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1、定语从句精讲点拨 一,定语从句:定语从句是由关系代词或关系副词引导的从句,其作用是作定语修饰主句的某个名词性 成分,一般紧跟在它所修饰的先行词后面。用来修饰名词或代词的词称为定语:atall buildingthe book on the desk anything importantthe girl in red如果定语是句子,便称为定语从句。I know the girl. The girl is in red. ( 两个简单句 )I know the girl who is in (定语从句)被修饰的词是。这个词就称为先行词。其中连接两个句子的是,称为关系词。关系词在从句中指代先行词,并

2、在从句中充当一定的成分,观察上句,关系词在从句中充当。总结:关系词有三个作用:1、; 2、; 3、二,关系代词的句法功能观察下列句子,找规律:This is the pen that you are looking for.这是你要找的那支钢笔。(宾语)The girl that has long hair is my sister.留着长发的那个女孩是我妹妹。(主语)1. that指或,在定语从句中可作或oThe bike which is made in Tianjin sells well.天津产的自行车销售很好。(主语)The fish which we bought were not

3、 fresh.我们买的鱼不新鲜。(宾语)2. which指,在定语从句中可作或。The boy who broke the window is called Tom.打碎窗户的男孩叫 Tom.(主语)The person to whom he is talking is my father.正在和他谈话的那个人是我父亲。(宾语)He is the old man who/whom we looked after last year.他是我们去年照顾的那个老人。(宾语)3. who, whom指人,who在定语从句中可作或。whom只作The girl whose bag is new is c

4、alled Ann.新书包的那个女孩叫 Ann。(指人)He lives in a house whose widows open to the south.他住在窗户朝南的那所房子。(指物)4. whose指或,在定语从句中作。先行词先行词在从句中的成分关系代词人主语who / that人宾语who / whom / that物主语which / that物宾语which / that人/物定语whose找出关系代词,并说出它在从句中作什么句子成分:I dont like people who talk much but do little.The cars which are produc

5、ed in Hubei Province sell very well.She is the person that I met at the school gate yesterday.The book that my grandmother gave me is called The Great Escape.Whats the name of the young man whose sister is a doctor?The girl whose father is a teacher studies very hard.关系代词练习:诊断性测试:用适当的关系代词 that, whic

6、h, who, whom 填空。(越多越好!)1. The boyis writing a composition is Tom.The boyI mentioned just now is Tom.2. I like the bookwas written by James.I like the bookJames wrote.3. Mr Liu is the teacheryou saw yesterday.Mr Liu is the teacher taught us English .关系代词练习: 目标:区分先行词是人/ /, 还是物 /1. The man visited our

7、school yesterday is from London. 作语A. who B. which C. whom D. when2. The woman is talking to my mother is a friend of hers. 作 语A. whose B. who C. whom D. which3. Do you remember those days we spent along the seashore very happily?A. when B. where C. which D. who 作 语4. Those want to go please sign th

8、eir names here. 作 语A. whom B. which C. who D. when5. Where is the man I met this morning? 作 语A. when B. where C. which D. whom6. The man you talked just now is a worker. 作 语A. who B. whom C. to whom D. to who7. The man you are going to make friends is my fathers neighbour.A. with whom B. when C. to

9、whom D. which 作 语8. Have you read the book I lent to you? 作 语A. that B. whom C. when D. whose9. This is the school we visited three days ago. 作 语A. where B. / C. when D. what10. The letter was received is from my father. 作 语A. where B. / C. which D. on which三,关系副词的句法功能:Ill never forget the day when

10、I first came to Beijing.我永远忘不了我来北京的那一天。(时间状语)This is the house where I was born.这是我出生的那个房子。(地点状语)Could you explain the reason why you were late?你能解释一下你迟到的原因吗?(原因状语)时间时间状语when /介词+which地点地点状语where / 介词+which原因原因状语why/ for + which定语从句练习2目标:whose及关系副词的练习1. Do you work near the building colour is yellow

11、? 作 语A. that B. which C. its D. whose2. Is this the school we visited three years ago? 作 语A. the one B. where C. in which D. /作 语作 语3, How many students are there in your class homes are in the country?A. whose B. who C. whom D. which4. I live in the house windows face south.A. which B. whose C. whe

12、re D. in that5. The room Mr White lives is not very large. 作 语A. that B. which C. where D. when6. Dont forge t the dayyou were received into the Youth League(青年团).A. when B. that C. at which D. where作 语7. Do you know the reason she has changed her mind? 作 语A. why B. which C. for that D. of which8. I

13、 shall never forget those years I lived in the country with him. 作 语A. that B. when C. whichD. on which作 语9. Everyone likes the familyparents treat(对待)their children as (像)friends.A where B which C thatD when10. I dont know the person house is near my house.A why B when C thatD whose作 语总结:从句中缺、或时,我们

14、考虑用关系代词;从句中缺时,我们考虑用关系副词。即学即练:(关系代词,关系副词综合练习)I. Have you read about the bookis about the moon? (2011 清远)A. what B. itC. /D. which2. Is this the city Shakespeare was born?A.who B.whichC.thatD. where3. I dont know your brother.Oh. The man came to see me yesterday is my brother.A. whoB. whose C. whereD.

15、 whom4. People from different places come to visit Zhaoqing is famous for its beautiful mountain and lakes.(2011 肇庆)A. whatB. whichC. whereD. who5. I still remember the park we first met. (2010 广东)A. thatB. whichC.whereD.when6. Pauls uncle is the man taught us last year. (2010 广东)A. whereB. whoC.whomD. whose7. Does the teacher know everybodyplanted the trees ?-Yes,


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