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1、 牛津英语7A期末复习试卷一、听力部分(每小题1分,共20分)A.听句子,从A,B,C,D中找到你所听到的单词(5分)( )1.A.Miss B.five C.thank( )2.A.two B.for C.bag( )3.A.American B.from C.light( )4.A.glasses B.look C.pear( )5.A.what B.watch C.dishes选出与你所对话内容一致的图画(5分)听录音,找出合适的应答句(5分)( )1.A.Yes, you do. B.No,you arent. C.Yes,you can.( )2.A.Its red. B.Theyr

2、e mine. C.Theyre grey.( )3.A.Its Millies. B.Its a racket. C.Its over there.( )4.A.Yes,he is. B.He has lunch at home. C.Yes,he does.( )5.A.Yes, Id like to. B.Id love one. C.No, I dont.听录音,找出意义最接近的选项(5分)( )1.A.Im not Jill. B.Im Jill C.Jill is my sister.( )2.A.Whats your mother? B.Whose is the mother?

3、C.Who is she?( )3.A.There are three pencils and boxes B.There are three pencils in Peters box.C.Peter has three pencils and a bag.( )4.A.Their classes begin at 7:40 this moring. B.Their classes begin at 7:40 in the evening.C.Their classes begin at 7:40 in the morning.( )5.A.You cant play football in

4、 the street. B.You can play football in the street.C.You must play football there.二、单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)( )1.Is Peter from America?-No. Peter is an _ boy, but hes in _.A.America; England B.English; America C.American; English D.England; America( )2.Would you like to have _ Coke? No, _A.some; I wont B.an

5、y; I dont C.some; thanks D.any; I wouldnt( )3.Are there many classrooms in your school? -_A.Yes, therere B.Yes, they are C.No,there arent D.No, they arent.( )4.-Lets go and visit their new school. -_A.Thats all right B.Youre right C.Right D.All right( )5.Thank you for _ me _ my maths.A.help; at B.he

6、lping; on C.help; with D.helping; with( )6.Put red and yellow together, and you can get _A.orange B.grey C.brown D.green( )7.Peter and John are Mr Browns sons. They are the same age(一样大) and look the same. I think they are _.A.a twin B.twin sisters C.cousins D.twin brothers( )8.There is _ “u” and _

7、“l” in the word “uncle”.A.an; an B.a; a C.a; an D.an; a( )9.Beckham is a famous (著名的) _ player from _.A.football; HK B.basketball; China C.football; America D.football; England( )10.What does WTO mean?A.世界贸易组织 B.世界卫生组织 C.国际奥委会 D.联合国教科文组织( )11._ you and Millie like walking after school? A.Are B.Do C.

8、Does D.Is( )12.Sally likes _, but Lily likes to _.A. swim; play volleyball B.swimming; play volleyball C.to swim; playing volleyball D.swim; playing volleyball( )13.Doctor, I cant see that.-Let me see. Well, Im afraid(恐怕) you must wear a pair of_A.glasses B.trousers C.jeans D.shoes( )14. Han Mei is

9、a very _ girl. She often _ “please” and “thank you” in her words.A.nice; use B.polite; uses C.polite; use D.helpful; uses( )15._ there _ housework for your mum at your home?A.Are; too many B.Is; too many C.Are; too much D.Is; too much三、根据对话所给情景将句子序号填到相应的横线上去(每小题1分,共5分)A.No, you cant. B.Can I play fo

10、otball here? C.Where can I park my bike?D.Yes, you can. E.You can dance and sing under the tree.A:Hello, Kate. I want to go to the park. 1 .B:You can put it near the gate.A:Excuse me, can I bring my bag to the park?B: 2 .A:Can I eat Snacks here?B: 3 Look at the sign.A: 4 I like football.B:Sorry, you

11、 cant.A:What can I do then?B: 5 四、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)Pingping and Beibei are in 1 same school. They are 2 the same grade, too. They are good students. After 3 , they 4 computer games. 5 friends play 6 . Some play 7 . Some fly 8 and ride bikes. They 9 jump, swim, and sing, too. They 10 good students. Th

12、ey love their school.( )1.A.a B.an C.the D./( )2.A.in B.with C.at D.to( )3.A.class B.lesson C.row D.grade( )4.A.play B.plays C.playing D.to play( )5.AThey B.Them C.Their D.Theirs( )6.A.different game B.different games C.same game D.same games( )7.A.basketball B.a basketball C.an basketball D.the bas

13、ketball( )8.A.kites B.plane C.bird D.boats.( )9.A.are B.can C.arent D.cant( )10.A.be B.is C.are D.am五、阅读理解(每小题1.5分,共15分)(A)Some cats are yellow. Some cats are black. Some cats are black and white. But no cats are green. I have a cat. Its a mother cat. She has fve babies. She looks after them. We call baby cats kittens. New kittens cant see. But they can find their mother.


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