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1、创新英语作文大赛 篇一:创新英语大赛获奖 motivanndrewar eoe yo hit eroas toachiev a gol, have ou ever gien any thg o yor otivaton or hat are exci to t as rewardAtidetwads this ustion vayfom rsoo peron. Soe peope cmhat wealh nd fame isthe t motivation anread, othes believhat th ffillmen ofa job wlln is itsn rea. y opini

2、n, t latr pont hodsmre ate. In thend, t isthe joy in he jouey thattul mater the wit tatmto berich or fous will brng an nfortuate otcomeand even willlead us to erous sttin.Gaduay, eilonside wealth d fam as tho ipot thinsin ou vesinsedf thecare ofor paents, or our Fredtim. Bese, tis kind f tough migh

3、hve adeffetson orwork, inceweonlycar abut ho much money weea orhowto get as manygloes as e a, w ay tend to rgetthe orgial signifcaneofig e joad cantconcetrat our ids on on thjb wll. hsour ork effien will e redued aditi unlkly hwe cnmakea grea devopm i ourowncarer.hats wrse,oce we failto get or ls al

4、l thogries r weath, we ay fathe deprssed, my nd even sink int a deperate ituation Howeer, i we chane u trnfthoghtandttcmor mpornce tot sse of happines a fufillmn b ccomplsin soeethings, or fe willboe oe wonerful. We wont gt tired o ou ork and we wlb couagous eugh to vercme alltheostclen ourroad nd n

5、joyt abunantapness hat te job bings tu. Evr wokday sike a y llof supis and deligh. Besdes, withouth rden f welh rfame, we can eg ouselves int te job and thre i oodchace at can hive a lot. In this cs, alhoughwdont imor wlh an fame, walth ad famewil llw ntraly. I not,wewill o fedsouagd, s wefil believ

6、 that th happiness andflfillntdurig te jryis heet ewrd o our work. Vn Gog sold on aintingin hs life,t th it stp him rmcopleting over 800paiting ecuse henever aims tomake moneyor get amehhecreate nw orks. Asor van Gogh, he vues the rocsf prsig instead of the rsuls. Itthe easuead illment h roces of ce

7、atig ives him bundant otvation. I n Goghhadlway ee ascined fme and wealth, he wod nothave ha such oderful ks and the worl wuld nevr have had scha genius of a.As a seio ih stunwh are preparng fo the ollege entrae eamintion, e nt say hat the cres is no imortant.Bt stll stongl recommedthwe su chrihth p

8、ocessof ur earing and enjotheprpeual anitriorhappnes ibringtouNo matewheer we suceedin theed o nt, w he gotthebst rwar for our wok.篇二:2X英语创新作文大赛高分作文3篇 Will Your lifbDetermined y a coffee amngyurfvortedrinks Wit enou choes, whi cp wld oulk pour your offe in, nexquiteoe r a plin one Man peoe ill ta up

9、the fnc wtut hesiati. But wa! D ou reay ae so mhaout h containr whn he cffe i them s exactlyhe same, ad sould yo Acieveent isthecfee ie wealth ad fa ae thecupsan th personal satisfaction isthe tate of tht paricular oee.Will yo al your ersonl ppines nd tiction b etemine by a cpth welth nd he fme you

10、myo ay ot obtan,a shold youWhat my mother once aialays ring ny ear: “money isoas ntastic syu think, you sholdnevethink oo hihly of t. Dntbe greedy, myon. Asln as you are lightful and atisfed wih the effot ou avmae,that al y need”radualy, I came oeelte se wa.Hever,in ealiy, may pople arecasingwealthw

11、ic elt n te ignorance of hepersonal satisfactonndlose tmselves in a arieof merltemptato Admitted, th psonasatisationis te best mitiod rewrd for ouamnt.As far asI concernd, tose who ola dierent ttitude focu heir time and nr n immediatintersts nd orelon-erm ones An rly one da hy igt tire ith it, on ac

12、ont of ich, theyll loe the mtiaon i he ed.Such is uman nature hat aeial wealh ften hods strong tepations to peole. Nevertheles,we mut bwell awar hat i the focus of oulife is mere on wealth, ow shallow e are and what sth diferenbewee us ndzmis Thror, or th cfee, the cp! nt get lost th cup, bnjoy th coffeeinse.篇三:创新英语作文大赛作文练习 11 Direcion: Wouyou expect“thank you” whn you give youset an oldman, oaoa wh hrbaby H do u eel f they take yoursih


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