高中英语 模块九英语同位语课件 牛津版选修9

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1、APPOSITION同位语同位语 By Xu Haiyan1、复习内容:、复习内容: 同位语及其同位语从句。同位语及其同位语从句。2、目标要求:、目标要求: (1)掌握可以充当同位语的各种词和短语。)掌握可以充当同位语的各种词和短语。 (2)掌握)掌握其后能接同位语从句的名词其后能接同位语从句的名词 及引导同位语的及引导同位语的连接词。连接词。 3、复习重点和难点:、复习重点和难点: 同位语从句的运用。同位语从句的运用。 WHAT IS APPOSITION?When two noun phrases come one after the other in a sentence and bot

2、h refer to the same thing, these noun phrase are in apposition.FIND OUT THE APPOSITIVE IN THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES: 1)Your brother, a proud and unbending man, refused all help that was offered him. 2) The USA was also born from Revolution, and its flag, the “Star and Stripes” symbolizes this.3)Church

3、ill, Britains prime minister during the Second World War, died in 1965. _3) My father will go and see it himself.4) My friends all understand me.5) She liked her job, teaching English.6) Lucy, old but still energetic, still gives concerts every now and then. 7) The question who should attend the mee

4、ting has not yet been steeled. _ _ _ _ _LETS HAVE A TRY:你你认识顾晓璐,就是那璐,就是那边那个那个长头发大眼睛的女孩?大眼睛的女孩?Do you know Gu Xiaolu, the girl with long hair and big eyes over there?王垒老师,强壮王垒老师,强壮到足够当运动员到足够当运动员了,是个运动迷了,是个运动迷哦。哦。Mr. Wang, strong enough to be an athlete, is a sports fan 王修文博士,我王修文博士,我们的校的校长,希望每个学生,希望每

5、个学生都有个美好的未来。都有个美好的未来。Dr. Wang Xiuwen,Principal of our school, hopes every student can have a bright future.零冠词零冠词注意:表示职务,职位词充当同位语的时候,注意:表示职务,职位词充当同位语的时候,要省去冠词。要省去冠词。如:如:Professor Wang Doctor Wang Xuewen President Hu Jingtao Dean(主任主任) of Senior Three Chairman of the committeeQueen/King of 和同学和同学们一起参

6、加篝火晚会是我无法忘一起参加篝火晚会是我无法忘记的的经历,一个我,一个我将永将永远珍惜的珍惜的经历。Taking part in the Campfire Party with my classmates is an unforgettable experience, one I will treasure forever.Campfire PartyOne: a/an + n我想到这个学校上学,就是那个上周我去参观的那个学校。I want to study in that school, the one that I visited last week.the one: the +n REA

7、D THE PASSAGE ABOUT BRITISH TRADITIONS IN PART A ON PAGE 41 AND FIND OUT ALL THE PHRASES IN APPOSITION IN PAIRS.A ANSWERS:1. the British Queen, Elizabeth 2. Horse Guards Parade, the entrance to the Royal Palace3. the closest Saturday to 12 June, the day when her birthday is officially celebrated4. a

8、 very colorful event, one that has become an institution for celebrating the King or Queens birthday since 18055. Buckingham Palace, the Queens home in LondonWHEN A NOUN CLAUSE IS AFTER A NOUN , AN APPOSITIVE CLAUSE IS FORMED.同位语从句同位语从句一、定义一、定义 同位语从句一般放在某些名词的后面,用以同位语从句一般放在某些名词的后面,用以说明名词所表示的具体内容。在句中作

9、同位语。说明名词所表示的具体内容。在句中作同位语。二、常引导同位语从句的名词二、常引导同位语从句的名词fact, news, idea, promise, faith, question, problem, doubt, fear, hope, order, belief, thought, reply, truth, suggestion, advice, proposal三:如何确定引导词三:如何确定引导词1. that 同位同位语从句意从句意义完整完整;即即that 不充当任何成分,只起不充当任何成分,只起连接作用接作用.2. whether 同位同位语从句意从句意义不完整,需增加不完整

10、,需增加“是否是否”的含的含义3. 特殊疑特殊疑问词 同位同位语从句意从句意义不完整,需增加不完整,需增加什么什么时候候、什么什么地点地点、“什么方式什么方式等含等含义,应用用when, where, how等等词引引导同位同位语从句从句 They expressed the hope that they would come over to visit China again. I have no idea how they were able to get it done in so short a time.Have you any idea what he is doing now?T

11、hey asked me the question whether the work was worth doing.The question who should do the work requires consideration. SO CAN YOU FINISH EXERCISE B ON PAGE 41?B Answers1. Im very confused by the idea that red can mean revolution in France and a considerate nature in Indonesia.2. I have to ask someon

12、e from Indonesia to find out about the truth that Indonesia people think red represents sugar.3. It is a fact that I have done a lot of research.4. I dont think that it is a problem that the information I have found is all in English.5. Im so delighted by the news that there is going to be a speech

13、about color. 仔细看,找区别仔细看,找区别A: The news that he told me is that Tom would go abroad next year.B: The news that Tom would go abroad is told by him.同位语从句同位语从句定语从句定语从句A: He put forward the suggestion that the second question should be discussed first.B: The suggestion that he had put forward was turn do

14、wn.仔细看,找区别仔细看,找区别同位语从句同位语从句定语从句定语从句仔细看,找区别仔细看,找区别A: We were greatly pleased at the news that the Chinese womens volleyball team had won the match again. B: We were greatly pleased at the news that our teacher had told us. (同位语从句同位语从句)(定语从句定语从句)仔细看,找区别仔细看,找区别A:The suggestion that students should lear

15、n something practical is worth considering.B:The suggestion that they are considering is that students should learn something practical.同位语从句同位语从句定语从句定语从句Tip: 在先行词与与从句之间加一个系在先行词与与从句之间加一个系动词动词be,使之构成一个新句子,使之构成一个新句子,如果句子通顺且符合逻辑,则为如果句子通顺且符合逻辑,则为同位语从句。反之,则为定语从同位语从句。反之,则为定语从句。句。1.The news that he told me

16、 is that Tom would go abroad next year.2. The news that Tom would go abroad is told by him.3.He put forward the suggestion that thesecond question should be discussed first.The news is that he told me. The news is that Tom would go abroad.The suggestion is that thesecond question should be discussed

17、 first.4. The suggestion that he had put forward was turn down.5. We were greatly pleased at the news that the Chinese womens volleyball team had won the match again. 6. We were greatly pleased at the news that our teacher had told us. The suggestion is that he had put forward The news is that Chine

18、se womens volleyball team had won the match again. The news is that our teacher had told us. 1. Heres an announcement _ the winner at chess can get a prize of 1000 yuan.A.thatB. whyC. whetherD. when2. Its a question _ he did it.A. what B. that C. howD. ifExerciseMultiple choices3. The dream _ we are

19、 flying in space has finally been realized by a Chinese astronaut Yang Liwei.A.when B. thatC. whichD. what4. They rumor spread _ a new school would be built.A. thatB. whatC. whereD. whichExerciseMultiple choices5. The question _ it is right or wrong depends on the result.A. ifB. whichC. that D. whet

20、her6. I have a question _ student should take the responsibility.A. thatB. whichC. whatD. if7. They expressed the suggestion _ she accept the award.A. whatB. whenC. that D. whichTip:在某些名词(在某些名词(wish, demand, suggestion, advice等等)后的同位语从句要用虚拟语气!)后的同位语从句要用虚拟语气!Tips: 1. 观察名词,是否为常引导同位语从句的名词。观察名词,是否为常引导同位

21、语从句的名词。2. 抓出句子主干。抓出句子主干。3. 分析从句结构分析从句结构,判断是否缺成分。判断是否缺成分。 A SHORT PASSAGE: FLAG-RAISING CEREMONYWRITE THE PASSAGE:WRITE THE PASSAGE: 介绍我校的升旗仪式时间:9月5日,周一上午地点:学校广场主持人:吴悠和郑玉参加人员:全体师生主要内容:1.升旗仪式 2.演讲 3.祝贺通过考试的同学 5.校长发言注意:1词数不少于150。 2可根据内容要点适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。 Here are some pictures you can refer to. Please t

22、ry your best to use apposition and the appositive clause you learn today!9 9月月5 5日是周一,一个通常都会举行升旗仪式的日是周一,一个通常都会举行升旗仪式的日子日子。 Monday, a day when our school will hold the flag-raising ceremony.主持主持仪式的那个女孩,叫式的那个女孩,叫郑玉,是我玉,是我们班班的英的英语课代表哦代表哦。 called Zhengyu, our English monitor 当我当我们的国旗冉冉升起的的国旗冉冉升起的时候,我候,我

23、们所有的人,老所有的人,老师和同学,都和同学,都肃立,庄立,庄严地看着它地看着它。 , we, all the teachers and students, stood there still, 听到有很多的同学都通听到有很多的同学都通过了考了考试的好的好消息,我消息,我们都很自豪。都很自豪。.the news that many students have passed an exam.在同学在同学们的演的演讲中,我中,我们分享了一条很重分享了一条很重要的学要的学习指指导:惜:惜时,勤,勤奋,多,多问,善思,善思和和实践践an important learning instruction t

24、hat we should cherish time, work hard. 最后,王修文博士,我最后,王修文博士,我们的校的校长,表达了他,表达了他对我我们的希望:将来,我的希望:将来,我们都能成都能成为有价有价值的人,能的人,能给家庭,社会和国家做出家庭,社会和国家做出贡献的人!献的人!Dr. Wang Xiuwen, Principal of our schoolexpressed his hope that one day, we WRITE THE PASSAGE:WRITE THE PASSAGE: 介绍我校的升旗仪式时间:9月5日,周一上午地点:学校广场主持人:吴悠和郑玉参加人员:全体师生主要内容:1.升旗仪式 2.演讲 3.祝贺通过考试的同学 5.校长发言注意:1词数不少于150。 2可根据内容要点适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。Homework1.Review the Appositive Clause.2.Finish the Workbook P120 C1 and C23.Improve your passage



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