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1、1 小学英语教学备课设计English Teaching Design 授课教师Lecturer 授课班级Learners 授课日期Date of Teaching 教具准备Teaching Aids 教学目标Teaching Targets 教学内容Teaching Contents功能目标Functional Targets语言目标Language Targets情感目标Emotional TargetsLets play-A miming game 创设一定的情景,让学生在特定的情景中运用祈使句表达一些简单的请求与命令。学 会 认 读 单 词 :tap, brush, turn off

2、, 学 会 认 读 句子,并理解句子的意思。通过游戏活动,激发学习兴趣,发展思维,培养快速反应的能力。教学过程 Teaching Procedure Pre-task Activities Step 1 Song “ Head should knees and toes. ”学生边唱边动作,在演唱的过程中复习以前所学过的表示人体器官的单词。Step 2 Listen and actT: Touch your nose. Open your mouth and say “ Ah” . S: Follow the teacher s instructionStep 3 Say a rhyme to

3、 review the words: eat and drinkEat, eat, I like to eat. I like to eat some noodles. Drink, drink, I like to drink. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 12 页2 I like to drink some water.Step 4 Question and answer Do you like to drink/ eat ? What do you like to drink/ eat?While-task A

4、ctivities Step 1 Look at my hands. They are very dirty. I want to wash my hands. (Demo) Read and make new phrasesLook at my hands. They are very dirty. I want to wash my hands. (Demo) Read and make new phrasesStep 2 Can you help your mother with housework? What can you wash?Step 3 The blackboard is

5、dirty. Clean the blackboard, please. Now the blackboard is clean. What can you clean in the classroom? 两组同学,各派一个代表参加比赛,一个拿着单词卡片clean, 一个拿着wash,鼠标点着一样物品后,一个同学必须用手中的动词与它组成一个词组,说得又快又对者胜出。Post-task Activities Step 1 用屏幕上出现的动词组词读一读,判断屏幕上的表达是否正确。Step 2 以小组为单位用所学的动词词组发口令,做动作。Step 3 Copy不走样Step 4 Read a rhy

6、me Make a new rhyme各小组展示自己创编的儿歌。板书设计Blackboard Writing .课后作业Assignments 课后反思Reconsideration 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 12 页3 外语教学设计English Teaching Design 授课教师Lecturer 授课班级Learners 授课日期Date of Teaching 教具准备Teaching Aids 教学目标Teaching Targets 教学内容Teaching Contents功能目标Function

7、al Targets语言目标Language Targets情感目标Emotional TargetsOxford English 2B Unit 6 Eating and drinking period 1 要求学生通过本节课的学习,完成一个任务,能用学过的单词表达餐桌用具Using nouns to identify tableware:bowl, plate, glass, fork, knife, spoon, chopsticks 通过这课的教学,让学生体会到外国的用餐礼仪。通过项目的设定,使学生在完成任务的过程 中 体 验 成 功 的 喜悦。教学过程 Teaching Proced

8、ure Pre-task Activities Step I::Listen and act Step II:Daily Talk While-task Activities A. bowl 1. Im hungry. I need a bowl of rice.2. bowl 3. Look at the bowl. Its B. plate 1. Is this a bowl? (No.) 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 12 页4 It s a plate. 2. What s on the plate?There

9、 is some on the plate.C. knife 1. Look, this is a knife. 2. Ive got a knife.Have you got a knife? 3. My knife is sharp. D. fork 1. I want to eat some meat. I need a knife. And a fork. 2. fork 3. What do you need? I need a fork. 4. A fork, please? Yes, please./ No, thanks. E. spoon 1. What is it? (It

10、s soup.)What do you want? I want some soup. 2. What do you need? I need a spoon. 3. spoon 4. Ive got a spoon. My spoon is 5. A spoon? Yes, please. / No, thanks. F. glass 1. T: I m very thirsty.P: Some water. T: Yes, please. A glass of water. 2. glassclass 3. a glass of water 4. A glass of water? Yes

11、, please. No, thanks. G. chopsticks 1. What do you use to drink soup? What do you use to eat rice? 2. Read: chopsticks 3. spell the word. Post-task Activities 1. Read the words. 2. Spell the words. 3. Play a guessing game: I want to eat. What do I need? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第

12、 4 页,共 12 页5 板书设计Blackboard Writing .课后作业Assignments 课堂记录Notes 课后反思Reconsideration Copy down the words . 外语教学设计English Teaching Design 授课教师Lecturer 授课班级Learners 授课日期Date of Teaching 教具准备Teaching Aids 教学目标Teaching Targets 教学内容Teaching Contents功能目标Functional Targets语言目标Language Targets情感目标Emotional Ta

13、rgetsOxford English 2B Unit 6 Eating and drinking period 2 要求学生通过本节课的学习,完成一个任务,想要什么东西Using the verb “want” to express prefence. Eg: I want some juice. 用学过的餐桌用具表达自己想要什么。注重培养学生就餐的过程和良好的习惯的培养。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 12 页6 教学过程 Teaching Procedure Pre-task Activities A. Read

14、the words B. Daily Talk: While-task Activities A. I m hungry. I want 1. I havent breakfast. So Im hungry.2. hungry 3. How do you feel? I m hungry.4. What do you want? I want some hot dogsWant 5. bread I want some bread. 6. Ask and answer B. I m thirsty.1. Are you hungry? (No, Im thirsty.)2. thirsty

15、3. How do you feel? I m thirsty.4. Im thirsty. I want a C. Four spoons? Yes, please. /No, thanks. 1. Are you thirsty? Yes. Some soup? Yes, please. (Do pair work.) 2. How do you feel? I m hungry.A hot dog? No, thanks. Two pizzas? Yes, please. (Do pair work) 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - -

16、 -第 6 页,共 12 页7 Post-task Activities Read the text. 板书设计Blackboard Writing .课后作业Assignments 课堂记录Notes 课后反思Reconsideration 外语教学设计English Teaching Design 授课教师Lecturer 授课班级Learners 授课日期Date of Teaching 教具准备Teaching Aids 教学目标Teaching Targets 教学内容Teaching Contents功能目标Functional Targets语言目标Language Target

17、s情感目标Emotional TargetsOxford English 2B Unit 6 Eating and drinking period 3 要求学生通过本节课的学习,完成一个任务,能用学过的单词和句子,表达如何递给别人东西Using imperatives to give simple instructions. Eg: Sam, bring me a bowl. 培养学生就餐时的礼貌用语教学过程 Teaching Procedure Pre-task Activities A. Read the words B. Listen and act: While-task Activi

18、ties A. Bring me a 1. bringswing 2. bring me 3. bring me a bowl. 4. Order your friend Bring me a OK. B. bring me some 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 12 页8 1. Im thirsty. Bring me some milk. 2. Bring me some 3. Order your friend. C. Give the to 1. Who s hungry? (Peter is.)Give t

19、he hot dog to Peter, Ben. (OK.) 2. give 3. Give to 4. Give the to 5. Do pair work Give the to OK. D. Give it to E. Read the story. Act out the story. Post-task Activities 1. Read the text. P27-31 板书设计Blackboard Writing .课后作业Assignments 课堂记录Notes 课后反思Reconsideration Act the story. 外语教学设计精选学习资料 - - -

20、- - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 12 页9 English Teaching Design 授课教师Lecturer 授课班级Learners 授课日期Date of Teaching 教具准备Teaching Aids 教学目标Teaching Targets 教学内容Teaching Contents功能目标Functional Targets语言目标Language Targets情感目标Emotional TargetsOxford English 2B Unit 6 Eating and drinking period 4 要求学生通过

21、本节课的学习,完成一个任务,能用学过的单词表达自己想要的东西Asking Wh-questions to find out various kinds of specific information. e.g. what do you want? 培养学生的说话表达能力教学过程 Teaching Procedure Pre-task Activities A. Rhymes. B. Daily talk. C. Listen and act: While-task Activities A. picnic 1. It s Sunday. It s sunny. Where are you go

22、ing?To the park/zoo/farm/2. Lets go to the park and have a picnic. Let s put our food and drinkstogether. Let s share our food. The food will be more delicious.B. I want 1. I m thirsty. I want some2. I m hungry. I want C. What do you want? 1. The teacher asks: What do you want? The students answer.

23、2. Read. 3. Work in pairs. 4. Act out. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 12 页10 Post-task Activities 2. Read the text. P30. 板书设计Blackboard Writing .课后作业Assignments 课堂记录Notes 课后反思Reconsideration Talk about the picnic. 外语教学设计English Teaching Design 授课教师Lecturer 授课班级Learners 授课日期Date

24、 of Teaching 教具准备Teaching Aids 教学目标Teaching Targets 教学内容Teaching Contents功能目标Functional Targets语言目标Language Targets情感目标Emotional TargetsOxford English 2B Unit 6 Eating and drinking period 5 要求学生通过本节课的学习,完成一个任务,能完整的用学过单词、句子、礼貌用语体现自己的就餐礼仪1. Using adjectives to describe people e.g: Im hungry.2. Using f

25、ormulaic expressions to accept or decline e.g. Yes, please./No, thank you. 培养学生的礼貌用语教学过程 Teaching Procedure Pre-task Activities A. Rhymes. B. Daily talk. C. Listen and act: 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 12 页11 While-task Activities A. Introduce the story. 1. Today is Sunday.

26、Sam and May have no lessons. Mum takes them to the snack bar. They are very happy. 2. In the snack bar, what do you want? 3. Lets listen to Sam and Mays story.B. Picture 1 1. Im hungry. I want a pizza.2. If you are in the bar, what do you want? C. Picture 2 1. Im thirsty. I want a Coke.Teach: Coke 2

27、. I want a Coke. 3. What do you want? D. Picture 3 1. The waiter asks: Some soup? What will you answer? 2. Mum answers: Yes, please. 3. Work in pairs. Some ? Yes, please.E. Picture 4 1. The waiter brings the pizza and Coke to the table. Sam and May are very happy. Sam says: I want this. May says: I

28、want that. 2. this, that 3. Read the sentences. 4. Read and act. F. Picture 5 1. What do you like to do? Sam wants a Coke. What does he like to do? 2. May wants a pizza. What does she like to do? 3. Work in pairs: I like to eat. I like to drink. G. Picture 6 1. The waiter asks: Some ice-cream? Do yo

29、u want some ice-cream? But Sam and May are very full. They answer: No, thank you. 2. full 3. Work in pairs. Post-task Activities 1. Follow the cassette. 2. Read the story. 3. Act out the story. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 12 页12 板书设计Blackboard Writing .课后作业Assignments 课堂记录Notes 课后反思Reconsideration Act the story. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 12 页,共 12 页



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