(四)1.B 点拨:表年龄用基数词,而且前面不加冠词,故选B。2D 点拨:表示某人第几次生日时,需要用序数词;且birthday 前有形容词性物主代词修饰时,不用定冠词the。故选 D。3A 4B 5A 点拨:分数表达法、主谓一致法。句意: 妈妈,这些苹果的三分之一已经坏了。 我们最好尽快吃掉其余的。“ 三分之一 ” 应用 one third;“ 这些苹果的三分之一” 仍然表示复数,应用have。

107、故选 A。(五)1.C 点拨:句意:在4 月 22 日,全世界的人用不同的方式庆祝地球日。在日期之前要用介词on。故选 C。2B 3B 点拨:句意:使我高兴的是,无论我决定做什么,我的家人都一直_我。由句意知,这里说的是“ 家人一直在身后支持我” 。故选 B。4C 点拨:辨析法。before 之前; since 自从; after 在 之后; until 直到。结合精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 29 页,共 34 页学习必备欢迎下载设空处前面的“Stephen Hawking got more than 380, 000 foll

108、owers in two hours”和后面的“he put his first message on Weibo.”可以推断这句话表达的意思是“ 史蒂芬 霍金在微博上发出他的第一条信息后,两个小时内得到了超过38 万的跟帖。 ” 所以设空处的介词表达的意思是“ 在 以后 ” ,应该为 after。5A 6.D 7.B 8.A 9D 点拨:辨析法。arrive at/in 到达, at 后跟小地点, in 后跟大地点,巴黎是大地点,应用 in,排除选项A、B;在具体某一天或某一天的上午、下午、晚上要用介词on,故选 D。10C 点拨:辨析法。 on business做生意; by the wa

109、y 顺便说; on your own 独自; on the top 在顶部。结合句意“ 晚上对于你来说_ 在森林里步行是危险的。” 可知 C合适。(六)1.D 2.C 3.B 4.D 5B 点拨:形容词比较级判定法。句意:如果你想实现梦想,没什么比坚持尝试更重要。由 than 可知,此处考查形容词比较级用法,故选B。6C 点拨:形容词比较级判定法。句意: 你觉得这部电影怎样? 好极了!我从没看过一部_电影了。 good 好; bad 糟糕; better 更好; worse 更糟糕。从答语 Great 知,应答者对这部电影表示了认可,因此其表达的意思是“ 我从没看过比这部更好的电影了” 。故选

110、 C。7A 点拨: “ 数字连字符名词单数” 构成复合形容词,用作定语,此处tenday 意为“ 10 天的 ” 。故选 A。8C 9B 点拨:固定结构法。本题考查the比较级, the比较级的用法。故选B。10C 点拨:固定结构法。结构“ 比较级 and比较级 ” 表示 “ 越来越 ” 。根据常识可知,城市的共享单车越来越多,这种现象带来的影响是污染越来越少。bikes 是可数名词的复数,前用many 的比较级more,pollution 是不可数名词,用little 的比较级 less。故选 C。(七)1.D 2A 点拨: 句意: 在一个陌生地方旅游时,你最好观察当地人,然后遵守他们的习俗

111、。根据句中 “follow ”可知只有 “ 观察 ” 后才能 “ 遵守 ” 。故选 A。3C 点拨:短语辨析法。look at 看; look for 寻找; look after 照顾; look like 看起来精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 30 页,共 34 页学习必备欢迎下载像。句意:爷爷和我们住在一起。我们都_他。故选 C。4D 5D 点拨:短语辨析法。句意:没有人永远都是正确的。当人们犯错时,我们不应该嘲笑他们。 wait for 等候; send for 派人去请; knock at 敲打,敲击; laugh at

112、嘲笑。故选 D。(八)1.C 点拨:语法判定法。铃响发生在过去式got back to school 之前, 用过去完成时。其构成为:主语had动词的过去分词。2B 3D 4D 点拨:固定搭配法。表达“ 到某地去了 ” 用 have/has gone to ;在时间状语从句中,主句用一般将来时,从句常用一般现在时代替一般将来时。5C 点拨:结合语境可知我正在使用字典,所以不要拿走。故选C。6A 点拨:语法判定法。 句意: 你听见刚才有人敲门吗? 对不起 (, 我没听见 )。我正在电话上和我的朋友交谈。根据语境以及问句中的时间状语just now,可知答语中的动作表示“ 过去正在打电话” ,故用

113、过去进行时was talking。故选 A。7C 点拨:句意: 你好,约翰。我是迈克。你在干什么? 我在观看足球比赛。下午七点半开始的,_另一个小时。根据句意可知是指比赛将会再持续一小时。用一般将来时态。故选C。8C 9A 点拨:语法判定法。句意:雨一停,他们就出去摘苹果。as soon as 一 就,引导时间状语从句。其用法遵循主将从现,故选A。10A。(九)1.A 2.B 3.B 4D 点拨:主谓分析法。分析句子结构可知,主语schools 和谓语动词build 之间在逻辑上是被动关系,句中的时间状语in a few years( 在几年之后 ) 是表示将来的时间状语,故用一般将来时的被动

114、语态,结构为:will be 动词的过去分词built 。故选 D。5C 点拨:主谓分析法。主语“You”是动作的承受者,应当用被动语态;情态动词的被动语态: “ 情态动词 be 动词的过去分词” 。故选 C。(十)1.B 2B 点拨: 句意:许多大学生每年都去外国是为了传播中国文化。由句意及语境判断,精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 31 页,共 34 页学习必备欢迎下载此处考查动词不定式作目的状语的用法,故选B。3 D 点拨:成分分析法。“ have sth. (宾语 ) 过去分词 (宾语补足语 ) ” 意为 “ 让 / 叫/ 使

115、 / 请别人做某事” 。宾语 sth. 后面用过去分词作宾语补足语,说明sth. 与过去分词表示的动作之间是被动关系。故选D。4C 5.D (十一 )1.B 点拨:主谓一致法。本句主语为不定代词everybody,故谓语动词用单数形式 was。2D 点拨:句意:池塘里有如此多的鱼在游。它们看起来很开心。taste 尝起来; smell闻起来; sound 听起来; look 看起来。根据句意及生活常识,只能是看起来很开心。故选 D。3D 4.C 5A 点拨:句意:这副眼镜肯定是托尼的。他是唯一戴眼镜的同学。must 表示十分肯定的推测; might 表示把握性不大的猜测,意为“ 可能 ” ;c

116、ant 表示否定的推测,意为“ 不可能 ” 。由下句中的“the only one who wears glasses”可知用 must。故选 A。(十二 )1.A 点拨:固定句式法。句意:请认真地_!看那个路标,前面有个学校。祈使句以动词原形开头,故选A。2A 点拨: 固定结构法。 感叹句结构: How adj./ adv. 主语谓语!及 What (a/an) adj. n. 主语谓语!根据句中的形容词wonderful 可知答案选A。3A 4D 点拨:问答照应法。由答语 Only ten minutes. 可知前句对时间提问。就“ 多长时间 ”进行提问,应使用how long。5B (十

117、三 )1.B 2.B 3.B 4B 点拨: 语法判定法。 句意: 你能告诉我, 你将离开多长时间? 两周时间。根据答语可知,要用how long,排除 A 项,宾语从句要用陈述语序,排除C。故选B。5 D 点拨:语法判定法。 宾语从句需用陈述语序,故排除 B 项;再由句中的Fathers Day is coming. ( 父亲节就要来了。)可知, A、C 两项中的过去时态与句意不符。故选D。6A 7C 点拨:句意: 你能告诉我为什么建立雄安新区吗? 它将被建来帮助解决精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 32 页,共 34 页学习必备欢迎

118、下载北京大城市问题。A 项:是否雄安新区被建立;B 项:我们什么时候建立雄安新区;C 项:为什么雄安新区被建;D 项:在雄安新区人们会发生什么。由答语可知问句是询问建立雄安新区的原因。故选C。8B 点拨:语法判定法。句意: 劳驾,我想知道是否有失物招领处。 对,在书店附近。结合答语中“Yes”可知宾语从句应该以if 或 whether 开头。故选B。9C 10B 点拨:考查宾语从句。从四个选项判断,此题重在考查宾语从句中从句部分的语序。宾语从句的语序:特殊疑问词主语谓语,由于回答的是过去的时间,故选 B。(十四 )1.C 2C 点拨:句意:当暴风雨到来时,他们正在操场上踢足球。when, wh

119、ile 意思都是“ 当 的时候 ” ,但当从句是一个短暂性动作而主句是一个持续性动作时,常用when 而不用while 。故选 C。3B 4C 点拨:根据句意判断前后分句是转折关系,故用连词though,意为 “ 尽管;虽然 ” 。5A 点拨:句意:我的胳膊仍在疼,_我打算看医生。分析句意可知,前后为因果关系,表示结果用so。故选 A。6C 点拨:辨析法。 such that 与 so that 都有 “ 如此 以至于 ” 的意思,但such 用来强调名词,so用来强调形容词或副词。题干中只有形容词surprised,故选C。7A 点拨:分析句子两个部分,前部分 “ 取得好成绩 ” 为结果,

120、后部分 “ 听从老师的建议”是条件。整个句子为条件关系的复合句,应选用连词if “如果 ” ,故选 A。8B 9.C 10.B 11B 点拨:句意:杰克的妈妈十分劳累。她一躺到床上就睡着了。until直到 为止; as soon as一 就; unless除非; although 尽管。故选B。12D 点拨:连词辨析法。句意:除非他许诺今天晚上10 点前回来,妈妈不会让迪克出去的。 if 如果; when 当 时候; since 自从; unless除非。故选D。13B 点拨:if 如果; while 当 时,然而; until 直到; unless 除非。表示两个动作同时进行,用while

121、连接。14D 点拨:答语句意“ 努力学习,那么你的梦想会实现的。” 根据 “ 祈使句, and/or精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 33 页,共 34 页学习必备欢迎下载陈述句 ” 中,前后句之间是顺承关系,用连词and。故选 D。15A (十五 )1.A 点拨:语法判定法。句意:罗尔德 达尔是一位著名的儿童作家,他黑暗的过去帮助他画了一幅与大多数其他作家不同的画。这里的先行词是a picture,表示事物,用 that 引导定语从句。故选A。2C 点拨:语法判定法。句意:一种名叫“ 小蓝单车 ” 的共享自行车在成都正变得越来越受欢

122、迎。关系词who 和 which 都可引导定语从句,who 指代人; which 指代物,这里的先行词bike 是物,故用which 引导定语从句。故选C。3D 4A 点拨:语法判定法。句意: 你更喜欢哪类电影? 我更喜欢提供一些东西让我思考的电影。先行词movies 为“ 物 ” ,用 which 或 that 引导定语从句,本句先行词 movies 用了复数形式,定语从句中的谓语动词应该用原形。故选A。5C 点拨: 语法判定法。 分析句子可知, 这是一个定语从句,空格前先行词boy 为人,关系代词应用who,故排除B 项,且 boy 为单数,谓语动词应用第三人称单数。故选 C。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 34 页,共 34 页



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