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1、七年级(上)1 Good morning. /Good afternoon./Good evening. 问候语(早上好 /下午好 /晚上好)2 1) - How are you? 问候语- Im fine, thanks.2)-How s he/she?-He/She is fine.3)- Hows the things going (on)?-Its not bad.3 -Whats this in English? 用 What 对物提问-Its an apple./Its a pen.4 Spell it please. / How do you spell it,please?5

2、-What color is it? 用 What 对颜色提问-Its red.6 -Whats your/his/her name? 用 What 对人名提问-My/His/Her name is Gina.7 -Nice to meet you! 问候语-Nice to meet you, too.8 Whats your/his/her family name? (family name 姓first name 名)9 Whats your/his/her telephone number? 用 What 对电话号码提问10 1) -Is this / that your pencil?

3、 Is 的一般疑问句及其回答-Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.2)-Are these / those your pencils? Are 的一般疑问句及其回答-Yes, they are. /No, they arent.11 -Excuse me , may I speak to Mr Wang? 电话用语-This is Mr Wang speaking. / Speaking.12 !)-Here you are. -Thank you.怎样答谢别人2)-Oh, your skirt is so beautiful! - Thank you.13 1)-Happy

4、new year! -The same to you. 怎样回答别人的祝福2)- Have a nice weekend. -The same to you.14 -Merry Christmas! -Merry Christmas! 怎样回答别人的祝福15 This is my sister. 怎样介绍别人 These are my sisters.That is my brother.Those are my brothers.16 Thanks for your help. / Thanks for the photo of your family. 短语 thanks for17 -W

5、hat size do you want? -Size 8. 用 What size 对尺寸、 大小提问18 Here is my famoly photo. / Here it is. / Here they are. 19 -Wheres my backpack? 用 Where对地点、方位等提问-Its under / on /behind / in my desk.20 -Are they on the bed? Are 的一般疑问句及其回答-Yes, they are. / No, they arent.精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - -

6、- - -第 1 页,共 13 页21 Please take those things to you sister. take 的用法及其意义22 - Im sorry ( I am late). -It doesnt matter. / Thats all right./ Nevermind. (sorry 及其回答 )23 -Can you bring some things to school ? can的一般疑问句及其回答-Yes,I can. / No,I cant.24 -Do you have a soccer ball? do 的一般疑问句及其回答-Yes, I do. /

7、No, I dont. 25 I dont have a soccer ball. Dont表否定I dont have any soccer balls. any 用在否定句26 -Does she/he have a soccer ball? does的一般疑问句及其回答-Yes, she/he does. No, she/he doesnt. 27 1)-Mum, I have finished my homework well. - Well done. 怎样夸赞、祝贺别人2)-Mike, I got the first prize in the English competion!

8、- Congraduations!28 -Lets play volleyball! -That sounds interesting. 表建议及其回答29 1)- Good luck with your math test! -Thank you. 怎样答谢别人2)-Best wishes for you! -Thank you.30 For breakfast,she likes an egg, a banana and some apples. For breakfast 应注意31 -How much are these pants? -They are 20 dollars. How

9、 much对价格提问32 -How much potatoes do you want? -Three kilos. How much 对不可数名词多少提问33 -Can I help you,Sir? -Yes, please. I want a sweater . 买卖双方的用语34 OK,Ill take it. (我买了)35 -Thank you very much. / Thanks a lot. (谢谢的表达方式 )-Youra welcome. / Thats all right. / Not at all. (不用谢的表达方式)36 I like English very m

10、uch. 表示“ 非常” 喜欢、想要、想念的表达I want a bike very much.I miss you very much.37 We have great bags for only 2 dollars. 用 for 表示价格38 Anybody can afford our prices. 不定代词的用法Everyone can afford to buy them.39 -When is your birthday? 用 When 对时间提问-My birthday is October twelfth.40 -How old are you /they ? How old

11、 is he/ she? 用 How old 对年龄大小提问-Im /Were/Theyre /Hes/Shes12 (years old.)年龄的表示方法41 -Do you want to go to a movie? Want 的用法-Yes,I do.I want to see a comedy/an action movie.42 -What kind of movies do you like? What kind of 对种类提问-I like action movies and documentaries.精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - -

12、- - - - -第 2 页,共 13 页43 She thinks she can learn about Chinese history. Think 后的宾语从句44 I often go for a walk with my friends on Sunday mornings. go for a walk 去散步 on的用法45 My favorite actor is Jet Lee. Favorite 的意义、词性等46 -What club do you want to jion? Club 俱乐部-I want to jion the misc club.47 Can you

13、 help the kids with swimming? (Helpwith 在 方面帮助)48 -Could you get me some salt? Could 的一般疑问句及其回答-Yes, Ican./Id love to./ My pleasure.49 You can be in the school music festival. Be in 在这里的意义50 Please call Bill at 7787070. 注意介词 at51 May I know your name,please? 礼貌地询问别人的名字52 -What time do you usually ge

14、t up in the morning? What time 对(具体)时间提问-I usually get up at half past six.53 What a funny time to eat lunch! How、 what 感叹句的应用What a beautiful girl she is !How beautiful she is!54 He takes the number 12 ( No.12 ) bus to school. 乘第几路车的表达55 People love to listen to him. (听)56 He goes to bed at 8:30 ev

15、ery night. (去睡觉)57 -Whats your favorite subject? 对喜好提问-My favorite subject is science.58 -Why do you like math? Why 的问句及其回答-Because its interesting.59 -Who is your science teacher? Who对人提问及其回答-My science teacher is Mr Wang.60 -When do you have math? When对时间提问及其回答- I have math on Monday.61 September

16、is the ninth month of year. 序数词的用法、意义、写法62 Its very exciting to have a Chinese friend. 形式主语结构七年级(下)63 -Where is your pen pal from? Be from来自-She is from Japan.64 -What language can they speak? 操语言-They can speak English and a little French. a little 表示“ 一点” ,后接不可数65 -Does she have any brothers and s

17、isters? (Some 、 any 在一般疑问句、肯定句、 -Yes, she has some.否定句中的用法)66 -Would you like a cup of tea or an apple? Or 用于选择疑问句-A cup of tea, please. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 13 页67 -Is there a bank near here? There be 句型的一般疑问句及其回答-Yes, there is. / No, there isnt.68 The pay phone is a

18、cross from / next to / in front of the library. (在的对面/挨着/在前面)Its down the Bridge street on the right. (在右边)69 Take a walk through the park on Center Avenue. Through “ 穿过”的用法意义70 -Whats the date today? -Its October ninth today. 对日期提问71 -What day is it today? -Today is Wednesday. 对星期提问72 Next to the h

19、otel is a small house with an interesting garden. 介词 with 短语作定语73 This is the beginning of the garden tour. (起初 / 的开始)74 Bridge Street is a good place to have fun. 不定式作定语75 Let me tell you the way to my house. (去我家的路)76 I hope you have a good trip. (我祝你一路好走)77 My work is interesting but kind of dang

20、erous. (有点儿)78 What other animal do you like? (其它的动物)79 -What do you want to be? 对想干什么提问-I want to be an actor.80 1)-What do you do? / What are you? 对职业提问-Im a teacher.2)-What does she do? / What is she?- She is a doctor.81 We have a job for you as a waiter. (作为一名服务生)82 -What are you doing-Im watchi

21、ng TV.83 -What is he waiting for? (等待)-He is waiting for a bus.84 -Who is he talking to? (跟说话to 的对象是 who)-He is talking to Mary.85 Im sorry to have to say that, but the room is too dirty. 表示礼貌的对对方批评指正86 -Hows the weather in Beijing?/ Whats the weather like in Beijing? 对天气提问-Its snowing.87 The weathe

22、r in Beijing is colder than that in Shanghai. 注意 that在此类比较级中的用法88 1)-I think so. - I dont think so . 注意 so 和 not 在这些简略句中的意义2)-I hope so . -I hope not.3)-I suppose so-I suppose not4)-I guess so. -I guess not.精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 13 页5)-Im afraid so . -Im afraid not.6)-

23、I believe so. -I believe not.89 There are many people here on vacation,some are taking photos,others arelying on the beach. Some others 表示“ 一些另一些”90 Everyoneis having a good time. (每一个人都玩得开心)不定代词 Everyone 作主语,谓语用单数91 Im surprised they can play in this heat. 本句作 surprised宾语,叫宾语从句92 The library is bet

24、ween the hotel and the mall. (在两者之间)93 -What does your friend look like? 对别人的外貌长相提问-She is medium height and she has long hair.94 She is good-looking, but shes a little bit quiet. (有一点安静)95 -What is she like? -She is shy but hard-working. 对性格提问及回答96 I dont think he is so great. 否定提前句,指的是 he is so gr

25、eat本身是否定句,但 not 不能放在从句,而要放在I 与 think 之间。97 -What kind of food would you like ? 对种类提问-Id like some noodles. / Some noodles , please.98 -What size bowl of noodles would you like? 对尺寸、分量大小提问及其回答-Small. / Medium. / Large.99 The coat is very cheap ,but the price of the shoes is quite high. 物贵贱,价高低100 -Wh

26、at did you do last night? 对过去作过某事提问-I practiced reading English. Practice 后接动词 -ing 分词101 -Did you / she /he /they go to the movie? 一般过去时提问及其回答-Yes, I / she /he /they did. No, you / she /he /they didnt.102 -How was your weekend? 谈对过去的感受-It was great.103 It was time to go home. (是该作 的时候)It was time f

27、or supper.104 Theres no time for you to think. (没有时间)105 They often do that for fun. (那样做是闹着玩的)106 -What does Lilythink about / think of her vacation? 对某人、某物的评价-It was great.107 We have great fun playing in the water. have great fun 接动词 ing108 We went shopping last weekend. (去购物)109 I found a small

28、boy crying in the corner. find 后接动词 ing 分词作宾语补足语110 He was lost and I helped him find his father. Be lost 表示“ 迷失” / help 后接动词原形或to do 111 That made me feel very happy. Make 后接动词原形精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 13 页112 We decided to play tennis. Decide 后接动词不定式 to do113 -What do

29、you think of game shows?-I love them. / They are not bad. / cant stand them./ I dont mind them.(不能容忍 /不介意)114 We are talking to Alan , a 13-year-old boy. (一个 13 岁的男孩)115 Welcome to our talk show. (欢迎到 )116 Can you please put the letter in my box. Can you please 表请求,后接动词原形117 I cant stand the idea th

30、at old people cant be beautiful. cant stand表不能容忍或接受。后面的从句为 idea 的定语从句118 I dont mind what young people think of me. dont mind 表不介意。后面的从句是动词mind 的宾语从句119 Practice your guitar every day . 祈使句的肯定、否定形式Dont arrive late for class. No smoking 。120 -What else do you have to do? else放在特殊疑问词和不定代词后面-We have to

31、 clean the classroom.121 I cant watch TV on school night. on的用法122 I have to be in bed by 10 oclock. have to 表示“ 必须、不得不 ” 后接动词原形八年级(上)123 I never have any fun. fun 为不可数名词124 I hardly ever watch TV. (几乎不 )125 How often do you watch TV? 用 How often对频率提问-Twice a week. / Two or three times a week. (一周两次

32、 /一周两三次)126 As for homework, most students do homework every day. As for 至于127 My mother wants me to drink milk, she says it s good for my health. Want sb. to do 想要某人去作be good for 对有好处128 -Is her lifestyle the same as yours or different? Be the same as表“ 与一样”-Hers is different from mine. Be differen

33、t from 表“ 与不一样 ”129 Maybe I m not very healthy, although I have one healthy lifestyle. Maybe 是副词“ 或许、大概 ” may be 是情态动词加动词原形;although(though)不与 but 连用130 What sports do you play? 短语 play sports表“ 做运动 ”131 -Whats the matter with Mary? 询问别人出什么问题或状况-She has a sore throat( has a fever / has a lot of head

34、aches). (喉咙痛/发烧/头痛)132 I should see a dentist , because I have a toothache. (看牙医)133 -Maybe you should drink some hot tea with honey. (一些加蜂蜜的热茶)- Thats a good idea.(好主意)对别人的建议回答134 -Whats the matter ?精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 13 页- I m not feeling well.(我感觉不舒服)135 I hope y

35、ou feel better soon. soon 表很快136 People who are too stressed out and angry may have too much yang.Be stressed out表示 “ 紧张” too much表示“ 太多” 放在不可数名词前面137 It s easy to have a healthy lifestyle. And it s important to eat a balanced diet. 形式主语结构138 I m sorry to hear that you have a lot of headaches. I m s

36、orry to hear that 回应听见别人不好的消息,后面是宾语从句139 -How long are you staying? 对时间长短提问-Just for 4 days , I dont like going away for too long.140 -I m going to Hainan for my vacation.-Have a good time. / Have a safe trip. 对别人表示祝愿141 1)-What s it like there? -It s very beautiful and not hot.对性格提问及其回答2)Whats she

37、like? -She is outgoing.142 He thought about going to Greece or Spain, but decided on Canada. (决定于)143 This time I want to do something different. 不定代词被形容词修饰,形容词放后144 I cant wait./ I cant wait to meet the great man. (迫不及待)145 I just finished making my last movie. Finish 后接动词 ing146 I heard that Thail

38、and is a good place to go sightseeing. (一个去观光的好去处)147 -How do you get to school? 对交通方式提问及其回答-I walk / take a bus/ drive a car/ ride a bike/take a plane. (走路 /坐公共汽车 /开车/骑自行车 /乘飞机)(-I go to school on foot/ by bus/ by car / by bike /by plane.)148 It takes me about 15 minutes to walk and 5 minutes by bu

39、s.It takes sb. st. to do 花费某人多少时间去做 149 -How far is it from your home to school? 对路程或距离提问(多远)-It s20 minutes walk. / It s 5 minutes drive. / It s3 miles.(20 分钟的路程 /5 分钟的车程 /3 英里)150 -What does she think of the transportation? 对事物或人的评价-It s great.151 In China, it depends on where you are. (取决于)152 Th

40、at must be a lot more fun than taking a boat. Must 表示推测153 Not all the students take the to school. Not 放在 all/every 等前一起构成部分否定154 A small number of students take the subway to school. A number of 表示许多、大量number只能用 small/large修饰,表示多 /少The number of the studentsin this class is 49. The number of 表示“ 的

41、数量 ” 作主语谓语用单数155 -Can you come to my party on Wednesday? 提出邀请-Yes,Id love to. / Sure. / Of course. Sorry,Icant. 回答邀请精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 13 页156 I have to study for my chemistry test on Thursday. have to 必须、不得不157 Im more outgoingthan my sister. 形容词的比较级The water in th

42、e bottle is even less than the water in the cup. 形容词比较级可用even/far/a little/a bit/a lot/much 来修饰158 Liu Ying is not as (/so) good at sports as her sister. 形容词的同级比较Lily is as old as Lucy. They are twins.159 She likes to do the same things as me.160 1)-Would you like some coffee? Would like 的回答-Yes,ple

43、ase. No, thanks.2)-Would you like to go swimming with us?-Yes, Id love to. No, Id not love to.161 Bill is never quiet, he cant stop talking. Cant stop doing 忍不住做。162 You need to put the ingredients into a blender. (把放入)163 -Were there any sharks? There be 句型过去式的一般疑问句及其回答-Yes , there were. No, there

44、werent.164 Class 9 had a great time on the school trip. (玩得高兴)165 At the end of the day,the science teacher was very happy. (在的末尾/尽头) In the end , they did it quite well. (最后)166 Did you have fun camping? (野营玩得高兴)167 Im sorry you didnt have fun on your day off. (休息日)168 -When were you born? (对某人的生日提

45、问)- I was born on May 1st,1992. be born出生169 You are never too young to start doing things. too to. 结构表示“ 太而不能 ”170 He spends every Saturday morning working in an animalhospital. 应注意 spend的用法spenddoing sth./spend on sth.My friend ,Joan,often spends much money on her clothes.He spends all his time wi

46、th his grandson.171 -What are you going to be when you grow up? when 时间状语从句(grow up 长大)-Im going to be a basketball player. be going to do 表示“ 将来”172 Im going to travel all over the world. (遍及全世界)173 -Could you please sweep the floor? 表示礼貌地提出请求及其回答-Yes, sure./Of course./No problem./Id love to.-Sorry

47、,I cant./Id love to but.174 (Will/Can/)Could you please not follow me around? 表示礼貌地提出请求精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 13 页175 Dont forget to clean his bed. She forgot making her bed this morning.注意 remember和 forget 后接 to do(要去做而没做)与doing(已经做过的事)的区别176 It has the most comfortabl

48、e seats. 形容词的最高级八年级(下)177 -Will people have money in 100 years ? in 后跟时间短语,用于将来时态-Yes ,they will. No ,they wont.178 There will (is going to) be fewer people. There be 句型的将来时态的表达方式179 I went to Shanghai last year and fell in love with it. (爱上)180 I willbe able to dress myself more casually. be able t

49、o “能够 ” 后接动词原形dress myself “ 跟自己穿衣服 ”dress的宾语为人181 However , they agree it may take hundreds of years. (数以百计)182 He thinks that it will be difficult for a robot to do the same things as a person.宾语从句,由 it 引导的形式主语结构充当。183 You should give her a ticket to a ball game. (一张球票)184 -What should they do? sh

50、ould 情态动词,表建议。-They should talk about their problems.185 I need to get some money to pay for summer camp. (付帐)186 You should borrow some money from your friends. (从借来)187 Im very upset and dont know what to do. 动词不定式 what作 do的宾语188 They might find it difficult to plan things foe themselves. Find+ it

51、+ 形容词 + to +do (形容词作宾语补足语 )189 -What were you doing when the UFO arrived? Were/was+doing过去进行时态when 引导的时间状语表时间 ,主句一般用进行时态-I was sleeping when it arrived.190 -While the boy was walking down the street, the UFO landed. Were/was+doing过去进行时态 while 引导的时间状语表时间, 主句一般用进行时态,并且从句也可以用进行时态。 -I was reading a stor

52、y book while my father was doing cooking.191 This was one of the most important events in the modern American history.one of+ the+形容词最高级 +可数名词复数表示“ 最之一” 192 Not all events in history are as terrible as this. not 与 all / every连用,表示部分否定Not every students is good at misic.193 She said she was mad at Ma

53、rcia. (对某人生气 )194 You were supposed to meet at the bus stop this morning to return it. Be supposed to do“ 应该作 ” return = give back 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 13 页195 In English , Im better at reading than listening.be good at 在比较级中的用法196 I can do better in math. do well in

54、在比较级中的用法197 She said it was much better if she did her own work. said 的宾语从句比较级前可以用 much / far / even / a little / a bit / a lot 等修饰。198 At first, the thin air made her feel sick. made接动词原形作宾语补足语199 Theres no difference between you and them. (在两者之间)200 If you go the party , youll have a great time. I

55、f 引导的条件状语从句, “ 主将从现 ” 即:主句用将来时态, 从句用一般现在时表示将来201 Don;t wear jeans , if you wear jeans ,we wont let you in.Dont bring food to the party. if you do , the teachers will take it away.202 -How long have you been skating? 对时间长短提问-Ive been skating for 5 years / since 5 years ago. 203 Ive been playing tenni

56、s for three and a half years. Have been doing 表示一直在做什么 ;three and a half years(三年半) .204 In fact, I think its probably my favorite. (实际上)205 I didnt finish my test because I ran out of time. (用完时间)206 I am interested in the job as a waiter. (对感兴趣)207 For foreigner like me, the more I learn about Chi

57、nese history, the moreI enjoy living in China. The + 比较级 (+句子), The + 比较级 (+句子).表示“ 越越”208 And although I live quite far from Beijing,Im certain Ill be here for the 2008 Olympic Games. Far from (远离) be certain=be sure(肯定 ) 后面是宾语从句209 -Would you mind turning down the music? 表示礼貌地建议对方以及回答-No, not at a

58、ll./Sure not./Of course not./Sorry , Ill do it right now.210 -Would mind not wearing those old jeans?-OK, Ill put on another pair. 因为短语 a pair of jeans,所以这里用 another pair 另外注意区别 put on/wear/bein /dress211 -Frank, Could you make some poster?-Sure,thats no problem. (没问题 )212 You must be excited to be

59、in a new house. (对某事感到兴奋)213 Even if you are with your friends, its better to keep your voice down in the public.even if=even though(即使;纵然 )引导让步状语从句。its better to 是 it s good to 的比较级形式214 We should take care not to cough or sneeze loudly in the public. 动词不定式的否定形式not to do215 -What should I get my mu

60、m for her birthday?精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 13 页-How about (=What about) a sweater? How about (=What about)表示建议( 呢?)-No , that sounds interesting enough .形容词 +enough216 -Which do you like better, tea or coffee? 比较级-Tea, please.217 Help yourself to some fish. 请随便吃些鱼218 -W

61、hy dont you (=Why not) get her a scarf? Why dont you (=Why not)表示建议(为什么不 )-Thats too boring.219 The winner of the womens competetion was a 19-year-old girl from Dalian.winner (获胜者 ) a 19-year-old girl from Dalian(一个从大连来的19 岁的女孩) .220 -Have you ever been to Spain? 现在完成时态的一般疑问句及其回答。Have beent to (曾经去过

62、 )-Yes,I have. I have been there twice .No, I havent.221 -Ive never been to a water park.-Me neither. 相当于 Neither do I. (也)222 -Wheres Bob ?- Oh ,he has gone to New York. Have gone to (已经去了 )223 Its so much fun in disneyland. (在多 much、多 many、少 little 、少 few 前表示“ 如此” )224 I want to study in an Englis

63、h-speaking country. (一个说英语的国家 )225 .Ill think about becoming an English teacher rather than a tour guide.(宁愿)226 You wont have any problems finding rice , noodles or dumplings. Have problems(trouble/diffficulties) +doing 表示作某事有困难227 This is becausethe island is so close to the equator. This is becau

64、se (这是因为)be close to(靠近)because引导后的原因状语从句228 Its a nice day , isnt it? 反意疑问句, “ 前肯后否,前否后肯 ” 原则。229 She hardly ever has lunch at school , does she ? 反意疑问句230 They were all really friendly to me . be friendly(kind)to sb. 对某人友好231 I was having a hard time finding it until you came along. having a hard

65、time doing 表示作某事经历了一个艰难时刻九年级232 -How do you study for a test? (How 对方式提问 ) -I study by working with a group.By+doing 表示方式 (通过)233 -Have you ever studied with a group?精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 13 页- Yes , I have. Ive learned a lot that way.(我通过那种方式学了许多东西)234 He thinks stud

66、ying grammar is a great way to learn language. 动词的 -ing 分词形式作主语,谓语动词用第三人称单数。235 We get excited about something and then end up speaking Chinese.get excited about表示“ 对什么感到兴奋 ” end up doing 表示“ 以结束”236 I cant understand spoken English. (英语口语)237 Later on ,I realized that it doesnt matter if you dont u

67、nderstand every word.it doesnt matter没有关系: that 引导后面的是 realize的宾语从句:而 if 引导的是原因状语从句238 She had trouble making complete sentences.Have trouble (problems /diffficulties) +doing 表示作某事有困难239 Worrying about our problems can affect how we do at school.动词的 -ing 分词形式作主语,谓语动词用第三人称单数。240 Sometimes they have d

68、isagreements and decide not to talk to each other.decide后面接动词不定式; not to do 是动词不定式的否定形式;talk to sb.跟某人交谈241 As young adults, it is our duty to try our best to deal with each chanllenge try ones best to do 表示尽某人最大努力去作;deal with 对付242 I used to be afraid of the dark. used to do表示“ 过去常常作某事 ”-Did you us

69、e to play the piano? used to 的一般疑问句及其回答-Yes, I did. No , I didn t.243 I go to sleep with my bedroom light on. With 介词短语作伴随状语244 It seems that Yu Mei has changed a lot. 宾语从句,其中 a lot 作副词短语,表许多 .245 His mother couldnt afford to pay for her child s education. Afford (买得起、支付得起)一般与can/could及其否定形式连用246 He

70、 often gets home at 6:30 in the afternoon.(go there / go abroad / go upstairs / come downstairs)这里是动词与副词搭配,它们之间不用介词to247 but to his surprise , the phone call changed his life. 248 to his surprise(使他惊奇的是)有固定短语是to ones surprise249 he was watching me and always take pride in everything good I do. take

71、pride in (为而自豪) everything good(不定代词被形容词修饰,形容词放后面)I do 是 everything的定语从句250 Teenagers should be allowed to choosetheir own clothes. be allowed to do 被允许去作,后接不定式;allowd sb. to do 允许某人去作 allowd doing 允许作某事(直接接ing 分词)251 They aren t serious enough . enough修饰其他形容词或副词时,应放在后面。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳

72、总结 - - - - - - -第 12 页,共 13 页252 I dont think sixteen-year-olds should be allow to drive, should they?-Yeah, I agree. 否定转移(前置)句子,其反意疑问句应针对宾语从句进行。252 I m allowed to go shopping with my friends , but I m not allowed to getmy ears pierced.get+宾语+宾语补足语 (宾语补足语可以用形容词、动词过去分词、动词现在分词或介词短语充当 )253 Parents shou

73、ld not be strict with teenagers. be strict with sb.对某人严格要求be strict in sth.对某事严格要求254 That would be a good way to keep both teachers and students happy. keep后面可以接形容词、动词现在分词或介词短语等作宾语补足语255 Of course we want to see Liu Yu achieve his dream. 实现某人的梦想、计划、目标等可以用“ 人+achieve+dream/plan 或dream/plan+come true

74、 ”256 Only then willI have a chance of achieving my dream. 地点副词或方位副词放在句首倒装句257 -What would you do if you had a million dallors? If 引导的虚拟语气 :主句用 would/should/could/might+动词原形,则 if 从句用一般过去时态。主句用 would/should/could/might+have done,则 if 从句用过去完成时态 (had done)形式。-I d give it to charity.-If I were you , I d

75、 buy a beautiful house with the money. If 引导的虚拟语气258 You like talking to one or two people rather than to a group.rather than宁愿(连词短语)259 You would also rather stay at home than go to a party. Would rather do A than do B 宁愿作 A 而不愿意作 B。(Would rather +动词原形 + than+ 动词原形)260 What if everyone else brings

76、a present. (要是 怎样/怎么办呢?)条件状语从句261 It must belong to Carl. must 表示肯定推测belong to 属于It could be Carol s , she studies French.Could/might 表示肯定推测(可能、大概)She cant be Lily, I saw her take a bus to the airport. cant 表示否定推测(不可能)262 She is worried because of her test. (因为)263 I like music that I can sing along with. that 引导的定语从句,修饰music264 Whatever you do , dont miss this exhibition. Whatever you do 让步状语从句265 I d like to stay healthy, but to be honest , I only eat food that tastesgood.精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 13 页,共 13 页



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