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1、词汇学复习要点总结1. Wod deiiion: A word is dfidb the ssociai oa givn ense wth ivn grop o soundscabo a given gamaiclue. P 2. The developmetof Engshcabuary P 3(1) Th O ngsh: 449-1100,(2) Mdde Eglis: 1100(3) ModernEglish: 500-pset3. Classificaon f English WordsP 9(1) y rign: native ors a loanwr(2) By vl usage:

2、 omo words; ieral wos; colloqualwors; slg words; ecial ds (3) y tion: unction ds and cnent wors 4. uncio wors &conen wods P7Funtion word are ften sort od suh s detmnr, conjuctions, pestos, auxilaris, ad sorth. unctios words bhavlik gamticalsals or uonl arker, epressin the kins of connecton btweencot

3、ntords.5. Mrphedefiniton 2Therpheme is t malltmeaningful lnguistic unitf language, not visible oalyzleito sllr forms.6. llomrps P22Aallomorph s any f thearn formsof a mrpheas onditonypositionor adjonn sound. 7. Classicaion of morphees P 23A. re mrphemesandbu morphemesB. Roots and afxe 8. 区分Inletonal

4、 ffixes 和eriatio afixes 29. Dfinitio of roo stem and base 33(1) Rt: A oti a form whih i noturer analyzal, eithe in terms oferivational orilecon moolo.(2) A smiso ocern onl e dealng wih infectional mophoy. Iflctional (but nt erivaioa)fixes add t it: it i epr ofthe word-fom i reins hen allinfletioalaf

5、eshae bee emve(3) A basesay frm to hichaixsif n id can beadded; it my also be dfind as”a for towhicrle of wrd-foration s applied”10. Diferensf root, se and bae P 33(1) Anyrooortem can be terme abase. But a sefer fo a roo, n thathe formeris a deivaonally anayzal form to which rvtionl fxesar dded, hil

6、e thette is a for wich pemisno further nalyi. (2) A bse i lso diferent from astesice bo derivational nd flecionalaffixes can be attaced toabs, weeas l inflectinal affixes c be aded a em11. Dinion fderiatin P 42Derivtionmay bdeined as arocess o formgnew orsth additif wordlment, suh asa rf, sfix or on

7、igform, to aleadexistng or. 12. Classifctionsf refxes P44(给定前缀须知意思,连线题)(1) “ngtie” pefixes:un-, no,i-, dis,a- (2) “evraie rprivative” reies:un-, de, dis (3) “pjotive”prefixs: mis-, ma-,peudo (4) “preixs ofdgree sze”: arc-, upe, out,sub,ove-,undr-, yper-, ltra-, in(5) refixe ofattitude: c, couter, at

8、, po(6) “locativ” prexes: supe, su,ine-, tans-(7) Prefixsof im a ordr: ore-, r, ost-, ex,re-(8) “number” prefies:uni-/mon-, i-/di-, tri, mul-/poly- (9) A miscellneus caloue: ato,neo, pan-, proto, em,ice- 13. Clasifcaos osffixe 9(1) Accrdg to ord-cass oth d the form(2) ccodig t the kind of base14. if

9、ferences beeen intilisms d acrnym 72Iiialism is typeofsreni, sing te irstleer of wrds t om poprame, tecna r, or phrse; aniialis i ponounced etter y leer. Arnymeds forme frm he initil tters of he nam of an oraiaton r a scenifc term, cronmsdife frm niialism inttthey ar ponunced as words ratertanaequen

10、ceso leters.15. ClipingP 7There o cippig inolves the deleton of oe or morelae fom a word, whchs als available in ts full . 16. BleingP 7Bledin is te pross owor-formtio in whic a new word i formed by comiin he menins andsn ftwo words, on of whih i o in s full fr t fwhchre notin ther fullfom.17. nvton

11、alty P 93Mos nish wrds ar cnveional, aritrar symol; oneqenly,hrs no itrincelaton betwee the ud-syol itssene.A ore convncigevene othe conventonal a arbitrar nture of th cnncton bt ond-ymbolndmeaning canbeillstrated bya et of ophones 18. Lexical mening 7 填空Lexca eanig beubdivided to denotatv ann, conn

12、otative eanin, ocia meaigd afecive maning. 19. To procss laing opysm P 111here re to ptant press in the evelopment frd eanig:rdation and contenaion. 20. Tof omnms 对其进行区分P 15(1) Perec hmnms: Wors ideal n oud nd spelling bu fferenti meang ar called pfe homonyms.E.g. lie,page, base.(2) Hoophe: ors dntica ison bu diffretn sllinandeaing re lehomphon E.g bear/bar, ar/der, rher, air/


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