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1、八年级下学期期末英语试卷八年级下学期期末英语试卷一、单选题一、单选题1Please learn to _ the difficulty at the front.AsendBmakeCfaceDhave2It is cruel _you to kill the cat in this way.AinBofCwithDat3When he called me,I _ in my room.Ais sleepingBsleepCwill sleepDwas sleeping4Xu was sad _she missed her mother very much.AbecauseBthoughCwh

2、ereDwhy5I think it is important for you _ the English words.ArememberBto rememberCrememberedDremembering6Look!It is raining_ than just now.AheavyBheavierCmost heavilyDmore heavily7I hope you can make _ apology to your mom soon.AaB/CanDthe8The boy is speaking all the time.He is such a _ one.AquietBqu

3、ietlyCnoisyDnoisily9Would you please show me _ choice,Jenny?AyourByoursCyouDyourselves10Tom was_ with the result,so he jumped with joy.ApleasingBworriedCpleasedDworrying二、完形填空二、完形填空完形填空One afternoon,I went to pick up my mother from work.I got there a little early,so I stopped my car by asmall park,a

4、nd11for her.When I looked out12the car window,I saw a little boy running happily on the grass as hismother watched nearby.He was about two years13.There was a big14on his face.Theboy then fell to the grass,and got up,without15at his mother.He ran as16as he could,and then fell to the grass again,but

5、he still had a smile on his face.It seemed that nothing had happened.At that time,I thought to myself,Why arent most adults doing this way?Most adults will be so embarrassed(尴尬的)that they wont try again if17sees them fall.Or,after they fall,they will find a goodexcuse(借口)for18.However,for kids,when

6、they fall down,they dont think they fail.They have not connected fallingdownwith failure.They allow themselves to19mistakes,and they never give up.They try againand again20they succeed.What have we learned from the little boy?11A leftB waitedC preparedD asked12A onB toC forD of13A youngB tallC oldD

7、short14A smileB noseC mouthD eye15A seeingB lookingC watchingD finding16A wellB longC fastD quick17A someoneB nobodyC somethingD nothing18A himselfB yourselvesC themselvesD ourselves19A helpB giveC takeD make20A sinceB untilC whenD after三、阅读理解三、阅读理解阅读理解NameIqiyiDoubanXunleiSinaIconWFounderGong YuYan

8、g BoZou Shenglong&Cheng HaoWang ZhidongFoundingtimeApril,2010September,2004January,2003December,1998Idea(观念)Let the whole worldwatch us.Join us more,and youll getmore.No one is faster than me.All start with you.FeatureShare videos withother people.Make friendswith others andedit(编辑)what you like.Dow

9、nload(下载)what youneed.Find everything youlike:news,sports,stories,videos.Notes:founder 创始人 founding 创建 feature 特点21Whose founding time is the earliest?_AIqiyis.BXunleis.CDoubans.DSinas.22If you want to make friends on the Internet,youd better visit _.ABCD23Which of the following is TRUE?_AXunlei is

10、older than Douban.BYang Bo founded Iqiyi inApril,2010.CYou can download what you need on Sina.DYou can edit what you like on Iqiyi.阅读理解Whats your favorite cartoon?It may be difficult for you to decide.But for pianist Lang Lang,Tom and Jerryis the best one.When Lang was two years old,he saw Tom play

11、the piano.This was his first time to enjoy western musicand this experience encouraged him to learn to play the piano.His talent at the keyboard has propelled him from Shenyang to the world.Lang became a good piano studentat three.Ever since,the boy has been doing better and better.In 1997,the 15-ye

12、ar-old boy studied at a famousAmerican music college.Langs performances are energetic.He is well-known for making facial(面部的)expressions and:movingaround while playing the piano.The road to success has never been easy.Langs father stopped his job to look after him,while his motherstayed in Shenyang

13、to make money.But Lang thinks himself lucky and believes he should give something back.He has helped the children in poor areas a lot.24What made Lang Lang first enjoy western music?AWhen he played the piano at three.BWhen he saw Tom play the piano at two.CWhen he listened to the western music on th

14、e radio.DWhen his father taught him to read music.25The underlined word propel means _ in the passage.AtakeBstopCrefuseDsell26Why did Lang Langs mother stay in Shenyang?_ABecause she liked Shenyang,she didnt want to leave.BBecause she had to look after Lang Langs grandparents.CBecause she had to mak

15、e money for Lang Langs education.DBecause she didnt love her son from her deepest heart.阅读理解Happiness is for everyone.You dont need to worry about people who have beautiful houses with largegardens and swimming pools or those who have nice cars and a lot of money and so on.Why?Because those whohave

16、big houses may often feel lonely and those who have cars may want to walk on the country mads in theirfree time.In fact,happiness is always around you if you put your heart into it.When you are in trouble at school,yourfriends will help you;when you are studying hard at your lessons,your parent s are always taking good care ofyou.When you get success,your friends will say congratulations to you;when you do something wrong,peoplearound you will help you to correct it.All your happiness is always


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