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1、1 / 20 Passage 1 Ifyouwere tobegina new job tomorrow , you would bring with you some basic strengths and weaknesses。Success or _21_ in your work would depend,to a great extent, _22_your ability to user your strengths and weaknesses to the best advantage. Of the utmost importance is your attitude. A

2、person _23_ begins a job convinced that he isnt going to like it or is 6 that he is going to ail is exhibiting a weakness which can only hinder his success.On the other hand, a person who is secure in his belief that he is probably as capable _24_ doing the work as anyone else and who is willing to

3、make a cheerful attempt at it possesses a certain strength of purpose 。The chances are that he will do well. Having the most important skills for a particular job is strength。 _25_ those skills is obviously a weakness 。A bookkeeper who cant add or a carpenter who cant cut a straight line with a saw

4、are hopeless cases 。如果你明天将开始一份新的工作,你本身肯定有一些优势和劣势。在你的工作中,成功或者失败在很大程度上取决于你是否能扬长避短。最重要的是你的态度。如果一个人开始从事一份工作,相信自己不会喜欢它,确信将因此饱受痛苦,那么他的缺点就暴露出来了,这只会阻碍他成功。另一方面,一个人如果确信自己能像其它人一样确信自己能够胜任这份工作,并有很强的目的性愿意去尝试,那么他就又可能做的很好。具有某一工作的必要技能是一个优势,缺乏这种技巧显然就是一种劣势。若薄记员不懂加法,木匠不能用锯锯出一条直线,那么他们就不能成功。1. A. who B. failure C. on D.

5、Lacking E. of 2. A. who B. failure C. on D. Lacking E. of 3. A. who B. failure C. on D. Lacking E. of 4. A. who B. failure C. on D. Lacking E. of 5. A. who B. failure C. on D. Lacking E. of KEY : BCAED Passage 2 Mike always loves ships. When he was younger, he said, “ I m going go into the army.” Bu

6、t his eyes were not very_21_ , and he did not get in. Then he said, “ I m going to buy a small boat, and I m going to go around the world.” But boats_22_ very expensive and Mike did not have much money. But last summer Mike found a swimming club near_23_ house. The lessons did not cost very much, an

7、d Mike began going to the club at every end of the week and having lessons. Now he is a good swimmer. Last week a little boy said to him, “ you re very good swimmer. How do you learn to swim_24_ ?” “ I m not good at all.” Mike said and he smiled. “ I m in the water and I say to myself, there are dan

8、gerous fishes in this area! Then I m very _25_ , and I swim quickly.”迈克一直都喜欢轮船。当他年轻的时候,他说:“我将来要去参军”。但是他的眼睛不是很好,所以他没有如愿。后来他说,“我将会买一条小船,然后坐着小船去周游世界。”但是船都很贵,而迈克没有很多钱。但是在去年夏天迈克发现他家附近有一个游泳俱乐部。课程不需要花费很多钱,迈克精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 20 页2 / 20 开始每个周末都去俱乐部上游泳课。现在他是一个厉害的游泳健将。上周一个小男

9、孩问他:“你是一个优秀的游泳健将。你是怎么学得能游如此之快?”“我游得一点也不好。”迈克笑着说道,“我在水中的时候,我告诉我自己,这个地区有危险的鱼类。然后我就很害怕,游得就很快了。1. A. so fastB. afraidC. wereD. hisE. good 2. A. so fastB. afraidC. wereD. hisE. good 3. A. so fastB. afraidC. wereD. hisE. good 4. A. so fastB. afraidC. wereD. hisE. good 5. A. so fastB. afraidC. wereD. hisE.

10、 good KEY : ECDABPassage 3Scientists have studied consumer behavior recently and found that the look of the package has a great effect_21_ the “ quality” of the product and on how well it sells, because “ consumers generally cannot tell between a product and its package. Many products are packages a

11、nd many packages are products, as Louis Cheskin, the first social scientist studying consumers feeling for packaging, noticed.” Colors are one of the best tools in packaging. Studies of eye movement have shown that colors draw human_22_ quickly. Take V8 for example. For many years, the bright red co

12、lor of tomatoes and carrots on the thin bottle makes you feel that it is very good for your body. And the word “ green ” today can keep food prices_23_. Shapes are another attraction. Circles often suggest happiness and peacefulness, because these shapes are pleasing to both the eye and the heart. T

13、hats_24_ the round yellow M signs of McDonald s are inviting to both young and old. This new consumer response to the colors and shapes of packages remains producers and sellers that people _25_ to satisfy both body and soul. 科学家们最近研究了顾客行为,发现包装的外观极大地影响了对商品质量的判断以及商品的销量,因为“顾客一般辨认不出商品与包装。很多商品是包装好了的,很多包

14、装本身就是商品。”首个研究包装带给顾客感受的社会科学家路易斯彻斯金发现。颜色是商品包装的一个制胜法宝。对眼睛移动的研究显示,颜色能快速吸引人的注意力。以 V8为例。很多年来,西红柿和胡萝卜的鲜艳的红色映在细小的瓶子上,让你感觉到这个对你身体很有好处。而今天“绿色“这个词可以是食物价格大幅度上涨。形状是另一个关键。圆形象征着幸福、和平,因为这些形状既对你的眼睛又对你的心脏有好处。那就是为什么麦当劳M是黄色的圆圆的字体既可以吸引年轻人又可以吸引老人。顾客对包装的颜色以及形状的反应,依然是生产商和销售商来满足顾客身体和心灵需求的主要方式。1. A. whyB. going upC. onD. att

15、entionE. buy 2. A. whyB. going upC. onD. attentionE. buy 3. A. whyB. going upC. onD. attentionE. buy 4. A. whyB. going upC. onD. attentionE. buy 5. A. whyB. going upC. onD. attentionE. buy KEY :CDBAEPassage 4 Two women on a train were arguing. At last one of them called the conductor. She said, If t

16、he window is open, I will _21_ cold. And Ill probably. The other woman said, But if the 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 20 页3 / 20 window is shut, I will die. I will _22_ in breathing. The conductor didnt know _23_. A man had been listening all the time. He said he had _24_. Fir

17、st open the window. That will kill one. he said. _25_ shut it. That will kill the other. Then we can have peace. 两个女的在火车上争吵。最后一人叫来了列车员。她说:“ 如果开着窗,我很可能会感到冷。 ” 另一个女的说“ 如果关了窗,我会死掉,我会呼吸困难。” 列车员不知如何处理。旁边一个人一直在听。他说他有办法。“ 先开窗,让一个人憋死。然后关上窗,让另一个人冻死。 “ 然后我们都可以安生了。1. A. an ideaB. feel difficultC. NextD. what t

18、o doE. catch 2. A. an ideaB. feel difficultC. NextD. what to doE. catch 3. A. an ideaB. feel difficultC. NextD. what to doE. catch 4. A. an ideaB. feel difficultC. NextD. what to doE. catch 5. A. an ideaB. feel difficultC. NextD. what to doE. catch KEY :EBDAC Passage 5 Mumu is a Chinese boy. But now

19、 he_21_in the UK. He lives and _22_ with Mr and Mrs Green in London. They are very nice to him. But they like different food. For breakfast, Mr and Mrs Green would like milk, eggs and some vegetables, sometimes they have fruits. Mumu would like milk and eggs, but he wouldnt like vegetables at the br

20、eakfast time. Lunch is at one _23_. Mr and Mrs Green usually have large hamburgers. Mumu doesnt like them. He thinks theyre _24_. He would like some rice. After that, hed like some fruits. _25_ Mr and Mrs Green usually have afternoon tea. For dinner, Mr and Mrs Green have soup, beef, vegetables and

21、fruit. Mumu wouldnt like any beef, hed like some noodles. 木木是个中国男孩。但现在他在英国。他在伦敦和格林夫妇在一起生活。格林夫妇对他很好。但他们的饮食习惯不同。格林夫妇早饭喜欢喝牛奶、吃鸡蛋及一些蔬菜,有时他们也吃点水果。木木喜欢喝牛奶吃鸡蛋,但他早餐不喜欢吃蔬菜。午饭时间是一点。格林夫妇通常都吃个大汉堡。木木不喜欢吃汉堡。他认为汉堡不好。他喜欢吃 M饭,吃完 M饭吃些水果。但格林夫妇通常是喝下午茶。格林夫妇晚饭喝汤,吃牛肉,蔬菜及水果。木木不喜欢吃牛肉,他喜欢吃面条。1. A. eatsB. isC. ButD. oclockE.

22、bad 2. A. eatsB. isC. ButD. oclockE. bad 3. A. eatsB. isC. ButD. oclockE. bad 4. A. eatsB. isC. ButD. oclockE. bad 5. A. eatsB. isC. ButD. oclockE. bad KEY :BADECPassage 6 Kelly is a clerk. She works in a town. She is busy from morning to _21_. She gets up at six oclock in the morning and goes to do

23、 morning exercise at half past six. Then she has breakfast _22_ the family at a quarter past seven. She goes to work at a quarter past eight. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 20 页4 / 20 She _23_ work at half past four and goes home. She arrives home at a quarter to five. At half

24、past six she makes supper. After supper, she has a little rest. Sometimes she _24_ TV for a little while. She studies for about an hour _25_ she goes to bed. 凯莉是一个职员。她在镇里上班。她从早忙到晚。她早上六点起床,六点半去晨练。七点十五和家人一起吃早餐。八点一刻去上班。她四点半下班后回家,四点四十五到家。六点半做晚饭。吃过晚饭休息一会。有时她看会儿电视。学习一小时左右上床睡觉。1. A. watchesB. finishesC. wi

25、thD. beforeE. night 2. A. watchesB. finishesC. withD. beforeE. night 3. A. watchesB. finishesC. withD. beforeE. night 4. A. watchesB. finishesC. withD. beforeE. night 5. A. watchesB. finishesC. withD. beforeE. night KEY : ECBAD Passage 7 Michel is a young girl who works for the police _21_ a handwri

26、ting expert. She has helped catch many criminals (罪犯 ) by using her special talents. When she was fourteen, Michel was already so interested in the differences in her friends handwriting that she would spend hours studying them. After finishing college she went to France for a special two year class

27、 in handwriting at the School of Police Science. Michel says that it is _22_ for people to hide their handwriting. She can discover most of what she needs to know simply by looking at the writing with her own eyes, but she also has machines _23_ help her make out different kinds of paper and ink. Th

28、is knowledge is often of great help to the police. Michel believes that handwriting is a good _24_ of what kind of person the writer is. I wouldnt go out with a fellow if I didnt like his handwriting.” She says. But she adds she fell in love with her future husband, a young policeman, _25_ she studi

29、ed his handwriting. It is later proved to be all right, however. Michel 是一名年轻的女警察,笔迹专家。她凭借自己的特殊才能,抓住了很多罪犯。她14岁的时候,就对朋友们的笔迹差异产生了兴趣,她乐意花数小时去研究。大学毕业后,她去了法国在警察科学学院读了两年的笔迹专业。Michel 说人们无法隐藏他们的笔迹。她可以仅仅用眼睛看看笔迹就可以知道她需要的信息,不过她还有机器帮助她弄清是什么纸张和墨水。这些信息对警察有重要帮助。Michel 相信笔迹是一个人的性格的很好的体现。 “ 我不会跟人出去,如果我不喜欢他的笔迹” ,她说。但

30、她说她爱上了她未来的丈夫,一个年轻的警察,仅仅在她研究了他的笔迹后。而这件事后来证明很成功。1. A. beforeB. impossibleC. asD. thatE. sign 2. A. beforeB. impossibleC. asD. thatE. sign 3. A. beforeB. impossibleC. asD. thatE. sign 4. A. beforeB. impossibleC. asD. thatE. sign 5. A. beforeB. impossibleC. asD. thatE. sign KEY : CBDEA Passage 8 Many st

31、udents find the experience of attending university lectures to be a confusing and frustrating experience. The lecturer speaks for one or two hours, perhaps _21_ the talk 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 20 页5 / 20 with slides , writing up important information on the blackboard,

32、distributing reading material and giving out assignment The new student sees the other students continuously writing on notebooks and _22_ what to write. Very often the student leaves the lecture with notes which do not catch the main points and which become hard even for the students to understand.

33、 Most institutions provide courses which assist new students to develop the skills they need to be effective listeners and note takers. If these are unavailable, there are many useful studyskills guides which _23_ learners to practice these skills independently. In all cases it is important to tackl

34、e the problem before actually starting your studies. It is important to acknowledge that most students have difficulty in acquiring the language skills required in college study One way of _24_ these difficulties is to attend the language and study skills classes which most institutions provide thro

35、ughout the academic yearAnother basic strategy is to find a study partner _25_ it is possible to identify difficulties,exchange ideas and provide support 很多学生发现听大学的课程是一个很令人沮丧的经历。讲师连着讲一小时甚至是两小时,可能是配着幻灯片讲,写一些重要信息到黑板上,发一些阅读材料,布置一些作业。新生看见其他的学生不停地在笔记本上记着东西,很想知道他们到底在写什么。讲课结束后,学生经常是带着抓不到重点,无法理解的笔记离开教室。大多数学

36、校都会提供一些课程,以帮助学生培养相关聆听和笔记技能。如果没有这些课的话,就会有很多有用的学习技巧指南,以帮助学生独立训练这些技能。任何情况下,在真正开始学习之前,解决这类问题是至关重要的。不得不承认,大多数学生在掌握大学要求的语言技能上,存在一定的困难。其中克服这些困难的一种方式是参加一整年语言和技能学习培训课。另外一种基本策略就是找一个学习同伴,可以互相指出困难,交流想法,互相帮助。1. A. overcomingB.wondersC. enableD. with whomE. illustrating 2. A. overcomingB.wondersC. enableD. with w

37、homE. illustrating 3. A. overcomingB.wondersC. enableD. with whomE. illustrating 4. A. overcomingB.wondersC. enableD. with whomE. illustrating 5. A. overcomingB.wondersC. enableD. with whomE. illustrating KEY : EBCAD Passage 9 Many people would agree that stress is a major problem in modern life. It

38、 is certainly true that worry and quarrel can cause all kinds of illnesses, 21 backache to severe headaches, or even more serious complaints such as high blood pressure. Many of us think 22 stress as something that other people impose on us. We often complain about how other people put us 23 pressur

39、e. But we should try not to let such pressure affect us. We should not forget that we are largely responsible for some of the stress ourselves. We sometimes take 24 more work than our bodies and our minds can handle. We should learn to 25 our limitations. We should be aware of which things are reall

40、y important and which are not. 很多人认同压力是现代生活的一个主要问题。很明确,担忧和争吵会导致各种疾病,从背疼到严重的头痛,甚至是更严重的病患,比如高血压。我们中有很多人认为压力是别人强加给我们的东西。我们经常抱怨别人如何给我们精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 20 页6 / 20 压力。但我们应该试图使这些压力不影响我们。我们不应忘记我们很大程度上自己在为自己制造压力。我们有时候接受了超过我们的身体和心理所能应付的工作。我们要学会接受自己的有限性。我们应该知晓什么东西真正重要,什么东西不重

41、要。1. A. ofB. underC. acceptD. fromE. on 2. A. ofB. underC. acceptD. fromE. on 3. A. ofB. underC. acceptD. fromE. on 4. A. ofB. underC. acceptD. fromE. on 5. A. ofB. underC. acceptD. fromE. on KEY : DABEC Passage 10 Strange things happen to time when you travel, because the earth is divided into twen

42、ty-four parts, _21_ a part. You can have days with more or fewer than twenty-four hours, and weeks with more or fewer than seven days. Your ship goes into _22_ time part every day if you make a five-day journey across the Atlantic Ocean. As you go into each part, the time _23_ one hour. Traveling we

43、st, you set your clock back 。 traveling east, you let it ahead. Each day of your journey has either twenty-five or twenty-three hours. If you travel by ship across the Pacific, you _24_ the International Date Line. This is the point where a new day _25_. When you go across the line, you change your

44、calendar one full day, back or ahead. 在你旅行的时候有一些奇怪的事发生,因为地球被分成24个部分,每个部分一小时。你可能过上多于或少于24小时的一天,多于或少于七天的一周。如果你坐船在大西洋航行5天,你每天都经过一个不同的时区。你每经过一个时区,时间就 变化一小时,向西航行,你把时钟调后,向东航行,你把时间调前。每天有25小时或者 23小时。如果你坐船穿过太平洋,你就可以跨过国际日期变更线,这就是一天的开始你就要把日期调前或调后一天。1. A. a differentB. one hourC. crossD. changesE. begins 2. A.

45、a differentB. one hourC. crossD. changesE. begins 3. A. a differentB. one hourC. crossD. changesE. begins 4. A. a differentB. one hourC. crossD. changesE. begins 5. A. a differentB. one hourC. crossD. changesE. begins KEY : BADCE Passage 11 It s very interesting to study names of different countries

46、. Chinese names are different from foreign names. Once an English lady came to _21_ me. When I was introduced to her, she said, “ Glad to meet you, Miss Ping.” Then she gave me her name card with three words on it: “ Betty J.Black” . So I said, “ Thank you, Miss Betty.” We looked at each other and l

47、aughed heartily. Later I found that the English people _22_ their family names last and the given names first, while their middles are not used very much. I explained to her that the Chinese 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 20 页7 / 20 family name comes first, the given names last

48、, so she _23_ never call me Miss Ping. She asked if we Chinese had a middle name. I told her we didn t. But people may often find three words on a Chinese name card. In this case the family name still comes first and the other words after it _24_ a twoword given name. It is quite usual in China. My

49、sister is Li Xiaofang. She has two words in her given name instead of just one _25_ mine 学习不同的国家的取名是一件很有趣的事。中国人的取名不同于外国人的取名。曾经,有一个英国女士来访问我。我做完自我介绍后,她打招呼道:“ 萍小姐,很高兴见到你。 ” 然后她给我她的名片,上面写着“Betty J.Black ”。因此我回道:“ 谢谢,贝帝小姐。 ” 我们看着彼此,不禁笑起来。之后,我发现了原来英国人的姓在名之后,而中间的名字并不常用。我向她解释道,中国人的名字姓在前,名在后,所以她不应该叫我萍小姐。她问我们

50、中国人是否有中间名。我告诉她我们没有。但是人们通常会发现在中国人的名片上有时候会出现三个字。在这种情况下,姓放在首位,把具有两个汉字的名跟在后面。这在中国是很常见的。我的姐姐叫李晓芳。她姓李名晓芳,名有两个汉字,而不像我的只有一个。1. A. visitB. shouldC. likeD. putE. are 2. A. visitB. shouldC. likeD. putE. are 3. A. visitB. shouldC. likeD. putE. are 4. A. visitB. shouldC. likeD. putE. are 5. A. visitB. shouldC. l

51、ikeD. putE. are KEY : ADBEC Passage 12 Do you know the story about the fox and the grapes? A fox is _21_ food. He is very hungry. Now, he stands near a wall. The wall is very _22_. The fox is looking up. He sees a lot of fine grapes _23_ the wall. He smiles and says, How nice they are! I want to eat

52、 them. The fox jumps and jumps, but the wall is too high. He _24_ get the grapes. The fox says, I must go now. I dont like those grapes. They are green. They are not _25_ to eat. 你听过狐狸和葡萄的故事吗?一只狐狸非常饥饿,正在搜寻食物。它站在一面墙下。墙很高。狐狸抬头往上看。它看见了墙上挂了很多大葡萄。它笑笑说道:“ 多好的葡萄啊!我想要吃。 ” 狐狸跳啊跳啊,但是墙太高了。它摘不到葡萄。狐狸于是说,“ 我必须走了。

53、我不喜欢这些葡萄。他们还是绿的。肯定不好吃。”1. A. looking forB. goodC. onD. highE. cant 2. A. looking forB. goodC. onD. highE. cant 3. A. looking forB. goodC. onD. highE. cant 4. A. looking forB. goodC. onD. highE. cant 5. A. looking forB. goodC. onD. highE. cant KEY : ADCEB Passage 13 Paris, which is the capital of the

54、 European nation of France, is one of the most beautiful and most famous cities in the world. Paris is called the City of Light. It is also an international fashion center. What stylish women are wearing in Paris will be worn by women _21_ the world. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7

55、页,共 20 页8 / 20 Paris is also a famous world center of education. For instance, it is the headquarters of UNESCO. The SeineRiver divides the city into two parts. Thirty two bridge cross this scenic river. The oldest and perhaps most well known is the Pont Neuf, _22_ was built in the sixteen century.

56、The Sorbonne,a famous university is located on the Left Bank of the river. There are many other famous places in Paris, _23_ the famous museum the Louver as Well as the cathedral of Notre Dame. However, the most famous landmark in this city must be the EiffelTower. Paris is named after a group of pe

57、ople called the Paris ii. They _24_ a small village on an island in the middle of the SeineRiver about two thousand years ago. This island, called the lie de la Cite, is _25_ Notre Dame is Located. Today around eight million people live in the Paris area. 法国的首都巴黎是世界上最美丽最有名的城市之一。巴黎被称为“ 不夜城 ” 。巴黎也是一个国

58、际时尚中心。巴黎潮流女性穿的衣服全世界的女性都会效仿。巴黎也是一个闻名世界的教育中心。比如,巴黎是教科文组织的总部所在地。塞纳河把巴黎分成两部分。32座桥架在塞纳河上。最著名最古老的桥要属建于十六世纪的巴黎新桥了。闻名世界的巴黎大学就坐落于塞纳河左岸上。巴黎很多名胜,比如著名的卢浮宫以及巴黎圣母院。但是这个城市的地标性建筑应该是埃菲尔铁塔。巴黎是因一群叫the Paris ii 的人而命名的。约2000年前,他们在塞纳河中的一个岛上建了一个小村庄。这个岛叫做lie de la Cite,也就是现在巴黎圣母院所在地。现在,大约有 800万人口居住在巴黎地区。1. A. such asB.whic

59、hC. builtD. over allE. where 2. A. such asB.whichC. builtD. over allE. where 3. A. such asB.whichC. builtD. over allE. where 4. A. such asB.whichC. builtD. over allE. where 5. A. such asB.whichC. builtD. over allE. where KEY :DBACEPassage 14 Mr. Clarke works in a middle school. He likes reading and

60、often borrows some books from the library. He keeps _21_ to the radio every morning and reading newspapers after supper. So he knows much and teaches well. His students worship (崇拜) him very much. Mike, Mr. Clarkes little son, is only nine. He _22_ likes reading books. And he often asks his father s

61、ome qusetions. Mr. Clarke always thinks hes too _23_ to understand him and chooses the easiest ones to answer. Of course the boy is not pleased with that. One day Mike read _24_ about the lights and was interested in it. When his father told him to do some housework, he went on thinking of it. He as

62、ked him _25_ questions, and his father answered all. Then his father said proudly, Fathers always know more than sons! The boy thought for a while and said, I dont think so! 克拉克先生在一所中学工作。他喜欢阅读,经常从图书馆了借些书读。他每天早上都要听广播,晚饭后一定要看报纸。所以他很渊博,书也教得好。他的学生非常崇拜他。克拉克先生的小儿子迈克才9岁。他也喜欢读书。他经常问爸爸一些问题。克拉克先生总是认为迈克太小以致很难理

63、解他的话,他便选择最简单的答案。当然了,迈克并不开心。有一天迈克读到一些关于灯的内容,非常感兴趣。爸爸叫他去写作业时,他依然在想那些灯。迈克问了爸爸一些问题,爸爸回答了所有的问题。然后克拉克先生很自豪地说:精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 20 页9 / 20 “ 父亲总是比儿子知道的多!”迈克想了会,说道:“ 那可不一定。 ”1. A. a fewB.listeningC. alsoD. youngE. something 2. A. a fewB.listeningC. alsoD. youngE. something

64、 3. A. a fewB.listeningC. alsoD. youngE. something 4. A. a fewB.listeningC. alsoD. youngE. something 5. A. a fewB.listeningC. alsoD. youngE. something KEY :BCDEA Passage 15 Without time to relex and have fine ,kids can suffer stress just like adults ,warn exports-who say as many as onein four youngs

65、ters have symptoms of burnout ( 过度劳累 ). More and more parents are pushing their kids to be busy instructured activities all the time. Many of these activities for children arent recreational ( 娱乐的 ) _21_involvecompetition. The kids are pushed to win, not just participate, and this can cause stress .

66、 Todays parents have the_22_that children who dont pursue a lot outside activities will be left behind .Parents are in a panic because theyknow its a_23_world out there. They are running scared to be sure their kids can go into the marketplace and competeas adults, but_24_some cases they are missing

67、 the big picture. Kids who are unhappy and depressed grow up to be unhappy, depressed adults who dont do well in their jobs orpersonal life. And these kids wont know as adults how to relax. Everyone needs time just to relax and refresh. Whenyoure not stressed, you can be_25_productive. Thats why its

68、 important to help your child find a balance. 专家警告说,如果没有时间放松,没有娱乐,孩子会像大人一样感到过分的紧张。据说,每四个孩子中就有一个有过于疲劳的症状。越来越多的父母让孩子整天在严格安排的活动中忙碌。而这些孩子们的活动许多都富有竞争性,而不是娱乐性的。孩子们不光被迫去参加,还要被迫去“取胜”,这就会造成过分的紧张。如今的父母认为,孩子如果不参加许多课外活动就会落后。父母很恐慌,因为他们知道现实生活是很残酷的。他们十分紧张,想让孩子长大后能够进入市场竞争。但是在这种情况下,他们会因小失大。从小不幸福、性格抑郁的孩子长大后不会幸福,性格也会抑

69、郁。这样的成人工作也干不好,生活也过不好。这类孩子不知道如何像成人那样放松自己。人人都需要时间放松、调整。只有在你不紧张的时候才会更有创造力。因此帮助你的孩子保持身心平衡是很重要的。21. A. inB. ideaC. butD. moreE. tough 22. A. inB. ideaC. butD. moreE. tough 23. A. inB. ideaC. butD. moreE. tough 24. A. inB. ideaC. butD. moreE. tough 25. A. inB. ideaC. butD. moreE. toughKEY :CBEAD Passage 1

70、6 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 20 页10 / 20 A hot dog is one of the most popular American foods. It was, named after Frankfimer, a German food. You may hear “ hot dog” used in other ways. People sometimes say “ hot dog” to express _21 _. For example, a friend may ask _22_ you

71、would like to go to the cinema. You might say, “ Great! I would love to go.” Or, you could say,“ Hot dog! I would love to go.”People _23_ use the expression to describe someone who is a “ show-off ” , who tries to show everyone else how great he is. You often hear such _24_ called a “ hot dog” . He

72、may be a baseball player for example, who catches the ball with one hand, making a(n) _25_ catch seem more difficult. You know he is a hot dog because when he makes such a catch, he bows to the crowd, hoping to win their cheers. 购正版,有保障企鹅号:二八六三八三五四热狗是最受人欢迎的一种美国食物.它是根据法兰克福香肠(一种德国食品)命名的 .你可能听到 hot dog

73、 在其他方面的使用.为了表示高兴 ,人们也说 hot dog. 例如 , 朋友可能问你是否愿意去看电影, 你可以说 :太棒了 ,我愿意去 ,或者 , 你可以说 :Hot dog! 我愿意去 .人们也用hot dog 来描述爱 表现 的人 -设法在他人面前展示自己多么伟大的人.你经常听到人们这样叫一个人 ,一只手接球 , 把很容易的接球动作变得很难.你可以知道 ,他是一个 hot dog, 因为他做这样的接球动作, 向观众鞠躬 ,目的是赢得观众的欢呼. 21. A. alsoB. a personC. ifD. easyE. pleasure 22. A. alsoB. a personC. i

74、fD. easyE. pleasure 23. A. alsoB. a personC. ifD. easyE. pleasure 24. A. alsoB. a personC. ifD. easyE. pleasure 25. A. alsoB. a personC. ifD. easyE. pleasure KEY :ECABD Passage 17 Blood is very important.when doctors understand how blood goes around inside the body,they try ways of giving blood to p

75、eople who need it. They take blood from the healthy people and give it to the patient in need of blood. This course is_21 _ “ blood transfusion (输血)”. But there are two problems. First, it does not always work. Sometimes people die when they_22_ blood transfusion. Later, doctors find that we do not

76、all have the same kind of blood. There are four groups - O, A, B and AB. We all have blood of one of these groups. They also find that they can give any kind of blood to people of group AB. But they find that they_23_ give A-group blood to A-group people and B-group blood to B-group people. If a per

77、son has O-group blood and the doctor could give his blood to anyone else safely. There is another problem. To give blood of the right kind, doctors have to find a person of the right blood group 。Often they cannot find a person in time. At first they find they can keep the blood in bottles for fifte

78、en to twenty days. They do this by_24_ it very cold. They find how to keep it longer in the end. One day, when you grow up, you may decide to give blood to a “ blood bank” . In this way, you may stop_25_ dying. Or perhaps one day you may become ill and need some blood with the same kind as yours. Th

79、en the “ blood bank” will give it back to you.血液十分重要,这一点人们是一直知道的。有一段时期,一些人甚至为了强壮而喝血。当医生了解血液是如何在人体中运行时,他们用各种办法给需要的人输血。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 20 页11 / 20 他们把血液从一个人身上移到另一个需要的人体内。这叫做”输血”。血液从健康人的手臂流淌到病人的手臂。但有两个问题,首先,输血不一定成功。有些人输血后就死了。后来,医生发现认得血液是不同的。有四种O,A,B 和 AB 型。我们都拥有四种中

80、的一种血型。他们还发现任何血都可以输给AB 型血的人。但他们发现,A 型必须输A 型, B 型必须输B型。我是 O 型血所以医生告诉我我的血可以安全地输给任何血型的人。还有一个问题。为了输对血,医生必须查出这个人的正确血型。有时不能及时找到输血者。如果他们能把血液保存至需要的时候,那就能保证有能配对的血型了。刚开始,他们发现他们能把血液保存进瓶子里长达15 至 20天。那是在冷冻的情况下。接着他们研究出能保存更长久的办法。最后,找到了能保存很久很久的办法。我们把存钱的地方叫做“银行”。把存血液的地方叫做“血库”。有一天,当你长大了,你会决定给血库捐血。这样,你就可以挽救一个人的生命。或者也许有

81、一天你生病了,你可能需要输血治疗。血库就会给你提供血液。21. A. haveB. fromC. mustD. makingE. called 22. A. haveB. fromC. mustD. makingE. called 23. A. haveB. fromC. mustD. makingE. called 24. A. haveB. fromC. mustD. makingE. called 25. A. haveB. fromC. mustD. makingE. called KEY :EACDB Passage 18 For many people today, reading

82、 is no longer relaxation. To keep up their work they must read letters, reports, trade publications, inter-office communications, not to mention newspapers and magazines: a never-ending flood of words. In _21_ a job or advancing in one, the ability to read and comprehend quickly can mean the differe

83、nce between success and failure. Yet the unfortunate fact is that most of us are _22_ readers. Most of us develop poor reading habits at an early age, and never get over them. The main problem _23_ in the actual stuff of language itself - words. Taken individually, words have little meaning until th

84、ey are strung(连成)together into phrased, sentences and paragraphs. _24_, however, the untrained reader does not read groups of words. He laboriously reads one word at a time, often regressing (倒退) to reread words or passages. Regression, the tendency to look back over what you have just read, is a co

85、mmon bad habit in reading. Another habit which _25_ down the speed of reading is vocalization - sounding( 用言语表达 ) each word either orally or mentally as one reads. 对于现在的人来说,阅读已不再是一种放松的方式了。整日忙碌在书信、报告、商业出版物、部门文件之间,人们已无暇顾及报纸杂志这些有大量语言涌入的介质。虽然阅读和快速理解的能力在求职应聘中起着至关重要的作用,但不幸的是我们都是阅读能力匮乏的阅读者。我们的绝大多数已经形成了不好的阅

86、读习惯,而我们又无法去改变它们。最主要的缺陷存在于语言自身的组成要素单词。单独展开来讲,单词在没有组成短语、句子、段落的时候自身有很少的含义。而不幸的是,没有经过专业训练的阅读者很少会读一组词。他们通常每次只读一个词,并且经常重读。重读这种返回去读刚刚读过的内容的方式是阅读中一种最常见的不良习惯。另一种不良习惯是唱读,即在阅读时放慢阅读的速度,不仅在口头上而且在内心里把单词逐个分开来读。21. A. gettingB. liesC. poorD. slowsE. Unfortunately 22. A. gettingB. liesC. poorD. slowsE. Unfortunately

87、 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 20 页12 / 20 23. A. gettingB. liesC. poorD. slowsE. Unfortunately 24. A. gettingB. liesC. poorD. slowsE. Unfortunately 25. A. gettingB. liesC. poorD. slowsE. Unfortunately KEY :ACBED Passage 19 For the first time in our marriage, I had decided to

88、 spend my holiday alone, without my wife. We had not21 . My common sense told me that all habits even good ones should be broken from time to time. Doing everything together with my wife had become very much of a habit with me. So I had gone off to Italy 22 my own to spend three weeks at a hotel at

89、the seaside. I had hoped it would be nice and warm. But actually it was 35 in the shade,23 enough to roast an ox. I walked about in shorts, my bald head covered with a handkerchief, sweating and thirsty. And all the time I had to _24 my wife, who had gone to the mountains of North Wales and was doub

90、tless 25 herself very much. Why had I, with my sensitive English skin, gone to Italy of all places? At night, I was kept awake by two bands playing like mad in the bar downstairs. 这是结婚以来的第一次我决定不和老婆一起自己度假。我们没有吵架,我的常识告诉我所有习惯,即便是好习惯也必须不时地放弃。和老婆一起做事对于我来说已算得上是习惯。因此,我自己去意大利在海边宾馆住了三周。我原希望这会很棒,很温暖。但实际上在阴凉处3

91、5 度,热得可以烤牛肉。我穿着短裤漫步,光光的头上裹着手帕,汗流浃背,非常渴。我一直在想着我老婆,她去威尔士北边的山林中,毫无疑问正开心呢。我为什么,因为是英国人,皮肤特敏感,偏要去意大利呢?晚上,我被山下的酒吧里两个好像发狂的乐队吵吵的睡不着。21. A. think of B. on C. quarreled D. hot E. enjoying 22. A. think of B. on C. quarreled D. hot E. Enjoying 23.A. think of B. on C. quarreled D. hot E. Enjoying 24.A. think of B

92、. on C. quarreled D. hot E. Enjoying 25.A. think of B. on C. quarreled D. hot E. enjoying KEY :CBDAE Passage 20 Glasses protect peoples eyes from bright light. Microscopes make tiny things larger _21_ we can examine them. Telescopes make objects that are far away appear _22_ closer to us. However in

93、 recent years plastics have replaced glass _23_ conditions where glass might be easily broken there are new uses to be developed for glass that were never imagined in the _24_. Perhaps the greatest _25_ of glass is that its constituent ( 构成的 . parts are inexpensive and can be found all over the worl

94、d. 眼镜能够保护人的眼睛因强光造成的伤害。显微镜可以使得微小的东西放大,这样我们才能观测到这些微小的事物。望远镜能够缩短遥远的物体跟我们之间的距离。然而,近些年,塑料在某些条件下替代了较容易破碎的玻璃。玻璃的新用途被开发出来,这在过去是无法想象的。也许玻璃最大的优点在于它的构成部分相对便宜,并且在世界任何地方都可以得到。 21. A.muchB.so thatC.advantageD.pastE.on 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 12 页,共 20 页13 / 20 22. A.muchB.so thatC.advantage

95、D.pastE.on 23. A.muchB.so thatC.advantageD.pastE.on 24. A.muchB.so thatC.advantageD.pastE.on 25. A.muchB.so thatC.advantageD.pastE.on KEY :BAEDC Passage21 In the past, a city s major shopping district was in its downtown area. People could get downtown _21_easily than they could get to other parts o

96、f the city. Before the 1960s, the best way to travel in a city was by a car, a subway, a railroad, or an elevated train. All of these ran on tracks that led downtown. As our cities grew outward, people living far from the center of town needed a place they could drive to quickly. Driving downtown wa

97、s difficulty. Finding a parking space downtown was_22_impossible . People also needed a shopping place where they could park easily. To_23_the shopping needs of people living in the suburbs, groups of businesses moved farther out, too. Today, most suburbs have large shopping centers. Modern and well

98、-planned shopping centers are built on large areas of ground. They have even more space for parking than they_24_for stores. The shopping centers have many different kinds of stores. Often, the shoppers can do all their shopping in one place.koukou:28638354 weiyizhengban The very large shopping cent

99、ers have malls ( 购物街 ) which make shopping pleasant. The mall is an area between stores_25_for walking. Shoppers can stroll from store to store and enjoy beautiful fountains, statues, and plants. There are benches so that shoppers may rest. Some shopping centers have malls with roofs that protect sh

100、oppers from the weather outside. 过去,一个城市的主要消费地区是在市区。比起城市的其他地方,去市区的话更加方便。在 20 世纪 60 年代以前,在城市中穿梭的最佳交通工具就是街道电车,地铁,铁路,或者提速列车。而所有这些交通工具都是在通向市区的轨道上运行。随着城区的扩张,远离城区的人们需要一个可以快速抵达的场所。而想直接到达市区不是一件容易的事情。想在市区赵个停车位更是比登天还难。人们也需要一个方便停车的购物点。为了满足郊区市民的购物需要,许多营业场所也转移到了郊区。现今,大多数的郊区都有了购物中心。现代化的,设计合理的购物中心占地非常大。停车的空间甚至超出了商

101、铺的面积。购物中心有着各种各样的商店。这些店主可以轻松地在一个地方做他们所有的买卖。特别大型的购物中心拥有商店街,这使得购物变得更为愉快舒适。商店街的两旁是商店,中间供顾客步行。顾客们可以一边逛商店,一边欣赏喷泉,雕塑和绿化。还有可供休息用的长椅。还有的购物中心装有天顶,可以让顾客们不受天气的干扰,尽情购物。 21. A.moreB.setC.somethingD.meetE.do 22. A.moreB.setC.somethingD.meetE.do 23. A.moreB.setC.somethingD.meetE.do 24. A.moreB.setC.somethingD.meetE

102、.do 25. A.moreB.setC.somethingD.meetE.do KEY :ACDEB 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 13 页,共 20 页14 / 20 Passage22 Man can not go on increasing his number at the present rate. In the _21_ 30 years man will face a period of crisis. _22_ experts believe that there will be a widespread foo

103、d shortage. Other experts think this is too pessimistic, and that man can prevent things from getting worse than they are now. But remember that two thirds of the people in the world are under-nourished(有营养的) or starving now. One thing that man can do is to limit the _23_ of babies born. The need _2

104、4_ this is obvious, but it is not _25_ to achieve. People have to be persuaded to limit their families. 人类不能继续按现在这样的增长速度增加人口了。否则接下来的30年人们将要面临一个危机期。有些专家认为,人类将会面临严重的粮食短缺。另一些专家认为这种观点太悲观了,觉得人类可以在情况变得更糟糕之前改变这种局面。但目前世界上有三分之二的人处于营养不良或是饥饿之中。人们能做的一件事就是降低出生率。这种需要是显而易见的,但却很难做到。必须说服人们限制家庭规模。21. A. forB. easyC.

105、SomeD. numberE. next 22. A. forB. easyC. SomeD. numberE. next 23. A. forB. easyC. SomeD. numberE. next 24. A. forB. easyC. SomeD. numberE. next 25. A. forB. easyC. SomeD. numberE. next KEY: ECDABPassage23 One day there was an argument between the wind and the sun.Im much _21_than you,said the wind.

106、No, I dont agree with you!said the sun. While they were arguing, they saw a man _22_ along the road. He is wearing a heavy coat. The sun said to the wind,Now, let us see who can make the man take _23_ his coat. Then we will know who is stronger. First the wind tried. It began to blow very hard. It b

107、lew _24_ hard that the man pulled his coat around him. The wind was angry with the man. Then it said to the sun,Now, its your turn.The sun started to shine on the man. Soon it got very _25_! The man took off his coat. The argument was over. We know the sun was stronger now. 一天,风和太阳暴发了一场争论。风说:“我一定比你强

108、!”“不。我不这样认为。”太阳说。在他们争论的时候,他们看见了一个穿着厚厚的外套的人在路上行走。太阳对风说:“现在,让我们看看谁能让那个人脱掉外套,那样我们就知道谁更强了。”首先风尝试了一下。他很使劲地吹。风很大,使得那个人把衣服向上拉了一下,紧紧地包住自己。于是风对那个人很生气,对太阳说:“现在该你了”。太阳开始照耀着那个人。很快,空气变得热了。那个人终于拖掉了衣服。这场争论结束了。于是我们知道现在太阳更强了。21. A. strongerB. soC.walkingD. hotterE.off 22. A. strongerB. soC.walkingD. hotterE.off 23.

109、A. strongerB. soC.walkingD. hotterE.off 24. A. strongerB. soC.walkingD. hotterE.off 25. A. strongerB. soC.walkingD. hotterE.off KEY:ACEBD Passage 24 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 14 页,共 20 页15 / 20 Three men came to London for a holiday. They came to a large hotel and took a room th

110、ere. _21_ room was on the fiftieth floor. In the evening the three men went to a cinema and came back very _22_. “Im sorry,” said the assistant of the hotel. “Our lifts are not working at this time of night. If you dont want to walk up to your room , we shall make up a bed for you in the hall.”“No,

111、no, ” Tom, one of the three men, said, “No, thank you. We do not want to sleep in the hall. We shall walk up to our room.”Then he turned to his two friends and said, “ It is not easy to walk up to the fiftieth floor, but I know _23_make it easier. On our way to the room, I shall tell you some jokes,

112、 then you, Andy, sing us some songs, then you,Peter, tell us some interesting stories.”“All right. Thats a good idea,” the friends both agreed.They began to walk up to their room. Tom told many jokes. Andy sang some songs. _24_ they came to the thirty-eighth floor. They were tired and decided to hav

113、e a rest. “Well, ” said Tom, “Now its your turn, Peter. After all those jokes and songs, tell us a long and interesting story with a sad ending.” “ All right,” said Peter, “ I shall tell you a story. It is not long, _25_ it is really sad: We left the key in our room in the hall.”有三个人来到英国去度假,他们来到一个非常

114、大的旅馆,住在第四十五层。一天,他们去看电影很晚才回来。“很抱歉”旅馆服务员说“我们的电梯今晚坏了。”三人中的一个对另外两个朋友说“我们可以步行到房间,它很困难,但我想我知道怎样使它变得简单。在我们去房间的路上,我将将一些笑话,而你,约翰,给我们唱一首歌;而你,彼得,给我们将一些有趣的故事。”所以他们开始步行到他们的房间,汤姆将很多笑话,约翰唱很多歌,最后,他们来到那一层。他们很累,决定休息一下。“彼得你能不能告诉我们一个带着悲伤结局的真实故事?”汤姆说“我将告诉你一个悲伤的故事”彼得说,“它很短,但是足够是人伤心。就在刚才我们将钥匙落在楼下我们将怎么做?21. A. At lastB. la

115、teC.TheirD. butE.how to 22. A. At lastB. lateC.TheirD. butE.how to 23. A. At lastB. lateC.TheirD. butE.how to 24. A. At lastB. lateC.TheirD. butE.how to 25. A. At lastB. lateC.TheirD. butE.how to KEY:CBEAD Passage 25 An old man died and left his son a lot of money. But the son was a foolish young ma

116、n, and he quickly spent _21_ money, so that he had nothing left. Of course, when that happened, all his friends _22_ him. When he was quite poor and alone, he went to see Nasreddin, who was a kind, clever old man and often helped people when they had troubles. My money has finished and my friends ha

117、ve gone, said the young man. What will _23_ to me now? Dont worry, young man, answered Nasreddin. Everything will soon be all right again. Wait and you will soon feel _24_ happier. The young man was very glad. Am I going to get rich again then? No, I _25_ mean that, said the old man. I meant that yo

118、u would soon get used to being poor and having no friends. 一个老人去世了,留给他的儿子很多钱。但这个儿子是个很傻的年轻人,他很快就花光了这些钱,什么也没有了。当然,他没钱后,他的朋友们离开了他。当他很穷又孤单精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 15 页,共 20 页16 / 20 时,他去见了Nasreddin,一位善良、智慧的老人,经常帮助有麻烦的人。“ 我拍的钱花光了,我的朋友都离我而去了” ,这个年轻人说。“ 我现在会怎么样呢?”“别担心,年轻人, ” Nasreddin

119、 说。 ” 一切不久就会变好的。稍等你不久就会变幸福的。” 年轻人很开心,“ 我是不是又要变富了?”“不,我不是指的那,” 老人说。 “ 我的意思是你不久就会习惯贫穷和没有朋友了。21. A. leftB. all theC. happenD. muchE. didnt 22. A. leftB. all theC. happenD. muchE. didnt 23. A. leftB. all theC. happenD. muchE. didnt 24. A. leftB. all theC. happenD. muchE. didnt 25. A. leftB. all theC. ha

120、ppenD. muchE. didnt KEY : BACDE Passage 26 Fire can help people in many ways. But it can also be very harmful Fire can keep your house warm, give light and cook food. But fire can burn things21 . Big fire can burn, trees, houses, animals or people. Nobody knows how people began to use fire. But ther

121、e are many interesting old stories about how a man or woman started a fire. One is22_ a man .The man lived a very long time ago. He went up to the sun and brought fire down. Today people know how to make a fire with matches. Children sometimes23_to play with them. But matches can be very dangerous.

122、One match can burn a piece of paper. And then it could burn a house. A small fire can turn a big fire very quickly, So you_24 be careful with matches. Be careful with fire, and it will_25 you. But if you aren t careful with fire, and it may hurt you. 火能够以很多方式帮助人们。但是他也十分可怕。火能够让你的房屋保持温暖,带来光明,烹饪食物。但是火也

123、能烧毁许多事物。大火能够烧毁树木,房屋,动物以及人们。没有人知道人们是如何开始使用火的。但是对于那么人或者女人是如何来使用火却有很多老的有意思的故事。一个是关于一个男人的故事。这个人生活在很久以前。现在人们已经知道如何用火柴点火。有时候孩子们喜欢玩火。但是火柴可能很危险。一根火柴能燃烧一张纸。然后它就啃个烧毁整个屋子。一场小火能够迅速地变成一场大火。所以你必须很小心地使用火柴。小心地使用火,他就能够帮到你。但是如果你不小心,他就可能伤害到你。21. A. tooB.aboutC. mustD. helpE. like 22. A. tooB.aboutC. mustD. helpE. like

124、 23. A. tooB.aboutC. mustD. helpE. like 24. A. tooB.aboutC. mustD. helpE. like 25. A. tooB.aboutC. mustD. helpE. like KEY : ABECD Passage 27 It seems quite clearly unjust to pay two people different amounts of money for doing the same work. But it is not as easy as it appeals at first _21_ to introd

125、uce equal pay for equal work. Two people may be working side by side in a factory and doing the same work, but one 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 16 页,共 20 页17 / 20 may be doing it twice as fast as the _22_。 or one may be making no mistakes, while the other is making a lot. In some k

126、inds of work, one can solve the problem of speed if one pays by the amount of work to be done and not by the hour: work paid for in this _23_ is called piece-work. But it is not always possible to do this, so it is sometimes useful to pay workers at different rates, which take differences in skill i

127、nto _24_. This usually means that the younger and therefore less experienced worker gets less than the _25_ and more experienced one, which seems reasonable enough. 干同样活的两个人得到的却是不同的酬金,这看起来似乎很不公平。但是同劳同酬的引入起初并不是那么简单。两个人可能在一个工厂里肩并肩做同样的工作,其中一个以同样的速度但要做两次,或是其中一个没有出错而另一个出了很多错。有些类型的工作,人们可以解决速度问题,如果是按工作总量算而

128、不是按时间算。这种方式叫做计件工。但是并不是任何时候这种方式都行得通,有时还是需要按速度来算酬金,把技术的娴熟程度考虑进去。这就意味着越年轻、经历越少的工人比更年长的、经历丰富的工人挣得更少。这看起来很合理21. A. otherB. sightC. olderD. wayE. account 22. A. otherB. sightC. olderD. wayE. account 23. A. otherB. sightC. olderD. wayE. account 24. A. otherB. sightC. olderD. wayE. account 25. A. otherB. si

129、ghtC. olderD. wayE. account KEY :BADEC Passage 28 American people divide their days into several blocks of time, and plan different activities 21 different times. American time is on the dot(准确地 ). If something is supposed to happen at eight oclock, it will begin at eight. Americans value promptness

130、(准时 )and may become angry if a person is more than 15 minutes late 22 a good reason. If you know you are going to be late, call in advance and let someone know.23 you arrive late, you should apologize and explain why. Americans arrive 24 time for doctors appointments. The doctor may keep you 25 , bu

131、t if you keep the doctor waiting, you may get a bill with the doctors time! 美国人把每天分成很多时间段,在不同的时段安排不同的事情。美国人的时间是精确的。如果某事安排在8点整,它就在 8点整开始。美国人看重准时,如果一个人没有可信的原因而迟到超过15分钟他很生气。如果你知道会迟到,提前打电话,让人知道。如果你到晚了,要道歉并解释原因。美国人会按医生的约定按时到达。医生可能让你等,但如果你让医生等,你需要为医生的时间买单。21. A. forB. waitingC. onD. ifE. without 22. A. fo

132、rB. waitingC. onD. ifE. without 23. A. forB. waitingC. onD. ifE. without 24. A. forB. waitingC. onD. ifE. without 25. A. forB. waitingC. onD. ifE. without KEY.AEDCBPassage29 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 17 页,共 20 页18 / 20 Modern zoos are very different from zoos that were built fif

133、ty years ago. At that time, zoos were places 21 people could go to see animals from many parts of the world. The animals lived in cages that were made 22 concrete with iron bars, cages that were easy to keep clean. Unfortunately for the animals, the cages were small and impossible to hide in. The zo

134、o environment was anything but natural. 23 the zoo keepers took good care of the animals and fed them well, many of the animals did not thrive。 they behaved in strange ways, and they often became ill. In modern zoos, people can see animals in more natural habitats. The animals are given more 24 in l

135、arge areas so that they can live more comfortably as they would in nature. Even the appearance of zoos has changed. Trees and grass grow in the cages, and streams of water flow 25 the areas that animals live in. 现代动物园与50年前的很不一样。50年前,动物园是可以看到世界各地动物的一个地方。动物们住在钢筋混凝土建造的笼子里,笼子容易清理。对于动物们很不幸的是,笼子太小无处可藏。动物园

136、的环境一点也不天然。虽然动物园的员工照顾和喂养动物都很好,但动物们还是没有兴旺。他们行为怪异,常常生病。在现代动物园中,人们能够能够看到动物表现出更多天然的习性。人们给动物提供广阔的场地和更多的自由,所以动物们可以像在自然环境中一样舒适的生活。甚至连动物园的外观也进行了改善。笼子中种了树和草,小溪流过动物们居住的地方。21. A. ofB. AlthoughC. whereD. overE. freedom 22. A. ofB. AlthoughC. whereD. overE. freedom 23. A. ofB. AlthoughC. whereD. overE. freedom 24

137、. A. ofB. AlthoughC. whereD. overE. freedom 25. A. ofB. AlthoughC. whereD. overE. freedom KEY.CABEDPassage 30 Social customs and ways of behaving are changing. _21_ was considered impolite many years ago is now acceptable. Just a few years ago, it was thought to be impolite behavior for a man to smo

138、ke in the street. No man who thought of himself as being a gentleman _22_ a fool of himself by smoking when a woman was in the room. Customs _23_ from country to country, but the important thing _24_ is not to do anything that might make other people feel _25_, especially if they are your guests. Yo

139、u are expected to find a way to keep them from feeling foolish. 有些社会习惯以前被认为不礼貌的,现在越来越被接受。仅仅在一些年前,男人在街上吸烟是不礼貌的行为。没有人会认为自己是绅士,当他吸烟时,有女士在房间里。习惯在国家间是不同的,变化的,但最重要的事情是,不要做任何能让别人感觉不舒服的事情,特别是当他们是你们的客人的时候。你要做一些避免让他们觉得不明知的行为。21. A. uncomfortableB. would makeC. to rememberD. whatE. vary 22. A. uncomfortableB.

140、would makeC. to rememberD. whatE. vary 23. A. uncomfortableB. would makeC. to rememberD. whatE. vary 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 18 页,共 20 页19 / 20 24. A. uncomfortableB. would makeC. to rememberD. whatE. vary 25. A. uncomfortableB. would makeC. to rememberD. whatE. vary KEY.DBECA

141、Passage 31 Fruit is good for people. Many people eat some _21_ every day. Mr and Mrs Black like fruit very much and every Monday Mrs Black goes to buy some fruit in the _22_ near her house. The man in the shop knows her well and helps a lot. She can buy all _23_ of fruit there, like apples, pears, o

142、ranges and bananas. In different time of the year the price of each kind of fruit is not the _24_, sometimes high, something low. Mrs Black _25_ to buy cheap fruit. But Mr Black likes bananas only. She buys bananas for him every week. She only buys cheap items for herself. 水果对人有好处。许多人每天都吃水果。格林先生和夫人很

143、喜欢水果,每个周一格林太太去她家附近的商店买一些水果。商店里的人认识她,对她帮助很大。她在那里能买到各种各样的水果,苹果 ,梨 ,桔子和香蕉。在一年中不同的时间,,每种水果的价格不一样,时高时低。格林太太想买便宜的水果。但格林先生只喜欢香蕉。她每星期都给他买香蕉。她只给自己买便宜的水果。21. A. shopB. sameC. likesD. kindsE. fruit 22. A. shopB. sameC. likesD. kindsE. fruit 23. A. shopB. sameC. likesD. kindsE. fruit 24. A. shopB. sameC. likesD

144、. kindsE. fruit 25. A. shopB. sameC. likesD. kindsE. fruit KEY:EADBC Passage 32 There is an old saying that husbands and wives start to look and behave like each other after a time. I dont know if this was true of my mother and father. Both of my parents had brown hair and brown eyes and low voices.

145、 My father, _21_, was eight years older than my mother and taller and thinner. He was built as straight as an arrow. My mother was shorter and had a rounder and fuller face and she looked as soft as a pillow. My mother was quieter and talked less than my father did. She was also a much more patient

146、person than my father. My father was more experienced in life. He was _22_ to doing everything quickly. My mother, on the other hand, worked and spoke more slowly. They were fond of nature and sports, such as walking, gardening and swimming. They were both _23_ in reading and music, but my father pr

147、eferred history books, while my mother liked to read romantic novels. In music, their types were similar, and they were never proud of listening to it. Most of the time they were in agreement on bringing _24_ their children. They both believed in giving them love and neither one believed in punishin

148、g them physically. At times, their personalities were very much alike, but at other times, they seemed very _25_. Perhaps that is why none of their children knows which parent he looks or behaves like. 有句古话说夫妻一起生活久了长相和行为会相似(夫妻相)。我不知道这句话对于我的父母来说是否如此。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 19 页

149、,共 20 页20 / 20 我的父母都拥有棕色头发和棕色眼睛,声音都属低沉的。然而,我的父亲比母亲大八岁,个子比我母亲高,比我母亲还瘦。我父亲的身板笔直的如同一支箭。我母亲个子比较矮,还有一张圆圆的、胖胖的脸。她看上去软的就像个枕头。我母亲比较文静,没我父亲爱说,也比我父亲有耐心。我父亲阅历很丰富,做事快。但我母亲说话做事都较慢。他们都热爱大自然,喜欢运动,如散步、园艺及游泳。他们都对阅读和音乐感兴趣。但我父亲喜欢有关历史方面的书籍,我母亲喜欢言情小说。对于音乐,他们的喜好相似,他们从不以此为荣。他们在养育儿女方面,在很大程度上是一致的。他们都坚信要给孩子爱,都不愿体罚孩子。有时他们的性格很

150、相似,但有时他们似乎相差甚远。也许这就是为什么他们的孩子都不知道自己到底像父亲还是母亲。21. A. howeverB. interestedC. upD. usedE. different 22. A. howeverB. interestedC. upD. usedE. different 23. A. howeverB. interestedC. upD. usedE. different 24. A. howeverB. interestedC. upD. usedE. different 25. A. howeverB. interestedC. upD. usedE. different KEY :ADBCE 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 20 页,共 20 页



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