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1、科学研究、论文写作和公开发表科学研究、论文写作和公开发表 黄海军,北京航空航天大学黄海军,北京航空航天大学 ,上海交通大学,上海交通大学电学之父电学之父法拉第法拉第 (Michael Faraday,1791-1867):The secret is comprised in three words Work, finish, publish. His well-known advice to the young William Crookes, who had asked him the secret of his success as a scientific investigator, a

2、s quoted in Michael Faraday (1874) by John Hall Gladstone, p. 123 发表论文的重要性发表论文的重要性主要内容主要内容一、一、辅助材料辅助材料二、怎样写好学术论文二、怎样写好学术论文三、投稿三、投稿四、怎样改稿四、怎样改稿五、积极参加审稿五、积极参加审稿六、选题和创新六、选题和创新一、一、辅助材料助材料1.周耀旗周耀旗写好英文论文诀窍写好英文论文诀窍2.单爱党单爱党在上海交大的作者培训讲义在上海交大的作者培训讲义3.陈吉泉等陈吉泉等论文写作与发表程序论文写作与发表程序4.施一公施一公如何提高英文的科研写作能力如何提高英文的科研写作能

3、力5.鲁白鲁白如何在顶级科学杂志上发表论文如何在顶级科学杂志上发表论文6.经典句子集合经典句子集合(以上材料来自公开网站)(以上材料来自公开网站)二、怎二、怎样写好学写好学术论文文u科技论文就是要科技论文就是要“八股文八股文”!科技论文不能写成散文!科技论文不能写成散文! 标题标题摘要摘要引言引言正文正文 结论结论致谢致谢文献文献附录附录u唐诗宋词很规范,谁写得好,一目了然!就容易评出谁是唐诗宋词很规范,谁写得好,一目了然!就容易评出谁是高手。你搞一套,我搞一套,交易成本太高!科技论文不高手。你搞一套,我搞一套,交易成本太高!科技论文不是散文,它有固定的格式,是为了便于验证和交流。是散文,它有

4、固定的格式,是为了便于验证和交流。uHow prepare well Introduction?uHow formulate the model ?uHow design the experimental settings, including data collection and handling ?uHow analyze the computational results, including Tables and Figures ?uFinally, concluding the paperuAppendixuReferences如何写学如何写学术论文文标题:概括全文要旨:概括全文要

5、旨u要吸引人,抓眼球要吸引人,抓眼球 u不宜过长、过短:合适的长度不宜过长、过短:合适的长度 中文中文10101515个字;英文个字;英文12121818个词;个词;u切忌抽象空泛、要一语中的;切忌抽象空泛、要一语中的;u切忌罗嗦冗长;切忌罗嗦冗长;u尽量不用缩略语;尽量不用缩略语;u不用、少用专业特殊符号不用、少用专业特殊符号如何写学如何写学术论文文摘要:概述方法、摘要:概述方法、结果果u不要在这里大段叙述工作的意义;不要在这里大段叙述工作的意义;u不要写得太短;不要写得太短;u要突出工作进展和贡献;要突出工作进展和贡献;u尽量不要引用文献;尽量不要引用文献;u尽量避免引述公式、方程。尽量避

6、免引述公式、方程。Equilibrium properties of the morning peak-period commuting in a many-to-one mass transit systemAbstract This paper analyzes the equilibrium properties of the morning peak-period commuting pattern on a many-to-one transit system with in-vehicle crowding effect and schedule delay cost in a m

7、onocentric city. Commuters are assumed to choose their optimal time-of-use decision from various stations/home locations to a single destination/workplace by trading off the travel time and crowding cost against the schedule delay cost. An equivalent mathematical programming model is proposed to cha

8、racterize the equilibrium state, in which no commuter can reduce his/her total commuting cost by unilaterally changing his/her departure time or train service. Solution of the model yields many insights including the following: 1) commuters living closer to the destination choose trains also chosen

9、by those living farther from the destination; 2) the train arriving at the time desired by everyone is utilized by commuters from all stations; 3) the farther a station is from the workplace, the longer is the peak-period departure duration from that station; 4) finally, a saturated time period exis

10、ts for each station during which the departure rate of commuters is identical and maximal.Camera Location Optimization for Traffic Surveillance in Urban Road Networks with Multiple User ClassesAbstract New sensor technologies (e.g., surveillance cameras, loop detectors) enable the synthesis of disag

11、gregated vehicle information from multiple locations. This paper studies the camera location problem for traffic surveillance in urban road networks with multiple user classes. All users are differentiated by their own acceptance degree of camera monitoring and make their route choices in a logit-ba

12、sed stochastic user equilibrium manner. A bi-level programming model is proposed to formulate the problem and solved by the sensitivity analysis based branch and bound method. Numerical examples are presented to illustrate the model application and show the effectiveness of the solution method.如何写学如

13、何写学术论文文引言:引言:继往开来的往开来的陈述述 工作的缘起和意义、前人的思路和成果、本人的工作的缘起和意义、前人的思路和成果、本人的发展(包括方法和主要成果)。篇幅约占全文的发展(包括方法和主要成果)。篇幅约占全文的1/5u切忌忽略前人的进展;切忌忽略前人的进展;u切忌忽略本人工作的继承性和创造性;切忌忽略本人工作的继承性和创造性;u对本论文的研究目的和意义、研究方法和所得结对本论文的研究目的和意义、研究方法和所得结果得创新之处等要逐一说明;果得创新之处等要逐一说明;u切忌重复摘要中的叙述;切忌重复摘要中的叙述;u切忌过于简短。切忌过于简短。从前言看出作者的涉足深度和学术观点从前言看出作者

14、的涉足深度和学术观点1. IntroductionThe growing traffic congestion in large cities worldwide has led to economic inefficiency, social disruption, excessive energy consumption and increased levels of pollution. It is generally recognized that the mitigation of these problems requires efficient provision and uti

15、lization of public transportation systems. This has become an important issue of long standing interest to economists and transportation scientists. In the end of 1960s, scholars started to derive the optimal interstation spacings of a rapid transit system which transported the population of an area

16、 to one central point, aiming at minimizing the total travel time (Vuchic and Newell, 1968) or maximizing the number of passengers (Vuchic, 1969). . .The latest studies concerning the transit system modeling, analyses and management can be found in a review paper by De Cea and Fernandez (2000) and a

17、 book by Vuchic (2005).Only very limited attention has been paid to the problem of commuters departure time choice for urban mass transit services. Sumi et al. (1990) presented a stochastic model for optimizing the commuters departure time and route choices in a mass transit system. They assumed tha

18、t departure time is mainly dependent on the systems operational features and the travelers appointed time of arrival at the destination. Alfa and Chen (1995) examined a public transportation system with multiple origins and destinations and proposed an algorithm for calculating the peak-hour departu

19、re time of commuters, where commuters ride on the first coming bus in a random order. Recently, Kraus and Yoshida (2002) and Kraus (2003) provided economic analyses about the commuters time-of-use decision, the optimal pricing and the service in an urban mass transit system. In their analyses, apart

20、 from the fare component, .The above studies considered the capacity constraints of transit systems and assumed that if the number of commuters waiting at a transit stop exceeds the number of vacant seats on the forthcoming transit run, then some commuters will have to wait for the next run. However

21、, this assumption is not always valid in some metro systems. .There exists a common feature in such large cities as Beijing, Hong Kong, London, New York, Moscow and others, that during peak period, some commuters continue to board the trains although they have to stand in seriously crowded vehicles.

22、 In Beijing, for transporting more commuters the authority even deliberately cuts down the number of seats for each transit vehicle. The number of seats provided in each train of the Beijing No. 13 railway line is 96 only, but the maximal number of passengers allowed to board is 944 (the physical ca

23、pacity). . We also observed that commuters are not willing to wait at platforms for a period that is longer than two scheduled headways, but change their arrival times at platforms when the in-vehicle crowding is extremely serious. It is thus interesting to develop a modeling approach that can consi

24、der the standing-up phenomena and the in-vehicle crowding effect.Huang et al. (2004) introduced a crowding cost function for modeling urban mass transit services, i.e., In this paper, we investigate the equilibrium properties of the peak-period commuting in a mass transit system with multiple origin

25、s and a single destination. . Note that the model proposed in this paper is formulated from the commuters point of view, i.e., based on minimizing their own travel costs. Another modeling approach that keeps to the stand of transit operators point of view can be found in Vuchic (2005). The paper is

26、organized as follows. Section 2 introduces the problem setting and formulates an equivalent mathematical programming model. In Section 3, we .他们是这么开头的!这是名家制作参考文献的风格:两本数学书,剩下就是他最看重的几篇论文,几乎都是大学者发表在著名刊物上的. 所以,有时侯,被名家引用和评论,可能快速提高新人的影响力.如何写学如何写学术论文文正文:成果的全面正文:成果的全面铺叙叙 实验、观测的设施、过程;建模的假定、实验、观测的设施、过程;建模的假定、


28、率、目空一切;u展望中保护自己的知识产权。展望中保护自己的知识产权。致致谢:感谢资助单位和帮助过你的主要人员。:感谢资助单位和帮助过你的主要人员。6.ConclusionsWe have developed an equilibrium model of peak-period commuting for a mass transit line with multiple origins and a single destination in a monocentric city. From the equilibrium solutions, we clearly show the foll

29、owing general properties of the equilibrium departure time . We have extended the model to the case with seats in vehicles .The equilibrium analysis of peak-period commuting can be further extended along several lines. It is meaningful to incorporate elastic demand, variable train service frequency

30、and fare pricing and so on for generality. Acknowledgements The research described in this paper was substantially supported by an award (70429001) for National Outstanding Young Scientists, grants (50578006, 70521001) from the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and a project (2006CB70550

31、3) from the National Basic Research Program of China. The authors would like to thank anonymous referees for their helpful comments and valuable suggestions which improved the content and composition substantially.如何写学如何写学术论文文参考文献参考文献u引用足够数目的文献(一般论文:引用足够数目的文献(一般论文:10102020篇),篇),且必须在文章中提及;且必须在文章中提及;u


33、用的连接接词:However, also, in addition, consequently, afterwards, moreover, furthermore, further, although, unlike, in contrast, similarly, unfortunately, alternatively, parallel results, In order to, despite, for example, compared with, other results, thus, therefore用好这些连接词能使文章层次清楚,意思明确。用好这些连接词能使文章层次清楚,

34、意思明确。(摘自网站摘自网站)交代有时间顺序的事件或文献,最早的文献可用交代有时间顺序的事件或文献,最早的文献可用 AA advocated it for the first time. 接下来可用接下来可用 Then BB further demonstrated that. 再接下来,可用再接下来,可用Afterwards, CC如果还有,可用如果还有,可用 More recent studies by DD如果叙述两种观点,要把它们截然分开如果叙述两种观点,要把它们截然分开 AA put forward thatIn contrast, BB believe or Unlike AA,

35、BB suggest or On the contrary (表明前面表明前面观点错误观点错误),如果只表明两种观点对立,用,如果只表明两种观点对立,用 In contrast BB如果两种观点相近如果两种观点相近,可用可用AA suggest Similarly, alternatively, BBor Also, BB or BB also does表示因果或者前后关系可用表示因果或者前后关系可用Consequently, therefore, as a result表明递进关系可用表明递进关系可用 furthermore, further, moreover, in addition写完

36、一段英文,最好首先检查是否较好地应用了这些连接词。写完一段英文,最好首先检查是否较好地应用了这些连接词。 第一段要明确告诉读者你要讨论几个部份第一段要明确告诉读者你要讨论几个部份Therefore, there are three aspects of this problem have to be addressed. The first question involvesThe second problem relates toThe third aspect deals with清晰地把观点逐层叙述。也可以直接用清晰地把观点逐层叙述。也可以直接用First, Second, Third,

37、 Finally当然,当然,Furthermore, in addition等可以用来补充说明。等可以用来补充说明。 例:我对学生论文的第一轮意见附件论文我只修改了摘要、前言和2.1 Notations,后面改不下去了。主要问题:1. 写作太随意,基本上都是中式英文!要写就得全部重新写。你应该熟读英文原文,模仿和学习别人怎么写的,不能自己想当然造句子。没有什么逻辑,经常是随便冒出一句,这样的论文投给刊物肯定是拒绝。2. 算例结果既没有展示算法的优越性,也没有展示所研究问题的特殊性。3. 分析total network cost没有意义。4. 分析不同theta下的结果也没有意义。5. 要展示的

38、是:不同beta值下,最多能够监控到的流量有多少,最佳的camera location会有什么变化。不考虑beta的结果是怎样,考虑了beta的结果是怎样。显然,不考虑beta,问题就和Yang & Zhou一样。6. 我对那些曲线都是直线有怀疑。7. 做两个试验,比如:beta1=0.5, beta2=0.1, alpha是beta1的需求比例,让alpha从0增加到1,看可以监查的流量如何变化,camera location如何变化;然后,让alpha=0.5,beta2=0.1,让beta1从增加到,看可以监查到的流量如何变化。Beta值越大,说明这些人越在意camera,越倾向于选择没

39、有或少含camera的路径。在引出beta参数时,要详细解释这层意思,整个研究的亮点也就在这里。 图2和图3的y坐标应该是Flow monitored.8. 最后是,把论文格式整理好,每一个细节处理好。为什么将光标移到每一个数学符号末尾时就下塌?常见的低级问题1.标点符号:标点符号:This is a table .It should be2.使用宋体:使用宋体:This is aThis is a table.3.语法错误:单双数不分,句子不完整,不会用语法错误:单双数不分,句子不完整,不会用the,不会用介词。,不会用介词。硬从中文直接翻译,凑字数硬从中文直接翻译,凑字数【先模仿着写,要有

40、耐心先模仿着写,要有耐心】4.不会用不会用MathType Equation输入数学公式和参数输入数学公式和参数5.正文中的参数、符号不用正文中的参数、符号不用MathType Equation输入,直接写,不输入,直接写,不斜体。这是因为懒惰!斜体。这是因为懒惰!6.不知道向量一般要黑体不知道向量一般要黑体7.正文里引用文献,同时有正文里引用文献,同时有Mike G. H. Bell (2002)和和Bell (2003)8.不按照刊物的具体要求引用文献和编辑参考文献。也是因为懒不按照刊物的具体要求引用文献和编辑参考文献。也是因为懒惰!找一篇拟投刊物的论文,对照做不就可以了?惰!找一篇拟投刊


42、1/112/113/114/115/116/117/118/119/1110/11111151/102/103/104/105/106/107/108/109/101111161/92/93/94/95/96/97/98/911111171/82/83/84/85/86/87/8111111181/72/73/74/75/76/71111111191/62/63/64/65/6111111111101/52/53/54/51111111111常见的低级问题10. 正文中出现的参考文献,末尾正文中出现的参考文献,末尾References里没有,反过里没有,反过来如此来如此 11. 公式编排混乱。

43、小段、节以公式编排混乱。小段、节以(1) (2)开起开起12. 大量的单词拼写错误大量的单词拼写错误13. 论文题目大、空、泛论文题目大、空、泛14. 关键词随意确定。有的刊物规定第一个关键词必须从它关键词随意确定。有的刊物规定第一个关键词必须从它的关键词库中选定的关键词库中选定15. 乱用斜体字和黑体字。乱用斜体字和黑体字。 u要选择合适刊物,投你的论文引用的那些要选择合适刊物,投你的论文引用的那些论文所出现的刊物论文所出现的刊物u了解本专业的国际国内的相关期刊了解本专业的国际国内的相关期刊u内容是否适合刊物的内容是否适合刊物的“口味口味”u了解主编和编委所从事的研究工作了解主编和编委所从事

44、的研究工作u了解刊物的审稿方式了解刊物的审稿方式u了解刊物的出版周期、数量、是否检索了解刊物的出版周期、数量、是否检索u了解刊物是否收取版面费了解刊物是否收取版面费u准备一封投稿信准备一封投稿信三、投稿三、投稿BEIJING UNIVERSITY OF AERONAUTICS & ASTRONAUTICSSCHOOL OF MANAGEMENTProfessor Wayne K. TalleyTR-Part E, Editor-in-ChiefDepartment of EconomicsCollege of Business and Public AdministrationOld Domi

45、nion University, Norfolk, VA 23529-0221, USASeptember 20, 2004Paper Submission for Possible Publication in Transportation Research Part EDear Professor Talley,Attached please find the paper “Equilibrium bus riding behavior in morning rush hour and system configuration for providing bus services” by

46、Hai-Jun Huang, Qiong Tian, Hai Yang and Zi-You Gao. We would like to submit this paper to Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review for possible publication. This manuscript is not copyrighted. It has not been submitted/refereed elsewhere for publication at the same time.Th

47、e attached file was prepared by Word. I wonder if we have to submit the 4 hard copies besides this electronic version. I will do at once if required.Thank you very much for your consideration.Sincerely yours,Hai-Jun HuangProfessor of Transport Operations ResearchSchool of Management, Beijing Univers

48、ity of Aeronautics and AstronauticsBeijing 100083, P.R. Chinacc. Q. Tian, H. Yang and Z.Y. GaoCover letterProf. Stefan NickelEditor-in-Chief, Computers & Operations ResearchChair of Operations Research and Logistics, Saarland University, D-66041 Saarbrcken. 7 April 2011Dear Prof. Stefan Nickel, We w

49、ould like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled Discretised Route Travel Time Models based on Cumulative Flows” by Long, Huang and Gao for possible publication in Computers & Operations Research. The computation of route travel times is a fundamental work in solving dynamic traffic assignment (

50、DTA) problems, which impels us continuously to develop accurate and efficient methods. Different to most literatures related to route travel time models, this article develops new formulations of discretised route travel time models based on both route cumulative flows and link cumulative flows and

51、investigate their typical properties such as first-in-first-out (FIFO), continuity, monotonicity. FIFO ensures the authenticity of route travel time models, while, continuity monotonicity determine the existence and the uniqueness of solutions to their related DTA problems, respectively. Moreover, t

52、he accuracy and the computational efficiency of route travel times derived from cumulative flow curves are unknown until this study. The main contributions of this paper are: (1) two categories of discretised route travel time models are formulated based on route cumulative flow curves and link cumu

53、lative flow curves, respectively; (2) the properties such as FIFO, monotonicity, continuity of each route travel time model have been clarified and proved; and (3) numerical methods are developed to evaluate the accuracy and computational efficiency of each type of route travel time models. We claim

54、 that the paper is original and unpublished, and is not being considered for publication elsewhere. If you have any enquires, please feel free to send us an email (jianchenglongbuaa.edu ). Thank you for your consideration.Sincerely,Dr. Jiancheng Longcc.Prof. Hai-Jun HuangProf. Ziyou Gaou贡献大,投高档刊物,贡献



57、很长时间研究和思考的结晶,一篇论文是你很长时间研究和思考的结晶,到了收获的时候了,要非常仔细地准备论文、到了收获的时候了,要非常仔细地准备论文、认真修改稿件。轻易地放弃,等于所有的前认真修改稿件。轻易地放弃,等于所有的前期投入化为乌有期投入化为乌有Report on the revision of the paper“Equilibrium properties of the morning rush-hour commuting in a many-to-one mass transit system” by Qiong Tian, Haijun Huang and Hai YangRe-s

58、ubmitted to Transportation Research Part BRef. No.: B05-1091. Overall Firstly, we appreciate the valuable comments and suggestions of the referees, which have been considered in our amendment of the manuscript. Secondly, we must apologize for our typing errors, grammatical errors, and unclear descri

59、ptions in the earlier version of the manuscript. The changes that we have made to the manuscript are summarized as follows.(1) All of the comments of the referees have been positively taken into account. (2) The model is extended to the case with constraint on the number of seats in train vehicle, f

60、or considering the asymmetric property of transit service. The newly added subsection 3.2 is for this.(3) An example for demonstrating the model extension is provided.(4) Some terms have been clarified.(5) The inappropriate descriptions and grammatical errors that were noted by the referees have bee

61、n corrected. Our detailed responses to the comments of the referees are given below. 2. Detailed responses For the sake of presentation, the comments of the referees are numbered and duplicated in italics, and our responses are given in plain. 2.1 Responses to the comments made by the first referee

62、Comment (1)This paper provides an interesting mathematical study of the equilibrium properties of commuters in a mass transit system with many origins and a single destination during the morning rush hour. The claimed theorems are elegantly proven. The mathematics is reliable as far as the reviewer

63、can see. However, there is a fundamental flaw in the modeling assumption for transit services that seemingly leads to some counter-intuitive results, which may not truly reflect the realistic situation. The authors need to rectify this problem in their mathematical model, before the paper can be con

64、sidered for publication in Transportation Research Part B.ResponsesThanks very much for this criticism. In the revised version, we highlight such a phenomenon observed in Beijing “According to our observation made in Beijings mass transit system, when all seats are occupied, commuters still continue

65、 to board although having to be stand-up in the vehicle, except the in-vehicle crowding effect is extremely serious. In fact, for transporting more commuters during the rush hour, Beijings authority deliberately cuts down the number of seats for each transit run. For example, the number of seats pro

66、vided in the Beijing No. 13 railways each run is 96 only, but the maximal number of passengers allowed to be contained is 944 (the maximum physical capacity). So, most people have to be stand-up during the peak period. We also observed that basically no commuter wait at platforms for the time of mor

67、e than two headways. Commuters will change their arriving times at platforms when the in-vehicle crowding effect is extremely serious. Therefore, we have to develop a new model different from existing ones for depicting the unique commuting behavior in Beijings mass transit system, particularly reve

68、aling the impacts caused by in-vehicle crowding effect”Comment (7)In line 14 on page 4, change “in the right-hand side” to “on the right-hand side”; similar applies to that in the first line on page 5.ResponsesThanks. We have revised.2.2 Responses to the comments made by the second referee The autho

69、rs propose a model of transit line departure time for users for the case of a crowding function in which the “cost” of crowding is an increasing nonlinear function of the number of passengers on the transit vehicle. They show that the standard user-equilibrium model of route choice can be adapted to

70、 this purpose. Two useful examples illustrate the findings. Clearly, models of departure time choice are a desirable addition to travel choice models, since so little attention has been paid to this choice dimension. Accordingly, research on this topic is commendable.Comment (1)Studies of congested

71、transit systems in a user-equilibrium framework have been conducted by De Cea, Fernandez and their associates. Two early papers are De Cea and Fernandez (1993, 2000), but additional papers have been issued in unpublished form. The authors may wish to contact J. de Cea at jdcing.puc.cl.ResponsesThank

72、s very much! We found these two papers and cited them in the revised version.Report on the second round revision of the paper“Equilibrium properties of the morning rush-hour commuting in a many-to-one mass transit system” by Qiong Tian, Haijun Huang and Hai YangRe-submitted to Transportation Researc

73、h Part BRef. No.: B05-109 (in the old system)Ref. No.: TRB-D-06-00078 (in the new system)Two referees made valuable comments and suggestions on the revised version of the paper re-submitted on 28 April, 2006. We appreciate very much their helps and encouragements. All comments and suggestions have b

74、een considered in this round revision. This report list our responses in detail. For the sake of presentation, the comments of the referees are numbered and duplicated in italics, our responses are given in plain. 1.1 Responses to the comments made by the first referee Comment (1)The authors suggest

75、 on p. 3, . Standing-up is a common feature of riding on metro systems in very large cities. The authors do not adequately describe this feature at the beginning of the first paragraph on p. 3.ResponsesThanks very much for this criticism and advice. According to the referees suggestion, we have impr

76、oved .Comment (4)This asymmetrical crowding effect is very different from the congestion in road traffic in which the congestion is virtually equally shared by all vehicles on the road, irrespective of their origins. Therefore, one cannot directly transplant the theories in road traffic, such as the

77、 use of Beckmann transformation in Eq.(5), to transit modeling. Nonetheless, the reviewer is quite confident that this problem can surely be handled by the talented authors in their revised version of the mathematical model. Some other comments are given as follows.ResponsesWe agree this viewpoint t

78、hat the crowding effect in transit problem is quite different from that in road traffic. In fact, this is reflected by the construction of Eq. (2), i.e., the in-vehicle crowding cost function in which the crowding effect is increasingly accumulative from upstream stations to downstream. In modeling

79、the case with seat consideration, priority should be given to upstream passengers, see subsection 3.2.Comment (5)At the end of the second line in the abstract, delete the repeated phrase “in a”. In line 11 on page 2, should it be “seminal” work? In line 19 on the same page, change the “in a urban ar

80、ea” to “in an urban area”.ResponsesThanks. We have corrected and revised in the new version.Comment (11)In line 11 on page 7, change “thy” to “they”.ResponsesThanks. We feel shame at having so many1.2 Responses to the comments made by the second referee The paper has been revised carefully, and most

81、 of the comments in the first referees report have been addressed and accommodated. In particular, an attempt has been made to address the most critical concern about the asymmetric property of transit services, which moves in the right direction. The reviewer finds that the revised paper is now clo

82、ser to the publishable quality, but still has some comments and suggestions for the authors consideration.Comment (9)There are also some editorial comments and suggestionsResponsesThanks for these useful comments and suggestions! We have improved the presentation in the new version.正确正确对待和待和处理退稿理退稿u


84、参加审稿当你在国际刊物上发表了几篇论文后,很快将会被邀当你在国际刊物上发表了几篇论文后,很快将会被邀请审稿。因为你的名字已经进入编辑们的数据库了。请审稿。因为你的名字已经进入编辑们的数据库了。博士生参加审稿在国际上非常普遍,因为博士生最活博士生参加审稿在国际上非常普遍,因为博士生最活跃,最有时间,最直言不讳。跃,最有时间,最直言不讳。要积极参加审稿。你从审稿中得到的好处是:要积极参加审稿。你从审稿中得到的好处是:(1)看到最新的成果,了解国际动向)看到最新的成果,了解国际动向(2)学习别人如何写作)学习别人如何写作(3)累积自己的学术声誉,审稿严肃认真,)累积自己的学术声誉,审稿严肃认真, 若

85、干年后,你可能进入编委,成为享有若干年后,你可能进入编委,成为享有 国际声誉的学者。国际声誉的学者。一个例子Report onSubsidies and Welfare Maximization Tradeoffs in Bus Transit SystemsManuscript Number: ARSC-D-07-00020This paper concerns the welfare maximization of bus transportation system through optimizing three variables, i.e., the bus fare, the ti

86、me headway of dispatching buses and the route spacing or the zone area of collection tour, with consideration of implementing break-even, providing subsidy for bus operator, or nothing. The bus system serves a rectangular area with length L and width W, in which the trip origins and destinations are

87、 uniformly distributed over the space. All trips are assumed to travel for a single point (the destination representing some activity center), which is J miles away. A fixed route case and a flexible route case are investigated, respectively.The mathematical models each of which consists of an objec

88、tive function (i.e., the welfare) and a constraint (the operator cost C is not be greater than the sum of the revenue R and the subsidy S) are clearly formulated. On the bases of numerical results and sensitivity analyses which are produced from the model solutions with assumed parameter values, it

89、is concluded that the effects of subsidies on welfare are quite different in the fixed route case versus the flexible route case. In the fixed route case, the optimal welfare curve is very flat over a wide range of subsidies, but in the flexible route case the break-even constraint causes a large lo

90、ss in the social welfare. The paper is well organized and readable. The central finding is interesting although strong simplification is made when formulating the two cases.Improvement is needed before acceptance for publication.Comments and suggestions:uThe first line in Abstract, “a fixed route bu

91、s systems”, here systems should be system.uThe first paragraph in Page 4, “(1) Line haul distance J from the terminal to the corner of zone j, traveling at express speed yV;”, here the corner of zone j should be the lower left corner of the entire rectangular area.uThe second paragraph in Page 4, “T

92、hen the access time is (r + s) / 4g”, here the access time should be the average access time.uAt the end of the second paragraph in Page 4, a sentence It is assumed that bus departure headways are equal for all zones in the service area. is suggested to be added, because this is the basic condition

93、for deriving Eq. (14).uIn Eq. (14), why D is not 2M ? The authors should give explanation for keeping readability.uThe authors should provide the grounds of formulating the consumer surplus, i.e., Eq. (17) and Eq. (24).uThe first paragraph in Page 10, the last sentence “For subsidies of $4000 and $8

94、000 per day, the shadow prices are $0.160 and $0.076, respectively, indicating that the welfare would increase by $0.160 and $0.076 if the subsidy were increased to $4001 and $8001, respectively.” Here the welfare would increase by $0.160 and $0.076 if respectively should be the welfare would increa

95、se by $0.160 and $0.076 for each unit of subsidy increase when the subsidy reaches at $4000 and $ 8000, respectively.8.Note that in each case, the maximum problem (26) consists of a nonlinear objective function and a nonlinear constraint. The operator cost defined by (14) or (21) contains a denomina

96、tor which is the product of two decision variables. The revenue expressed by (15) or (21) also contains the two-order nonlinear terms. Thus, it is wondered if the maximum problem has a unique extreme solution. The authors should briefly discuss this through exploring the convexity or concavity of th

97、e problem. In the numerical study, the authors can depict the welfare of the system in a three-dimensional space of fare, headway and route spacing (or service zone area). Then, all extreme points (if exist) can be clearly shown in the figure.9.Equations (1)-(12) and (27)-(28) cannot be found in the

98、 paper.10.Below Eq. (29), what does the sentence imply? “For optimized decision variables in the break-even case, the elasticity of fare is -0.183, -0.206 and -0.229 for fare elasticity factors 0.05, 0.06 and 0.07, respectively.” I hope the authors can give some economic interpretations to the chang

99、es of the elasticity from -0.183 to -0.229, in comparison with the sentence below Eq. (30).11.In Conclusions, the authors state that “Transit planners face significant impediments in developing effective bus transit systems whose demand and supply characteristics vary widely over time”. If the study

100、 can be extended to incorporate a competitive transport mode in the system, e.g., commuters are allowed to drive cars for their travels but may be charged by a road tolling scheme when using the line haul part, and consider the possibility of using the revenue from road tolling to subsidy the bus op

101、erator, the resultant findings are expected to be more interesting and meaningful. See: Huang H. J. (2000) Fares and tolls in a competitive system with transit and highway: The case with two groups of commuters. Transportation Research-E 36, 267-284. In such a framework, we can investigate the mode

102、split and welfare caused by different toll and fare policies.12.六、六、选题和和创新新管理科学(管理科学(Management Sciences)是)是一一门研究人研究人类管理活管理活动规律及其律及其应用的用的科学,是一科学,是一门横跨自然科学与社会科学横跨自然科学与社会科学两大两大领域的域的综合性交叉学科。合性交叉学科。记住:管理工作住:管理工作管理科学管理科学,管理,管理经验的的简单总结也不是管理科学。也不是管理科学。管理科学必然同时带有自然科学和社会科学两种属性。管理科学必然同时带有自然科学和社会科学两种属性。在管理科学的发


104、性,同时它的应用效果又是与具体国家规律的普遍性,同时它的应用效果又是与具体国家的国情联系在一起的。的国情联系在一起的。管理科学的基础研究(含应用基础):管理科学的基础研究(含应用基础):1、站在国、站在国际前沿。前沿。2、国、国际规范化的研究方法。范化的研究方法。3、做、做别人没有做人没有做过的,的,哪怕是一小点地方哪怕是一小点地方。4、如果真正是做了、如果真正是做了别人没有做人没有做过的,就一定能在国的,就一定能在国 内外高水平刊物上内外高水平刊物上发表,表,让更多人受益。更多人受益。5、结合中国的背景、中国的特色做合中国的背景、中国的特色做。6、基、基础研究只承研究只承认第一,没有第二;引

105、第一,没有第二;引进有有贡献,献, 但比但比进一步一步发展、提高、展、提高、创新的档次低多了!新的档次低多了!7、要努力、要努力让成果在国成果在国际舞台上展示、被承舞台上展示、被承认。8、要勇于要勇于创新,做前人没有做新,做前人没有做过的的。亚里士多德写亚里士多德写形而上学形而上学,要求,要求从从“形和术形和术”升级到升级到“学学”, “从具体的经验抽象到一般原从具体的经验抽象到一般原理理”, 最高境界是最高境界是“学学”,将经验提升为知识,将经验提升为知识,被称为做学术研究。光有经验,是知其然、不被称为做学术研究。光有经验,是知其然、不知其所以然。知其所以然。 “科学科学”重在重在“学学”,

106、“学学”是理性、是规范、是理性、是规范、是严密的逻辑,具有解析的思维模式,不可以是严密的逻辑,具有解析的思维模式,不可以“模糊模糊”、不可以、不可以“黑箱黑箱” 要大量阅读前人的文献,要大量阅读前人的文献,没有前人成果做基没有前人成果做基础的夸夸其谈,只能显示其础的夸夸其谈,只能显示其“无知无知”。世界世界很大,人很多,你思考的别人可能早思考过很大,人很多,你思考的别人可能早思考过了,千万不要闭关自守。了,千万不要闭关自守。 歌德早就说过歌德早就说过: 在任何一个方向上在任何一个方向上, 我们能我们能够提出的任何一个问题够提出的任何一个问题, 前人都早已提出来前人都早已提出来过。过。我们要做前

107、人没有做过的,哪怕只是一点点。我们要做前人没有做过的,哪怕只是一点点。要从小问题入手,先做透了,再慢慢往外扩要从小问题入手,先做透了,再慢慢往外扩展(或放松假设条件、或考虑更多的因素)。展(或放松假设条件、或考虑更多的因素)。只要你确确实实解决了一个新问题,哪怕再只要你确确实实解决了一个新问题,哪怕再小,学术界也要接受它,而重复别人的研究小,学术界也要接受它,而重复别人的研究是不会留下痕迹的。是不会留下痕迹的。 不要今天在这个领域工作,明天在那个领域不要今天在这个领域工作,明天在那个领域工作。这样的人要么是天才,要么是庸才。工作。这样的人要么是天才,要么是庸才。大都是半桶水!大都是半桶水! 要

108、做创新性的工作。要做创新性的工作。 “新新”:新问题、新方法和新结果(结论)。:新问题、新方法和新结果(结论)。 三者至少必具其一。三者至少必具其一。 最低要求是不能重复国际上已有的结果。最低要求是不能重复国际上已有的结果。 必须对国际发展趋势有全面的了解,知道哪些必须对国际发展趋势有全面的了解,知道哪些问题已经解决,哪些问题尚未解决,困难在哪问题已经解决,哪些问题尚未解决,困难在哪里,困难是什么。里,困难是什么。 问题小一点没关系,总比问题小一点没关系,总比“照抄照抄”好。好。如何使用数学工具?如何使用数学工具?u越简单越好!越简单越好!u不要为数学而数学(对于非数学家而言),能够解不要为数


110、经济、行为方面的研究课题。能认识到的社会、经济、行为方面的研究课题。u数学:美!便于交流!数学:美!便于交流!u忌抽象、空泛忌抽象、空泛u忌忽略前人的工作进展忌忽略前人的工作进展u忌你的工作无继承性和创造性忌你的工作无继承性和创造性u忌研究工作没有前提、假设和边界忌研究工作没有前提、假设和边界u忌混同事实与对事实的解释忌混同事实与对事实的解释u要写出让全世界同行都看得懂的论文和著作,而不要写出让全世界同行都看得懂的论文和著作,而不是只有中国人才看得懂的、隐讳的、绕圈子的文字。是只有中国人才看得懂的、隐讳的、绕圈子的文字。 不能用所谓的中国文化、中国特色掩盖内部逻辑不不能用所谓的中国文化、中国特

111、色掩盖内部逻辑不清、前后矛盾、漫无边际、四海皆准。清、前后矛盾、漫无边际、四海皆准。不要把阴阳不要把阴阳五行八卦搞到管理科学中来!五行八卦搞到管理科学中来! u转型阶段的中国,丰富多彩,值得研究的东西很多转型阶段的中国,丰富多彩,值得研究的东西很多u30年来学了许多西方的东西,也融合了中国的特年来学了许多西方的东西,也融合了中国的特色和文化,一大批成功的企业,成功的中国式管理色和文化,一大批成功的企业,成功的中国式管理经验,精彩的东西很多,需要我们去提炼、归纳、经验,精彩的东西很多,需要我们去提炼、归纳、升华,形成中国管理学的理论框架升华,形成中国管理学的理论框架u日本人的东西是美国人整理的,


113、到參天大树顶上的一朵花!u你代表了一个树枝(大枝、中等的、小的)。你代表了一个树枝(大枝、中等的、小的)。u最原始的、理论层面的创新;最原始的、理论层面的创新;u解释了某现象、发现了新规律、证实了某猜测;解释了某现象、发现了新规律、证实了某猜测;u集成创新;集成创新;u学科交叉创新;学科交叉创新;u站在全人类立场上的创新;站在全人类立场上的创新;u填补国家空白的创新;填补国家空白的创新;结结 语语u科学研究的本性是科学研究的本性是对未知的探索、以求明理。对未知的探索、以求明理。北朝北朝 齐齐 (479-502) 颜氏推颜氏推颜氏家训颜氏家训勉勉学学:读书学问,本欲开心读书学问,本欲开心明目明目。非自娱自乐,必须公开发表交流非自娱自乐,必须公开发表交流u真理与谬误共存,拨开迷雾,知难而进,坚真理与谬误共存,拨开迷雾,知难而进,坚忍不拔,从善如流忍不拔,从善如流戴世强教授戴世强教授谢谢 谢!谢!(部分素材取自公开网站,特此鸣谢)(部分素材取自公开网站,特此鸣谢)



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