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1、初二英语听力原文一、听-10 对话选择最佳答案(读两遍). W: I arived here o Wedey What bo you,Jasn M: I gt re twodys before you.2.: I your omefar rom hee W: No, t akeao 0 iutes wa.3 W: We go theparktomrow. h aoutyu M:Wel go o heGreat Wal. ut ifi ais, well ay at h.4.: Hlo, Jne. d you gtup at 6:10yesterdy : No, I ot t a quarter

2、 to sx. W: ho tter at English, u orJi: Luc. Kate is tter thncy6. M: Heo! Whatca I foryou W: I want t fl oLndon sotme extwek.7 W:xue me, Daniel. May I usrcompurM: Sorry, here is someting wrogih t8M: Ecus me, doyu ind if I it heW: o, of urse not9.W: Hi, Sam es go andfly kestooro:ell,t newspaper says t

3、 will e swy. bou makinkits athoeW: God i!1. M: chool over.Wh donto hoe, Amy W:u noIm a mmber of ereadin bIgg to the libray and d book wh my friends二、听一段长对话,选择11-15题最佳答案(读两遍)M: G mornng.W: Good morn, sir.:Well, tell me lttle abou yours,Kaen.First o all, cn o tyW: h, ys.M: How wel ca you tpe:Verywel.:

4、 God ts alys eful. ow what abu langs htanguages n you speW: Wl, tdi ench ad Engsht olee.M: And how l can youpeak thmW: Wll,my Enlishis ptty good, no m rec. ButIcan ad Fren quite wll.Its jut spakng t hatIfind difficl.M: es,itis adiffut anuae. Nw wha ind of k d you tnkywan todoW: I n to lean muaI abut

5、buinss I wat o get some epernc. I really dontave any practica xperince in businss.三、听文章, 选择1至20题最佳答案(读两遍) ewlte abut Englihhen I first came to Amerca. e to aguage school every day excet Sundato lean gih.One a, rin the break I ase Ali, ne my clasmates, a questiontat Ididn nderstandWhen I tanked her f

6、 it, se said, “You are elcoe. Is a ee o cke.” thoht to myself, “mercas real cutr ormone in whch everythinis done for y.” So I sid to her, “I haven take aypiece cakeit m da.Wt busoetig ee” Shelooked tme ith a ig smile ad said, “What men i n probl, and th itis nly sma tter.” Fomhen o, I came tolear ta

7、t “a piece o ae”is not ony a pieeof cke but also eahin that ivery easy参考答案听力部分1-10 ACC C C C A A 11-20 BB A C B C A C 笔试部分一、1.high2.les 3. milng 4. herelf 二、- D A A 7-12 C A CA B B 三、1. Dont be 2. eat 3.ives 4. ask 5.inng6 Is gin t build 7. t keep .avi9. tght 1. will agree四、1. s, lans evrythin wel2

8、es eong tohim,buht3. mustnt feed4.fort to5.slke, handsom五、-5 C B BA -0 B DCB 六、1-5 C D A C 6-10 C AB 七、(仅供参考) Lin Ha sa clever anhonst y.eskin an nev ay a bd word u other. H s illigo share hings wi othes,h i also rdy tohp people antim st week, on his wy o t lb, he und t an 8-ye-ld boy os s ay and criein the st.I tok hm to hours to heph ittle by fin the way ome. Thebos parents weevry haful to hm.


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