高中英语 Unit1 Great Scientists课件4 新人教版必修5

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1、Unit 1 Great Scientists Archimedes 阿基米德阿基米德Charles Darwin达尔文达尔文Thomas Newcomen 纽可门纽可门Marie Curie 居里夫人居里夫人Gregor Mendel 门德尔门德尔Leonardo da Vinci 达芬奇达芬奇Humphry Davy 汉弗莱汉弗莱 戴维戴维Stephen Hawking 斯帝芬斯帝芬 霍金霍金Thomas Edison1.Which scientist discovered that objects in water are lifted up by a force that helps

2、them float?B. ArchimedesC. Thomas EdisonA. Charles Darwin2. Who wrote a book explaining how animals and plants developed as the environment changed?A. Marie CurieC. Charles DarwinB. Gregor Mendel3.Who invented the first steam engine?A. Thomas NewcomenC. Thomas EdisonB. Archimedes4. Who used peas to

3、show how physical characteristics are passed from parents to their children.A. Thomas EdisonC. ArchimedesB. Gregor Mendel5. Who discovered radium?A. Marie CurieC. NewtonB. Zhang Heng6.Who invented the way of giving electricity to everybody in large cities?A. Stephen Hawking C. Thomas EdisonB. Archim

4、edes7.Who was the painter that studied dead bodies to improve his painting of people?A. Gregor MendelC. Marie CurieB. Leonardo da Vinci 8. Who invented a lamp to keep miners safe underground?A. Sir Humphry Davy C. FaradayB. Thomas Newcomen9. Who invented the earliest instrument to tell people where

5、earthquakes happened?A. Charles DarwinC. Watt B. Zhang Heng10.Who put forward a theory about black holes?A. Stephen HawkingC. CopernicusB. Archimedessimilaritiescareful hard-workingstrictpositivetalentedcreativebrightstrong- willedWhat should scientists do to prove a new idea in scientific research?

6、Pre-readingDraw a conclusion Think of a method Collect results Make up a question Find a problem Analyse the results Repeat if necessaryWhat order would you put the seven in?Find a problem Make up a question Think of a method Collect results Analyse the results Repeat if necessary Draw a conclusion

7、What impress you most in 2003?infectiousWhat other infectious diseases do you know?For example: When you eat some seafoodYou feelMaybe you have got _.CholeraJohn SnowJohn Snow defeats “King cholera”Who defeats “King Cholera“? How many theories did John Snow got interested in?What happened in 1854?Wh

8、y was there no death at No. 20 and 21 Broad Street aswell as at No. 8 and 9 Cambridge Street?John SnowAnother Cholera outbreak hit London.These families had not drunk the water from the Broad Street pump.twoSteps:What/How?1.Find a problem2.Make up a question3.Think of a method4.Collect resultsJohn S

9、now Defeats “King Cholera”What causes cholera?Which theory is correct?Gather information when another Cholera hit London in 1854.He marked on a map where all the dead people had lived.6. Find supporting evidence7.Make a conclusion5.Analyse resultsLooked into the source of the water.Two other deaths.

10、The water is to blame. The source of all drinking water should be examined.Scientific Reportby John SnowThe problemThe causeIdea 1:Idea 2:The methodNobody knew the cause of the serious disease of choleraa strange cloud of gas attacked people.people absorbed the disease with mealsgather information f

11、rom cholera outbreakThe resultsIdea 1 or 2? Why?The conclusionHe found the cause of cholera was the polluted waterIdea 2. Because the information showed that the dirty water carried choleraHe defeated cholera by examining the water supply and dealing with the polluted water John Snow finally proved

12、the theory he believed by_.A. gathering information with the help of a mapB. looking into the source of the water for Broad Street and Cambridge StreetC. separating those who suffered cholera from those who didnt D. both A and BRead the passage again and fill in the blanks:John Snow was a well-known

13、 _ in London in the _ century. He wanted to find the _ of cholera in order to _ it. In 1854 when a cholera _ out, he began to gather information. He _ on a map where all the dead people had lived and he found that many people who had drunk the dirty water from the _ died. So he decided that the poll

14、uted water carried cholera. He suggested that the _ of all water supply be _ and new methods of _ with polluted water be found. Finally, “King Cholera” was defeated.doctor19thcausedefeatbrokemarkedpumpsourceexamineddealing (in 5 minutes)Discussion: Discuss the following questions in groups of four.1

15、.2.3.Cholera was a 19th century disease. What disease do you think is similar to cholera today?John Snow believed Idea 2 was right. How did he finally prove it?Do you think John Snow would have solved this problem with- out the map? Give a reason. Two diseases, which are similar today, are SARS and

16、AIDS because they are both very serious, have an unknown cause and public health care to solve them. John Snow finally proved his idea because he found an outbreak that was clearly related to cholera, collected information and was able to tie cases outside the area to the polluted water.Keys1.2. No.

17、 The map helped John Snow organise his ideas. He was able to identify those households that had had many deaths and check their water-drinking habits. He identified those houses that had had no deaths and surveyed their drinking habits. The evidence clearly pointed to the polluted water being the cause.3.Lets have a competition!ExtensionSpeaking activityDiscuss in groups of four, which field do you want to contribute yourself to in the future? One takes down the groupmates opinions, after that ,report the groupmates opinions to the whole class.



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