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1、学习必备欢迎下载Unit 1 Life on Mars 一. 重点单词1.pill n药片 ( small round medicines) in the form of pills medicine n 药 take the/some medicine 服药 make medicine 制药2.guitar n. play the guitar/ violin/piano , play football/basketball/volleyball , play Chinese chess/ play cards 3.sunglass n. wear a pair of sunglasses

2、glass n 杯子,可数名词 two glasses of water 玻璃。不可数名词 a piece of glass 4.polluted adj. a polluted river pollute v. Don t pollute the river pollution n. 不可数名词water /air /noise pollution 5.develop v. grow and improve How has it developed? developing adj. 发展中的 China is a developing country developed adj. 发达的 A

3、merica is a developed country. development n There have been several new developments in electronics. 6.population n. Whats the population of China?=How many people are there in China ? 7.discussion n. The programme started with a discussion about the problem. discuss vt. shall we discuss the matter

4、 latter? 8.dry v.烘干 Please dry these clothes. adj. 干燥的 In summer it is very dry. dried adj,干的,干缩的 Dried food can be stored for many months. 9.imagine v.(1)后接名词或代词 You can t imagine their words. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 18 页学习必备欢迎下载(2)后跟动名词 Try to be imagine being on the m

5、oon. (3)后跟从句 Dont imagine that you are the only person in trouble. 10.taste ( 1)link.v These dumpings taste good (2)n. Do you have a taste of this green tea? 11.human/people/person human 主要指“人类,人”;people 意为“人们”,着重指全体,是单数形式,但表达复数概念,等于men and women; person也可以作“人,人们”着重指个人方面,可以说two persons human-(pl)-hu

6、mans 12.certain adj. be certain of sth,/doing sth. sure adj. certain 与 sure 的含义和用法大致相同,但certain侧重于表示有确定依据或事实, 语气比 sure 强,多作表语,主语可以是物也可以是人;sure 多指主观上相信某人或确定某事,主语一般是人. It is certain that nobody likes waiting. Are you sure you borrowed the book from the library? pare vt. compare A with B; compare A and

7、 B eg. We carefully compare the first report with the second. It is interesting to compare their height and our weight/ 14.crowded adj. 可以作定语也可以作表语,意为“挤满的, 拥挤的” 常用结构是 be crowded with sth. This is the most crowded street in Shanghai. The bus is crowded with people who go to work. 15. a number of , th

8、e number of 的区别a number of = numbers of + 可数名词的复数+ 动词形式为复数精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 18 页学习必备欢迎下载A number of visitors come to Suzhou every day. the number of + 名词的复数 + 动词的三单意思是“ , 的总和数量The number of the students in our class is 65. 16. at half the speed of light 以光速的一半(行驶),

9、 at ( 以, 速度, 价格等 ) Eg: The car is running at 80 kilometres an hour. I bought it at a low price. 17. three-eighths 八分之三,在分数词的表述中,记住口诀“分子基数词分母序数词,分子大于 1,分母加s”。如: 1/3 one third 5/6 five sixths Eg: Two thirds of the students in our class are boys. 18. every 和 each 的共同点和不同点(1)every 和 each 后加单数名词,动词用第三人称单

10、数形式。Eg: Each of the boys in class 2 has bought the book. Eg: Every student is listening to the teacher carefully. (2)each 是一定数目中的每一个,强调“个别”“各有不同” ,each 是代词, 可以和 of 连用。every 只数目不确定中许多人或物中间的“每一个”,强调“总和”更强调“大家一致”。every 后不可以跟of 二. 重点短语1.be cared for by 2. be able to travel in space 3.wear space helmets

11、to go outside 4.in the form of pills 5.make people feel very ill 6.live on other planets 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 18 页学习必备欢迎下载7.move to Mars 8.at the moment 9.become more and more crowded 10.build a better world 11.too slow to carry large numbers of people 12.travel at ha

12、lf the speed of light 13.need food, water and air to survive 14.three-eighths of the gravity on Earths 15.float away into space 16.prevent/keep/stop sb from doing 17.wear special boots to make themselves heavier pared with life on Mars 19have more space 20.live in a dome with ten bedrooms 21.do most

13、 of our work 22.take exams at online schools 23.have their own online teacher 24.in some ways 25.under the control of the computer 26the first to live on.Mars 27.make friends with people who live there 28.take high-quality images 29provide energy for the spacesuit 30travel from Mars to Earth 31send

14、a space robot onto Mars 32.imagine doing sth. 33.so far away from Earth 34.miss the first part 35.start with a discussion 36.be different from the situation 37.worry about living there 38.be afraid of seeing aliens 39.keep these animals away with laser light 40.do harm to them 41.be stored at the Pl

15、anet Mars Bank 42go somewhere quiet 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 18 页学习必备欢迎下载43buy a car which floats in the air 44.have a rest 45.help me make Sandy calm down 46.too nervous to relax 47.sit by the window 48check your homework 49.work hard to make this dream come true 50.on t

16、he surface of 三. 重点句型1.How do you like life on Mars?= What do you think of life on Mars? 2.I thought you liked Mars. 我原以为你喜欢火星。 3.Daniel is thinking about what life will be like in the future. 4.It may be difficult to imagine. 5.Our planet, Earth, is becoming more and more crowded and polluted. 6.At

17、 present, our spacecraft are too slowly to carry large numbers of people to Marsit takes months. 7.By 2100, the journey might take only a very short time in space shuttles (that travel at half the speed of light.) 8.Humans need food, water and air to survive. 9.However, it is not sure if these plant

18、s could produce water. 10.The gravity on Mars is only about three-eighths of the gravity on Earth. 11.There will be many different designs for settlers to choose from. 12.Every student will have a computer at home (connecting to an inter-planet computer network.) 13.I am wondering if/whether there w

19、ill be many people willing to move to Mars. 14.We could get ill from living there. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 18 页学习必备欢迎下载 15.50% of the students would like to move out of Earth. 16.It worries me. 17. It would be great to have robots do all the work for us. 18.It takes Mars

20、 about two years to revolve completely around the sun. 19.The surface of Mars is more like the surface of Earth than any other planet in our solar system. 20.A very popular form of entertainment is online games. 21.Things from Earth are hard to find.= It is hard to find thing from Earth. 22.She s to

21、o nervous to relax. 23.Robots could be the first to live on Mars.机器人可能是第一批生活在火星上的(人)。 24.We will be cared for by robots. 25.Food will be in the form of pills. 四语法知识一“ must ,can/ could ,may/ might + 动词原形”常用来表示对现在或将来发生情况的推测。 must 只用于肯定句中,表示“一定、肯定”。其否定 mustn t 表“不准、禁止、不可以”等。如:He never takes a taxi. He

22、must be very poor. I thought you must like something to read,so I have brought you some books. 我想你一定喜欢看点东西,所以我带来了些书。注意:含有 must be 的反意疑问句,常用“ is/are + 主语”。含有 must do 的反意疑问句常用“ do/ does + 主语”。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 18 页学习必备欢迎下载 can/ could 多用于否定句或疑问句中,偶尔用于肯定句中表示一种可能性。如:Att

23、ending a ball can be exciting. Michael cant be a policeman,for hes much too short. 迈克不可能是警察,因为他太矮了。 may/ might 通常用于肯定或否定陈述句中。当表示某事可能发生时,可用could ,may,might .如: Are you coming to Jeffs party?你来参加杰夫的晚会吗? I m not sure. I may/ might go to the concert instead. 不太确定,我有可能去参加音乐会。二、 could/ can,may. might 表示“请

24、求、建议、许诺、能力”等。could/may 用于表示委婉地提出请求或允许,“给予请求”的答复用 can/may . could/might 也可以表示“许可”,语气比 can/may 委婉,表示的可能性较小。如 Could I call you by your first name? Yes ,you may/can. 二宾语从句(1)that:陈述句充当宾语从句,由 that引导,that不在从句中担当成分,只起连接作用,常可省略(2) if/whether:一般疑问句充当宾语从句时,用if/wtether引导,宾语从句的语序是陈述句语序,但在or not之前,不定式之前,介词之后只能用w

25、hether 宾语从句中常见的错误一. 连词错误例 1:He asked _ there was a bookshop in the street. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 18 页学习必备欢迎下载A. that B. what C. how D. whether 错解 :A; 正解 :D 剖析 :ask 表明了宾语部分含有询问的意思。而that不能引导疑问语气的句子。例 2:Tell me _ you will go with us or stay at home. A. if B. whether C. th

26、at D. how 错解 :A; 正解 :B 剖析 : 引导宾语从句时,if和 whether 常可以互换 , 但有些情况是不能互换的?穴当从句中提出了两种选择 , 或从句位于介词后面, 只能用 whether? 雪。二. 语序错误例 1:He wanted to know_. A. when would the holiday begin B. that he had come back from Beijing C. which one did I like best D. how he could get to the station 错解 :A/C; 正解 :D 剖析 : 宾语从句必须

27、用陈述句语序。例 2:I wonder_. A. who broke the window B. who the window broke C. whose coat is this D. what is the population of China 错解 :B; 正解 :A 剖析 :B 貌似陈述句语序, 但在这里连接词who是从句的主语,而不是 the window 。三. 结构错误例: I don t know_. A. which room I can live B. which room can I live 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - -

28、 - - - -第 8 页,共 18 页学习必备欢迎下载C. which room I can live in D. which room can I live in 错解 :A; 正解 :C 剖析 : 如果连接词在宾语从句中充当不及物动词后介词的宾语, 并被放到从句句首时, 不及物动词后的介词不能少。四. 时态错误例 1:Long, long ago, people didnt know the earth_ round the sun. A. moving B. moved C. moves D. went 错解 :B/D; 正解 :C 剖析 : 在学习宾语从句时, 我们知道主从句的时态要

29、考虑“一致” 的原则。 但当从句表示的是科学真理、格言、客观事实或其他不受时间限制、影响而客观存在的事物时, 宾语从句的动词时态不受主句时态的限制, 仍可用一般现在时。例 2:Could you tell me_? A. how I can get to the post office B. how can I get to the post office C. how could I get to the post office D. how I could get to the post office 错解 :D; 正解 :A 剖析 : 主句中的Could 在这里不是表示过去时态, 而是表

30、示语气的委婉。五书面表达中考作业本 P286 六 Homework 1. 掌握的知识要点2. 完成 9Bunit 1的练习3. 复习 9B Unit 2词汇 , 课文 , 语法及写作精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 18 页学习必备欢迎下载Unit 2 Robots 一重点单词plaint n. 不可数名词“抱怨”;可数名词“抱怨的行动或话,投诉”The road-works caused much complaint among local residents. I have a number of complaints

31、 about the hotel room you have give me. complain: v :complain to / about He never complains about the pain . She left early, complaining of a headache. 2.post :vt. 邮寄: . post something for sb. This card was posted from London a week ago. n. “ 邮件,邮报”When does the first post go out? Mr White reads Was

32、hington Post every day. 3.iron : v. 熨烫,烫平, n. 熨斗He was ironing his shirt when I arrived. An iron is used for smoothing clothes. 4.sweep vt. sweep-swept-swept sweep the floor : clean the window 5.everyday / daily /every day every day adj. 表示“日常的,每天的,普通的”,不强调每天发生的事; daily作形容词表示“每日的”指每天或每个工作日发生的事,强调每天的

33、情况;every day是副词词组,表示“每天”在句中作状语The book is about the _life of the people in this poor country. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 18 页学习必备欢迎下载He watches TV _. He usually reads the _paper in the afternoon. 6.either adv./ pron 也;两者中之一You don t like the robt, I dont like it, either. E

34、ither of the road has lots of shops. 7.order n, 次序,顺序;订单,订货;规则,秩序Put the book in order The clock is out of order He gave his order to the waiter I have got two books on order at the book shop. Vt. 命令;订购;点菜Order sb. (not) to do sth. in order to do sth.=so as to do sth.表示目的,位于居首或句中in order that=so tha

35、t My mother got up early so that she could catch the train =My mother got up early in order to catch the train. =My mother got up early so as to catch the train. 8.expect / look forward to expect: (1) +名词或代词 He is expecting a letter. (2)+不定式 I expect to be back next week. (3)+宾语 +宾补 He expects his f

36、ather to come back on time. (4)+从句 I didnt expect that my mother had come back from Qingdao 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 18 页学习必备欢迎下载look forward to +名词或动名词 He is looking forward to seeing his mother. 9.remember to do something , : 记得要做某事I remember to return the key to Simon

37、. remember doing something :记得做过某事I don t remember telling the truth to you. 10.explore : v. 探测,考察,勘探 explorer: n. 探险者,考察者It s reported that an explorer who explored a small island was lost last year. 11. own : v. / adj. on one s own : 独自地,单独地 He runs a factory on his own . of one s own : 自己的,独有的 I

38、want a room of my own . 12. change : v. / n Computers have changed our life a lot . Great changes have taken place in our hometown, He is always busy and has little time for his hobbies. 他总是很忙,几乎没有时间从事他的爱好。13.have (no) time for sth. Have (no) time to do sth. They have no time to go swimming with you

39、 . I have too much homework to do ,so I have no time for my hobbies. 14. as a result: “因为,由于,由于。结果”, 用来做结果状语She was late as a result of heavy rain. as a matter of fact “事实上” as a whole“ 整体来看”精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 12 页,共 18 页学习必备欢迎下载 as a rule “一般来说;通常”15.go wrong : 出错,出问题The

40、 computer has gone wrong again. 二重点短语plain to the robot shop 2.post the letter for you 3.do the laundry 4.explore dangerous place 5.iron shirts 6.make the bed 7.remember everything well 8.sweep the floor 9.the sea and outer space 10.the first person in Sunshine Town to own a robot 11.change his life

41、 a lot 12.in many ways 13.have little time for his hobbies 14.in order to 15.have more spare time 16.make a great difference to ones everyday life 17.make things much easier 18.make a lunch box 19.no longer 20.get up early to do the house work 21.stay in bed for an extra hour 22.air the room 23.go s

42、hopping at the supermarket 24.return home from work 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 13 页,共 18 页学习必备欢迎下载25.be happy / satisfied with 26.a few weeks later 27.start to go wrong 28.catch a virus 29.cause a lot of problems 30.find his breakfast in the washing machine 31.find his clean shir

43、ts in the dustbin 32.move around the house 33.knock things over 34.find his flat in a mess 35do with the robot 36.return the robot to the robot shop 37.a dirty and untidy condition 38in fact 39.at the end of each arm 40stand on four small wheels 41.move around easily 42use clean energy 43.make my ro

44、bot energetic 44.write his questions down in his notebook. 45.free for children under 12 46.need to do everythiing myself 47.stop working completely 48.get my money back 49reply to this e-mail 50.clear up any mess in my bedroom 三重点句型1.Mr Jiang is the first person in Sunshine Town to own a robot. 2.I

45、t no longer knew when it should cook breakfast. 3.When Mr Jiang got home, he would find his flat in a mess. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 14 页,共 18 页学习必备欢迎下载4.It might make a mess in my mess. 5.The robot no longer knew when it should cook breakfast. 6.Mr Jiang didnt know what he sho

46、uld do with the robot. 7.In order to have more spare time, I need to buy a robot. 8.The robot did all the housework. As a result, Mr Jiang no longer needed to get up early. 9.Mr Jiang no longer needed to do housework because he had a robot. 10Mr Jiang needs to return his robot to the shop because it

47、 is not working . 11.let me know as soon as you can. 12.I think that robot made in Japan is very interesting. 13How often should your robot need to be checked? 14.How long do you expect your robot to last ? 15A good robot should only need checking every 6 months. 16.However, we hope that you will gi

48、ve the new robot try. 17.We look forward to hearing from you soon 四语法知识(一)特殊疑问句充当宾语从句,由特殊疑问词引导宾语从句,由连接代词what,who,whom,which和连接副词when,where,haow,why等引导一. 单项选择1. He said _ she would leave the message on the headmasters desk. A. that B. where C. which D. what 2. In the bookshop, a reader asked the shop

49、keeper _ Who Moved My Cheese was an interesting book. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 15 页,共 18 页学习必备欢迎下载 A. that B. how C. what D. if 3. A: Could you tell me _ she is looking for? B: Her cousin, Susan. A. that B. whose C. who D. which 4. I want to know_. A. what is his name B. whats

50、his name C. that his name is D. what his name is 5. Could you tell me_? A. when did Tom come back B. when does Tom come back C. when Tom will come back D. when Tom comes back 6. A: Could you tell me _? B: Im not sure. A. how many people have been out of hospital B. when is Thanksgiving Day C. which

51、animal does he like best D. what time will the dolphin show start 7. Mr. King didnt know _ yesterday evening. A. when does his son come home B. when his son comes home C. when did his son come home D. when his son came home 8. The teacher told us yesterday that December 25 _ Christmas Day. A. is B.

52、was C. has been D. which 9. I wonder _ you would like to come to my birthday party. A. that B. whether C. that if D. that whether 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 16 页,共 18 页学习必备欢迎下载10 A: Im waiting for the mail. Do you know _ it will arrive? B:Usually it comes by 4:00. A. how B. where

53、 C. when D. what 将下列句子改为宾语从句1. Jim said: “The fastest way to travel is by plane.” Jim said _ the fastest way to travel _ by plane. 2. The teacher said to us: “Spring comes after winter.” The teacher _ _ _ spring _ after winter. 3. He can t work out the problem. I believe. I _ _ _ _work out the probl

54、em. 4. How can we get to the plane? I dont know. I don t know _ _ _ get to the plane. 5. Where did you find the book? Could you tell me? Could you tell me _ _ _ the book? 6. Who has left for Haikou? Nobody knows. Nobody knows _ _ _ _Haikou. 7. Will you go there by bus? Have you made a decision? Have

55、 you decided _ _ _ there by bus? 8. Mrs. White told Tom that he shouldnt throw paper on the ground. Mrs. White told Tom _ _ _paper on the ground. 9. We noticed that they were playing football when we went home. We noticed _ _ football when we went home. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第

56、 17 页,共 18 页学习必备欢迎下载10. I don t know why they are standing there. I dont know _ they are standing there _. (二) in order to / as a result in order to 引导的是目的状语,放在居首要用逗号隔开,也可以放在句中,不用逗号隔开as a result 引导的是结果状语,用于两个句子中之间,用逗号隔开。In order to have more free time, I have to buy a robot. My robot caught a virus. As a result, my flat was in a mess. (三) need to do sth. 五书面表达假如你叫李明,上个月你父亲买了一台品牌好的彩色电视机。但是几天后,电视开始出毛病了。现在电视图像很模糊,看不清楚,你对这台电脑很不满意。请你给这家公司写封投诉信。六。 Homework 1. 掌握的知识要点2. 完成 9Bunit 2的练习精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 18 页,共 18 页



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