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1、关于英文自我介绍锦集六篇 当来到一个新环境中,时常需要用到自我介绍,通过自我介绍可以让他人了解我们。那要怎么写好自我介绍呢?下面是精心整理的英文自我介绍6篇,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 本人思想积极向上,乐观大方,成绩优秀,吃苦耐劳,有耐心,在校期间一直担任系里学生会干部的职位,对工作总是抱着认真负责的态度,实践能力强,人际关系良好,在校期间获得相当多的荣誉,得到老师和同学们的支持和认可。 在校期间,我积极进取,努力学好各门专业课程,学习成绩优异,连年获得“三好学生”称号,并连续两年获得国家励志奖学金。我初步掌握了网页制作、图像处理、动画制作等基本技能,能熟练运用offi软件,通过国家英语四级的

2、考试,还获得国家市场营销经理助理证。此外,我还报读了自考本科,并取得优良的成绩。在社会实践方面,我一直担任系学生会干部的职位,组织并参加了学院以及系里班里的各项活动,一定程度上锻炼了自己的组织,策划和领导等方面的能力,曾多次参加各类征文比赛并获得相当多的荣誉。通过各种各样的活动,我增加了与其他同学交流和学习的机会,锻炼了自己的交际能力,学到别人的长处,认清自己的短处.此外,暑假期间通过师姐的介绍在广州XX公司做网络推广的兼职,以及在11月到12月期间在广州XX公司实习了一个月。通过一系列的社会实践活动,提高了自己的为人处世的能力,同时也为以后做事打下了基础。 本人是22X应届毕业生,从事过一些

3、社会实践,没有太多的经验和阅历,尽管如此,但我自学能力和接受能力强,有高度责任感,只要能给我一个舞台,我有信心通过自己的努力可以开拓出一片广阔的天空! Iam tikgstie, imsticad grous, good rades, had-ong, paient, urng h scho has sered as studentcares i Darent workpsto, always ak aeriousandreosible atitude, strongprati abilt,good nrpersnal elationshp,duin theperiod chool gotmn

4、 onrs, suppotednd recognize b tahesan tents. Durngtheperiod f shol,I w activen eterisin, an I tred o eaaus ofssn curses. My academc reod wer excllent I t ie of tre odts yar fter yea,and he natinal ispiraionlscholarshprtwoyarshav maseed baic skilsof we pg makig,img processng,amaiong adso o. can killu

5、ly useffice sofware ad as thNtinal Egshfurllexamiation, and I lsge the ssisteicae f tinalrkig mnager. In adion, I al redte ndrgadateurs,an ahevdexcellnt rsu In soil a, I ae benworing as astudet dost, oranizedand artcipted in thehlandth Depatnt of ibanliactiites, o a rtan xtent, exercs thiorganzatona

6、l ablity, plnngan oter sec ldrsi,whhav partciped in all kid o mettonnd gainig nideabl honor. Throgh ariy o actites,I inree exchanes wit ter students nd earnig oortunites eercse thirmuncatvebily, learn estenhsohers, toecogniz thr own eaesses. Inadditon, duringthesmer vatio to trkromoin pr-e ianzhou X

7、XompnyyShiie s ntrdue, andi Nvmber to ecember durig the iensipfor month in Gagzhou X compa. Trouha sreof socialpaice activitie,w have prvd theiabilt to li nday the foundatioorfuuewk.I a2raduates engaged mesoca prctice, nt oo mch exprne andexperiene, tough, bu m sl-earningi a sron abitytoace, ih ih s

8、es f rsonibli,as ong a you canveme sa, I ofidettht through teiwnffrs o oen p a vastsky! 英文自我介绍 篇2 Go morning ! I isrely y onr o e toprnt fr aierviw,ho canmaka good pefomac ta.mcofdentht I cani willintouce melbriefy am 26 yeasd,born n shndong ponce .I asadt fom qndunivrsity.mymjor i i gt y bachloregr

9、ee ar m raduo intheyr 202 spen mosofy tme on sty, hav ad CT/ adi hae acuiedbasicknowle y mjrdurig myscoo uly X, I ekf amalprva comay technicsuport engineer inQigDaous Im cpabl rrsibilities, o Idecde to aey jo. Ad ugut02X,I eft QingDao to BeiJ an wkedor a fregnnerpis aa autao ofwartst se anto chne y

10、wrkinevrnm, Id lik tnd aob hichismor caleging. oroverMotorolais gal opay, so f I canin th mo rowokig kndof compy nnvrnmnt. Tht is te asn w ome her t compet for his positoikIm a gd eam playe a I a perso of gethoney o oter. Also a ale o wk ndr grt presre. 英文自我介绍 篇3 Go orning ! t i reall my onorthav th

11、i pptntr n teviw, I ope i ca maka goodperrmnce day.Im cdet ta I cn sccd. No willntodcmys riefly I a 2yers od,born nshandog provce .I ws grdted rm qngdo uivriy. my o selectnicandi gotm bclodgr afe m adationte yer of 22X. I pen os of my tieonstuy,hve assed CT.ndavecredbac koledge omy ao urnmyschotme. IJuly 2X, I eaworkfora mll rve cmpany s echncal upprt ngneer in inDaiy.BecuseImcapablf orerosiilites, o Ieied o hngmy o. AndAugst22X,Ilef Qig to eJngandwrkdfo fetrprse s automatin sftwrtstenneer.Bese I wnt to chane m wrkig evime, I litfind a b whi mrehlleing Moror Moorol is a a


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