Unit 8 Birthdays第3课时分层作业英语五年级下册译林版三起

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1、Unit 8 Birthdays第三课时 Sound timeCartoon time 基础巩固 Review一、选出下列每组单词中画线部分音标不同的一项。( )1. A. this B. these C. with D. three( )2. A. eleventh B. ninth C. think D. together( )3. A. March B. school C. lunch D. child( )4. A. July B. angry C. ready D. city( )5. A. bus B. basket C. thirsty D. is二、从方框中选择合适的介词填空,

2、每个介词可重复填写。in at for on from away1.People Japan like sashimi(生鱼片).2.The Halloween party is the evening of October 31st.3.Learning how to skate is easy me.4.Are you good making cakes?5.A dog runs out the house.6.Is he a prince the play?7.The boy runs . His mother is worried about him.8.You can go ther

3、e and see maple leaves(枫叶)with your family September.三、单项选择。( )1. The password has _numbers. The _number is _.A. three; three; third B. third; three; three C. three; third; three( )2. They start _TV.A. watch B. watches C. watching( )3. Spiderman(蜘蛛侠) is a _in a Marvel movie(漫威电影). He helps a lot of

4、people.A. worker B. teacher C. hero( )4. Is it easy for you? Yes. I _English.A. do well on B. learn well C. am good at 能力提升 Unit四、根据中文提示完成句子。1. 聚会上有一场戏剧表演。There is a _ _ the _.2. 波比看见门上的一些数字。不久他就有了答案。Bobby _ _ _on the door. Soon he _ _ _. 3. 西方国家的人通常一收到礼物就打开它们。People in the _ usually _ their present

5、s _ _ _they receive _.五、根据上下文提示完成对话。1. A: Hi, David. What are you doing?B: Im _a birthday card for my cousin.A: _is your cousins birthday?B: Its _October 21st.A: What does he _?B: He likes monkeys. So Im _a monkey on the card.2. A: Good morning. _ it_ third of December today?B: Yes, it is.A: Oh, my

6、birthday is _soon.B: Really? _you usually have a birthday _at home?A: Yes, I do. And we have a big _ in the evening.B: Great! I think you can get many birthday _too. 拓展训练 Goal六、完形填空。Ella loves music. Her computer always plays 1 in her room. Her birthday is coming and she really wants to go to a conc

7、ert(音乐会).Eddie, her 2 , wants to give her a surprisea ticket to the concert.“Ella,I am going to pick you up(开车接你) at 3 this afternoon,”says Eddie.“Great! I will be ready. 4 are we going?”asks Ella.“We are going to a restaurant, 5 I have a surprise for you,”says Eddie.Its five in the afternoon. Eddie

8、 takes Ella to 6 . They eat at Ellas favourite restaurant. And Eddie gives Ella an envelope(信封).“Go on, 7 it,”says Eddie. “OK, thank you so much,”says Ella. She opens the envelope and 8 a ticket to her favourite concert.“Oh, wow! Eddie, what a 9 present!”she cries.Ella is 10 . She thinks,“I can give

9、 my brother a surprise on his birthday too.”( )1. A. games B. music C. football( )2. A. father B. friend C. brother( )3. A. four B. five C. six( )4. A. Where B. What C. When( )5. A. but B. so C. and( )6. A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner( )7. A. open B. clean C. make( )8. A. finds B. buys C. takes( )9

10、. A. new B. nice C. yummy( )10. A. afraid B. busy C. happy参考答案第三课时 Sound timeCartoon time一、1. D 解析画线字母组合 th 在 this, these和 with 中发/音,在 three 中发/音。故选 D。2. D 解析画线字母组合 th 在 eleventh,ninth 和 think 中发/音,在 together 中发/音。故选 D。3. B 解析 画线字母组合 ch 在 March,lunch 和 child 中 发/t/音,在 school 中发/k/音。故选 B。4. A 解析画线字母

11、y 在 angry, ready 和city 中发/i/音, 在 July中发/a/音。故选 A。5. D 解析画线字母 s 在 bus, basket 和thirsty 中发/s/音, 在is中发/z/音。故选 D。二、1.from 2.on 3.for 4.at 5.from 6.in 7.away 8.in二、1. C2. C 用于以D stall 忌刀 丌开,后可接动词-ing形式或动词不定式,表示“开始做某事”。故选 C。3. C4. C 解析表示“擅长于”用 be good at。be good at 相当于 do well in(在方面做得好)。表示“学英语学得好”用 learn

12、 English well,副词 well 应放在动词短语learn English 后。故选C。三、1. play at, party 2. sees some numbers,has the answer(s) 3. West, open, as soon as, them四、1. making, When, on, like, drawing2. Is, the, coming, Do, party, dinner, presents五、1. B 解析根据“Ella loves music.”可知,设空处所在的句子想表达的是“她房间的电脑总是播放着音乐”。故选 B。2. C 解析根据“I

13、 can give my brother a surprise on his birthday too.”可知, Eddie 是 Ella的哥哥。故选C。3. B 解析根据“Its five in the afternoon.”可知, Eddie 和 Ella 约好的去接她的时间为下午五点。故选 B。4. A 解析 根 据“ We are going to a restaurant”可知,设空处所在的句子想表达的是“我们将去哪里”。故选 A。5. C 解析设空处所在的句子想表达的是“我们将去一家餐厅,并且我有一个惊喜要给你”。故选 C。6. C 解析根据“Its five in the afternoon.”可知,这个时间点应该是去吃晚饭。故选 C。7. A 解析根据“And Eddie gives Ella an envelope.”和“She opens the envelope”可知,此处应该是 Eddie 让 Ella 打开信封。故选 A。8. A 解析设空处所在的句子想表达的是“她打开信封,发现了一张她最喜欢的音乐会的票”。故选 A。9. B 解析设空处所在的句子想表达的是“Eddie,多么棒的一个礼物啊”。故选 B。10. C 解析通读全文可知



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