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1、七年级英语下册七年级英语下册module5unit2module5unit2课件课件( (新版新版外研版外研版)-)-七年级英语课件七年级英语课件Colour:Purple Size: Large1. What colour is it?2. What size do you take?3. How much is it?Purple.Large.Its ninety- nine yuan.1. What are they?2. How much are they?3. How many do you take?6元元/kgThey are tomatoes.Six yuan a kilo.H

2、alf a kilo, please.1. What are they?2. How much are they?¥23.00/kg¥15.00/kg¥58.00/kgstrawberriesbiscuitssausagesHow is the online shopping changing our lives?Disadvantages of online shopping.Several advantages of online shopping.How to shop on the Internet.Para 1Para 2Para 3Para 4Fast reading Fast r

3、eading Fast reading Fast reading P28P28P28P28Read the passage and match the main idea with each paragraph.Watch and read 1. Online shopping is a new way of shopping.2. You pay for online shopping before you receive it.3. Online shopping is very difficult.4. Its very safe to shop over the Internet.5.

4、 Our way of life is changing because of online shopping.Read the passage and check ( ) the true sentences on page 29. easydangerous1.Do you like shopping ?2.How do you shop?There are many new ways of shopping today.Do you know what they are?There are many new ways of shopping.window shoppingeye shop

5、pingTV shopping online shoppingOnline shopping is one of them. 其中之一其中之一网购网购方式方式telephone shoppingThere are many ways of travelling.And, going by plane is one of them.We can buy almost everything on the Internet, and its very easy. 几乎;差不多What can we buy on the Internet?We can buy anything on the Inte

6、rnet.任何东西 even a train ticketWe can choose clothes, a mobile phone, even a new computer. products产品产品How can I buy things online?First, choose something.Then, pay for it.= get支付Finally,I will receive it a few days later by post. How will I get the product?收到;接到邮寄Paragraph 1:How to buy things online?

7、 Online shopping choosePay for receive132.later by.Online shopping choosePay for receive132.later by.many waysOne of almost everything_Because Online shopping has several advantages. 有利条件;优势Do you know why online shopping is so popular?一些Information system advantageLogistics advantageBrand advantage

8、Low cost advantageProduct advantageService advantage流行的流行的= a fewYou can shop at any time. The shops are always open. 在任何时候;随时FirstadvantagesYou will be able to buy anything!营业的,开放的 Shopping usually takes a lot of time. 花费很多时间SecondBut shopping on the Internet, you only need a computer and a mouse.Y

9、ou can compare(比较比较)the prices of the same product and spend(花费花费) a lotor save (节省节省)money.ThirdCompare picture A with picture BAB和和相比相比 Why many people like going out and shopping with friends?外出;游玩disadvantage缺点,不利条件缺点,不利条件Because paying over the Internet isnt always safe.安全的安全的通过通过The products m

10、ay not goodYou cant try on the clothes.You cant surf the Internet anywhere.任何地方complete the table in A4 on page 29.Shopping onlineAdvantages(优势)(优势)Disadvantages(劣势)(劣势)First, shop at any time.Second, you can save lots of money .Why people dont like1.Cant see3. over isnt safe.always (open.)Third, Co

11、mpare., spend. ,save通过通过2.cant try on.(take a lot of time. only need)How is the online shopping changingour lives? And why?Read Paragraph 4 and answer.One day no one will go to the shops any more.Because youll be able to buy anything on the Internet, and you will be able to receive it anywhere in th

12、e world at any time.Online shopping is _our _of life. One day _ _will go to the shops _ _,because youll _ able to buy _ the Internet, and you will be _ to _ it _ in the world at _ time.changingwaynooneanymorebeanythingonablereceiveanywhereanySupermarket Shopping AdvantagesDisadvantages Complete the

13、table. . easy and fun. can see the product. take everything home immediately . too crowded. take a long time to go around. buy too much and spend a lot Discuss1.太多太多2.半价半价3.特特卖会会4.半斤半斤5.一斤的一斤的6.其他什么其他什么7.看起来新看起来新鲜8.其中之一其中之一9.网上网上购物物10.通通过邮寄寄11.支付支付12.几个几个优势 too much/manyhalf price on sale half a kil

14、o a kilo of What elselook fresh one of online shopping/shop on the Internet by post pay for several advantages13. 在任何在任何时候候14. 门是关着的是关着的15. 花花费太多太多时间16. A与与B相比相比17. 将将A比作比作B18. 出去出去/ 外出外出19. 通通过互互联网支付网支付20. 试穿衣服穿衣服21. 总有一天有一天22. 生活方式生活方式23. 到学校的路到学校的路24. 在回家的路上在回家的路上 at any timeThe door is closed. t

15、ake a lot of timecompare A with/to B compare A to B go out pay over the Internet try on the clothes one day the way of life the way to school on the way home1.1.今天有个特卖会,每样东西半价。今天有个特卖会,每样东西半价。2.2.草莓看起来很新鲜。草莓看起来很新鲜。3.3.几天后你就能通过邮寄收到它。几天后你就能通过邮寄收到它。4.4.网上购物有几个优势。网上购物有几个优势。5.5.你也可以比较相同产品的价格。你也可以比较相同产品的价格

16、。There is a sale on today. Everything is half price.The strawberries look fresh.You can receive it a few days later by post.Online shopping has several advantages. You can also compare the prices of the same product.6.6.这些香肠多少钱?这些香肠多少钱?7.7.你想要多少香肠?你想要多少香肠?8.8.网上购物正在改变我们的生活方式。网上购物正在改变我们的生活方式。9.9.总有一天

17、不在有人去商店,因为在世界总有一天不在有人去商店,因为在世界的任何地方任何时间你都能收到商品。的任何地方任何时间你都能收到商品。How much are the sausages?How many sausages would you like ?Online shopping is changing our way of life.One day no one will go to the shops any more, because you will be able to receive the products anywhere in the world at any time.10.

18、10.我每天花半个小时做作业我每天花半个小时做作业I spend half an hour (in) doing my homework.It takes me half an hour to do my homework.11.11.我花了我花了58 58 元买草莓。元买草莓。I spend 58 yuan on strawberries.I pay 58 yuan for the strawberries.The strawberries cost me 98 yuan.13.13.我不知道去银行的路。我不知道去银行的路。I dont know the way to the bank.14

19、. 14. 他在回学校的路上遇到了一名警察。他在回学校的路上遇到了一名警察。He met a policeman on his way to school.In the future, school life will be different. There will be trees , flowers and birds everywhere in the school. Students will choose the colors of their classrooms. Students can also choose to have lessons at home or at sc

20、hool. The robots will do all the cleaning in the school . Do you like it? First, you can shop at any time. The shops are always open. Second, shopping usually . But to shop on the Internet you only need and.! You can also compare. and spend a lotor save money.takes a lot of timea computera mousethe

21、prices of the same product Now write sentences describing the disadvantages. Introduce the first disadvantages with but.But many people like going outBut many people like going out and shopping with friends. They dont like shopping on the Internet because they.or. Also paying over the Internet.cant

22、see the product try the clothes onisnt always safe.一、翻译下列短语:一、翻译下列短语:1.网购网购 _2.几乎所有的东西几乎所有的东西 _3.在网上在网上 _4.选择一些东西选择一些东西 _5.支付支付 _6.几天后几天后 _ online shopping almost everything on the Internet choose something pay for a few days later7.通过邮递通过邮递 _8.几个优点几个优点 _9.在任何时候在任何时候 _10.花费一些时间花费一些时间 _11.对比对比的价格的价格

23、_12.同样的产品同样的产品 _13.花费很多花费很多 _ by post several advantages at any time take a lot of time compare the prices of. the same product spend a lot14.节约钱节约钱 _ 15.喜欢外出喜欢外出 _16.试穿衣服试穿衣服 _17.网上支付网上支付 _18.改变生活方式改变生活方式 _19.不再不再 _20.能够能够 _ save money like going out try the clothes on paying over the Internet chan

24、ge ones way of life not any more be able to 二、完成句子:二、完成句子:1. 网购是一种新的购物方式。网购是一种新的购物方式。_ is a new way shopping.2. 很容易在网上买到几乎所有的东西。很容易在网上买到几乎所有的东西。Its very easy to _ on the Internet.Online shopping buy almost everything 3. 你可以对比同一产品的价格。你可以对比同一产品的价格。You _ the prices of the same product.4. 网上支付不总是安全的。网上支付不总是安全的。_ over the Internet isnt always _.can compare Payingsafe5. 你可以在世界上的任何地方收到它。你可以在世界上的任何地方收到它。You will _ it anywhere in the world.6. 你在买这件上衣之前应该试穿。你在买这件上衣之前应该试穿。You should _ the coat before buying it.be able to receive try on 结束结束



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