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1、旧书不厌百回读,熟读深思子自知旧书不厌百回读,熟读深思子自知温州市温州市“一模一模”试卷阅读题型分析及策略试卷阅读题型分析及策略温州二高 雷洪林【试题综述试题综述】 试题的命制和选材渗透新课标理念,凸显思维能力的考察,测试效度和区分度较高1、突出语用,体裁多样,题材丰富突出语用,体裁多样,题材丰富2、信息密集,信息密集,语言地道语言地道,结构复杂,结构复杂3、注重细节,强调推理,考查能力、注重细节,强调推理,考查能力 第一节题型设计:第一节题型设计:题题型型 题题号号 题题量量 事实细节题事实细节题 41,42,43,46,56,57 6 主旨大意题主旨大意题 45,50, 55,60 4推理

2、判断题推理判断题 44,47,49,51,52,53, 54, 58 8推测词义题推测词义题 48, 57 2意图态度题意图态度题 591第二节题型设计:第二节题型设计:给5个段落添加首句归纳主旨大意【考情分析考情分析】难度系数难度系数0.73,平均分,平均分36 题号题号 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50正答率正答率% 87 75 81 72 94 98 96 58 58 45题号题号 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60正答率正答率% 70 70 80 40 76 95 82 85 18 79第一节:第二节:题号题号 61 62 63 64

3、65正答率正答率% 89 41 92 50 87失分题型:失分题型:题号题号 44 48 49 50 51 52 54 55 59正答率正答率% 72 58 58 45 70 70 40 76 18题型题型推推理理判判断断推推测测词词义义推推理理判判断断主主旨旨大大意意推推理理判判断断推推理理判判断断推推理理判判断断主主旨旨大大意意意意图图态态度度题号题号 62 64正答率正答率% 70 70题型题型主旨大意主旨大意一、一、缺乏阅读经验,制约理解效果缺乏阅读经验,制约理解效果二、二、无视文体风格,无视文体风格,迷失迷失作者意图作者意图三、三、忽视篇章结构,忽视篇章结构,曲解曲解文本主旨文本主旨

4、四、四、混淆词汇含义,盲目推理判断混淆词汇含义,盲目推理判断【成因分析成因分析】 【施教探讨施教探讨】 一、精选材料,实现语象境界到心象境界的转化一、精选材料,实现语象境界到心象境界的转化二、拓展阅读,促进不同文体的阅读策二、拓展阅读,促进不同文体的阅读策略的养成略的养成三、举一反三,提高学生长难句的理解能力三、举一反三,提高学生长难句的理解能力四、词汇分类,消除学生阅读的基本障碍四、词汇分类,消除学生阅读的基本障碍Teaching Procedure Task 1: Memorizing the following target words v. acquire explore expand

5、 identify launch lessen predict n. astronaut astronomy capsule crater gravity horizon mission parachute possession probe process resource shield shuttle source survival species tendency techniqueadj. apparent adaptive intelligent lunar solar physical potential Task 2: Using the words Activity 1: Rep

6、lace the underlined parts with the right form of the proper target words Our school offers science-related activities for anyone interested in knowing about outer space. The Multifunctional Hall runs 3-D space-study shows, which focus on the pull of the earth, and the tasks carried out in history. V

7、iewers can watch the moments of capsules or reusable spacecraft being sending into space and unmanned spacecraft studying planets opening parachutes, making a soft land and collecting physical materials for possible study. Though no obvious evidence has been got to show life on other planets, learne

8、d scientists foresee the remaining alive of creatures adaptive to extreme conditions. Task 2: Using the words Activity 2: Complete the passage with the right form of the proper target words Almost every day we are informed of the latest exciting developments in space (1)_. There is an immense pride

9、in our science and (2)_. We have already used satellites for communication, weather (3)_ and (4)_ oil reserve. During the (5)_ of space exploration, humans (6)_ their horizons and become more intelligent. They use the technology (7)_ from their trials to make life convenient by inventing things like

10、 microwave ovens. More importantly, with the success of space shuttles and the (8)_ of living on other planets, we may manage to solve the population problem on the earth. Not everyone, however, shares this feeling. Ever since space research began, it has been criticized as a huge waste of money and

11、 other (9)_, which might be used to help to relieve the suffering of the earths starving millions and other species that are not (10)_ to climate change. Task 3: Read the passage “Why should mankind explore space?” and answer questions1.Why does the author mention the questions in Paragraph1?2.What

12、is the reason for exploring space based on Paragraph2?3.The underlined word spin-offs in Paragraph 4 probably refers to_.4.What makes it possible for humans to live on other planets?5.Which of the statements can best sum up the passage? Task 4: Analyze the challenging sentences in the textSample: Wh

13、ile many resources are spent on what seems a small return, the exploration of space allows creative, brave and intelligent members of our species to focus on what may serve to save us.Drills: 1.Whereas a womans closest female friend might be the first to tell her to leave a failing marriage, it wasn

14、t unusual to hear a man say he didnt know his friends marriage was in serious trouble until he appeared one night asking if he could sleep on the sofa.2.While small may be beautiful, tall is just plain uncomfortable it seems, particularly when it comes to staying in hotels and eating in restaurants.

15、3.While students in Hainan are quite used to clear skies, Beijing teenagers, as another warm winter approaches, can expect the normal clouds of smoke caused by air pollution.4.While nature lovers across the world wish all humans to realize the significance of their natural surroundings, many Austral

16、ians are turning caring for the environment into a way of life. Task 5: Read the passage aloud Task 6: Read supplemental materials and answer questions1. http:/phys.org/news2507.html The US $ 3 billion Cassini-Huygens mission2.http:/ The Mars rover Curiosity3.http:/.my/News/World/2013/12/02/China-la

17、unches-lunar-probe-carrying-Jade-Rabbit-buggy.aspx/ Chinas lunar probe carrying Jade RabbitTHANKYOU!May the horse you lead to water drink!May your efforts pay off! 普通高中英语新课程标准:除教材外,课外阅读量应累计达到30万词以上。Passage C “We do not live in a world that celebrates kindness. ” Passage D60. The tone of the passage

18、is emotional. 正确率79%59题正确率才18%59. The authors detailed description of Janets growth shows that _. A. the world is hard to predict B. medical science is powerful C. the mothers love is endless (18%正答率) D. life is full of fun and mystery 60. The tone (笔调) of the passage is _. A. emotional B. sympathet

19、ic C. encouraging D. hopeless“Janet, thank you for all the joy you brought to us. We love you and we will miss you forever. Rest in peace.”B As children begin to head back to school, there are several things that you can do to make sure that your child stays healthy and performs at their peak potent

20、ial during the school year. 1. 2. . . 9. 50. This passage is meant for parents to _. A. teach their children to behave well B. prepare their children for a new term C. educate their children after school D. train their children for special ability54. The author seems to agree that _. A. it makes sen

21、se to analyze the intention of others kindness B. all famous people support a charity with clear intentions C. the effect kindness brings matters more than its intention D. acts of kindness determines the degree of happiness in life We know final happiness depends on our kindness and the kindness of

22、 others. C篇篇B篇篇猜猜词义48. “Have the birds and the bees conversation with your child.” means “_”. A. have a humorous talk to children about sex B. tell children stories about the animal world C. give a formal expert education to children D. deliver lectures to children on sex diseases任任务型型阅读B. Rome wasn

23、t built in a day.E. Dont bite more than you can chew. 一、精选材料,实现学生语象境界到心象境界的转化英文短篇小说网 http:/ Thorn Bird” 、“The Lottery Ticket”、“The Pear of Orrs Island”二、拓展阅读,关注学生对于不同文体的阅读策略的养成1、多文化沟通2、21世纪报3、VOA的“Science in the news”、“Health report”、“Explorations”4、BBC的“Science & Environment”、“Health”三、举一反三,提高学生长难句

24、的理解能力制约学生对句子理解的关键:1、主谓隔离2、状语前置于宾语3、定语冗长4、宾语补足语5、插入语6、多重从句四、词汇分类,消除学生阅读的基本障碍多管齐下:考纲词汇顺序记忆、短文串记、分类记忆。 例如:有关太空探索的话题词汇v. acquire crater explore expand identify launch lessen mount predict n. ancestor gravity horizon mission panorama parachute probe process resource rover shield source survival species tendency technique possession a. apparent adaptive genetic intelligent 阅读材料包括:模拟题“Why should mankind explore space?”和新闻材料“The US $ 3 billion Cassini-Huygens mission”、“The Mars rover Curiosity”以及“Chinas lunar probe carrying Jade Rabbit”



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