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1、七年级下学期期末考试英语试题七年级下学期期末考试英语试题一一、单项填空单项填空,从题中所给的从题中所给的 A A、B B、C C、D D 四个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项四个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项(共共 1010小题;每小题小题;每小题 1 1 分,满分分,满分 1010 分)分)1Our country is _ big family.AaBanCtheD/2Listen!Abird is _ in the tree.AclimbingBdancingCwalkingDsinging3The summer is coming.Its _ in Chongqing.AsnowyB

2、coldChotDcool4 _ does Scott often get up?At 7:30.AWhat jobBWhat timeCHow longDHow far5You _ smoke in the hospital.AmustBcanCcantDwont6 Tina,lets go to clean the park._AIm fine.BThank you.CThe same to you.DSounds good.7You can speak English _ if you practice it more.AgoodBwellCbadDbadly8 What do you

3、think of the movie Full River Red(满江红)?Its _.AdeliciousBstraightCexcitingDhandsome9My parents ask me not _ TV too much.AwatchBwatchesCto watchDwatching10Alice,how can I get to the New Street?Just follow Baidu Map and you cant _.Aget lostBhave funCdo kung fuDdrink tea二、完形填空(共二、完形填空(共 1010 小题;每小题小题;每小

4、题 1 1 分,满分分,满分 1010 分)分)从题中所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。Labor(劳动)class is my favorite class.We have it11Thursday.Miss Green is our labor teacher.Today,12takes us to the farm to grow fruits.We are so13.We think we can eat fruits there.But when we come to the farm,we dont14any fruits.I ask,Miss Gree

5、n,15are the fruits?She says,In the box.We look into the box,16there are only some seeds(种子).Lets grow seeds now!Miss Green says and17them tous.Then,we start to grow and feel funny.But soon,some18stop growing.They think it is boring anddifficult.At this time,Miss Green says,Children,its not19to grow

6、fruits.We cant finish it in oneclass or one day.It needs a long20and hard work.No pain,no gain(不劳则无获).We know the meaning of the labor class.11A inB onC forD with12A sheB itC heD I13A lazyB highC thinD happy14A seeB lookC watchD read15A howB whatC whereD why16A orB butC andD because17A giveB givingC

7、 to giveD gives18A farmersB actorsC studentsD musicians19A smallB easyC lovelyD heavy20A timeB doorC hairD nose三、阅读理解(共三节三、阅读理解(共三节,满分,满分 3030 分)分)根据短文内容,判断正误。The students from a school in Yunnan take their exercise differently.They do the Left Foot Dance(左脚舞)between classes.The Left Foot Dance is a

8、n ethnic(民族)dance.Its also a kind of exercise.It has a long history of over1,000 years.People always start dancing with their left feet,so they named it the Left Foot Dance.At first,it wasdifficult for students to learn it.But three months later,they enjoyed it and could dance well.Now,the students

9、wear their ethnic clothes and dance happily every Monday and Friday.They love thisexciting exercise.It is good for their health.And its also a good way to show the ethnic culture(文化).21All students in Yunnan do the Left Foot Dance.22The Left Foot Dance has a long history of over 1,000 years.23People

10、 always start dancing with their right feet.24It wasnt difficult for students to learn the dance.25The Left Foot Dance is good for the students health.阅读选择Live-streaming Rooms(直播带货间)MikeHelenPeterLI-NING T-shirtsSanqiHuawei computer8:30 a.m.-10:00 a.m.On Sunday2:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.OnMonday7:00 p.m.-8:

11、30 p.m.On Friday150 for one280 for two400 yuan for 1kilo(千克)1999 yuan for oneMade of XinjiangcottonSizes:XS,S,M,L,XLTel:0872-3206666Made inWenshan Green foodTel:0876-5109998WIFIOn saleTel:0871-732688826There are _ sizes of LI-NING T-shirts.A4B5C6D727We can buy Sanqi in _ Live-streaming Rooms.AHelens

12、BCindysCMikesDPeters28How much are two kilos of Sanqi?A150B280C800D199929What day does Peters Room open?AOn Sunday.BOn Monday.COn Tuesday.DOn Friday.30You can call at _ to buy a Huawei computer.A0876-5109998B0871-7326888C0872-3206666D0871 5109998阅读选择My name is Jeff.Im a middle school student.I had a

13、 special trip to Chengdu during the May Day holiday.I went to a zoo.There are many pandas in it.They are so cute.Almost everyone loves them.I worked as apanda keeper(饲养员)in the zoo.I learned how totakecareofthe black and white animals.Onthe first day,I was really excited.But two days later,I found i

14、t was not easy to be a panda keeper.I needed tomake food for them and feed them.I also needed to clean their rooms every morning.Sometimes,I had to climbthe mountains to look for them and take them home.It was a tiring but interesting trip.I had a great time with pandas.31Where did Jeff go for a tri

15、p?ABeijingBChengduCShanghaiDGuangzhou32The underlined(划线的)phrase takecareof means _ in Chinese.A带走B玩耍C照顾D寻找33Jeff cleaned the pandas rooms _.Aevery morningBevery afternoonCevery eveningDevery hour34Which one is NOT mentioned(提到)in the passage?AJeff had to feed the pandas.BJeff had to look for the pa

16、ndas.CJeff had to make food for the pandas.DJeff had to help the pandas take a shower.35What is the best title(标题)for the passage?AALucky DayBA Boring WeekCASpecial TripDA Beautiful Zoo阅读选择What do you usually have for lunch?Do you know Chinese ready meals?They are a new kind of meals.Andthey are popular in China now.Ready meals are easy and convenient(方便的).First,you dont have to wash or cut vegetables.Then,youdont need to cook them.Or sometimes youjust need to cook them for 3 to 5 minutes.Third,



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