广东省深圳市高中英语 2话题研读 22历史地理课件

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《广东省深圳市高中英语 2话题研读 22历史地理课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《广东省深圳市高中英语 2话题研读 22历史地理课件(19页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、本文是介绍斐济旅游特色的一篇文章,本文是介绍斐济旅游特色的一篇文章,应该是选自旅游杂志或宣传册。应该是选自旅游杂志或宣传册。1.B 2. C 3. C 4. the relaxing lifestyle in Fiji美文研读美文研读复记强化复记强化1. island 2. million3. capital 4. international5. experience 6. climate7. unforgettable events8. crowded 9. everyday life 10. spirit 11. 游客游客12. 海滨海滨 13. 分享分享 14. 机场机场 15. 成为一

2、部分成为一部分,参与参与16.少于,不超过少于,不超过一、句子翻译一、句子翻译1. have been held,since 2. As, encourage, to, traditions3. Skiing, make, one of, popular, live in 4. Their next stop was Calgary, which is famous for the Calgary Stampede, in which cowboys from all over the world come to compete. 知识运用知识运用5. Charlie Chaplin made

3、 people laugh at a time when they felt depressed, so they could feel more content with their lives. 6. Finally the English government tried in the early twentieth century to form the United Kingdom by getting Ireland connected in the same peaceful way. 7. However, the southern part of Ireland was un

4、willing and broke way to from its own government. 8. What geographical factors make it difficult to invade English successfully?9. The development of English can be divided into three periods, old English from 450 to 1150, Middle English of 1150 and 1500 and Modern English from 1500 till today.10. T

5、he Great Wall can trace back to more than 1000 years ago.11. With a history of over 1000 years,the temple is a national cultural heritage. 12. The last thirty years have seen/witnessed great changes in China/ China has seen/witnessed great changes in the past thirty years. 13. Compared with Madrid,

6、the capital of Sapin, Barcelona has a much longer history.二、短文填空二、短文填空本文主要介绍埃菲尔铁塔。本文主要介绍埃菲尔铁塔。 is visited Built is located was named after whose where as the考点集训考点集训1. A全文主旨是建议读者买古钟,作者全文主旨是建议读者买古钟,作者引用这段话很可能是说明建议买古钟引用这段话很可能是说明建议买古钟的原因,的原因, 即钟对人的重要性;由引语即钟对人的重要性;由引语的首句的首句The planet Earth is ruled by a

7、 mysterious creature和尾句和尾句This creature is the real master of Earth and men are its slaves可知,可知,“人类由人类由钟控制着钟控制着”,故选,故选A。实战演练实战演练2. B作者在前面两段叙述作者在前面两段叙述Jane 和和David的故事,他们原以为参加这个生日晚的故事,他们原以为参加这个生日晚会是有吃的,结果等到会是有吃的,结果等到11点也没有东点也没有东西吃,不得不饿着回家。到第三段第西吃,不得不饿着回家。到第三段第一句,才点出本文的主题,一句,才点出本文的主题,“他们的他们的经历表明:印在请帖上的

8、字需要讲清经历表明:印在请帖上的字需要讲清楚。楚。”像像Jane 和和David收到的请帖是收到的请帖是令人困惑的,故选令人困惑的,故选B(晚会请帖可能是晚会请帖可能是令人困惑的令人困惑的)。3. B从第二至五段可知,作者主要是从第二至五段可知,作者主要是谈文化差异可能会造成误解,作者对谈文化差异可能会造成误解,作者对处理这种文化差异造成的交往困境提处理这种文化差异造成的交往困境提出了建议。可见,作者以克林顿的故出了建议。可见,作者以克林顿的故事开头,就是为了引出主题。事开头,就是为了引出主题。篇章训练篇章训练本文讲述了大西洋是世界上最有生气的水本文讲述了大西洋是世界上最有生气的水体。大西洋充

9、满了活力,充满了生机,它体。大西洋充满了活力,充满了生机,它有心理活动,它有个性。有心理活动,它有个性。1. A细节理解题。从原文第一段第四行可细节理解题。从原文第一段第四行可知,知,Atlantic is rich in oceanic liveliness。第三段对诗歌的解释进一步说明第三段对诗歌的解释进一步说明 the Atlantic is never dead and dull. It is an ocean that moves, impressively and endlessly,故选,故选A。2. A写作目的题。由诗歌内容可知,写作目的题。由诗歌内容可知,引用诗歌是描述大西洋

10、的波浪。引用诗歌是描述大西洋的波浪。3. C词义猜测题。由第四段词义猜测题。由第四段unimaginable quantities of creatures, little and large alike, mix within its depths in a kind of oceanic harmony可知,可知,“symbiotic” 意为意为“共生的,共生的,共栖的共栖的”。4. B细节理解题。由最后一段描述大西洋细节理解题。由最后一段描述大西洋trying to draw breath(尝试着呼吸),(尝试着呼吸),it has a psychology. It has person

11、alities(它(它有心理活动,它有个性),就像一个有血有心理活动,它有个性),就像一个有血有肉的人。可知,作者把大西洋拟人化描有肉的人。可知,作者把大西洋拟人化描述了。述了。5. A确定标题题。本文是说明文,文首第确定标题题。本文是说明文,文首第一句便是主题句。透彻理解该句,可简化一句便是主题句。透彻理解该句,可简化为:为: the AtlanticA body of water with vitality。复记强化复记强化1.not so as a sense3.square miles 4.replace5.draw breath 6.make noise7.Unlike 8

12、.富含富含9.被认为是被认为是 10.植根于植根于11.充满充满 12.在和谐中在和谐中13.偶尔,在很少情况下偶尔,在很少情况下 This passage is about Johnny, a lizard, who lost his tail by accident and spent much time searching for it before he finally got it back. However, he later realized that he should give it up together with his past troubles. Reading th

13、is passage, I was lost into deep thought. What happened to Johnny may as well happen to every one of us. There are times when we want to keep the past but when it has become a burden to our journey, we should be determined enough to abandon it. 典型例题典型例题 If I were Johnny, I would not waste so much ti

14、me looking for the old and useless tail. Instead, I would concentrate on what I have now and head for my future. There is no doubt that we all have our past and now and then carry them with us while we continue our journey. In my opinion, we should learn from the past and give up the useless part. O

15、nly in this way can we live a joyful and fulfilled life. This is a report from global media about the present condition of the Great Wall. Experts realize that it is lack of awareness of world heritage protection and tourism exploitation that cause severe damage and pollution to the Great Wall. I am

16、 shocked at the report and I really feel worried about the future of Great Wall, which is the symbol of our Chinese nation. Just as the end of the article warns us, once this historical spot disappears, it will never be revived. 实战演练实战演练In my opinion, the government should take immediate and effecti

17、ve measures to protect the Great Wall and other cultural relics, such as educating people on heritage protection and passing laws to punish those who do damage to it. Besides, some parking lots should be removed and buildings be forbidden within a certain distance of a historical site. As for individuals, we should do our parts to help protect cultural relics. Not only should we never litter or graffiti on them, but we should also tell others to protect them. Together, individuals can make a difference. Only with joint efforts can we keep our pride forever.



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