the story of atlanta教学设计.doc

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1、New Senior English for China Students Book 2Unit 2 The Olympic Games Extensive reading and listening: The Story of AtlantaTeaching aims:Knowledge aims: Get students to learn about the ancient Greek literature.Ability aims:1. Develop students reading skills extensive reading.2. Develop students abili

2、ties to get special information and take notes while listeningEmotional aims:Stimulate students love of the ancient Greek literature and culture.Important points:Develop students reading skills and listening ability.Difficult points:1. Enable students to learn to use reading strategies.2. Let studen

3、ts catch and understand different listening materials.Teaching methods:1. Task-based teaching and learning.2. Cooperative learning.3. Discussing.Teaching Procedure:Step 1. Leading in1. Appreciate the music“Butterflies lovers”.2. Make a description of“Butterflies lovers”.3. Get students interested in

4、 fairy tales- Greek fairy tales.设计意图 通过音乐欣赏引出文章话题,训练了学生的语言表达能力,同时为阅读作铺垫,激发学生的探究兴趣。Step 2. Reading1. Fast-reading ( reading strategy;skimming)Go through the whole reading by answering the following questions:a. Who is Atlanta?b. Whats she good at?c. Who did she want to marry?d. Who was Hippomenes?设计意

5、图 培养整体意识,建立信息框架,让学生弄清文章大意。2. Second-reading ( reading strategy: scanning) Do the exercise of True or False设计意图注重文章细节理解,培养阅读技巧和阅读方法。3. Discussing & predictinga. What will happen?b. Who do you think will win the race?c. What are the three golden apples for?设计意图要求学生结合故事发展做出推测,同时为接下来听力训练作准备。Step 3. List

6、ening1. Try to work out the order before listen.2. Listen for the first time to check.( listen as a whole.)设计意图 培养整体意识,建立信息框架。3. Listen more to fill in the blanks.( listen for details, take note as fast as possible.)设计意图 训练学生精听的能力,培养对文章重点词汇和短语的理解运用能力。增强语感,识别语流,强化听力。Step 4. Making a conclusion1. Retell the whole story.2. Discuss:a. Is it worth running against Atlanta? Why?b. If you were Hippomenes, what would you do?设计意图要求学生结合故事和自己的真情实感,发表自己对Atlanta和Hippomenes的看法。Step 5. HomeworkAtlanta and Hippomenes finally became lions. Find out what happened to them?设计意图 课后延伸,关注故事的后续发展继续探究。


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