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1、1 / 30 注:数字的最后一个表示答案如 11140401表示本题选择第答案;11140804表示答案为1844+英语 II (1)普通单元作业答案20180320 第单元参考答案1 各种类的a full range of 2 合适的 appropriate 3 有空做某事available for 4 快乐极了be over the moon 5 与相关be relevant to 6(使)破裂 burst 7 突然出现burst in 8 关系 connection 9 考虑 consideration 10 柜台 counter 11 当前的 current 12 版 edition

2、13 随函附上enclose 14 工程技术engineering 15 询问 enquire 16 失败 failure 17 决赛 final 18 公司 firm 19 嗜好 hobby 20 行业 industry 21 影响 influence 22 兴趣 interest 23 新闻学 journalism 24 回顾 look back 25 制造 manufacture 26 尤其 particularly 27 时期 period 28 工作安排placement 29 产品 product 30 购买 purchase 31 变化幅度range 32 球拍 racquet

3、33 定期地 regularly 34 有关的 relevant 35 要求 require 36 冒险的 risky 37 特别的 special 38 专长 specialisation 39 立即 straightaway 40 成功 success 41 聘用 take on 42 胜利者 winner 1This word is not in c _u _r _r _e _n _t ( 当前的 ) use.current 2His mother has a good i _n _f _l _u _e _n _c _e ( 影响 ) on him.influence 3She has

4、no i _n _t _e _r _e _s _t (兴趣 ) in him.interest 4The factory was built for the m _a _n _u _f _a _c _t _u _r _e (制造 ) of cars.manufacture 5Our car is a p _r _o _d _u _c _t ( 产品 ) of that factory.product 6What more do you r _e _q _u _i _r _e ( 要求 ) me to do?require 7At school his s _p _e _c _i _a _l _

5、i _z _a _t _i _o _n ( 专长 ) is mathematics.specialization 8We meet sometimes, but not r _e _g _u _l _a _r _l _y ( 定期地 ) .regularly 9The meeting was a complete f _a _i _l _u _r _e ( 失败 ) .failure 10The doctor is not a _v _a _i _l _a _b _l _e ( 有空 ) now.available 11.Something that is d is suitable for

6、a particular situation. 2.Something that is d to a person is valuable and useful to that person. 3.A d is a relationship between two things, or people. 4.If you d someone, you use your power to make them agree with you. 5.The d of a race, or competition is the person that wins it. 6.If you d somethi

7、ng with a letter, you put it in the same envelope. 7.If you d about something, you ask for information about it. 8.The d is the last game and decides who is the winner. 9.A d is an activity that you enjoy doing in your spare time. 10. To d something means to make it in a factory. appropriaterelevant

8、connectioninfluencewinnerencloseenquirefinalhobbymanufacture 1Please find _ a brochure in the letter. enclosed2I dont think what you said _ the topic. is relevant to3I am sorry I am not available _ the party on Sunday. for4He was _ about his new car.11140401 5We were playing games on the computer wh

9、en he _.11140501 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 30 页2 / 30 6When I looked _, it wasnt such a bad experience.11140602 7He _ me to help him with his English.11140703 8Parents have great influence _ their children.11140804 9Buying a second-hand car can be a _ business.11140903 10I

10、 am told you are going to take _ new members of staff.11141004 1For what does John go to see Mrs Smith?11220182 2What does John do now?11220202 3According to Mrs Smith, what can be included in the application letter?11220304 4The sentence At least it will help you to the interview stage, I think. me

11、ans _.11220403 1This passage mainly tells us _.11230103 2According to the passage, her mother worked in the post office _.11230202 3Their mother told them to go to the post office straightaway after the match if England won, but she didnt tell them why. Why do you think she did that?11230301 4What d

12、oes the sentence We were over the moon. mean?11230402 5What is the best title for this passage?11230504 1I _ a good film on TV at the moment.11310102 2Hes not German. He _ from l 瑞典 Switzerland l0 .11310202 3Be quiet! Someone _.11310301 4_ to go out tonight?11310401 5I _ my new job.11310502 6They _

13、four languages very well.11310602 1The dog / hate / to have / a bath._The dog hated having a bath. The dog hated having a bath. 2She / quite like / to wear / designer(s) clothes. _She quite liked wearing designer(s) clothes. She quite liked wearing designer(s) clothes. 3They / hate / to begin / a ne

14、w term at school. _They hated beginning a new term at school. They hated beginning a new term at school. 4I / loathe / to run/ at the gym. _I loathed running at the gym. I loathed running at the gym. 5She / love / to do / puzzles._She loved doing puzzles. She loved doing puzzles. 6He / be keen on /

15、to come / to my house for dinner. _He was keen on coming to my house for dinner. He was keen on coming to my house for dinner. 1While he _was mending (mend) the car, the police _arrived(arrive).was mending, arrived 2They _shouted (shout) to him while he _was crossing (cross) the road. shouted, was c

16、rossing 3He _didnt hear (not / hear) them because the children _were making (make) too much l 噪音 noise l0 .didnt hear, were making 4She _made (make) him a coffee while he _was watching (watch) TV.made, was watching 5We _were thinking (think) about Peter when we _got (get) a l 电话 phone call l0 from h

17、im.were thinking, got a phone call 6He _wasnt looking (not / look) when the car _hit (hit)him.wasnt looking, hit 7They _were talking (talk) in French, so we _didnt understand (not / understand) them.were talking, didnt understand 8When I _saw (see) the accident, I _was standing (stand) by the door.s

18、aw the accident, was standing 1Angela began by working in Paris. Angela had a job in a cosmetics company. b2 (where) b0 _Angela began by working in Paris, where she had a job in a cosmetics company.Angela began by working in Paris, where she had a job in a cosmetics company. 2Angela enjoyed the job.

19、 Angela left the job. Angela felt she was not paid enough. b2 (but, because) b0 _Angela enjoyed the job, but she left it because she felt she was not paid enough.Angela enjoyed the job, but she left it because she felt she was not paid enough. 3Angela liked London. Angelas brother lived there. b2 (b

20、ecause) b0 _Angela liked London because her brother lived there.Angela liked London because her brother lived there. 4Then Angela found another job. The job had very good l 前途 prospects l0 . b2 (with) b0 _Then Angela found another job with very good prospects.Then Angela found another job with very

21、good prospects. 5Angela had enough experience. She decided to set up her own company. b2 (and) b0 _Angela had enough experience and decided to set up her own company.Angela had enough experience and decided to set up her own company. 6Angela now works in London and Paris. She has a team of 60 people

22、. The team are French and English. b2 (with, who) b0 _Angela now works in London and Paris with a team of 60 people, who are French and English.Angela now works in London and Paris with a team of 60 people, who are French and English. 1being at home3 2watching cricket1 3going to concerts2 4walking1

23、5reading3 6architecture2 7spending time with my family3 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 30 页3 / 30 8bird watching1 9gardening3 10visiting old houses2 11music2 12playing with dogs1 13watching tennis3 14cooking3 15eating out in restaurants2 16going to the cinema2 1I _was _born in

24、Kandar, Sri Lanka in _1958 .was born, 1958 2My _father worked as a _British civil servant.father, British 3I_studied law at Oxford _University .studied, University 4I am a _lecturer in law.lecturer 5I live in _London .London 6I am currently _working on a _book about company law.working, book 7In my

25、spare time I like _reading , gardening and_cooking .reading,cooking 8At the weekends I often _go _to _the _cinema and _walk in the countryside.go to the cinema,walk 1You can say something about where you are from, what you do for a living(typically what your job is), where you live and work, what yo

26、ur hobbies are, what kinds of entertainment, movies, sports, or books you are interested in, etc. Here is a list of expressions you may use when you are making a self-introduction: Giving your name My name is It meansCall meEveryone calls me b4Where are you from b0I live inI am fromI was born in and

27、 lived in until I moved to when I wasMy hometown is b4Where you wor k/study b0I am a long distance learner atI am majoring inMy major isI work for a company calledI am in business as a trader. My primary job isIntroducing your family I am married and have two children. My family members areI have on

28、e older brother and two younger sisters. Talking about hobbies/things you like I started playing piano when I was in the third grade. My hobby is listening to rock music. What do you do in your spare time? We have been very involved inMy favorite kind of computer games are action games, such asb4 Ta

29、lking About Myself 第单元参考答案1 羡慕 admire 2 擅长艺术的artistic 3 当局 authority 4 拜访 call in on sb 5 跟着一起来come along 6 恼火的 cross 7 残酷的 cruel 8 拆毁 demolish 9(患)糖尿病的diabetic 10 诊断 diagnose 11 带气泡的饮料fizzy drinks 12 永远 forever 13 游乐场 funfair 14 山羊 goat 15 和善的 good-natured 16 说闲话 gossip 17 长大 grow up 18 内部的 inner 1

30、9 敬慕 look up to 20 忠诚的 loyal 21 市场 market 22 嫁;娶 marry 23 擅长音乐的musical 24 英镑 pound 25 容忍 put up with 26 香肠 sausage 27 出发 (去)set out (for) 28 谈吐得体的sophisticated 29 专家 specialist 30 度过 spend 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 30 页4 / 30 31 照料 take care of 32 发生 take place 33 责备 tell

31、off 34 实验 try out 35 无论怎样的whatever 36 轮 wheel 1I a_d_m_i_r_e ( 羡慕 )him for his skill. admire 2He was a very a_r_t_i_s_t_i_c ( 擅长艺术的 )man. artistic 3The a_u_t_h_o_r_i_t_i_e_s ( 当局 )should stop them doing that. authorities 4I was a little c_r_o_s_s ( 恼火的 )when he played the computer games. cross 5They

32、 are c_r_u_e_l ( 残酷的 )to animals. cruel 6They are going to d_e_m_o_l_i_s_h ( 拆毁 )that old factory. demolish 7Her parents want her to m_a_r_r_y ( 结婚 )a rich man. marry 8What did the doctor d_i_a_g_n_o_s_e ( 诊断 )him as? diagnose 9Would you like some f_i_z_z_y ( 带气泡的 )drinks? fizzy 10I hope well be fri

33、ends f_o_r_e_v_e_r ( 永远 ) . forever 11.Ad is an event held in a park at which people pay to ride on various machines for fun. 2.Ad is a farm animal that is about the size of a sheep. 3.If youd with someone, you talk about other people. 4.If someone isd , they are firm in their friendship. 5.Ad perso

34、n doesnt get angry easily. 6.Ad is a person who has a particular skill. 7.Ad is a place where goods are bought and sold. 8.Someone who isd has a natural ability and interest in music. 9.If youd time doing something, you use your time doing it. 10. Thed is the unit of money which is used in Britain.

35、funfairgoatgossiployalgood-natured specialistmarketmusicalspendpound 1The teacher told _ for being late for class.21140103 2He always keeps _ me how to do the job.21140201 3They plan to set _ the Great Wall at six oclock.21140304 4I cant put _ the noisy people outside.21140403 5They _ for nearly thr

36、ee years.21140504 6When I saw her for the first time, I_ her.21140602 7My old friend called _ me last week.21140702 8Will you _ us to the theatre?21140803 9Students all looked _ their mathematics teacher.21140902 10What has _ to your car?21141001 1According to the passage, when Anna was a child, she

37、 _. 21220181 2It can be inferred from the passage the author thinks looking after little children is _. 21220202 3What does take after mean in the first sentence of paragraph 2? 21220303 4My daughter and I have little in common in terms of _. 21220404 5From the passage, we can see the authors descri

38、ption of his daughter is _. 21220504 1Why did Mrs. Sharp have to move to Greenleas? 21230103 2When she got married, she lived _. 21230204 3How did she know so many people? 21230302 4The sentence I had one neighbour who was always poking her nose into our business in the last paragraph means _. 21230

39、403 5What does this passage mainly deal with? 21230501 1to take afterto grow upto get round someone to look up to someoneto look after someoneto bring someone up to be somethingto tell someone off 1.Where were you born? I was born in Scotland, but I_grew up in London. 2.You play the piano beautifull

40、y. Thank you. I_take after my mother. She is a professional musician. 3.The boss is angry about your last report. Dont worry I can_get round him. 4.Are you close to your grandparents? Yes, they_looked after me after my parents died. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 30 页5 / 30 5.W

41、hy is your son crying? He was naughty and I_told him off (him). 6.Why are you giving that wallet to the police? My parents_brought me up (me) to be honest.grew up 1Shes going to b2 bring b0 her children b2 upb0to be honest and loyal. 21320182 2I am not very good at b2 looking after b0 children. 2132

42、0202 3When she b2 grew up b0 a bit, we spent a lot of time together. 21320301 4She b2takes after b0 her mother. 21320402 5My wife b2 took care of b0 her. 21320502 6I dont ever remember b2 tellingb0her b2 offb0 . 21320601 1When I was young, I_used to live in the country. used to 2Every Saturday when

43、it was sunny, I_used towould meet my friends to go for a cycle ride. used to / would 3After the cricket we_used towould sit under a tree and talk about sport. used to / would 4We_used to enjoy playing cricket in a field. used to 5When we were older we_used towould talk about girls. used to / would 6

44、I_used to be in love with Mary, then I met Suzie. used to 1I dont like Jane. Shes nosey. to ask questions (keep) _She keeps asking questions. She keeps asking questions. 2I dont want to work with Frank any more. Hes very unkind. to say I am stupid (always) _Hes always saying I am stupid.He is always

45、 saying I am stupid. Hes always saying I am stupid. / He is always saying I am stupid. 3I hate my brother. Hes so lazy. to stay in bed all day (forever) _Hes forever staying in bed all day.He is forever staying in bed all day. Hes forever staying in bed all day. 4Max is very aggressive. To startl 争吵

46、,打斗 fightsl0 (keep) _He keeps starting fights. He keeps starting fights. 1David likes skiing.What does he like doing? 2Ian is tall and fair.What does he look like? 3David is outgoing. Ian is more shy.What are they like? 4David has dark hair, dark eyes and dark skin.What does David look like? 5Davids

47、 like his father.Whos he like? 11. d 2. d 3. d 4. d 5. d 6. d 7. d brothers birthdayspeakers birthdayinvite friendsget 1go to the funfairhave tealisten to records 1used to be a senior engineer would work in a factory is very serious about everything pay attention to the details take after have influ

48、ence upon looks like b4 My Family b0 第单元参考答案1 连同一起along with 2 可供选择的办法alternative 3 外表 appearance 4 熏肉 bacon 5 出生 be born 6 照料 care for 7 照顾老人的人carer 8 犯罪行为crime 9 约会 date 10 下降 decline 11 离婚 divorce 12 自由 freedom 13 美发师 hairdresser 14 负责 head 15 想象 imagine 16 保持联系keep in touch 17 通常地 normally 精选学习资

49、料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 30 页6 / 30 18 不时地 now and again 19 显然地 obviously 20 个人的 personal 21 比例 proportion 22 骄傲的 proud(of) 23 最近的 recent 24 退休 retire 25 抢劫,抢掠rob 26 明显的 sharp 27 显著的 significant 28 大小 size 29 微小的 slight 30 社会 society 31 自发地 spontaneously 32 平稳的 steady 33 紧张的 s

50、tressful 34 吐司面包toast 35 使受限制trap 36 受害者 victim 1Theres no a_l_t_e_r_n_a_t_i_v_e( 可供选择的办法)but to go on. alternative 2She was a young woman of good a_p_p_e_a_r_a_n_c_e(外表 ). appearance 3We have b_a_c_o_n(熏肉 ), eggs and sausage for breakfast. bacon 4He has been the c_a_r_e_r(照顾老人的人 )for the old man fo

51、r ten years. carer 5A knife was found at the place of the c_r_i_m_e( 犯罪行为 ). crime 6She had a d_a_t_e(约会 )on Sunday. date 7The prices on oil d_e_c_l_i_n_e_d( 下降 ). declined 8They got d_i_v_o_r_c_e_d( 离婚 )after only one month of their wedding. divorced 9He is making s_t_e_a_d_y( 平稳的 )progress in his

52、work. steady 10Everyone should be allowed f_r_e_e_d_o_m( 自由 )of choice. freedom 11.Adis a person who cuts, colours, and arranges peoples hair. 2.If youdsomething, you think about it and you have a picture in your mind. 3.If you do somethingd, you do it in the usual way. 4.If you feeld, you feel plea

53、sed about something good. 5.Thedof one kind of thing in a group is the number of things of that kind compared to the total number of things in the group. 6.Adchange is great in amount, or degree. 7.Adis the people who live in a country and their way of life. 8.Adis someone who has been hurt or kille

54、d. 9.Adfact or thing is one that is important or shows something. 10. If youda department, company, or organization, you are the person incharge of it. hairdresserimaginenormallyproudproportion sharpsocietyvictimsignificanthead 1I was told she _ her boyfriend.31140103 2We do meet _, but not regularl

55、y.31140202 3What was she _ yesterday?31140301 4I am_ be a Chinese.31140403 5_ you still in touch with your old friends?31140504 6Who _ your baby when you went to work?31140602 7My mother _ for almost two years.31140703 8He _ a teachers family.31140801 9This is_ conversation.31140902 10These shoes ar

56、e comfortable _ pretty.31141004 1What does the passage mainly discuss?31220184 2During the last ten years, _.31220201 3According to the passage, thel 同 居cohabitationl0rate in the UK tends to _.31220302 4According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?31220401 5The last paragr

57、aph tells us that_.31220504 1What does this passage mainly deal with?31230102 2Their breakfast from Monday to Saturday usually includes_.31230201 3Which of the following is TRUE, based on the passage?31230304 4From the passage, we learn Lilys mother _.31230401 5How does Lily feel about caring for he

58、r mother?31230503 1After the last war there was a sharp rise in the population. After the last war the population_rose sharply.rose sharply 2During the last ten years there has been a significant rise in womens wages. During the last ten years womens wages_have risen significantly.have risen signifi

59、cantly 3Since last October there has been a slow fall in inflation. Since last October inflation_has fallen slowly.has fallen slowly 4Last year there was a slight increase in the average wage. The average wage_increased slightlylast year.increased slightly 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - -

60、 -第 6 页,共 30 页7 / 30 5In the last 100 years there has been a slow decline in the birthrate. In the last 100 years the birthrate_has declined slowly.has declined slowly 6Last century there was a rapid rise in life expectancy. Life expectancy_rose rapidlylast century.rose rapidly 1Unemployment fell_by

61、1.5 million last year. It fell_from4.5 million_to3 million. It has already fallen_byhalf a million this year,_to2.5 million this month.by。 from 。 to。by。 to 2Inflation rose_by4% in ten years: it was 5% in 1991, but it rose_from6% in 1992_to 9% in 1999. In 2000, however, it fell_from9%_to7%. In 2001 i

62、t decreased further_by 3% and at the end of the year it was 4%.by 。 from 。 to。 from。 to。 by 1occasionally2 2now and again2 3usually3 4always3 5never1 6regularly2 7often3 8not often1 9hardly ever1 10from time to time2 11sometimes2 1I lived with my parents, then I_left( leave ) home for the first time

63、 when I went to university.left 2My brother_lost ( lose) his job three times in thel经济衰退期recessionl0.lost 3I _got divorced(get divorced) in 1995 when my son was five years old, but his father still lives very near and he sees his son now and then.got divorced 4My mother_retired(retire )before my fat

64、her when she was 60.retired 5My grandmother was 93 when she_died(die ).died 6We_moved( move) house three years ago when my husband got a job in another city.moved 11.d 2.d 3.d 4.d 5.dl 离婚率the divorce ratel0l 结婚率the marriage ratel0l 同居率the cohabitation ratel0l 单亲率 the lone parent rate l0l 出生率 the bir

65、th ratel0 1|p1010300300Datapicsoundplay.gifDataSoundUnit 33152u3_lis2_1.mp3 I_write a postcard to my parentsfrom time to time.write a postcard to my parents 2|p1010300300Datapicsoundplay.gifDataSoundUnit 33152u3_lis2_2.mp3 I never_remember my brothers birthday.remember my brothers birthday 3|p101030

66、0300Datapicsoundplay.gifDataSoundUnit 33152u3_lis2_3.mp3 Every now and again I_telephone my aunt.telephone my aunt 4|p1010300300Datapicsoundplay.gifDataSoundUnit 33152u3_lis2_4.mp3 I am occasionally_too selfish to help in the house.too selfish to help in the house 5|p1010300300Datapicsoundplay.gifDa

67、taSoundUnit 33152u3_lis2_5.mp3 I dont often_telephone my cousins.telephone my cousins 6|p1010300300Datapicsoundplay.gifDataSoundUnit 33152u3_lis2_6.mp3 I am hardly ever_worried about my job. worried about my job 1Describing your daily routines in the morning, evening and so on. pick up my daughters1

68、0.5 (接女儿) s0 do some grocery shoppings10.5(买菜) s0 be good at cookings10.5(擅长做饭)s0 current affairss10.5 (时事) s0 b4My Family Life 第单元参考答案1 了不起的amazing 2 逗乐 amuse 3 道路弯曲处bend 4 偶然 by chance 5 取消 cancel 6 继续 carry on 7 受伤者 casualty 8 相当大地considerably 9 陶器 crockery 10 设计 design 11 编辑 editor 12 整个的 entire

69、 13 最后 eventually 14 出口 export 15 垮台 fall 16 跟随 follow 17 新鲜的 fresh 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 30 页8 / 30 18 旅游指南guidebook 19 移交 hand over 20 港湾 harbour 21 惊骇的 horrified 22 热衷的 keen 23 正常的 normal 24 拥有 own 25 汽油 petrol 26 利润 profit 27 正经的 proper 28 快速行进race 29 不情愿地reluctant

70、ly 30 争吵 row 31 航行 sail 32 不久 shortly 33 观光 sightseeing 34 起诉 sue 35 日落 sunset 36 自愿地 voluntarily 37 野生动物wildlife 1The police said there was no c_a_s_u_a_l_t_y( 受伤者 )in the accident.casualty 2He works as an e_d_i_t_o_r( 编辑 )of a magazine.editor 3He spent his e_n_t_i_r_e(整个的 )life in China.entire 4Th

71、eir products are e_x_p_o_r_t_e_d( 出口 )to many countries.exported 5The g_u_i_d_e_b_o_o_k( 旅游指南 )can give you some information.guidebook 6I was h_o_r_r_i_f_i_e_d( 惊骇的 )at the news.horrified 7The price of p_e_t_r_o_l( 汽油 )is going up.petrol 8The p_r_o_f_i_t_s( 利润 )in this business are not large.profits

72、 9There was such a beautiful s_u_n_s_e_t(日落 ).sunset 10You must learn the p_r_o_p_e_r( 正确的 )way to do things.proper 11.You say that something isdwhen it is very surprising. 2.If somethingdyou, it makes you want to laugh. 3.If youdsomething, you stop it from happening. 4.If you aredon doing something

73、, you very much want to do it. 5.When someoneda building, they plan it and make a detailed drawing of it. 6.If youdsomeone, you move along behind them. 7.Something that isdis usual and ordinary. 8.If youdsomewhere, you go there as quickly as possible. 9.If something is going to happend, it is going

74、to happen soon. 10. You say a shipdwhen it moves over the sea.amazingamusescancelkeendesignsfollownormalraceshortlysails 1The boy is keen _ computer games.41140104 2It is one of the most _ films that I have ever seen.41140202 3I found this book in the bookstore _ .41140301 4Lets carry _ this discuss

75、ion at some other time.41140403 5They plan to _ in the city.41140502 6He spent _ doing his homework.41140601 7They walked in the woods _ they dropped.41140704 8His story _ all the students in the classroom.41140802 9Can you drop _ at the station?41140901 10All the people were horrified _ the news.41

76、141003 1The topic sentence of paragraph 1 is _.41220181 2The topic sentence of paragraph 2 is _.41220203 3Which of the following statements can best express the main idea of paragraph 3?41220302 4What is the central idea of the last paragraph?41220404 5The passage mainly deals with _.41220502 1Why d

77、id he (the second speaker) give up his first job?41230104 2It can be inferred from the passage that _.41230201 3Why did he give up journalism to sail full-time?41230302 4It can be inferred from this passage that _.41230401 5What does the word chaotic mean in the last paragraph?41230504 1She_bought(t

78、o buy) a cat for her mother last Christmas. bought 2Oh look, the bed is dirty now. The cats_have slept(to sleep) on them. have slept 3A dog_bit(to bite) me yesterday morning. bit 4The dog_ate(to eat) the chicken I had cooked for lunch. ate 5I think the dog_smelt(to smell) it from the garden. smelt 6

79、I_took(to take) the dog to a training class last week. He hasnt improved. took 7Oh, no! We_have lost(to lose) the bird. It_has flownflew(to fly) into the garden. have lost。 has flown / flew 8Oh no! I_have forgotten(to forget) the dog. I left him outside the chemists. have forgotten 1The family_whoth

80、atcouldnt pay the bills was sued by the man _whothatowned the company. who / that, who / that 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 30 页9 / 30 2The person_whomthathe met on the boat became his wife. whom / that 3The war correspondent_whothatwrote the article has returned. who / that 4

81、The article_whichthathe wrote has been published several times.w hich / that 5The children_whomthathe looked after were all under five. whom / that 6The story_whichthathe wrote was the one_whichthatgot him the job. which / that ,which / that 1-Where _ the recorder? I cant see it anywhere. - I _ it r

82、ight here, but now its gone.41330102 2-Are you free in July? - No, I _ with my parents in July.41330204 3The restaurants _ are good but the _ here are much better.41330301 4I started looking after other children _ parents went out to work.41330403 5This is the house _ he lived last year.41330503 6_

83、I enjoy most is _ I can have a holiday from work.41330604 7Im leaving for New York _ three days time.41330702 8Im in Greece at the moment. I like the weather _.41330801 9He is very keen _ football.41330903 10We _ the bathroom and plan _ the bedroom this year.41331004 141340103 241340202 341340304 44

84、1340403 541340501 641340602 741340701 841340803 941340904 1041341003 1what are you doing then?Tomorrow Im meeting Mr Jones. 2what are you doing after that?The day after tomorrow Im driving to Baltimore. 3what are you doing next?In three days time, Im visiting GIB International. 4And then?A week tomo

85、rrow Im returning to London. 1I_am not going toretire. am not going to 2I_am goingto work till I drop. am going 3I_am signinga new contract with an Italian customer. am signing 4I_am having discussionswith an agent in Brazil. am having discussions 5My wife_is comingas well. is coming 6We_are staying

86、for two weeks. are staying 7We_are visitingRio. are visiting 8Then we_are travellingup to the north where I_am meetingsome clients. are travelling am meeting1There have been many changes in my lifes10.5 (生活发生了许多变化)s0 be better offs10.5(生活状况更好)s0 preserved pickless10.5(咸菜) s0 move from a cramped and

87、gloomy room to a big and bright flats10.5(从狭窄阴暗的房间搬到大而明亮的单元房)s0 getting arounds10.5(出行) s0 b4Changes in My Lifeb0 第单元参考答案1 意识到的aware 2 芭蕾 ballet 3 民用的 civil 4 古典的 classical 5 密切地 closely 6 顾问 counsellor 7 创造性 creativity 8 甲板 deck 9 充满活力的dynamic 10 教育 education 11 精力 energy 12 性别 gender 13 直升机 helico

88、pter 14 伤害 injure 15 智力 intelligence 16 直觉 intuition 17 涉及 involve 18 逻辑的 logical 19 销售业务marketing 20 有耐心的patient 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 30 页10 / 30 21 积极的 positive 22 程序 process 23 精神科医生psychiatrist 24 筹集 raise 25 不平静的rough 26 部分 section 27 只不过 simply 28 支持 support 29

89、波涛 wave 1Are you a_w_a_r_e( 意识到的 )of the danger?aware 2Bach wrote c_l_a_s_s_i_c_a_l( 古典的 )music.classical 3We followed c_l_o_s_e_l_y( 紧密地 )after him.closely 4They came and gave us a little s_u_p_p_o_r_t( 支持 ).support 5I dont think c_r_e_a_t_i_v_i_t_y(创造性 )is a skill.creativity 6You can find the info

90、rmation in the sports s_e_c_t_i_o_n(部分 ).section 7The e_d_u_c_a_t_i_o_n(教育 )of children is very important.education 8The child had more e_n_e_r_g_y( 精力 )than his parents.energy 9Does this test show the g_e_n_d_e_r(性别 )of the baby?gender 10The teacher is very p_a_t_i_e_n_t( 耐心 )with students.patient

91、11.If an activitydsomeone, they are taking part in it. 2.If you aredabout things, you are hopeful and confident. 3.If you ared, you are full of energy. 4.Adis a series of actions which are carried out in order. 5.If youda person, you damage some parts of their body. 6.If youdmoney, you ask people fo

92、r money which you collect. 7.Yourdare unexplained feelings you have that something is true. 8.Adis a person whose job is to give advice to people. 9.You use the word d to refer to the ordinary people of a country. 10. Thedof a ship is the top part of it that forms a floor in the open air. involvespo

93、sitivedynamicprocessinjure raiseintuitionscounsellorcivildeck 1The woman is very patient _the customers.51140101 2_ you involved in the traffic accident?51140202 3He is not aware _ what he has done.51140304 4The heavy rain _ the road.51140403 5He took _ part in the activity.51140501 6He has _ come b

94、ack from his holiday.51140603 7He likes to _ stamps as his hobby.51140701 8He was a young sailor on his first sea _.51140804 9He has _ for music.51140902 10Please write to me _.51141001 1What does the word extraordinary mean in the title?51220182 2The sentence my husband thought I was bored in parag

95、raph 4 meant that my husband thought I felt_.51220201 3The word section in paragraph 4 most probably means here _.51220303 4Which of the following is nearest (closest) in meaning to rough in the sentence One night the sea was very rough in paragraph 5?512204035The last paragraph suggests that _.5122

96、0501 1What is Iran going to study in the University of Wales?51230103 2Why is Iran interested in studying in North America?51230201 3His other ambitions include _.51230303 1From the passage, we can infer that _.51240104 2Which of the following is NOT included in Helens ambitions?51240202 1What did M

97、olly do after she (to have) children? _What did Molly do after she had had children? What did Molly do after she had had children? 2What (to happen) before Molly joined a pop dance team? _What had happened before Molly joined a pop dance team? What had happened before Molly joined a pop dance team?

98、3Was Molly bored after the children (to leave) home? _Was Molly bored after the children had left home? Was Molly bored after the children had left home? 4Where Molly (to go) before the wave smashed into the boat? _Where had Molly gone before the wave smashed into the boat? Where had Molly gone befo

99、re the wave smashed into the boat? 5How much money Molly (to raise) by the end of October last year? _How much money had Molly raised by the end of October last year? How much money had Molly raised by the end of October last year? 1How long is your_journeyto work?journey 2Do you_travelby train?trav

100、el 3Thel 泰坦尼克号Titanicl0sank on its first_voyage.voyage 4I have a business_triptol 法兰克福Frankfurtl0next week.trip 5I must leave. I have a long_journeyhome.journey 6They have enjoyed_traveltravellingvery much since they retired.travel/travelling 11.Idfor an exam at the moment and am very busy. 2.I met

101、her when Idin the USA. 3.IdEnglish every evening from 7 to 9. 4.IdFrench for three years before I took the exam. 5.Idmaths since I was a child.am studyingwas studyingstudyhad studiedhave studied 第单元参考答案精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 30 页11 / 30 开放教育本科1844+英语 II(1)第七单元资料第一部分1、词

102、语配对影响 affect 道歉 apologise 使惊骇 appal 委员会 committee 抱怨 complaint 关心的 concerned 温室 conservatory 独立式的detached失望的 disappointed 不满意的dissatisfied 不利条件drawback 讨厌的 dreadful 到期的 due选举 elect 全面的 extensive 花圃 flowerbed 框架 frame 排水沟 gutter 无作为 inactivity 草坪 lawn 调查 look into sth. 维护 maintenance 割 (草)mow 总的来说ove

103、rall 油漆工 painter 小路 path质量 quality 取代 replace 居民 resident屋顶 roof 满意的 satisfactory 使满意 satisfy 破旧的 shabby 空间 space郊区 suburb 收拾 tidy sth. up 无法接受的unacceptable价值 value 除草 weed 2、单词补充Smoking a _f _f _e _c _t _s ( 影响 ) health.affects I have come to a _p _o _l _o _g _i _s _e ( 道歉 ) to you.apologise We wer

104、e a _p _p _a _l _l _e _d ( 使惊骇 ) by the news.appalled They are having a c _o _m _m _i _t _t _e _e ( 委员会 )committee There is no real reason for c _o _m _p _l _a _i _n _t ( 抱怨 ) .complaint They are very c _o _n _c _e _r _n _e _d ( 关心的 ) about the problems involved.concerned Im afraid you are very d _i

105、 _s _a _p _p _o _i _n _t _e _d ( 失望的 ) with me.disappointed That answer wont s _a _t _i _s _f _y ( 使满意 ) her.satisfy We e _l _e _c _t _e _d (选举 ) him as President.elected Your idea has little v _a _l _u _e ( 价值 ) .value 3、单词填写1.If you say that something is d , you mean that it is very bad or unpleas

106、ant. 2.Something that is d covers a wide range of details, ideas, or items. 3.Something that is d is acceptable to you. 4.The d of something is how good or bad it is. 5.If one thing or person d another, the first is used instead of the second. 6.The d of something is its importance or usefulness. 7.

107、A person who is d is wearing old, worn clothes. 8.Someone who is a d in a country or a town lives there. 9.If an event is d to something, it is caused by it. 10. A d house is one that is not joined to any other house. 参考答案dreadfulextensivesatisfactoryqualityreplacesvalueshabbyresidentduedetached 4、选

108、择填空We were all _ the bad news.71140101 Please dont _ him.71140202 _ his work dissatisfy you?71140304 Who is looking _ the matter?71140402 He studied hard。 _ , he failed in his exam.71140504 Look at your room. Please _.71140602 He will go and attend the meeting _.71140703 He is really _ what he has d

109、one.71140803 The building _ by the fire.71140901 The dirty dog needs _ at once.71141004 第二部分1、阅读理解一What does the word replaced mean in the fourth line in paragraph 1 _.71220181 The word shabby in the last line of paragraph 1 means _.71220203 The word drawback most likely means _.71220302 The sentenc

110、e we have a list of things to do as long as your arm means _.71220403 2、阅读理解二Which of the following is TRUE about June and Petes house?71220504 Why did John Preston call a meeting last week?71230102 What does the word inactivity mean in the third sentence in paragraph 1?71230204 What does the word d

111、ue mean in the first sentence of paragraph 2?71230301 第三部分1、填空The doors _need painting will need paintingtoday. (paint)need/will need painting He _needed to replace the gate last week. (replace)needed to replace They _ needed to fix the roof last summer. (fix)needed to fix The path _needs cleaningwi

112、ll need cleaning before the winter. (clean)needs/ will need cleaning The window frames _need paintingwill need painting soon. (paint)need/ will need painting You _need to replacewill need to replace the windowpanes as soon as possible. (replace)need to /will need to replace The steps _need repairing

113、will need repairing soon. (repair)need/ will need repairing The chimney _needs cleaning. will need cleaning.before we have a fire. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 30 页12 / 30 (clean)needs/ will need cleaning 2、补充We replaced the gate ourselves, but we _had the chimney replaced .

114、 (chimney, to replace)had the chimney replaced They cleaned the windowpanes themselves, but they _had the floors cleaned . (floors, to clean)had the floors cleaned She repaired the path herself, but she _had the roof repaired . (roof, to repair)had the roof repaired We put in the newl 浴缸 bath l0 our

115、selves, but we _had the shower put in . (showers, to l 安装 put in l0 )had the shower put in We built the kitchen cupboards ourselves, but we _ had the conservatory built . (conservatory, to build)had the conservatory built I converted the bedroom to a study myself, but I _had the garage converted to

116、a playroom. (garage, to convert)had the garage converted 3、选择1.I live with my husband. d , but actually hes very friendly. 2.We have two children. d , but actually theyre very good. 3.We used to live in the centre. d , but actually its a bit dangerous. 4.We like our house. d , but actually its quite

117、 new. 5.We like our street. d , but actually its fun. 6.Sally, our neighbour, is very nice. d , but actually shes nearly 60. 参考答案He looks shyThey look naughtyIt looks safeIt looks oldIt looks boringShe looks young 4、选择Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to complain about a programme on TV last night. d

118、I am more than 60 years old, I am not usually old-fashioned in my opinions. d , I was very unhappy with the programme West Enders last night d it showed l非法吸毒 illegal l0 |l 非法吸毒 drug-taking l0 . The programme is on at 7.00 p.m. when many children are still watching. There was a warning before the pr

119、ogramme, d my grandchildren were watching the TV alone at that point and I did not know about it. d my grandchildren are nearly teenagers now, they were upset by the programme and worried about what they saw. I was very surprised at your decision to show this programme at this time. d I am advising

120、my friends to stop their children watching the programme. Yours faithfully, Mrs M. Blackhouse 参考答案:AlthoughHoweverbecauseButAlthoughTherefore 第四部分:1、选择When Pete got married he lived in a studio flat.71510102 The journey to work on the tube was l 压力大的,紧张的stressful l0 and busy.71510201 When he had chi

121、ldren, his family moved to a house.71510301 Its very expensive to live in the centre.71510403 Theyve made plenty of friends with other children.71510502 第五部分作文题目你的家I am living on the 10th floor of a tower building with my wife and daughter. It is a newly-built block of flats with 22 stories altogeth

122、er in the north of the city. We have three bedrooms, one big living-room, one kitchen and two bathrooms. The size is about 127 square meters. When we moved in three years ago, I painted the doors myself, but I had the window frames painted. We are satisfied with the decorations except the cupboards

123、in the kitchen, so I need to build them again. The neighbourhood is nice too. I think my home is cozy and I like my home. 第单元参考答案开放本科1844+英语 II(1)第八单元参考答案侵犯的 aggressive改变 alter 吠 bark 咬 bite 瞎的 blind 做错事或坏事commit 因此 consequently 罪犯 criminal 十年 decade 减少 decrease装置 device 伤残的 disabled 戏剧性地dramaticall

124、y 值班 on duty 下班 off duty 取来 fetch 数字 figure 一家人 household 事件 incident 注射 injection 空闲 leisure 生活方式lifestyle 多数 majority 精神的 mental 微波炉 microwave oven 犯法 offence 宠物 pet 警方 police force 重新安排reorganise回应 respond 搜寻 search警官 sergeant短袜 sock 整理 sort sth out 监督 supervise调查 survey 非药物疗法therapy 热带的 tropical

125、 制服 uniform 真空 vacuum 志愿的 voluntary 志愿者 volunteer 病房 ward 福利 welfare 轮椅 wheelchair Where did you get those f_i_g_u_r_e_s ( 数字 )?figures 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 12 页,共 30 页13 / 30 He decided not to tell anyone about the i_n_c_i_d_e_n_t ( 事件 ).incident The nurse gave the patient

126、 an i_n_j_e_c_t_i_o_n ( 注射 ).injection He spends his l_e_i_s_u_r_e (休闲 )time reading newspapers.leisure Travelling is a l_i_f_e_s_t_y_l_e ( 生活方式 )not a hobby.lifestyle I dont agree with the m_a_j_o_r_i_t_y ( 大多数 )on this point.majority Driving without a license is an o_f_f_e_n_c_e (违法 ).offence Plea

127、se r_e_s_p_o_n_d (回应 )to the questions.respond He works as a police s_e_r_g_e_a_n_t (警官 )in Beijing.sergeant Speech t_h_e_r_a_p_y (疗法 )can help this child to speak clearly.therapy 1.If somethingd , it changes. 2.Someone who isd is unable to see. 3.If someoned a crime, he has done something bad. 4.If

128、 youd something, you use your teeth to cut into it. 5.Ad is a period of ten years. 6.When somethingd , it becomes less in quantity or size. 7.If youd for something, you look carefully for it. 8.If youd something, you look at or consider the whole of it carefully. 9.Ad worker is someone who does work

129、 without being paid for it. 10. If youd an activity, you make sure that the activity is done correctly.参考答案:altersblindcommitsbitedecadedecreasessearchsurveyvoluntarysupervise You can see the great changes in the city during _ development.81140101 They wanted to _ the number of workers in their comp

130、any.81140202 We need some new _ in our office.81140301 Dont be worried about it because we have police _ all the time.81140404 What _ you here today?81140503 You can see that the user _ of our website are up this month.81140601 Mr. Robert has a _ of five people.81140704 The doctor _ her carefully an

131、d then decided whether or not to operate.81140802 The shop has a good selection of swimming _.81140903 He spent the whole afternoon sorting _ his coins.81141002 What does the word dramatically mean in the first paragraph?81220181 Which of the following statements is TRUE according to this passage? 8

132、1220204 What does exotic mean in the second sentence of paragraph 1?81230101 From the sentence Dogs used to be the most popular pet, more independent and need less care., we can infer that _.81230203 Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?81240102 Pets are particularly be

133、neficial to the following EXCEPT _.81240203 The first sentence of paragraph 2 suggests _.81240304 The dog helps Alan do the following EXCEPT _.81240404 The sentence when I was going to a comma means that _. 81240503 1. 85% of households have a microwave oven. d of households have a microwave oven. 2

134、. 52% of managers have al 洗碗机 dishwasherl0 . d of managers have a dishwasher. 3. 23% of unskilled workers households have a dishwasher. d of unskilled workers households have a dishwasher. 4. 71% of men have done sport in the last week. d of men have done sport in the last week. 5. 29% of women have

135、 done DIY in the last four weeks. d of women have done DIY in the last four weeks. 参考答案:A large proportionThe majorityMore than halfJust under a quarterThe majorityA large proportionA minority I_have been running (run) for 2 hours. I_have run (run) 12 miles.have been running, have run I_have been de

136、corating (decorate) this house for 2 years. I_have decorated (decorate) the kitchen, bathroom and bedrooms.have been decorating, have decorated He_has been writing (write) a book for 9 months. He_has written (write) 200 pages so far.has been writing, has written She_has been working (work) for the c

137、ompany for three months now. She_has suggested (suggest) some very good things for us to try.has been working, has suggested We_have been going out (go out) with each other for 3 years now. We_have decided (decide) to get married next year.have been going out, have decided The family gave a party_wh

138、ich cost 10,000.which The woman_who you saw on the bus was my mother.who What was the name of the woman_who left her bag in my car?who Youre sitting_where I want to sit.where Thats the book_which Don gave me for Christmas.which I dont like cars_which are too fast.which Is this a photo of the hotel_w

139、here you stayed?where Have you seen the card_which Tom sent?which I_work as a volunteer in a Charity Shop.work I_haventhave not been working in here_for very long.havent。 for Ive_been helping in this one_for threefor 3 months now.been 。 for three Ive_worked in several other charity_shops in London b

140、efore.worked 。 shops in London Ive_liked animals_since I was a child and_IveI have always wanted to do something to help look after cats particularly.liked。 since。 Ive Ive been_reorganising the shop Ive_sorted out all the books and pictures 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 13 页,共 30 页1

141、4 / 30 and next Im going to do the clothes.reorganising 。 sorted out The police in England _ carry firearms.81520182 A special team of police with firearms respond to situations _ .81520203 When is the police dog team called when the criminal has a firearm?81520303 The dog bites the criminal _ .8152

142、0401 作文:我的业余爱benefit froms (从中受益)In my spare time raising flowerss (养花)cyclings (骑车)maintain a mental and physical balances(保持身心健康)b4 My Hobbiesb0 作文参考:Hobbies are activities from which one can benefit a lot. In my spare time, I like painting, singing, raising flowers and cycling. My hobbies help me

143、 relax after periods of hard work. Moreover, I can make many friends who share the same hobbies with me. My hobbies help me maintain a mental and physical balance. As you can see, hobbies can be relaxing, challenging, interesting, enjoyable or educational. So everyone should have one or two hobbies,

144、 then the life is meaningful and amusing. 第单元参考答案开放教育1844+英语 II (1)第九单元参考答案采用 adopt 数量 amount 古代的 ancient 运动员 athlete 授予 award 禁止 ban 投标 bid 竞赛 compete 洲,大陆 continent 战胜,击败 defeat 使气馁 dishearten 经济 economy 结果,效果 effect 延长,扩充 extension 火焰 flame 荣誉 honour 基础设施 infrastructure 连接 link 奖章 medal 精神上 menta

145、lly 最适宜的 optimum 顶峰 peak 表现 performance 声望 prestige 永久地 permanently 奖,奖金 prize 收到 receive 接力赛跑 relay 宗教的 religious 代表 represent 赞助者 sponsor 运动场 stadium 举行 stage 标志 symbol 火炬 torch 地铁 underground 任务 undertaking 地点 venue 胜利 victory They have to c _o _m _p _e _t _e( 竞争 )with others for this pete Which

146、ground is the v _e _n _u _e( 地点 )for next weeks football match?venue He is m _e _n _t _a _l _l _y( 精神上 )ill.mentally The opera was excellently s _t _a _g _e _d( 上演 ).staged His opinion r _e _p _r _e _s _e _n _t _s( 代表 )that of the majority.represents Do you think it is a r _e _l _i _g _i _o _u _s(宗教

147、的 )painting?religious His p _e _r _f _o _r _m _a _n _c _e( 表 现 )in the exam was not very good.performance The nations e _c _o _n _o _m _y( 经济 )is growing rapidly.economy Our school d _e _f _e _a _t _e _d( 击败 )that school at football.defeated People have lived in this place since a _n _c _i _e _n _t(

148、 古代的 )times.ancient 1.If you d a new plan, you formally accept it. 2.If you d someone, you win victory in a game. 3.If you are d , you feel disappointed about something. 4.A d is a hot bright stream of burning gas. 5.The d level or value of something is its highest level. 6.The d for an activity is

149、the place where it will happen. 7.A d is a success in a competition. 8.A d is a large sports ground with rows of seats all round it. 9.Someones d is how successful they are or how well they do something. 10. A d is money or something valuable that is given to someone who has the best results in a co

150、mpetition. 参考答案:adoptdefeatdisheartenedflamepeakvenuevictorystadiumperformanceprize There is an increase in the _ of college students in the country.92140104 Smoking _ the museum.92140203 Napoleon was _ at the 战斗 battle of Waterloo.92140301 He _ by the failure to pass the exam.92140401 This drink ca

151、n have bad effect _ your body.92140502 They held a dinner _ the opening of the new show.92140603 Can I _ my printer to your computer?92140704 I usually go to work _ .92140801 Weve offered her the job, but I dont know whether shell _ it.92140902 That film won the Oscar for best costumes in this years

152、 _ .92141003 阅读理解:The ancient Greeks held the first Olympic Games in _.92220181 The ancient Olympic Games wereheld to honour _.92220203 The Olympic flag was introduced in _.92220304 The torch relay was first used in _.92220403 Bidding for the Olympic Games usually starts _ before the games are reall

153、y held.92280104 Beijing was one of the _ biddersfor the 2008 games.92280202 The World Cup 2002 was held in _.92280304 What construction projects did Beijing start after winning the bid?92280404 Why do countries want to host the Olympic Games?92280504 Franco and his mother are both quite moody and im

154、patient. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 14 页,共 30 页15 / 30 Franco_ his mother.92300102 Polly and her mother have got the same nose. Polly_ her mum.92300201 Polly and her dad love being with friends and meeting new people. Polly_ her Dad.92300302 Mary and her dad both are optimists. M

155、ary_ her dad.92300402 Mary and her grandmother have got the same smile and very dark hair. Mary_ her grandmother.92300501 The ancient Olympic Games _were always held (hold, always) in Olympia, Greece. Today the modern Olympic Games _are held (hold) in a different city every four years. A number of c

156、ities bid to stage the games. This is known as the bidding process. The right to 主办host an Olympic Games _is awarded (award) to a city. The city _is chosen (choose) by the members of the International Olympic Committee (IOC). The bid of any city _is supported (support) by that countrys National Olym

157、pic Committee. Only one city from a country _is allowed (allow) to bid for the games. Then the city _is considered (consider) by the IOC. The host city _is selected (select) by the IOC seven years before the games _are held (hold). Steve Redgrave won five gold medals, _the highestnumber ever won by

158、a British |cDB l 竞争者 competitor . (high) Maurice Green was _the fastest man in the world in 2000. At the Sydney Olympics, he ran 100 metres in 9.87 seconds. (fast) Ben Johnson ran _faster than this in 1988, but was 使丧失资格disqualified because of 滥用药物 drug abuse . (fast) At the moment, Dwain Chambers,

159、a British man, is a _better runner than Maurice Green. (good) Yang Yang, the Chinese woman 速滑运动员speed skater , skated her personal _best time in the 2002 winter Olympics and won two gold medals. (good) Bob Beamon won a gold medal in Mexico when he did _the longest jump ever. (long) The _most consist

160、ent gold medal winner is Carl Lewis of the USA. He won gold medals every Olympics from 1984 to 1996. ( 连贯的 consistent ) China usually wins a _higher number of medals in table tennis than any other country. (high) 参考答案:1、 to go to the cinema 2 、to laugh together 3、 to meet someone else4、to eat with y

161、our mouth open5、 to call me the wrong name 1._Going to the cinema is my favourite first 约会 date . 2._Laughing together makes me fall in love. 3._Calling me the wrong name makes me cry. 4._Eating with your mouth open is the most 讨厌的 annoying habit in a boyfriend / girlfriend. 5._Meeting someone else

162、is a good reason to 分手 split up . If we _host ( to host)the Olympic Games, the government _will spend ( to spend) a lot of public money. The government _will not havewont have (not to have) enough money for schools and hospitals if it |_spends (to spend) a lot of money on the Olympic Games. If touri

163、sts _come (to come) to the Olympics, they _will spend (to spend) a lot of money in the country. Ordinary people _will benefit (to benefit) if the government _buildsbuild (to build) new sports stadiums. If a country _wins (to win ) a lot of medals, the people _will feel (to feel) proud. The city _wil

164、l look (to look ) really good if the government _carries outcarry out ( to carry out) all the improvements they promise. TASK5 :选择所给动词与短语的正确形式填空92350102 92350203 92350301 92350404 92350504 92350603 92350702 92350803 92350904 it is good for keeping fit (有利于保持健康)lose ones weight and be graceful in for

165、m (减肥和保持优美体型)spotted among the residential areas(散布在居民区)swimming is especially refreshing (游泳尤其能让人精神焕发)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 15 页,共 30 页16 / 30 My Favorite Sport Where is the World Cup held?The World Cup was held in Japan and Korea. Where did the opening ceremony take place?

166、The opening ceremony took place in Seoul. How long the competition last?The competition lasted for 4 weeks. How many venues were used?Ten venues were used. Where was the final staged?The final was staged in Yokohama. How many nations were there?Thirty two nations were there. If we _host the Olympic

167、Games, the government _will waste public money. If we _get millions of tourists, it _wont help the poor in our country. If they _build lots of new hotels, they _will create hundreds of jobs. It _will encourage huge economic growth if we _win the bid. If we _bid for the games, we _will promote the co

168、untry. 作文: 我最喜欢的运动My favorite sport is swimming. There are three reasons why I like the sport best. First, it is good for keeping fit. It benefits the heart, the lungs(肺) and the limbs(四肢) . Thanks to the sport, I lost my weight and am graceful in form. Second, it is easy to find a place to swim. In

169、 the country, I can swim in lakes and rivers. In the city, there are many swimming pools spotted among the residential areas. Third, it can be done in any weather. It is very cool swimming in hot summer. In cold weather, swimming is especially refreshing. Swimming is a very popular sport. I hope you

170、 can enjoy it too. 第单元参考答案开放教育1844+英语 II (1)第十单元参考答案含酒精的 alcoholic 恼人的 annoying 经济状况好的 be well off 轻快的 brisk 引起 cause 推断出 conclude 持续的 constant 乳制品的 dairy 饮食 diet 晕眩的 dizzy 使加倍 double 鼓励 encourage 赞同 endorse 专家 expert 波动 fluctuate 公然反抗 fly in the face of 习惯 habit 不活动的 inactive 不顾的 irrespective 废物 ju

171、nk 水平 level 限度 limit 制造商 manufacturer 误解 misunderstand 国家 nation 在进行活动 on the go 过重的 overweight 百分比 percentage 过早地 prematurely 压力 pressure 研究人员 researcher 限制 restrict 常规 routine 外形 shape 瘦的 skinny 小吃 snack 伸展 stretch 糖 sugar 出汗 sweat 心烦的 upset 称重量 weigh 体重 weight 不管,无论 whether It is really a _n _n _

172、o _y _i _n _g( 恼人的 )when the train is late.annoying I felt d _i _z _z _y( 晕眩的 )when I got up suddenly.dizzy The baby d _o _u _b _l _e _d( 使加倍 )its weight in a year.doubled He is an e _x _p _e _r _t( 专家 )in economy.expert It is a good h _a _b _i _t( 习惯 )to eat slowly.habit She was really u _p _s _e _

173、t(心烦的 )about losing the money.upset Students at this l _e _v _e _l(水平 )need help.level There is a speed l _i _m _i _t( 限度 )in 30 m. p. h. in towns.limit That cloud has a strange s _h _a _p _e(形状 ).shape I am not hungry but Id like a s _n _a _c _k( 小吃 ).snack 1. A d activity or action is done quickly

174、. 2. You use the word d to describe something that happens all the time. 3. If you d someone, you give them confidence. 4. If you refer to food as d food, you mean that it is quick to prepare but not good for your health. 5. If you d someone, you do not understand them properly. 6. If there is d on

175、a person, someone is trying to force them to do something. 7. If you d something, you put a limit on it. 8. If you d something, you measure how heavy they are. 9. A d is the usual series of things that you do at a particular time. 10. When you d , you say the last thing that you are going to say. 参考

176、答案:briskconstantencouragejunkmisunderstandpressurerestrictweighroutineconclude What he said _ me.A1140103 I hope they are _.A1140204 She told us she was _.A1140303 I dont _ of your plan.A1140402 What he did flew _ his parents.A1140503 They have decided to start out _ the weather.A1140602 I dont like

177、 the child because he is always _.A1140704 You can see the ball _ when the temperature is high.A1140801 They are sold by _.A1140901 I dont know _ he will come nor not.A1141002 In the second paragraph, the word endorsing means _.A1220181 What does the word sedentary mean in the second paragraph?A1220

178、202 It can be inferred from the third paragraph that _.A1220301 What can we infer about the British Governments attitude in the last paragraph?A1220402 Whats the authors attitude according to the passage?A1220503 What does the word fluctuating mean in the first Paragraph?A1230101 The author has kept

179、 a constant weight since her late 20s because 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 16 页,共 30 页17 / 30 _.A1230204 Which of the following is not on the list of her meals?A1240104 If I had the time, Id make something better. means _.A1240204 It can be inferred from the passage that _.A1240301

180、 If I _go (go) to the party, I _will meet (meet) you at 10 oclock.go will meetIf you _see (see) Peter, he _will give (give) you the address.see will giveIf you _need (need) help with the problem, I _will come (come) to your office.need will comeWe _will meet (meet) you in London if you _stay (stay)

181、at the Hilton Hotel.will meet stayIf he _passed (pass) his exam, I _would be (be) very surprised.passed would beIf they _wonwin (win) the match, they _would winwill win (win) the competition.wonwould win If I _were (be) you, I _would take (take) the train.were would takeI _would repair (repair) the

182、computer if I _knew (know) how.would repair knewSandra: You should phone a l 送餐服务 delivery service for lunch. Jola:What / I have if _What would I have if I phoned a delivery service (for lunch)? What would I have if I phoned a delivery service (for lunch)? Sandra: You should drink water with wine in

183、 the pub. Jola:Why / better if _Why would it be better if I drank water with wine (in the pub)? Why would it be better if I drank water with wine (in the pub)? Sandra: You should invite people to your house for dinner. Jola:What / I cook if _What would I cook if I invited people to my house for dinn

184、er? What would I cook if I invited people to my house for dinner? Sandra: You should bring a snack to work. Jola:What / I make if _What would I make if I brought a snack to work? What would I make if I brought a snack to work? Sandra: You should have a l 健怡可乐 diet coke in the evenings. Jola:Why / be

185、tter if _Why would it be better if I had a diet coke in the evenings? Why would it be better if I had a diet coke in the evenings? a.d a gym near work and go twice a week. The lunchtime session should be a class. The evening session should combine weights and aerobic machines. b.d more active every

186、day. d for a brisk walk. Always d the stairs, never d the lift. You should look for exercise opportunities all the time. c.d with your salsa class once a week. d.d these changes for the first two weeks to create a habit or routine. e. Then you should d a third gym session at the weekend. 参考答案:JoinBe

187、GotaketakeContinueStick toadd They _have been advised (advise) to go to the gym by the doctor because they are unfit.have been advised You _have been sitting (sit) here doing nothing for hours! Why dont you do some exercise?have been sitting Good News! I _have been told (tell) by the doctor I am now

188、 normal weight.have been told We _have been going (go) to that gym every week for a year.have been going Today she _has been stopping (stop) people to ask them some market research questions.has been stopping Have you got the new l会员表 membership forms ? Yes. They _have been reprinted (reprint) and a

189、re on the table over there.have been reprinted He _has been taken (take) to the gym by Sally so that he can join.has been taken I _have been phoning (phone) the club all the time.have been phoning 阅读理解:A1350103 A1350201 A1350304 A1350403 A1350504 A1350602 A1350702 A1350801 A1350903 A1351004 The UK h

190、ealth club market is expanding rapidly as l 公共意识public awareness about personal lifestyle and fitness increases.There are over (1) _6,000 health clubs in the UK and over 30 leading health club l 连锁店 chains . The private health club market in 2000 was l估计 estimated to be l 价值 worth over (2) _1.5 bill

191、ion .From 1994 to 1999, the value of the private health and fitness clubs market grew by (3) _81% . The UK has over (4) _2,400,000 private fitness club members, which is (5) _5.1% of the population. Research shows that (6) _50% more people would like to use a health and fitness club than those who u

192、se one right now. Although at the moment health clubs seem expensive, at around (7) _45 per month, the benefits of membership are great. Approximately (8) _three quarters of 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 17 页,共 30 页18 / 30 members are women. 听力练习: aaaaaaa feel sickWhat would you do

193、if you felt sick? see an accidentWhat would you do if you saw an accident? lose jobWhat would you do if you lost your job? find a walletWhat would you do if you found a wallet? start to get fatWhat would you do if you started to get fat? 作文:如何养成良好的饮食习惯Eating habit is closely related to health keep f

194、it first .second .thirdoverweight malnutrition (营养不良)lose appetite (失去胃口)Health and Eating Habit 参考:An eating habit is closely related to health. In order to keep fit, we should pay more attention to our eating habits. My suggestions for a good eating habit are as follows: First, dont eat too much o

195、r too little for each meal. Eating too much will cause overweight and eating too little, malnutrition(营养不良). Second, dont eat between meals. Sometimes we like eating biscuits and chips before the mealtime。 as a result, we lose our appetite(胃口) for lunch or dinner. Third, eat more vegetables and frui

196、ts everyday. In my opinion, a good eating habit leads to a healthy life. 第单元参考答案开放教育1844+英语 II (1)第十一单元参考答案调节 adjust (to) 酒 alcohol 为留出 allow 踝 ankle 服务员 attendant 情况简介 briefing 机舱 cabin 咖啡因 caffeine 诊所 clinic 委员会 commission 进行 conduct 使痉挛 cramp 狭小的 cramped 有效的 effective 确保 ensure 发现 finding 补助金 gra

197、nt 卫生 hygiene 视察 inspection 调查,研究 investigation 减轻 lessen 躺 lie 温和的 mild 将减到最少 minimise 发生 occur 模式 pattern 药丸 (片) pill 怀孕的 pregnant 私人的 private 比率 rate 显示 reveal 颤抖 shiver 小组 squad 步骤 step 静止的 still 受痛苦 suffer 充足的 sufficient 肿胀的 swollen 解决 tackle 最新的 up-to-date 静脉 vein 病毒 virus 区 zone It is difficu

198、lt for the old man to a _d _j _u _s _t(调节 ) to city life.adjust The flight a _t _t _e _n _d _a _n _t( 服务员 ) was very kind to the old man.attendant Before the meeting, let me give you a b _r _i _e _f _i _n _g( 情况简介 ) .briefing He works at a c _l _i _n _i _c( 诊所 ) in a community.clinic They gave her a

199、 grant to study a _b _r _o _a _d( 国外 ) for one year.abroad We should learn how to c _o _n _d _u _c _t( 引导 ) a meeting.conduct His teaching was not very e _f _f _e _c _t _i _v _e( 有效的 ) .effective I cant e _n _s _u _r _e(确保 ) that he will be there in time.ensure The first s _t _e _p( 步) will be to ge

200、t a job in some office.step This is a p _r _i _v _a _t _e( 私人的 ) conversation.private 1. A d is a building where people go to receive medical advice. 2. A d is an amount of money that a government gives to a person. 3. If something d , it becomes smaller in size, or degree. 4. A d person is gentle a

201、nd does not get angry easily. 5. If you d something, you make it seem smaller than it really is. 6. When something d , it happens. 7. Ad is the repeated way in which something is done. 8. To d something means to make people aware of it. 9. When you d , your body shakes slightly because you are cold

202、or frightened. 10. If you d pain, you feel it in your body or in your mind. 参考答案:clinicgrantlessensmildminimizeoccurspatternrevealshiversuffer How did you adjust _?B1140103 He was deeply _ by the film.B1140202 They _ that they would get the prize.B1140304 The accident was under _ .B1140401 The princ

203、e was _ by 10 percent.B1140503 He _ in bed yesterday because he was ill.B1140602 May I have it for my _ ?B1140702 He is suffering _l 糖尿病 diabetes l0 .B1140804 Tell me the _ news about her.B1141002 He doesnt talk a lot and he is a _ person.B1141101 The investigation conducted by the Commission for He

204、alth Improvement found that _.B1220181 From the passage, we learn the Commission for Health Improvement plans to _.B1220202 The hygiene conditions in British hospitals are worse than ever before because these hospitals are being cleaned by _.B1220301 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 18

205、 页,共 30 页19 / 30 According to your prediction, what will the next paragraph most probably deal with?B1220404 Whats the central idea of this passage? B1220501 What does the word sufficient mean in line 2 in paragraph 2?B1230101 Jet Lag means _.B1230202 Which of the following might be best filled in b

206、lank?B1230303 Which of the following might be the best answer to be put in blank?B1230402 Whats the purpose of this piece of writing?B1230503 1. Private companies are cleaning 80% of the hospital. 2. The hospitals were much cleaner when public employees were cleaning them. 3. Hit squads are cleaning

207、 these public hospitals. 4. The government is giving a 1 million grant to one hospital. 5. People are blaming the high rate of infection on hygiene conditions. 6. Doctors in a Glasgow hospital were treating patients for a virus infection. 参考答案1、 Four out of five hospitals are being cleaned by privat

208、e companies. 2、 The hospitals used to be much cleaner when they were being cleaned by public employees. 3、 The 40 public hospitals are now being cleaned by special hit squads. 4、 One hospital is being given a 1 million grant by the government. 5、 This high rate of infection is being blamed on hygien

209、e conditions. 6、 Patients were being treated in a Glasgow hospital for a virus infection. The doctors are examining b2 the young girl b0 now. _The young girl is being examined by the doctors now. 答案: The young girl is being examined by the doctors now. An ambulance is taking b2 Bill b0 to another ho

210、spital at the moment. _Bill is being taken to another hospital by an ambulance at the moment. 答案: Bill is being taken to another hospital by an ambulance at the moment. Currently, they are checking b2 the b0 b2 l药品柜 medicine cupboards l0 b0 every day. _Currently the medicine cupboards are being chec

211、ked every day. 答案: Currently the medicine cupboards are being checked every day. The nurses were serving b2 lunch to b0 the patients for two hours yesterday. _Lunch was being served to the patients by the nurses for two hours yesterday. 答案: Lunch was being served to the patients by the nurses for tw

212、o hours yesterday. The new staff were cleaning b2 the wards all day yesterday. _The wards were being cleaned by the new staff all day yesterday. 答案: The wards were being cleaned by the new staff all day yesterday. They were admitting b2 five new patients b0 when he arrived. _Five new patients were b

213、eing admitted when he arrived. 答案: Five new patients were being admitted when he arrived. The passenger told me that he wanted to lie down. He said that his head ached and he felt sick. _I want to lie down. My head aches and I feel sick. 答案: I want to lie down. My head aches and I feel sick. The pas

214、senger told me that she was pregnant. She said that the lunch had been badly cooked, so she hadnt eaten it. She also said that she wanted to eat some fruit. _I am pregnant. The lunch was badly cooked, so I didnt eat it. I want to eat somefruit. 答案: I am pregnant. The lunch was badly cooked, so I did

215、nt eat it. I want to eat somefruit. The passenger said that he felt very unwell and that he had a pain in his arm. _I feel very unwell and I have a pain in my arm. 答案: I feel very unwell and I have a pain in my arm. The passenger said that he thought he was ill. He said that he had been very hot, bu

216、t now he was very cold and was shivering. He told me that he had brought some medicine with him, but he couldnt find it. _I think I am ill. I was very hot, but now I am very cold and am shivering. I brought some medicine with me, but I cant find it. I think I am ill. I was very hot, but now I am ver

217、y cold and am shivering. I brought some medicine with me, but I cant find it. I cant speak any Spanish, but a lot of people speak English. _Charlie said he couldnt speak Spanish, but a lot of people spoke English. 答案: Charlie said he couldnt speak Spanish, but a lot of people spoke English. My broth

218、er is still in Spain. _Charlie said that his brother was still in Spain. 答案: Charlie said that his brother was still in Spain. My brother is coming back on Thursday. _Charlie said that his brother was coming back on Thursday. 答案: Charlie said that his brother was coming back on Thursday. I dont know

219、 what time he arrives. _Charlie told me that he didnt know what time he arrived. 答案: Charlie told me that he didnt know what time he arrived. We ate a lot of fish. _Charlie said that they had eaten a lot of fish. 答案: Charlie said that they had eaten a lot of fish. I swam in the sea every day. _Charl

220、ie said that he had swum in the sea every day. 答案: Charlie said that he had swum in the sea every day. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 19 页,共 30 页20 / 30 完型填空:B1350102 B1350204 B1350303 B1350403 B1350503 B1350604 B1350701 B1350804 B1350903 B1351002 听力 1:Whats happening about training?

221、New staff are being trained. Whats happening about inspection?Hospitals are being inspected more frequently. Whats happening about the wards?The wards are being cleaned more often. Whats happening about the decoration?The wards are being painted this week. 听力 2:Now on Flight _BA 062 there is one pre

222、gnant woman, a woman of _92 and one man with a heart condition. 答案: BA 06292 Flight _AI 246 . You have one person in a wheelchair, one little_baby one month old and a person who has panic attacks. 答案: AI 246baby On Flight _AZ469 there are 6-month-old twins, one person with a broken leg and _one1 per

223、son who has a special diet. 答案: AZ469one / 1 Heres the list for Flight_GA901 . One person with panic attacks, _two2 elderly people, a lady of 91 and a man of 88, and a lady with a heart condition. 答案: GA901two / 2 作文:如何保持身体健康it is necessary to keep a balanced diet should it is important to do regula

224、r exercises it is essential to keep in good spirits / in a positive mood renew our spirits and release our stress. Be bound to keep healthy b4 How to Keep Healthy b0 参考:Nowadays, more and more people know the importance of keeping healthy. Without good health, we can do nothing. For me, there are ma

225、inly three ways to keep healthy. First, it is necessary to keep a balanced diet, which is the basis of good health. we should have plenty of fruits and vegetables everyday. Secondly, it is important to do regular exercises, such as swimming, jogging and so on. Last but not least, it is essential to

226、keep in good spirits. Relaxation and entertainment are ways to renew our spirits and release our stress. When we make healthy habits a part of our everyday life, we are bound to keep healthy. 第单元参考答案开放教育1844+英语 II(1)第十三单元参考答案承认 admit(从学校 )开除 expel 学费 fee 基础 foundation 普遍的 general代考枪手gunhand 高度地 high

227、ly 假冒 impersonate 可能的 likely 使收支平衡make ends meet分数 mark 高级的 advanced 数学 mathematics错误 mistake 国家的 national 幼儿园 nursery视角 perspective研究生的postgraduate 初等的 primary 流利 proficiency 承诺 promise 懊悔 regret 基础的 basic 惊慌的 scared 中等的 secondary明智的 sensible发言人 spokesperson 国家 state坚定地 steadily 坚持 stick to 策略 stra

228、tegy 挣扎 struggle 证书 certificate 劝告 tip 职业的 vocational 待洗涤的衣服washing 作弊 cheat强制的 compulsory 否认 deny 毕业文凭diploma 数字的 digital No one should be d _e _n _i _e _d (否认 )a good education.denied I havent got a d _i _g _i _t _a _l ( 数字的 )camera.digital Does your school charge school f _e _e _s (学费 )?fees My g

229、 _e _n _e _r _a _l ( 一般的 )impression of the place was good.general Its quite l _i _k _e _l _y ( 可能的 )that well meet this time next year.likely It was a m _i _s _t _a _k _e ( 错误 )for us to come here tonight.mistake Britain has more than ten n _a _t _i _o _n _a _l ( 国家的 )newspapers.national If you tak

230、e my t _i _p ( 劝告 )youll make a lot of money.tip Children over the age of eleven go to s _e _c _o _n _d _a _r _y ( 中等的 ) schools.secondary He p _r _o _m _i _s _e _d ( 承诺 )to call me every week.promised 1. If you d that something bad is true, you agree that it is true. 2. If someone is d from a schoo

231、l, they are told to leave. 3. The d of something such as a belief or way of life is the things on which it is based. 4. If someone is d paid, they receive a large salary. 5. A d is a point that is given for a correct answer in an exam. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 20 页,共 30 页21 / 3

232、0 6. A d is a place where children are looked after. 7. If you d something that you have done, you wish that you had not done it. 8. If you are d of certain things, you are frightened of it. 9. If you d to do something, you try hard to do it. 10. You can refer to countries as d , when you are discus

233、sing politics. 参考答案:admitexpelledfoundationhighlymarknurseryregretscaredstrugglestates If you are a doctor, you must have a doctors_.D1140103 There is a _ clock on the wall.D1140204 He was expelled _ the club for breaking the rules.D1140301 Hes very _ thought of within the company.D1140402 Do remind

234、 me because Im _ to forget.D1140501 Many are finding it difficult to make _ meet, especially those with young children.D1140603 Dont be sorry for that. We all _ mistakes.D1140704 Youll regret _ those words.D1140802 She had a _ look on her face when she saw that.D1140903 He never sticks _ anything fo

235、r very long.D1141004 阅读理解:Which of the following basic subjectsneednt children learn in a primary school?D1220184 Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?D1220201 It can be inferred from the first two paragraphs that in the UK compulsory education covers _.D1220302 Accordi

236、ng to the last paragraph, why do many foreign students want to go to universities in the UK? Because they consider_.D1220402 What is the authors attitude towards to the British School System?D1220504 What does the word scared mean in the second paragraph?D1230102 What does the word grants mean in th

237、e third paragraph?D1230201 The sentence But if you are struggling to make ends meet, at weekends in the third paragraph l 含有的意思是 implies l0_.D1230301 From the fifth paragraph, we can infer that in order to overcome the stress of living faraway from home, _.D1230401 This passage is written for the pu

238、rpose of _.D1230503 完型填空:mustmustnthave todont have to Grandson:I hate this uniform. Granddad, b3 did you have to wear a uniform when you were at school? Grandfather: Yes, but it was a very simple one. Quite cheap. There was another school where the parents _had to spend a lot of money on uniforms.

239、But that school was very different from my school. The children there _had to studyl拉丁语 Latin , for example. Grandson:Why _did they have to (they) do that? Nobody speaks Latin now. Grandfather: I know, but they _had to learn it. Grandson:What else was different? Grandfather: Well, we _had to leave s

240、chool at 14 to get a job, but they could stay until 18 and then go to university. Grandson:Id like to leave school now and get a job. Grandfather: No, you _mustnt say that. You _musthave to work hard and go to university. You _mustnt waste your opportunities. You dont know how lucky you are. |_Ifit

241、rains this evening, we wont play tennis.If Im going to the supermarket. _When Im there, Ill get some tea.When Jim might ring later. _If he phones, can you tell him about it? If I might be late, so _if I am not there by 6 p.m., dont wait for me.if Hes away at the moment. Ill tell him to phone you _wh

242、en he gets back.when I remember _sitting down (to sit down) at the beginning of the lecture, but then I l晕倒 fainted. sitting down I am glad that I remembered _to leave (to leave) enough time at the end of the exam to read my answers again.to leave They forgot _to register (to register) for the cours

243、e and now its too late.to register Id forgotten _visiting (to visit) Cambridge as a child until I went there for an interview last week. visiting Children stop _studying (to study) foreign languages very early in some countries. studying I wasnt sure about my homework, so I stopped _to check (to che

244、ck ) the answers with a friend.to check She forgot _to close (to close) the window and the rain came in.to close She remembered _driving (to drive) out of the car park, and then nothing more.driving I _finish my homework now. I can do it at the weekend.D1340102 _ I got a first, Id stay in university

245、 and Id do a postgraduate research degree.D1340204 She paid the builder _ the gate.D1340301 He carried on _ after his accident.D1340403 I tried _, but the line was engaged.D1340504 _ all your money in the first week is not a sensible strategy.D1340601 They walked _ the woods.D1340703 精选学习资料 - - - -

246、- - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 21 页,共 30 页22 / 30 He is looking forward _ his thesis.D1340802 When I was a child, we _ wear a uniform for school.D1340904 I regret _ that Im unable to help you.D1341002 Gunhands are l 专家 experts at examinations who _.D1410103 Gunhands do this _.D1410202 Wei Ke could

247、have earned _ if he scored over 590.D1410301 When Wei Ke was caught, _ .D1410401 Later Wei Ke _.D1410502 Wei Ke now _.D1410601 The university _.D1410703 What did you refuse to do at first?He refused to answer questions. What did you deny later?He denied taking money. What did you finally admit?He fi

248、nally admitted impersonating others. What did you regret?He regretted taking tests for others. What did the university promise?It promised to end cheating. 作文题目:我的大学或高中生活is quite different from have to, must ask students to do many tasks be responsible for for example put on spend more time studying

249、 by themselves b4 High School Life and College Life 参考:High school life is quite different from college life. In high school, the students have to wear school uniform. Teachers always ask students to do many tasks in the classroom and supervise students behavior in detail. In college, students have

250、to be responsible for themselves. They have more freedom in college than in high school. For example, they put on the casual clothes instead of uniform. Tutors give them lectures and assignments, and they must spend more time studying by themselves in the library. That means students must manage the

251、mselves very well. Although I often recall my high school life, I like college life more. 第单元参考答案开放教育1844+英语 II (1)第十四单元参考答案学习与学习方式听觉的 auditory 自动地 automatically 从事 be engaged in 提高 boost 闲谈 chat专心 concentration 机密的 confidential 不断地 constantly 空想 daydream 演示 demonstration 描述 description 图表 diagram 直

252、接的 direct 使分心distract 显著的 dominant 优势 edge教育工作者educator注册 enroll 环境 environment 建立 establish解释 explanation 金融 finance 论坛 forum 拥抱 hug 哼唱 hum 想象力 imagination 影响 impact 特别地 in particular 唇 lip 长期的 long term 记住 memorise 干净利落地neatly 在线的 online 特别的 particular 身体上 physically 事先安排的pre-arranged 比率 ratio 现实的

253、 realistic 革命 revolution 安全的 secure研讨会 seminar 电子数据表格spreadsheet 在磁带上录音tape倾向于 tend期限 term 辅导课 tutorial 来来回回up and down 虚拟的 virtual 视觉的 visual Now many people make friends in c _h _a _t ( 闲聊 )rooms.chat She h _u _g _g _e _d (拥抱 )her sister when she met her.hugged He didnt give me a d _i _r _e _c _t

254、( 直接的 )answer.direct His d _a _y _d _r _e _a _m ( 空想 )is to be a famous actor.daydream She has red l _i _p _s (唇 ).lips The TV producer today has to take the part of e _d _u _c _a _t _o _r (教育工作者 ).educator It is easy to get an o _n _l _i _n _e ( 在线 )newspaper to read now.online Do you feel s _e _c

255、_u _r _e ( 安全的 )about your future?secure I think wed better t _a _p _e s10.5 ( 录音 )an interview.tape He was made secretary for a t _e _r _m s10.5 (期限 )of two years.term 1.You can use the word to show that something is nearly true. 2.Information that is is meant to be kept secret. 3.You use the word

256、to describe something that happens all the time. 4.A of something is a talk by someone who shows you how to do it. 5.A of something is what it looks like. 6.If something you, it takes your attention away. 7.Something that is is more noticeable than other things. 8.If you on a course, you officially

257、join it and pay a fee for it. 9.Your is the ability that you have to form pictures in your mind. 10. If you something, you learn it by heart. 参考答案virtualconfidentialconstantdemonstrationdescriptiondistractsdominantenrollimaginationmemorize He is doing some research on the _ system of animals.E114010

258、1 He _ conversation.E1140203 He drew a _ to show us how to get to his house.E1140303 The sound outside distracted him _ his homework.E1140402 The book had a great impact _ its readers.E1140504 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 22 页,共 30 页23 / 30 Why did you choose that one _?E1140603 I

259、know nothing about this _ plan.E1140704 The wind is _ the south.E1140802 The boat went _ on the rough sea.E1140904 They are asked to _ an online discussion forum every week.E1141001 阅读理解:Which of the following learners is NOT mentioned in the passage?E1220184 Which of the following is NOT true about

260、 the visual learners?E1220204 Which of the following describes best the auditory learners?E1220302 From the fourth paragraph, the kinaesthetic learner tends to _.E1220403 According to the passage, the drawback of being a visual learner is _.E1220501 The passage is written for the purpose of _.E12301

261、01 Which of the following is NOT true about the Direct ?E1230204 Based on the passage, we can infer that if we learn with Direct , we can_.E1230301 We can infer from the passage that if we want to learn with Direct , _.E1230403 According to the passage, if we want to register for Direct , wed better

262、 _. E1230503 The sandwich course is really excellent.I have been on it for a week. _The sandwich course, which I have been on for a week, is really excellent. 答案: The sandwich course, which I have been on for a week, is really excellent. I go to an on-the-job training course.It takes one day a week.

263、 _I go to an on-the-job training course, which takes one day a week. 答案: I go to an on-the-job training course, which takes one day a week. The job prospects in engineering are declining now.They used to be good. _The job prospects in engineering, which used to be good, are declining now. 答案: The jo

264、b prospects in engineering, which used to be good, are declining now. The interview went very well indeed.He had the interview yesterday. _The interview, which he had yesterday, went very well indeed. 答案: The interview, which he had yesterday, went very well indeed. A course with that company would

265、be a very good idea for you. You could begin a course at any time. _A course with that company, which you could begin at any time, would be a very good idea for you. 答案: A course with that company, which you could begin at any time, would be a very good idea for you. they install / the new computers

266、 / before / launch / centre? _Will they have installed the new computers before they launch the centre? 答案: Will they have installed the new computers before they launch the centre? Director / appoint new trainers / before / they install / new computers? _Will the Director have appointed new trainer

267、s before they install the new computers? 答案: Will the Director have appointed new trainers before they install the new computers? new Director / start work / end of this year? _Will the new Director have started work by the end of this year? 答案: Will the new Director have started work by the end of

268、this year? they install / the new computers / end of this year? _Will they have installed the new computers by the end of this year? 答案: Will they have installed the new comp4uters by the end of this year? finance committee / approve /the budget / end July? _Will the finance committee have approved

269、the budget by the end of July? 答案: Will the finance committee have approved the budget by the end of July? builders convert / centre / before it / buy new computers? _Will the builders have converted the centre before it buys new computers? 答案: Will the builders have converted the centre before it b

270、uys new computers? end July / building committee / approve plans _By the end of July the building committee will have approved the plans. The building committee will have approved the plans by the end of July. 答案: 1.By the end of July the building committee will have approved the plans. OR The build

271、ing committee will have approved the plans by the end of July. end July / new Director / not start / job _The new Director will not have started his job by the end of July.The new Director wont have started his job by the end of July. 答案: 2.The new Director will not have / wont have started his job

272、by the end of July. end December / Director / appoint / Director of Studies _By the end of December the Director will have appointed the Director of Studies.By the end of December the Director will have appointed a Director of Studies.The Director will have appointed the Director of Studies by the e

273、nd of December.The Director will have appointed a Director of Studies by the end of December. 答案: 3.By the end of December the Director will have appointed the / a Director of Studies. OR the Director will have appointed the / a Director of Studies by the end of December. end June next year / techni

274、cians not install / computers _The technicians will not have installed the computers by the end of June next year.The technician wont have installed the computers by the end of June next year. 答案: 4.The technicians will not have / wont have installed the computers by the end of June next year. end J

275、une next year / Director appoint/ new trainers _By the end of June next year the Director will have appointed new trainers.The 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 23 页,共 30 页24 / 30 Director will have appointed new trainers by the end of June next year. 答案: 5.By the end of June next year

276、the Director will have appointed new trainers. OR The Director will have appointed new trainers by the end of June next year. end January the year after next/ centre / be launched _By the end of January the year after next, the centre will have been launched.The centre will have been launched by the

277、 end of January the year after next. 答案: 6.By the end of January the year after next, the centre will have been launched. OR The centre will have been launched by the end of January the year after next. Mary primary school, but she found secondary school very . She had always been top of her class a

278、t primary school, but she got much worseat secondary school. The problem for her was to be taught by ten different for ten different subjects. had been easier when there was one teacher. Also, it was difficult to to take the right books to the right classes at the right . She began to find secondary

279、 school sol充满压力的 stressful that she ill. She loved reading books so she was goodEnglish literature, but she was bad atbecause numbersl 使困惑confused her. She often went abroad on holiday with her parents, so learning countries in geography and speaking foreign languagesuseful to her, but she understan

280、d science and she wasntl运动型的 sportyat all so she hated lessons. 参考答案:enjoyeddifficultmarksteachersItonlyremembertimefeltatmathematicsaboutseemeddidntPE The number of graduates_.E1510103 It is more difficult to get a job because of_.E1510203 Graduates _.E1510302 Graduates should_ .E1510403 Companies

281、_.E1510501 In this school we have about _400 desktop computers, and up to _600 laptop computers, which makes a student-computer ratio of _one1 to _two2 or _three3 . 作文题目:我的电大生活I think were one of _79 schools in _53 countries engaged in that project.bbbbbb be engaged in long distance education web-ba

282、sed courses join online discussion forums send our homework to the tutor solve the difficulties and puzzles in the tutorial My TV University Life 参考: Our TV University is mainly engaged in long distance education. The form of study is very convenient for adult learners like me. I can learn my course

283、s anywhere in my spare time by computer. There are many web-based courses and sources on line. Moreover, I not only use email to send our homework to our tutors but also join online discussion forums. Meantime, the difficulties and puzzles can be solved in the tutorial once a week. The e-learning li

284、fe is meaningful and demanding. I enjoy my TV university life. 第单元参考答案开放教育1844+英语 II(1)第十五单元参考答案第 15 单元第一部分各式各样的a variety of 吸引力 attraction 求神赐福于bless 街区 block 闸,制动器brake 砍剁 chop 使合并combine 保护 conservation 奶牛 cow 指定 designate 差别 difference 驴 donkey 大象 elephant 出现 emerge展览 exhibition 反馈 feedback 味道 f

285、lavour 喷泉 fountain 危险 hazard使停顿hold up 喇叭 horn 收入 income 投资 investment 拆 knock down 标志性 (建筑 )landmark 给让出地方make way for 大型购物中心mall 混合 mixture 模型 model 摩托车 motorcycle 官员 official 行人 pedestrian进步 progress推动 push forward 推;敦促;推销(商品等) push理由 reason环岛 roundabout 规模 scale摩天大楼skyscraper雕塑 statue 网球场 tennis

286、 court 进行交易trade典型的 typical 城镇的 urban 交通工具vehicle You p _u _s _h (推 ) while I pull.push My friend and I live on the same b _l _o _c _k (街区 ). block A c _o _w ( 奶牛 ) gives us fresh milk.cow Have you had any f _e _e _d _b _a _c _k ( 反馈 ) from customers?feedback This wine has a fruity f _l _a _v _o _u

287、_r ( 味道 ). flavour More help is needed for people on low i _n _c _o _m _e _s ( 收入 ).incomes I have not made any p _r _o _g _r _e _s _s (进步 ) this year.progress You havent any r _e _a _s _o _n _s (理由 ) to leave me.reasons A t _y _p _i _c _a _l ( 典型的 ) day at the office begins at eight oclock.typical

288、He dislikes u _r _b _a _n ( 城镇的 ) life.urban 1. Anis something that people can go to for interest. 2. If you something, you cut it into pieces with a knife. 3. Thebetween two things is the way in which they are unlike. 4. Ais something which could be dangerous to you. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结

289、 - - - - - - -第 24 页,共 30 页25 / 30 5. Ais a building which is easily noticed. 6. Ais a very large enclosed shopping area. 7. Anis a person who holds a position of authority. 8. Ais a person who is walking in the street. 9. Ais a machine such as a car, bus or truck. 10. Yourof a future situation is w

290、hat you imagine. 参考答案:attractionchopdifferencehazardlandmarkmallofficialpedestrianvehiclevision The moon _ from behind the clouds.F1140101 The traffic was held _ by an accident.F1140204 These old houses are to be knocked_.F1140302 He refused to make way _anyone.F1140402 There are many differences _

291、the two languages.F1140503 John is not making _progress at school.F1140601 He refused to give any reason _his action.F1140703 Drinking too much is a _to your health.F1140804 He hasnt finished his work _.F1140902 We sell 32 different _ of ice cream.F1141003 第二部分阅读理解Which of the following best describ

292、es the writers main point in the first paragraph?F1220181 According to the passage, which of the following is not mentioned about the types of building that are planned?F1220204 Which of the following best states the main idea of the third paragraph?F1220302 Which of the following illustrates the ma

293、in idea of the fourth paragraph?F1220404 Based on your understanding of each paragraph, what is the passage primarily concerned with?F1220503 Why is India the worlds largest two-wheel economy?F1230103 From the second paragraph, we can infer that Indias traffic jam is mainly caused by _.F1230202 What

294、 does the phrase Given the hazards mean in the last paragraph? F1230303 In the last paragraph, why does the author say the special ceremony is not surprising?F1230402 What does the title suggest?F1230503 第三部分:Interviewer:Why_are the new houses being built? ? Woman:Because new houses are being built

295、to replace the old block of flats. Why is the old block of flats being demolished? Interviewer:Where _are the families being moved toare families being moved to ? Woman:The families are being moved to c400080 l临 时 住 处temporary accommodation |c0 in the city center.Where are (the) families being moved

296、 to? nterviewer:What _is being put up in the square ? Woman:A statue is being put up in the square.What is being put up in the square? Interviewer:Where _are you being moved to ? Woman:I am being moved to a nice area near where I work.Where are you being moved to? The cars / to park / in a side stre

297、et 答: _The cars have been parked in a side streetThe cars have been parked on a side street .The cars have been parked in / on aside street. I / to offer / a company car / boss 答:_I have been offered a company car by my bossI have been offered a company car by the boss .I have been offered a company

298、 car by the / my boss. They / to hold up / in traffic for hours 答: _They have been held up in traffic for hours .They have been held up in traffic for hours. We / to lend / a van 答: _We have been lent a van .We have been lent a van. You / to warn / about the steering 答: _You have been warned about t

299、he steering .You have been warned about the steering. He / to take / to the hospital in a taxi / wife 答: _He has been taken to the hospital in a taxi by his wife .He has been taken to the hospital in a taxi by his wife. Are you still here? You were here half an hour ago. Who _ for?F1330102 Are trees

300、 _ along the road right now?F1330203 - We want to sit at the table near the window. -Im sorry, but _ already.F1330304 When _ the old block of flats _?F1330403 _ the tree _ down? F1330501 What _ all this morning?F1330602 The boy _ to school already.F1330704 They _ for hours.F1330801 Has the lorry bee

301、n l 拖走 towed away yet? (No. It / to be / on the road) 答: No. Its still on the road. Is the repair team still here? (Yes. They / to not go) 答: Yes. They havent gone yet. Is the lorry still empty? (Yes. They / to not fill up) 答: Yes. They havent filled it up yet. Is the l 替换 replacement lorry here yet

302、? (No. to be / in a traffic jam) 答: No. Its still in traffic jam. Has Jane phoned the mechanic? (No) 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 25 页,共 30 页26 / 30 答: No. She hasnt phoned him yet.No. She hasnt phoned her yet. Has Ken checked the tyres? (Yes) 答: Yes. Hes already checked them. Has

303、Ken got the money? (No) 答: No. He hasnt got it yet. Have you paid the bill? (Yes) 答: Yes. Ive already paid it. F1350101 F1350204 F1350302 F1350403 F1350502 F1350601 F1350703 F1350804 F1350902 F1351004 What s happening over there? A bridge is being built across the river.What s happening about transp

304、ort? Money is being spent on public transport.What s happening over there? Trees are being planted.What s happening over there? Old buildi ngs are being demolished. What s happening over there? A statue is being put up in the square.build One hundred new homes have been built. deliverA statue has be

305、en delivered. rebuildThe hospital has been rebuilt. introduceNew parking regulations have been introduced. demolishThe old blocks of flats have been demolished. 作文:city life is attractive with all its advantages and conveniences supermarkets or shopping malls dine out s10.5 (外出吃饭 ) s0 expansion s10.

306、5 (扩张 ) s0 of the city flowing into s10.5 ( 涌入 ) s0 Living In A Big City| 参考:In the eyes of many people, city life is attractive with all its advantages and conveniences. People can buy almost all kinds of things at supermarkets or shopping malls, dine out in good restaurants。and more important, the

307、y can have more educational opportunities. However, with the expansion of the city, more and more people are flowing into the big city, the traffic is heavier and heavier, the pollution is more and more serious, and the living condition is worse and worse. Most people love the advantages of city lif

308、e, but a big city also has its disadvantages. 第单元参考答案开放教育1844+英语 II(1)第十六单元参考答案第一部分缺乏 absence爱滋病 Aids 独自的 alone 睡着的asleep 攻击 attack 敲诈 blackmail 强行进入break-in 入室盗窃burglary 案件 case锁链 chain 伙伴 companion 与比较 compare 复杂的 complicated 控制 control 宣判有罪 convict 法庭 court 由于 due to 同等的人 equal 事实 fact 有罪的guilty

309、想象中的 imaginary 主动的行动initiative 法官 judge 陪审团 jury 响亮地 loudly 行凶抢劫者mugger 谋杀murder 谋杀者 murderer 噪音 noise衣袋 pocket 假装 pretend 防止 prevent 预防 prevention 停下 pull up 代表 representative 危险 risk 抢劫 robbery 安全 safety判决sentence 用粗话骂人swear开关 switch 盗窃 theft 恐吓 threaten 裁定 verdict 易遭攻击的vulnerable 技术工人workman A ne

310、w manager was appointed during her a _b _s _e _n _c _e ( 不在 ) .absence He likes being a _l _o _n _e ( 独自的 ) in the house.alone I heard a loud n _o _i _s _e ( 噪音 ) and ran to the window.noise The gates were locked with a heavy c _h _a _i _n ( 锁链 ) .chain Ive only just got up and Im still half a _s _l

311、 _e _e _p (睡着的 ) . asleep They launched a _t _t _a _c _k _s (攻击 ) against the government plan.attacks The c _a _s _e (案件 ) will go before the court next month. case He was led to a place of s _a _f _e _t _y ( 安全 ) . safety He began to c _o _m _p _a _r _e (与比较 ) himself with the pare I dont know all

312、the f_a _c _t _s s10.5 ( 事实 ) about the case.facts 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 26 页,共 30 页27 / 30 1. If you say that something is , you mean it is difficult to deal with. 2. A is someone who you spend time with. 3. If two things are , they are the same in size or number. 4. A is a

313、 person who attacks someone in a street to steal money. 5. A is a person who has killed someone. 6. A is a kind of small bag which forms part of a piece of clothing. 7. If you to do something, you act to make people believe it is ture. 8. To something means to ensure that it does not happen. 9. If t

314、here is a of something unpleasant, there is a possibility that it will happen. 10. The crime of stealing is 参考答案:complicatedcompanionequalmuggermurdererpocketpretendpreventriskth eft One of the neighbors _ and found the lady dead. G1140102 The prisoners were put in _.G1140203 They were convicted _ h

315、aving killed 20 persons.G1140301 The delay was _ heavy traffic.G1140403 I am not guilty _ this crime.G1140502 You should have a cup of tea, to prevent you _ cold.G1140604 The driver pulled _ to a woman and asked the way to the station.G1140701 Have the police looked into the bank _?G1140803 He was s

316、entenced _ for the murder. G1140901 First you should switch the machine _ before you stop your work. G1141004 第二部分:阅读理解The boy was caught stealing while he was _.G1220183 Which of the following is NOT true according to the second paragraph?G1220204 Why did one of the shop owners call the police?G122

317、0303 According to the judge, why did the boy become a criminal?G1220402 What does the title of the passage suggest?G1220502 This passage mainly focuses on _.G1230101 If you want to guarantee your safety at home, you should _.G1230202 Based on the passage, if you notice someone following you, its bet

318、ter for you to _. G1230304 Why should you have a telephone in the bedroom?G1230403 From the passage, we can infer that we might be victims if _.G1230501 第三部分:Unemployment / by poor education ( cause 被动态 ) 答: Unemployment can be caused by poor education. Crime / family break-up ( lead to ) 答: Crime c

319、an lead to family break-up. Unemployment / unhappiness ( cause 主动态 ) 答: Unemployment can cause unhappiness. Crime / poor education ( because of ) 答: Crime can occur because of poor education. Poor health / unemployment ( due to ) 答: Poor health can be due to unemployment. Older people are vulnerable

320、 I suggest that if somebody knocks at the door, they put the l 安全 securitychain on the door. If someone comes to the door, youcheck their l 身份徽章 identification badges . You to put things like car keysl 在看不见的地方 out of sight l0 people cant see them, and particularly dont have them near l 猫出入用的活动板cat f

321、laps l0 people can put their hands through and get the keys. 参考答案: soshouldshouldoughtsobecause 1. When he was young, my father work six days a week. 2. You do the work now 。 you can do it tomorrow morning. 3. You talk during the exam. 4. You pass a test before you can drive in the UK. 5. You read t

322、his book. Its very good. 参考答案: had todont have tomustnthave toought to 完型填空G1340102 G1340201 G1340304 G1340402 G1340501 G1340603 G1340704 G1340801 G1340903 G1341002 第四部分:听力训练I think juries are fair.He thinks juries are fair, doesn t he?I disagree with Betty.He disagrees with Betty, doesnt he? I thin

323、k they cost a lot of money.She thinks they cost a lot of money, doesnt she? I thought the evidence was difficult.She thought the evidence was difficult, didnt she? I didnt enjoy the experience.She didnt enjoy the experience, did she? I didnt go to see the trial.He didnt go to see the trial, did he?

324、精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 27 页,共 30 页28 / 30 There is _ crime in Milton Keynes than in Reading and Slough.G1520182 Crime in Milton Keynes is _.G1520201 There are _ break-ins in Milton Keynes last month. G1520302 People _ fit house alarms on their houses.G1520401 Windows should b

325、e shut, especially in the _. G1520501 People can get _ through cat flaps.G1520601 第五部分:作文China has stepped into an aging society (中国步入老龄社会)according to traditional Chinese moral values (按照中国传统价值观念)the family plan has been carrying out for many years (计划生育制度施行多年)establish a multi-level old-age insura

326、nce system. (建立多层次的老龄保险制度)Help For Elderly People| 参考: It is reported that China has stepped into an aging society. As the aging of the population quickens, the number of elderly people is becoming very large. Therefore, it is necessary to find good ways to deal with the problem. According to tradit

327、ional Chinese moral values, it is the sons or daughters who should take the responsibility of caring for their elderly parents. The youth should not only look after their elderly parents in material terms but also understand their loneliness and do their best to spend more time with them. But becaus

328、e the family plan has been carried out for many years in China, it is a common picture that a young couple has to support four elderly parents. This trend will reach its peak in coming years. The government is responsible for guaranteeing the basic living standards of the elderly and safeguard(保护) t

329、heir legitimate (合法的) rights and interests and establish a multi-level old-age insurance system. 第单元参考答案开放教育1844+英语 II(1)第十七单元参考答案第一部分:建筑 architecture 到达者 arrival 背景 background 世纪 century 特点;性格character舒适地 comfortably 社区;团体community 跨文化的 cross-cultural 文化的 cultural 文化上地culturally 文化上 culture 文化冲击cul

330、ture shock 处理 deal with 各不相同的diverse 多样性 diversity 赚得,挣得earn 最后处于 end up估计 estimate民族的,种族的ethnic 建立,创建found 回避 get around 混合的 hybrid 身份 identity 移居的 migrant 少数 minority 使混合mix 起源 origin 人口 population 首相 prime minister 繁荣 prosperity 准时的 punctual 宗教信仰religion 分别地 respectively 无礼的 rude 熟练的 skilled 马上 s

331、traight away 轮流 (做) take turns 终点站,总站 terminal 低调陈述understatement广大的,大量的vast Late s0 a _r _r _i _v _a _l _s ( 到达者 ) must wait in the classroom.arrivals I dont like the b _a _c _k _g _r _o _u _n _d ( 背景 ) music. background A c _e _n _t _u _r _y ( 世纪 ) is a period of 100 years.century The word c _o _m

332、 _m _u _n _i _t _y (社区 ) is sometimes used to mean society in general. community Chinese c _u _l _t _u _r _e ( 文化 ) has already become widely known in the world.culture How much do you e _a _r _n ( 挣得 ) a month?earn People are trying to f _o _u _n _d ( 创建 ) a new society.found The children were m _i

333、 _x _i _n _g ( 使混合 ) dust and water into mud.mixing Its r _u _d _e ( 无礼的 ) not to say Thank you when you are given something. rude It is a v _a _s _t (广大的 ) desert.vast 1.Youris the kind of education you have had. 2.If you do something , you do it easily. 3.If we say things are , they are very diffe

334、rent from each other. 4.If you a quantity, you guess how much it is. 5.Your is who you are. 6.You can refer to the beginning of something as its . 7.The of a country or area is all the people who live in it. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 28 页,共 30 页29 / 30 8.If you are, you do somet

335、hing at the right time. 9.Someone who is has the ability to do something well. 10. A is a place where passengers begin or end a journey. 参考答案:backgroundcomfortablydiverseestimateidentityoriginpopulationpunctual skilledterminal That matter has already been _.H1140103 Does television show the cultural

336、 _ of the country?H1140201 Did she get _ the problems or try to deal with them?H1140304 If you drive your car in that way, youll end _ in hospital.H1140401 She said that, _, she still loves him.H1140502 They drink whisky _ with beer.H1140603 You can always_ me for help if you need.H1140701 She is a

337、girl_at knitting.H1140802 Oh, time is up and we must go straight _.H1140902 You cant use the bike at once you have to take _.H1141004 第二部分: 阅读理解Why does the writer think that Benjamin Disraelis statement is an understatement? Because he thinks London is _. H1220184 Why does the writer think new arri

338、vals are an l好处 advantage to London?H1220201 London is regarded as the most culturally diverse city in the world due to the following facts EXCEPT that _.H1220304 The last paragraph mainly tells us in London _.H1220404 The passage mainly deals with _.H1220503 The first paragraph tells us _.H1230103

339、If you are invited to someones house for dinner, its better to _.H1230203 English people like to talk about the following EXCEPT _.H1230304 In the last paragraph. The sentence , its usual to take turns to buy a drink foreveryone in your group means _.H1230402The subject matter of the passage is_.H12

340、30501 第三部分:Woody Allen said that money _ better than poverty, mainly for financial reasons. H1310102 Laurence J. Peter said the modern child _ answer you back before you _ anything. H1310203 Muhammed Ali said it _ just a job. Grass _. Birds _. He _ people. H1310304 David Frost said television _ ente

341、rtainment in your l客厅 lounge by people you _ not have in your house. H1310401 Guilio Spinetti said every l奢侈品 luxury _ be paid for and everything in life _ a luxury. H1310504 Madonna said she _ rich and she _ poor. Rich _ better.H1310602 Why did you come to England? She asked me _why I came to Engla

342、ndwhy I had come to England . 答案: why I had come / came to England When did you leave Iran? She asked me _when I had left Iranwhen I left Iran . 答案: when I had left / left Iran How long have you been studying English? She asked me_how long I had been studying English 答案: how long I had been studying

343、 English Are you staying in England for long? She asked me _if I was staying in England for longwhether I was staying in England for long . 答案: if / whether I was staying in England for long Will you get a job in England? She asked me _if I would get a job in Englandwhether I would get a job in Engl

344、and 答案: if / whether I would get a job in England Do you have a girlfriend? She asked me _if I had a girlfriendwhether I had a girlfriend 答案: if / whether I had a girlfriend Have you got a car? She asked me _if I had got a carwhether I had got a car 答案: if / whether I had a car Can you take me for a

345、 drive? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 29 页,共 30 页30 / 30 She asked me _if I could take her for a drivewhether I could take her for a drive 答案: if / whether I could take her for a drive They are late, _arent they ?arent they Shes coming, _isnt she ?isnt she Paul isnt the boss, _is he

346、 ?is he Im doing this, _arent I ?arent I I havent got the ticket, _have I ?have I Nobodys waiting, _are they ? are they Something was wrong, _wasnt it ?wasnt it There wasnt enough salad, _was there ?was there _ these children know the answer.H1340103 He asked me where _ from.H1340202 She asked me wh

347、ether _ English.H1340304 My teacher told me _ to English people as much as I can to practise my English. H1340404 He asked me _ English culture.H1340501 Somebody asked her, _?H1340602 There wasnt any paper in the box, _?H1340702 Lets go to the cinema, _? H1340804 By the end of this year, I _ enough

348、money for a holiday.H1340903 I have _ finished the report.H1341002 第四部分:Faramaz is_from nArial l德黑兰 Tehran, the _capital of Iran. fromcapital He was _thirty-one31 years old when he left there. thirty-one/31 He wanted to see what was happening in other _countries . countries He couldnt speak a_word o

349、f_English when he arrived. wordEnglish A man at a _bus l 终点站 terminal helped him.bus He started an English class the _next day.next He met his wife after _three3 months in England.three /3 He met her in a _park .park Why are you here?He asked me why I was here. When did you leave Iran?He asked me wh

350、en I had left Iran. How much money do you have?He asked me how much money I had. Are you married?He asked me if I was married. Have you studied English?He asked me if I had studied English. 第五部分:作文be independent in English studies an active English learner enjoy the pleasure of English studies bear

351、in mind ( 牢记 ) My English Studies 参考:I have been learning English for more than twenty years. Recalling my English studies, I would like to share some good ways and some frustrations with you. First, I am independent in English studies. Instead of waiting for the teacher to explain, I try to find th

352、e patterns and rules on my own. Second, I am an active English learner. I never wait for a chance using English. I look for such a chance, and create an language environment by myself. I am willing to make mistakes and not afraid of losing face. Try your best to enjoy the pleasure of English studies, bear in mind that frustration gets you nowhere.(焦虑于事无补)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 30 页,共 30 页



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