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1、六年级英语下册第二单元重点六年级英语下册第二单元单词重点1、动词的过去式:cleaned(clean的过去式)打扫;stayed(stay的过去式)停留;washed(wash的过去式)洗;watched(watch的过去式)看;had(have的过去式)得病had a cold感冒;slept(sleep的过去式)睡觉;read(read的过去式)读;saw(see的过去式)看见;drank(drink的过去式)喝;fixed(fix的过去式)修理2、词组(此处动词为原形):read a book 读书;see a film 看电影;have a cold 感冒;watch TV 看电视;d

2、rink tea 喝茶;clean (my) room 打扫(我的)房间;wash (my) clothes洗(我的)衣服;stay at home留在家里3、其他单词:better(well的比较级)更好的;faster(fast的比较级)更快的;last最近的,上一个的;broken破损的;loud喧闹的,大声的;enjoy享受.乐趣;yesterday昨天;before在.之前;show演出;magazine杂志;hotel旅馆;lamp台灯六年级英语下册第二单元句型重点1、How was your weekend 你周末过的怎么样2、What did you do last weeke

3、nd 你上周末干什么了3、I stayed at home all weekend and slept. 我整个周末都待在家里睡觉。4、Did you see a film 你看电影了吗Yes, I did. /No, I didnt. I had a cold. 是的。/没有,我感冒了。六年级英语下册第二单元语法重点1、be动词的过去式:am,iswas;arewereeg:How was your weekend2、陈述句中时态要保持一致,过去式时态中前后动词都要变为过去式:eg:I stayed at home all weekend and slept.3、过去式时态的疑问句要用did

4、提问,动词变成原形:eg:Did you see a film(肯定回答:Yes, I did./ 否定回答:No, didnt.)六年级英语下册第二单元练习题基础题一、英汉互译:1. 摄影师_ 2.作家_ 3. 环卫工人_ 4. 农民_5. use. to ._ 6. get crops in_ 7. by hand _8. take photos_ 9. digital camera_ 10. right away _11. sweepclean the streets _ 12. drive a street sweeper_13. once upon a time _ 14. woul

5、d like to._15. smile at each other _二、选出不同类的单词( )1、A. poor B. happy C. use D. new( )2、A. say B. called C. answered D. visited( )3、A. farmer B. writer C. cleaner D. other( )4、A. wife B. street C. give D. fairy三、单选( )1、In the past, we_ pento write.A. use B. uses C. used( )2、We are poor,_ were happy.A.

6、 and B. but C. or( )3、Now he _ a streetsweeper.A. drive B. drives C. drove( )4、He can give _.A. you a book B. you to a book C. a book you四、写出下列动词的过去式1. use-_ 2. get - _ 3. sweep -_4. am- _ 5. visit -_ 6. live - _五、选词填空machine digital computer drives house1. He and his wife lived in a small , old _.2

7、. The writer writes books with a _ now.3. The street cleaner _ a street sweeper to cleanthe streets.4. Photographers use _ camera to take photos.5. Farmers are planting crops with a _.拔高题一、选择恰当的短语将句子补充完整write her books got his crops in take photosright away swept the streets in a short time1. Ms Wen

8、 used a pen and paper to _2. A street cleaner drives a street sweeper to cleanthe street_.3. In the past, Mr Yang _ with a broom .4. People use digital cameras to see thephotos_.5. Mr Zhang uses film to _ in the past.6. Mr Hong _ by hand in the past.二、阅读短文,判断正误,正确的写T,错误的写 FThe Wangs has a happier li

9、fe than before. Inthe past, they wentto work by bike, but now they go to work bycar. In the past theywatched a white and black TV, but now they watcha colour TV. Inthe past, they lived a small and old house,but now they live in abig and new house. In the past, Mrs Wangwashed clothes by hand,but now

10、she washes clothes with a washingmachine. In the past,Mr Wang wrote letters with pens and paper,but now he writesemails to friend.( ), the Wangs life is not happy.( ) Wangs lived in a big and new house in the past.( ), Mr Wang writers emails to friends.( ) Wang washes clothes with a washing machine now.( ) go to work by car now.


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