Module 10 Unit1 Did you fall off your bike英语四年级下册分层作业外研版三起

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Module 10 Unit1 Did you fall off your bike英语四年级下册分层作业外研版三起_第1页
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《Module 10 Unit1 Did you fall off your bike英语四年级下册分层作业外研版三起》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Module 10 Unit1 Did you fall off your bike英语四年级下册分层作业外研版三起(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module 10 Unit1 Did you fall off your bike2023-2024学年英语四年级下册同步分层作业设计系列(外研版三起)学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、 选出下列每组单词中与其他两项不同类的一项。( )1AMrsBMissCdear( )2AanswerBauntCuncle( )3AbigBtallCeverything( )4AseeBtownCtell( )5ATuesdayBholidayCThursday二、 情景选择。( )6当你发现对方的脚受伤了,可以问:AWhats on your foot?BWhat happened to your f

2、oot?( )7当你看到朋友捂着手,可以这样问:AWhat happened to your hand?BWhat happened to your head?( )8当你看到大明头上缠着绷带,你可以这样问:AWhat happened to your head, Daming?BWhat about Daming?( )9你想知道对方的头怎么了,可以问:AI bumped my head.BWhat happened to your head?( )10对方的头受伤了,你可以问:AWhats on your head?BWhat happened to your head?三、 单选题。(

3、)11Please pass her some juice. Shes _ now. AbusyBhungryCthirsty( )12Did you _ a watermelon? Yes, we _ it on the bike.Abuy; carryBbuy; carriedCbought; carried( )13Did you fall _ your bike? AonBoffCfor( )14Im thirsty. Did you buy _ water, Dad? Yes, I did.AanyBa lotCsome( )15Linda was _, so she bought

4、some bread. AangryBhungryCthirsty( )16Yesterday Sam and Daming went _ a bike ride. AforBtoCthe( )17What happened _ your head, Daming? AforB/Cto( )18He was _, so he drank all the milk. AthirstyBhungryCbusy( )19Sam fell off his bike and bumped his head. So he went to the _. AschoolBcinemaChospital( )2

5、0We went for a bike _ last weekend. AridingBrodeCride四、 选词填空。21Did you buy (some,any) water?22He carried the watermelon (on,in) the bike.23Then we (are,were) hungry and thirsty.24Did you (fell,fall) off your bike?25What happened to (you ,your) head?五、 用所给单词的适当形式填空。26My mother (take) me to the park y

6、esterday.27I (fall) off the bed and bumped my head.28What (happen) to you, Xiaoyong?I (have) a fever. My face was wet, and I felt hot, hot and hot.29We (find) a town yesterday.六、 选择与句子相符的图片。A B C D E. ( )30He had a cold yesterday. ( )31Sam had a stomach ache. ( )32Hes got a fever yesterday. ( )33Hes

7、 got a headache. ( )34I fell off my bike. 七、 补全短文。Itll 35 36 (多云) and windy tomorrow. I 37 38 (放飞) kites with my friend tomorrow. But we 39 40 (没有) kites. So we 41 (去) to the shop and 42 (买了) some paper, sticks and strings this morning. Now, we 43 44 (制作) the kites happily in my home.八、 情景交际。AWas th

8、e grass near the flowers?BDid you go to the park?CDid you walk on the grass?DWhere was the grass?EDid you see the flowers?Policeman: 45 Children: No, we didnt. Policeman: 46 Children: Yes, we did. We went there by bus. Policeman: 47 Children: Yes, we did. Some of them were red, and some were yellow.

9、 They were beautiful. Policeman: 48 Children: No, it wasnt. The grass was not near the flowers.Policeman: 49 Children: It was near the lake. We walked across the grass. Then we went boating on the lake. Policeman: So you did walk on the grass!Children: Oh, no! We are sorry.九、 课内阅读。阅读短文,选择正确答案。Lingli

10、ng: What happened to your head, Daming? Daming: Oh, Sam and I went for a bike ride yesterday.Amy: And then.? Daming: And then we were hungry and thirsty. Amy: Did you buy some water?Daming: No, we bought a watermelon. Sam carried the watermelon on the bike.Lingling: Did you fall off your bike?Daming

11、: No, Sam fell off his bike. And I bumped my head! Then he took me and the watermelon to the hospital. Lingling and Amy: Ha ha.( )50Sam and Daming _yesterday. Awent swimmingBplayed footballCwent for a bike ride( )51What did Sam and Daming buy yesterday? AA watermelon.BSome water.CSome orange juice.(

12、 )52Where did Sam carry the watermelon? AIn the car.BOn the bike.CIn his bag.( )53Who bumped his head? ASam.BDaming.CLingling.( )54Did Sam and Daming go to the hospital? AYes, they did.BNo, they didnt.CWe dont know.参考答案:1C 2A 3C 4B 5B6B7A8A9B10B11C12B13B14C15B16A17C18A19C20C21any22on23were24fall25your26took27fell28happened had29found30E 31D 32B 33A 34C35be 36cloudy 37will 38fly 39havent 40got 41went 42bought 43are 44making45C 46B 47E 48A 49D50C 51A 52B 53B 54A


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