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1、求职面试自我介绍(英文求职面试自我介绍(英文) 一份好的优秀的英文自我介绍对于我们求职者来说是很重要很关键的,那么,一个成功的.自我介绍是怎么样的呢下面是小编收集整理的求职面试自我介绍(英文),欢迎阅读借鉴,更多资讯请继续关注自我介绍栏目。 求职面试自我介绍(英文) od orning, yname ackit is rally a grea hoto hehis oporuity or an ineview. i wou like oanwer wteryo mayrase,an i peica make a od perfmnc today, a ventall enrl n tsprei

2、iou univestin sptme.n wll intodce myself rify. i am 2 eald. was bor in heilonjiang province, nrteastof cna. aseor sdett beiig xnirity. mmjor i paang enginerig d will ecvemybchlor degre aer ygrdutonnue. in te past4 y, isndmost of m tie n tud iave pased cet4 with anease.ad i av auir baic kowlede opack

3、aging and pblhingothn teoryand inractice. beside, have tnded severalpckain xhibtion held bijing this is or advatage study ere. oreo, avetkn a tour o som g facory adcpn thughthee i ea depl undertandig of domesticpacgng indury. cmpe odeel counrie suchas us,unfrunatly,althoh e hve ade xtraordiar rogrs

4、sin 1, oupackaing ndury ar stil underdeelopd, mes, unstale,he sitution ofplyee i thi fied areakd. ut i ave ful odencein a briht utue ifony o ecnmycankeep herwth pace st. iguesyou maybeineested inhat isypandurg gadute stuy lfe i woud lie o tyou that puue la i ne of m lifelong goa. like my aopckging a

5、di wont give p. i can pse my maer degre he i lcombine law with mforme educaion. wilork hard thee ields, patet, tark, copyrigt, o th base ofyyarsstdy iepartment o m haractr,i caotesb it wel,b o am optmsic ad onfident mtmesi refero stay alo, readn,tint music, but am tlnely, like t catwit m clasmte, ao

6、st alk evethin.mfvorte psime ibastbal, plyin ador ufing onine. through colege lie, i lean how balnce bween udy and etertanmen theway,aactor ofour amazindrama ub.i d few lorous memorison tage. tat is my prde. 求职面试自我介绍(英文) I was rfered t y bMZhng, aPartne wit ourBeiingfc, who informed ha heShahi of of

7、 yor compny isactively sking to hir qualityindvidls forou udior Pogr. I hve more than to yeas of aouing eprenc, inclding intig asan Audtor last ear ith he Bijing ofice CCC. will be ecving my MB ths May fom Tsighua niverityI mcondenthat m ombaon of practical worexperienc ad sd eucatona xpiee s ppare

8、me omakingan imediate cntributioo our cmpany. I understan thevelffessionaism and comunition reqire forlog-ter success i th field. M ckgun and profesionalappoa o bne wiprvide you ffice wih a hihly productiveAuitrpnompletion of your devepmnt proam I illbe hShahaareath weeof Apri16. leeall me 1xxx1 tar

9、ange aconvnnt ime whn we ma mee to further disus m bckgroud in relationo your ned. I ook orwar to meing you th求职面试自我介绍(英文)pone statemt(irodution) god morng,mdea tecs,myear profors.iam ver glad o hee fr yur inrview.my nae i sogynghao, am 22 yers ol .i come from luyag,aveyetiful aice cityy uegratuad e

10、rio illbe ccomplished in changan ivrtyin uly ,22X;nd now,i mtrn y est for obtaining k t ngji unverit. neral peking , a a hrdwin stdnt ecialld the thingi amintested in. wl tr y bstt insh itomatter hodfiult it is.wheni was ophmore, fondweb design vey interestin,so earedit very hrd. t weavr a hompge fo

11、rmysf, sayd wihmy pesonel omputeror hf a nh.,aniam he first one i my classh owhis opag. orhrmor,i a aeronwh greapesererene durin tedays preparing h first emaio, ins on ruin evyday,no atew e wate wa ike.ndjst ownng to ts, could onnrateon stud and succede nthe ed. ell ,in y spae me , like askball,teni

12、snd chinesechess. als nlisi my favrate. otn o to english corner t prctise m ranliso vey trsday,and wricompostions mpr y wittn ability ti kow y engish is not godengh , will contiuestudig. ok,thai ll,thankou fo yur tteion. myhoetow-luoag ifromyng,a beautfl ciyn enanpovne. it ifmous a he ”cpitalone ynasties” andenjohe hone tht luoyang peoy is te bst ithe word. luoyag layd


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