版九年级英语上册 Module 4 Unit 1 同步授课课件 外研版

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1、Module 4 Great inventionsUnit 1 Paper and printing have been used for ages .compasspapergunpowderprintingFour great inventions in ancient ChinaMATCH THE WORDS WITH THE PICTURES:battery cameraphotoprintingturn offturn on3WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS 1.Printing n. 印刷印刷术 print 印刷品印刷品 Printing was invented in

2、China . 中国中国发明了印刷明了印刷术。 2.advantage n. 优点点 disadvantage 缺点缺点 What is the advantage of the book? 这本本书有什么有什么优点?点? an important advantage 一个重要的一个重要的优点点 3.digital 数数码的的 a digital camera 一部数一部数码照相机照相机 4.ordinary 普通的普通的 ,平常的,平常的 an ordinary magazine 一本普通的一本普通的杂志志 an ordinary person 一个普通人一个普通人5. battery n.

3、 电池池 batteries 复数复数6. charge v. 充充电 charge the battery 给电池充池充电7.favour n. 帮助帮助 May I ask a favour of you ? 请您帮个忙行您帮个忙行吗? You did me a great favour . 你帮了我大忙。你帮了我大忙。8.publish v. 出版出版 Our school magazine will be published next month . 我我们的校园杂志下个月就要出版了。们的校园杂志下个月就要出版了。9. issue n. (报刊等报刊等) 期期 10. age n. 时

4、期,时代;年龄时期,时代;年龄 I have been here for ages . 我已经在这儿呆了很长时间我已经在这儿呆了很长时间了。了。 What is your age ? 你多大年纪?你多大年纪? AN ONLINE MAGAZINE AND AN ORDINARY MAGAZINE an online magazine an ordinary magazine 1.Is an online magazine the same as the ordinary magazine ? 与与 一样一样2.What is the advantage of an online magazin

5、e ? 的优点是什么的优点是什么3.Will someone lend you a digital camera? lend 借出借出 把某物借给某人把某物借给某人 lend sth. to sb .= lend sb. sth. 把某物借给某人把某物借给某人 borrow 借入借入 borrow sth. from sb.从某人或某处借某物从某人或某处借某物 Can you lend your pen to me ? May I borrow books from you ?An online magazine is published on the Internet. It can be

6、read using a computer.An ordinary magazine is published on paper .Work in pairs and answer the questions.1.Is an online magazine the same as an ordinary magazine?2.What is the advantage of an online magazine?2.What is the advantage of an online magazine?3. Will someone lend you a digital camera?3. W

7、ill someone lend you a digital camera?You dont have to use paper. You can save a lot of paper.Yes, will lend me his/her camera.No. Because nobody has a digital camera.11. replace v. 代替代替 John will replace Jack in the team . 约翰将代替杰克在队里的位置。约翰将代替杰克在队里的位置。12. see to 处理;照顾处理;照顾 ;注意;注意 see to sth /sb. The

8、 window is broken .这个窗户破了。这个窗户破了。 I will see to it later . 一会儿我来一会儿我来处理。处理。Can you help me see to my baby?你能帮我你能帮我照顾照顾我我宝宝吗?宝宝吗?Please see to this problem .请请注意注意这个问题。这个问题。1.advantage2.battery3.borrow 4.camera5.charge 6.lend Listen and check the words as you hear them7.look after8.online 9.photo 10.

9、promise 11.same 12.turn off 13.turn on优点优点电池电池借入借入照相机照相机充电充电借出借出照看照看在线在线照片照片答应,许诺答应,许诺同样的同样的关上关上打开打开Read the summary of the conversation. Underline the wrong information Tony wants to borrow his fathers digital camera because the school magazine is now going to be on paper. Tony wants to take some p

10、hotos of the school dance and the basketball match. Tonys dad is happy to borrow the camera and tells Tony to turn it off. He promises Tony to look after it.LANGUAGE NOTES1.Can I ask you a favour ? 你能帮我个忙你能帮我个忙吗? 类似的似的说法法还有:有: could you do me a favour ? could you help me ,please ?2. take photos 拍照拍照

11、3.Has it been published yet ? (校刊校刊 )已已经出版了出版了吗?4.Two issues have been already published . 校校刊刊已已经发行行两期了。两期了。 yet 和和 already 都都可可以以译作作“已已经”,yet 用用于于疑疑问句句或或否定句中,否定句中,already 用于肯定句中。用于肯定句中。5. an online magazine 一份网络杂志一份网络杂志6. from now on 从现在起从现在起 from then on 从那时起从那时起7.Whats wrong with an ordinary mag

12、azine ? 普通杂志普通杂志有什么不好吗?有什么不好吗? whats wrong ? = whats the matter ? 怎么了?怎么了? 有什有什么麻烦?么麻烦? 哪不舒服?哪不舒服? 如:如:Whats the matter with your bike ? 你的自行车怎么了?你的自行车怎么了?8. an important advantage 一个重要的优势一个重要的优势/ 优点优点9. Paper and printing have been used for ages . 纸和印刷术已经被应用了很久。纸和印刷术已经被应用了很久。 for ages = for (many )

13、 years类似短语类似短语: for hours/ days/months 等。等。10. 区分区分 be used for/by/as 1)be used for “被用来做被用来做 ” for 表用途表用途eg. A coat is used for keeping warm .2)be used by “被被使用使用” by 接接动作的作的执行者行者eg. English is used by travellers and business people all over the world .3). be used as “被用作被用作” as 解作解作 “作作为” 接名接名词eg.

14、 In many countries ,English is used as the second language .11.Can books be replaced by computers ? 书可能被可能被电脑取代取代吗? be replaced by 被被 取代取代12.The battery hasnt been charged for a couple of months . 电池已池已经好几个月没有充好几个月没有充电了。了。 charge the battery 给电池充池充电 a couple of 一一对,一双,一双 / 几个几个 a couple of cats 两只猫两

15、只猫 a couple of days 几天几天13.It doesnt matter . Ill see to it . 没关系,我会没关系,我会处理的。理的。 see to sth. / sb. “处理,照理,照顾,关照,关照”(见课本本P162)14. You must promise that it wont be.promise to do = make a promise to do 答答应, 许诺作某事作某事Promise!= I promise to do that.我答我答应!15. turn on -打开打开 turn off -关关闭 turn up -开大开大 turn

16、 down -关小关小16. anyone 任何人任何人 Is anyone listening to me ?have/has + been + P.P.have/has +not +been +p.p. Paper and printing have been used for ages. Has it been published yet?Two issues have been published. The battery hasnt been charged for Its been turned off since your .情态动词情态动词 can + be + P.P. ca

17、n +not +be +p.p.and it can be read on screen. The same information can be read or even listened to on computer. Can books be replaced by computers?1.I will do what you tell me to.2.Why dont you continue to publish the magazine on paper?3.Could you do something for me? Promise!Can I ask a favour?What

18、s wrong with an ordinary magazine?4. Do you understand me?5. Its not a problem. Ill charge the battery.6. Changing the subject, will you lend me your camera?Is that clear?It doesnt matter. Ill see to it. Anyway, about the camera?1.Can I ask a favour ? 帮我个忙好帮我个忙好吗?2.Anyway 无无论如何如何3.Here it is . 给你。你。

19、4.It doesnt matter . 没关系。没关系。5.Ill see to that .我会处理。我会处理。6. Is that clear ?明白了吗?明白了吗?7. Promise !保证做到。保证做到。1.-_(你能帮个忙吗你能帮个忙吗)? -Its my pleasure. 2. -_(没关系没关系). I will _(处理处理) that. 3. -You cant _(把相把相机忘在学校机忘在学校). Is that clear? -Promise! 4.The _(电池电池) havent_(被充电被充电) for a couple of months. Can I a

20、sk a favour It doesnt matter see to leave the camera at schoolbatteries been charged Tony wants to _(借借) a_(数码相机数码相机) from his father because he wants to _(拍照片拍照片) on the school visit to the _ (博物馆博物馆) next week. They are for the school magazine. borrow digital camera take some photos museumTheir sc

21、hool magazine have_(被被 出出 版版 ) two _(期期 ). But it is _ (一一 份份 普普 通通 杂杂 志志 ).Its going to be an _(网网络络杂杂志志). If the magazine is _ (在在网网络络上上), paper wont _ (被被需需要要).Thats an important _ (优点优点)been published issues an ordinary magazine online magazine online be needed advantageItll be published on the

22、school _(网网站站) and it can be read _(通通过过电电脑脑屏屏幕幕). Paper and _(印印刷刷术术) have _(被被使使 用用 ) _(很很 久久 ), but now the same information can be read or listened to _(通通过过电电脑脑). Tony s dad _(借借给给) it _ him and asks him _(照看照看) it. website on screen printing been used for ages on computer lends to to look afte

23、r1. My father bought a d_ camera last week.2. Could you do me a f_ to carry the box to the office? Its my pleasure. 3. The next issue of our school newspaper will be p_ on September 1st.4. It was an o_ day. Nothing special happened. 5. George r_ David as captain of the team while David was away. 6.

24、An a_ of getting there early is that you can get a good seat.I. I. 根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。igitalavourublishedrdinaryeplaceddvantage 课时达标课时达标1. The radio doesnt work because the _ (battery) are dead. 2. _(print) is one of the greatest inventions of China. 3. What beautiful scenery! Would you l

25、ike _(take) some photos here? Of course. 4. I dont think Mr Browns new novel _ (publish) yet. 5. Damming tried his best to make everyone _ (laugh).II. II. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。用所给单词的适当形式填空。batteriesPrintingto takehas beenlaughpublishedIII. 选择正确的单词或短语并用其正确形式填空。选择正确的单词或短语并用其正确形式填空。1. I can _ you the book, but

26、 you should return it to me next Monday. 2. Do you often _ books from your school library?3. You must promise that the camera wont _ to anyone else.be used for be used to be used as4. Do you know what the tool_ do?5. A canteen _ dining in a school or a factory. 6. Tents can _ classrooms after an ear

27、thquake. lendborrowbe lentis used tois used forbe used asborrow lend1. Is the online magazine _ _ _ (和一样) a normal magazine?2. Please _ _ (关) all the lights when you leave the classroom.3. _ _ _ (从现在起), we teenagers should help out more at home.4. The battery in the camera hasnt been charged for about _ _ _ (两个) weeks.5. Dont worry. I will _ _ (照顾) your dog while you are away.IV. IV. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子,每空一词。根据汉语提示完成下列句子,每空一词。the same asturn offFrom now ona couple ofsee to



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