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1、DFMEA-失效模式与后果分析主要内容Main content1.DFMEA 介绍 4.DFMEA 关键参数DFMEA Presentation DFMEA Key Parameter2.DFMEA 职责 5.DFMEA 表单填写说明DFMEA Responsibility DFMEA Form Filling Explanation3.DFMEA 制作流程 6.DFMEA 案例DFMEA Make Process DFMEA Example一、DFMEA 的介绍DFMEA Presentation DFMEA 是FMEA 中的一种,FMEA分为:DFMEA 和PFMEADFMEA is in

2、 the FMEA one type, FMEA Contain :DFMEA & PFMEADFMEA 是由负责设计的工程师或小组,在产品设计阶段尽可能的范围内预估产品在设计上可能发生的缺点.DFMEA is Engineer or group to responsible scheme, As far as possible within the scope of the estimated product design on the possible faults in the product design stage.PFMEA 是由负责制造装配的工程师或小组,预估产品在生产过程阶段或

3、之前可能会发生的缺点.PFMEA is PE or group to responsible scheme , As far as possible the estimated product possible faults in the productive process or before.本章节重点讲述DFMEAThis chapter focuses on DFMEA.DFMEA 的形成DFMEA FormationDFMEA 是由负责设计的工程师或小组,在尽可能的范围内预估产品在设计上可能发生的缺点,衡量该项缺点或能造成的影响,并拟定为防止或检测该缺点应改善的设计控制,并推动其标准

4、化作业,且必须配合设计发展之程序反复执行.DFMEA is Engineer or group to responsible scheme, As far as possible within the scope of the estimated product design on the possible faults in the product design stage, Measure the faults or can cause influence, and plan to prevent or testing the defect should be improved desig

5、n control, and promote the standardized operation, and must fit in with the development of design program and implementation.最终成品及其所有相关的系统、子系统都应纳入评估.DFMEA是设计小组,即公司工程,运用设计,工程经验或分析方法等而形成的.The final and all related system, subsystem should be included in assessment. DFMEA is the design team, namely the

6、 company project, the use of design, engineering experience or analysis methods and form.DFMEA 的动态链DFMEA Trends CatenationDFMEA 是个循环过程,在设计方案最终形成之时或之前开始.DFMEA is a cyclic process, the design scheme of final form or before the start.在产品开发各阶段中,当设计有变化或得到其他信息时,应及时,不断地修改,最终在产品加工图样完成之前全部结束。In every stage o

7、f product development, when the design change or get other information, should be prompt, constantly modified, finally, in product processing pattern until all over.二、DFEMA 职责DFMEA Responsibility 工程经理:DFMEA 总体负责人,负责组建DFMEA 团体,提出 DFMEA 实施计划,并组织召开DFMEA 会议,分配团队人员任务 组织DFMEA 评审,DFMEA 审核. Project manager:

8、 general manager, responsible for DFMEA, this paper puts forward a DFMEA group DFMEA implementation plan, and organize a DFMEA meeting, distribution team personnel task Organization DFMEA review, DFMEA audit. 工程师:负责主导DFMEA文件编写、修改和升级. Engineer: responsible for leading DFMEA document preparation, modi

9、fication and upgrade.二、DFEMA 职责DFMEA Responsibility 工程助理:负责客户投诉问题,研发试产、量产中问题 的收集,及 时反馈到DFMEA团体负责人处,并参与O,S,D 参数评估,提供量 产CPK 数据. Project assistant: responsible for customer complaint problem, research and trial production, the quantity of collection, and render When the feedback to DFMEA group place, a

10、nd participate in O, S,D parameter evaluation, Supply volume production CPK data. 试样工程师:负责研发产品测试过程 中所出现问题点的收集并及时 反馈到DFMEA负责人处,参与O,S,D参数评估. Sample engineer: responsible for research and development in the process of product testing problems point collection and timely feedback to the DFMEA chief plac

11、e, participate in O, S, D parameter evaluation.二、DFEMA 职责DFMEA Responsibility CQE:负责客户需求信息归纳整理,DFMEA建议措施监督实施、追 踪,实施效果反馈,根据DFMEA和客户需求等信息制定控制计划, 并参与 O,S,D 参数评估. CQE: Be responsible for the customer demand information summary, DFMEA suggested measures supervision and implementation, tracking and effect

12、 feedback, according to the DFMEA and requirements for information such as control plan, and participate in O, S, D parameter evaluation.三、DFMEA 制作流程DFMEA Make process 注:团队制定目标,使团队清楚新产品或以改善为 目标,并需要了解客户需求。 Note: The team set goals, make the team clear new products or to improve as the goal, and need

13、to understand customer needs. 使用方法;Method of application. 客户要求的设计/工程SPEC;Customer requested project & Engineering SPEC. 产品信赖;Product Trust. 制程、生产、装配 要求;Process, Production Assemble of Requirement. 品质目标. Quality Destination.组成DFMEA团队Constitute DFMEA Team确定目标Confirm Destination三、DFMEA 制作流程DFMEA Make p

14、rocess 产品设计及类似产品设计的问题及原因; Product design and similar product design problems and reasons 制造工艺及类似产品制程中常及的不良原因; Manufacturing process and similar products in process and bad reason. 类似产品的制程能力及原因; Similar products of process capability and the reason. 类似产品的客诉及原因; Similar products of customer complaint

15、and the reason. 类似产品的依赖性失效及原因; Similar products the dependence of the failure and the reason. 类似产品的管理性问题; Similar products of managerial problems.资料收集Data Collection三、DFMEA 制作流程DFMEA Make process 使用维修; Use Maintain. 环境. Environment. 表格格式 Table Format. 分层层次 Delamination Administrative levels. 失效定义 Fa

16、ilure Definition. 成果整合 Achievement Integration. 时机 Opportunity.资料收集Data Collection制订执行方案Formulate implement Plan三、DFMEA 制作流程DFMEA Make process分析制程特性Analysis Process Character定义制造流程Definition production Process分析产品特性Analysis Product Character分析失效原因Analysis Failure Cause分析现行控制方法Analysis Control Method

17、分析失效效应Analysis Failure Effect分析发生率Analysis Occurrence Rate分析难检度Analysis Detection分析严重度Analysis Severity计算风险优先数Calculated Risk Priority Number分析制程特性Analysis Process Character三、DFMEA 制作流程DFMEA Make process决定优先改善的失效模式Decide Ameliorative Failure Mode建议改善措施Recommendation Improvement Measures改善实施Improveme

18、nt Implement结果确认有效Result Notarize Effective四、DFMEA 关键参数DFMEA Key Parameter严重度、发生率、难检度、风险优生数Severity, Occurrence, Detection, RPN严重度 Severity-S发生率 Occurrence-O难检度 Detection-D风险优生数 Risk Priority Number-RPNRPN=S*O*D四、DFMEA 关键参数DFMEA Key Parameter严重度Severity衡量失效的影响程度.Assessment failure incidence失效影响产品或制程

19、,某一失效会对产品外观、结构、功能、性能稳定性、可靠性的影响;或对下一个制程,使用者和设备的影响;或对最终客户,政府法规、安全、环保等的违及.Failure affect product or process, a failure to product appearance, structure, function, performance stability and reliability of the influence; Or to the next process, the user and the influence of the equipment; Or to end custo

20、mers, government regulations, safety, and environmental protection, and a default.四、DFMEA 关键参数DFMEA Key Parameter严重度Severity严重度的划分标准-主观判定Severity Classification Standard-Subjectivity Decide其大小由失效模式的影响程度而定,以1至10表示等级.Its size of the failure mode of the influence degree to decide, be 1 to 10 show level

21、.1级最轻微,10级最严重. 1Level best slight , 10 Level best grave.1级-几乎不会有什么影响.1Level-Almost has no influence.10级-违反安全和法规.10Level-Violation of safety and regulations.四、DFMEA 关键参数DFMEA Key Parameter严重度分类Severity Classify 耐火性、自然性、UL 、RHoS&HF Fire Resistance, Naturalness,UL,RHoS&HF一、 危险特性 Catastrophic 工业标准(无法满足而

22、不能销售) Industry StandardIncapable Con not Market. 客户要求 Customer Request 内部工程需要由Critical测量项目 Internal ENG need for critical measure project四、DFMEA 关键参数DFMEA Key Parameter严重度分类Severity Classify 客户及供应商共同制定特性; Customer and Supplier together formulate features.二、 重大特性 Significant 或客户指定特性,如导电或绝缘;(满足而不能销售给指

23、定客户) Or customer appoint features, For instance EC & Insulation.Content Con not Market 设计工程指定的特性; Designation Customer DE appoint features. 行业标准. Industrial standard.四、DFMEA 关键参数DFMEA Key Parameter严重度分类Severity Classify 可靠性测试,如拉拔力测试; . Reliability Testing, For example drawing force test .三、 主要特性 Maj

24、or 产品制程不良率及分析 Product process reject ratio and analysis.四、DFMEA 关键参数DFMEA Key Parameter严重度等级标准Severity Rank Standard等级/评分Rank划分标准Divide Standard1几乎无影响Almost no influence2产品在客户使用组装过程中,组装性差,客户一般难已发现,关注的问题.Products in the customers to use assembly process, assembly sex difference, the customer general

25、difficult has found, pay attention to the problem.3产品之中主要应用的功能稍有瑕疵,如绝缘等,非专业人员无法识别,EMC II级要求.The product is mainly used in the function of the slightly defects, such as insulation, laypeople cant identify, EMC level II requirements.4在高于产品承诺的环境中使用失效,但此环境低于公司内部控制标准或者已达到行业协会标准要求,EMC I级要求.不符合标准化的定义.In th

26、e above product promised environment with failure, but the environment is lower than the internal control standards or has reached industry association standard requirements, EMC I level requirement. Do not conform to the standard definition.四、DFMEA 关键参数DFMEA Key Parameter严重度等级标准Severity Rank Standa

27、rd等级/评分Rank划分标准Divide Standard5存在的问题使产品长期运行的可靠性能降低,如产品粘力、导电产品的导电性能等,产品结构复杂,甚至需要培训才能完成或当前的技术无法解决的功能性问题 .Problems make the product long-term operation of the lower reliability, such as product viscous force, conductive products of conductive performance and so on, the product structure is complex, eve

28、n need training to complete or current technology cannot solve the problem of functional.6产品维护复杂,装配、生产非常困难;设计的产品公司工艺无法完成;客户独特配件的兼容性问题 ;不能95以%以上机率复现的问题;计算机监测功能失效或误差大.Product maintenance, assembly, production is very difficult; Design products company process was unable to complete; Customer unique ac

29、cessories compatibility problem; Cant 95 to % above probability reproduction; Computer monitoring function failure or big error.7客户关注的重点功能性问题或者是产品主推场所应用的兼容性问题;产品量化参数不达标.Customer focus of concern functional problems or is the product of the main place the application compatibility problem; Product qu

30、antitative parameters not standard.四、DFMEA 关键参数DFMEA Key Parameter严重度等级标准Severity Rank Standard等级/评分Rank划分标准Divide Standard8基本功能失效,失效影响计算机数据处理功能.The basic function failure and influence the computer data processing function.9影响产品安全运行或者包含不符合法律、法规;产品执行标准影响人身安全;产品失效时有警告.Influence the safe operation of

31、the product or contain does not comply with the laws, rules and regulations. Product standards affect personal safety; Product failure is warning.10影响产品安全运行或者包含不符合法律、法规;产品执行标准影响人身安全;产品失效时无警告.Influence the safe operation of the product or contain does not comply with the laws, rules and regulations.

32、Product standards affect personal safety; Product failure isnt warning.四、DFMEA 关键参数DFMEA Key Parameter发生率Occurrence某一原因而导致失效发生的几率.A reason to the odds of failure.划分标准:依据不良品出现的机率来定,以1至10表示等级.The division standard: according to the probability of bad product appeared to decide, be 1 to 10 show level.1

33、级最轻微,10级最严重. 1Level best slight , 10 Level best grave.1级-几乎不会发生.1Level- Almost wont happen.10级-肯定会发生.10Level- Will happen四、DFMEA 关键参数DFMEA Key Parameter发生率Occurrence划分标准-CPK、主观判定、统计资料Divide Standard-CPK, Subjective judge, statistical information划分标准 Divide Standard等级/评分Rank描述Describe发生率OccurrenceCPK

34、1(Remote)几乎不可能发生Almost wont happen.1/1500K1.672(Very Low)有轻度发生的可能With mild possible1/150K1.503(Low)有可能发生possible1/15K1.334(Moderate)偶尔发生,但不占有大的比例Occasionally occur, but dont have great proportion1/2K1.175(Moderate)1/400PCS1.006(Moderate)1/80PCS0.83四、DFMEA 关键参数DFMEA Key Parameter发生率Occurrence划分标准-CPK

35、、主观判定、统计资料Divide Standard-CPK, Subjective judge, statistical information划分标准 Divide Standard等级/评分Rank描述Describe发生率OccurrenceCPK7(High)经常发生Often occur1/20PCS0.678(High)1/8PCS0.519(Very high)几乎不可避勉Almost do not avoid layer1/3PCS0.3310(Very high)1/2PCS0.33四、DFMEA 关键参数DFMEA Key Parameter难检度Detection在现行的

36、控制措施下,侦测失效发生的能力.In the current control measures, the ability to detect failure happened.划分标准:依据失效模式检验的难易程度来定,以1至10表示等级.The division standard: According to the failure mode of the test difficulty to set, be 1 to 10 show level.1级最容易,10级为几乎不可能发现. 1Level best easy , 10 Level for Almost impossibility fin

37、d.1级-用有效的手段完全可以检测出来1Level-With effective means completely can be detected.10级-无任何手段可以检测出来.10Level-No means can be detected.四、DFMEA 关键参数DFMEA Key Parameter难检度Detection划分标准-主观判定、统计资料Divide Standard-Subjective judge, statistical information划分标准 Divide Standard等级/评分Rank描述Describe可侦度Detection12几乎可以肯定地检测出

38、来Almost certainly detected99.99%35有良好的手段可以检测出来Have good means can be detected99.80%68可能能检测出来Might be able to test out98.00%9有可能检测不出May cannot be detected90.00%10很有可能检测不出来Very likely test does not come out90.00%四、DFMEA 关键参数DFMEA Key Parameter风险系数Risk Priority NumberRPN=S*O*D风险系数RPN排出次序后,RPN越大越优先解决.RP

39、N在100以上必须解决;50RPN100应尽可能解决,不能解决必须加严控制;RPN50可不加控制.当严重度(S)很高或发生率(O)很高时,不管RPN大小如何,都必制定相应改善或控制措施,并指定责任人和改善完成日期.Risk coefficient RPN discharge order, the bigger the RPN priority. RPN in more than 100 must be solved; 50 RPN 100 should as far as possible to solve, cant solve must be tightened control; RPN

40、50 dont add control. When the severity (S) or high incidence (O) is very high, no matter how RPN size will be formulate the corresponding improvement or control measures, and appoint responsible persons and improve the completion date.如何制定改善措施How to make the improvement measures针对预防/纠正措施,以降低评价等级的内容顺

41、序为:严重度、发生率及侦测度;Aiming at preventing/corrective measures, in order to reduce the content of the evaluation grade order: (S), (O) ,(D).通过设计变更来消除或控制一个或多个失效模式的起因机理,能降低严重度等级;Through the design change to eliminate or control one or more of the cause of the failure mode mechanism, can reduce the severity l

42、evel;透过设计变更,去除或管制某一或多个影响失效模式的原因或设备,只能降低发生率的等级.Through the change of the design, remove or control one or more of the cause of the failure mode effect or equipment, can reduce the incidence of grade.增加设计验证,修改测试计划,修改原物料规格,只可降低难检度.To increase the design verification, modifying the test plan, modify the

43、 original material specifications, can only reduce the difficult degree of test.五、DFMEA 表单填写说明1DFMEA Notes on completing the form(1) DFMEA 编号:填入DFMEA文件的编号,以便要询; DFMEA Numbers: fill in the DFMEA file Numbers, so that to information; 项目:填入所分析的系统、子系统或零件的过程名称,编号; Project: fill in the analysis of the sys

44、tem, subsystem or parts of the process name, Numbers; 设计责任:部门、小组还应包括供方的名称; Design responsibility: department, the team also should include the name of the supplier; 填入负责DFMEA 工作的工程师姓名、电话及所在公司名称; Fill in the responsible of the engineers DFMEA name, phone number and the name of the company; 填入将使用或正被分析

45、的设计过程影响的预期的机型和料号; Fill in will use or are being analyzed the influence of the design process of the expected type and material number; 关键日期:填入DFMEA初次预定完成日期,该日期不应超过计划开始设计生产发布日期. The key date: fill in the DFMEA first target completion date, this date shall not exceed the design plan to begin productio

46、n release date.五、DFMEA 表单填写说明2DFMEA Notes on completing the form(2) DFMEA 日期:填入编制DFMEA原始稿的日期及最新修订日期; DFMEA date: fill in the draw up DFMEA date and latest revision date. 核心小组:列出有权确定和执行任务的责任部门和个人姓名,如果对某一特定原因无建议措施,那么 就在该栏中写“N/A”. The core team: list shall have the right to determine and implement the

47、responsibility of the department and individual task name, if for A particular reason no suggested measures, then write in the column of N/A. 项目/功能:填入被分析项目的名称和编号,若该项目有多种功能,且有不同的失效模式,应把所有功 都单独列出. Project/function: fill in the name of the project are analyzed and Numbers, if the project has a variety

48、of functions, and have different failure mode, we should put all functions are listed separately. 潜在失效模式:对一个特定项目及其功能,应用规范化,专业性的术语来列出每一个潜在的失效模式 前提是这种失效可能发生,但不一定发生. Potential failure mode: for a specific project and its function, the application of standardized, professional terms to list each potenti

49、al failure mode provided that failure may occur, but does not necessarily occur.五、DFMEA 表单填写说明3DFMEA Notes on completing the form(3) 潜在失效后果,就是失效模式对系统功能的影响,一般是客户在使用时看到的状况; Potential failure consequences, is the failure mode of the influence of the system function, it is to see the customers in the us

50、e of the situation. 严重度(S) Severity 分级(重要程序)用于对零件、系统、子系统的产品特性分级:关键、主要、重要、轻微等. Classification (important program) for parts, system, subsystem product characteristics classification : the key, major, major, minor, etc. 潜在失效的起因/机理:潜在失效模式的起因是指一个设计或工艺薄弱部分的迹象;机理是什么导致失 效. The cause of the potential failur

51、e/mechanism: the cause of the potential failure modes is to point to a design or process underbelly signs; Mechanism of what causes the failure.五、DFMEA 表单填写说明4DFMEA Notes on completing the form(4) 频度是指某一特定失效起因或机理(已列于前栏中)出现的可能性; Occurrence is to point to a specific failure cause or mechanism (already

52、 listed in front bar) eventualities; 现行的设计,工艺控制,控制的方法指的是那些已经用于或正在用于相同或相似设计中的那些方法. The current design, process control, the control method refers to those who have used or are used in the same or similar design of those methods. 探测度 Detection 风险顺序数 RPN 建议措施:例如:设计变更、过程变更、特殊管控等;如果对某种特定原因无建议措施那么就在该栏 中填写

53、“N/A”. Suggestions and measures, such as: the change of the design, process change, special control, etc.; If for A specific reason no suggested measures then in the bar to fill in N/A.五、DFMEA 表单填写说明5DFMEA Notes on completing the form(5) 责任:把负责建议措施执行的组织和个人及预计完成的日期填写在此栏中; Responsibilities: responsibl

54、e for the implementation of the advice of the organizations and individuals and the date is expected to fill in this column; 采取的措施:跟踪评审,确认和控制计划等,记录具体的措施和生效日期; Take measures: tracking review, identify and control plan, record the specific measures and effective date; 纠正后的RPN Corrected RPN 跟踪小组成员应保证所有

55、建议措施或妥善落实; Tracking team members shall ensure that all suggest measures or properly implement. RPN的再改进,一般行业要求RPN50. To improve the RPN, general industry requirements RPN 50DFMEA-失效模式与后果分析(Design Failure Mode &Effect Analysis)案例:CaseDFMEA-失效模式与后果分析(Design Failure Mode &Effect Analysis)谢谢大家!Thank you!



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