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1、七年级英语上册重点短语和句型STARTER UNIT 1 Hello!【重点短语】1.starter unit 过渡单元2.sit down 坐下3.make up 编造4.each other 互相;彼此5.start a conversation开始对话6.thank you 谢谢你7.go to class 去上课8.good morning 早上好【重点句型】1.Its time for class.上课时间到了。2.Whats your name?你叫什么名字?3.How do you spell your name?你怎样拼写你的名字?4.How are you?你好吗?5.Nic

2、e to meet you.很高兴见到你。6.May I have your name?我可以知道你的名字吗?7.Oh, thats the bell.哦,铃声响了。8.Lets go to class.让我们去上课吧。STARTER UNIT 2 Keep Tidy!【重点短语】1.keep tidy保持整洁2.talk about 谈论3.wake up醒来4.get up 起床5.fly a kite 放风筝6.ride a bike 骑自行车e on 快点8.a pair of -双/对9.wait a minute等一会儿10.on the head在头上11.under the d

3、esk在书桌下面12.on the chair在椅子上面【重点句型】1.What do you have in your schoolbag?你的书包里有什么?2.What colour is it?它是什么颜色的?3.Dont get up too late!不要起得太晚!4.Oh, here it is.哦,它在这儿。5.You need to keep your room tidy.你需要保持你的房间整洁。6.I cant find my new glasses.我找不到我的新眼镜了。7.Youre welcome.不用谢。8.Emmas dad has a pair of new gl

4、asses.埃玛的爸爸有一副新眼镜。9.Where do you put your things?你把你的东西放在哪里了?STARTER UNIT 3 Welcome!【重点短语】1.tomato plants 番茄秧2.apple trees 苹果树3.in the yard在院子里4.in the sun 在阳光下5.tell jokes 讲笑话6.have fun 玩得开心7.on the farm在农场里8.many kinds of许多种类的9.look at瞧;看10.black and white黑白相间的【重点句型】1.What are these/those?这些/那些是什么

5、?2.What animals does Helen see in the yard?海伦在院子里看到了什么动物?3.You can see many kinds of animals.你可以看到很多种动物。4.How many ducks does my uncle have?我叔叔有多少只鸭子?5.Another duck is behind the big tree.另一只鸭子在大树后面。6.Do you see that red house?你看到那栋红色的房子了吗?7.Thats my uncles home.那是我叔叔的家。8.What else can you see on th

6、e farm?你在农场里还能看到其他什么?UNIT 1 You and MeSECTIONA How do we get to know each other?【重点短语】1.make friends 交朋友2.get to know 认识;了解3.each other 互相;彼此4.how old 多大年纪;几岁了5.full name 全名6.last name姓氏7.be from 来自8.in Class 1,Grade 7在七年级一班9.class teacher 班主任10.first name名字11.a lot /very much很;非常12.hot pot火锅13.pers

7、onal information个人信息14.pet cat宠物猫15.in the school band在学校乐队16.Chinese food中国食物17.in the same class在相同的班18.live with 和.一起住19.Mapo tofu麻婆豆腐【重点句型】1.-How old are you?你多大了?-Im 12 years old.我十二岁。2.She likes Chinese food a lot.她很喜欢中国食物。3.Mr Smith, this is my new friend.史密斯先生,这是我的新朋友。4.- What/Which class ar

8、e you in?你在哪个班级?- Im in Class 1, Grade 7.我在七年级一班。5.- Whos your class teacher?你的班主任是谁?-ItsMs Gao.是高老师。6.-What is Ms Gaos first name?高老师的名字是什么?-Hui,慧。7.-Are you Peter?你是彼得吗?-Yes, I am./No, Im not.是的,我是。/不,我不是。8.-Are Meimei and Peter in the same class?梅梅和彼得是在同一班级吗? -Yes, they are./ No, they arent.是的,他们

9、是。/不,他们不是。9.- Where is Mr Smith from?史密斯先生来自哪里?-Hes from theUS.他来自美国。10.Tom and I are both in the school band.汤姆和我都是学校乐队的成员。SECTION BWhat do we need to know about a new friend?【重点短语】1.Beijing roast duck北京烤鸭2.year (s) old .岁3.speak Chinese 说汉语4.after school 放学后5.play the guitar 弹吉他6.would (d) like to

10、表示愿意、喜欢7.write to 写信给8.South Africa 南非9.beef noodles 牛肉面10.play basketball 打篮球11.every weekend每周末12.first step第一步13.take turns 轮流14.pick out 挑选15.introduce.to.把介绍给【重点句型】1.I live in Singapore with my big family.我和我的大家庭住在新加坡。2.She even speaks some Chinese.她甚至说一些中文。3.I often play it with my friends aft

11、er school.放学后,我经常和我的朋友们打它(网球)。4.Do you want to be my friend?你想做我的朋友吗?5.Id like to be your friend.我想做你的朋友。6.Please write to me.请给我写信。7.What is your favourite food?你最喜欢的食物是什么?8.We have a pet cat too.我们还有一只宠物猫。9.I play basketball every weekend with my brother and my friends.我每个周末都和我的哥哥和朋友们打篮球。UNIT 2 We

12、re Family!SECTIONA What is your family like?【重点短语】1.think of 认为;想到2.a family photo 一张全家福e in 进来4.ping-pong bat乒乓球拍5.play ping-pong打乒乓球6.every day 每天7.fishing rod 钓竿8.a lot of/lots of大量;许多9.play the piano 弹钢琴10.very well 非常好11.Chinese chess中国象棋12.very much 非常13.play the violin拉小提琴14.have fun玩得高兴【重点句型

13、】1.What do you think of the family?你觉得这个家庭怎么样?2.He spends a lot of / lots of time fishing.他花很多时间钓鱼。3.She can play it really/very well!她能把它(指钢琴)演奏得很好!4.They have some nice ping-pong bats.他们有一些漂亮的乒乓球拍。5.- Do you play the piano?你弹钢琴吗?一 Yes, I do./No, I dont.是的,我弹钢琴。/不,我不弹钢琴。6.- Does your mother have a

14、piano?你妈妈有一架钢琴吗? - Yes, she does./No, she doesnt.是的,她有。/不,她没有。7.- Whose caps are these?这些是谁的帽子?-Theyre my grandparents.它们是我祖父母的帽子。8.He is really funny, and he often makes us laugh.他真的很有趣,经常逗我们笑。9.She is short, and she has long brown hair.她很矮,有一头棕色的长发。10.Im not tall or short.我不高也不矮。11.We are all diff

15、erent, but we have a lot of fun together.我们各不相同,但是在一起玩得很开心。12.Do you have any sisters or brothers?你有兄弟姐妹吗?SECTIONB What do you like about your family?【重点短语】1.a photo of .一张的照片2.on the left在左边3.on the right 在右边4.at night 在夜晚5.in the middle 中间:中部6.next to 紧邻;在近旁7.go hiking 远足;徒步旅行8.a family tree 家谱9.a little 一点儿10.watch films 看电影11.family members家庭成员12.help each other相互帮助13.all of us 我们所有人14.fa



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