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1、学校 班级 姓名 考号 六年级毕业测试模拟卷一、用手写体写出对应字母的大写字母或小写字母。(18)H K j L a m T R u b P q O z Y X g e 二、用手写体写出与之相邻前、后的字母。(12) d H Q t n G 三、用手写体正确地将句子抄写在四线三格里(注意空格和大小写字母的区分及标点符号)。12The Dragon Boat Festival is on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. 四、找出类别与众不同的单词,将标号填入题前括号中。(12)1. A. father B. sameC. daughter2. A.

2、 bag B. rulerC. better3. A. fishB. armC. leg4. A. swimB. birdC. pig5. A. blueB. orangeC. cow6. A. sunnyB. rainy C. reporter五、图文匹配。(16) A. drawing B. film C. good idea A. space B. land C. mountain A. good B. road C. similar A. hospital B. bookstore C. street A. fall over B. good at C. Lets go. A. dif

3、ferent B. same C. intereting A. forest B. rainbow C. bridge A. teachers B. hawkers C. students 六、连线找出句子的答语。(6)Good morning, class!Nice to meet you!How old are you?Whats this?What colour is this balloon?This is for you, Anne.Its a dictionary.Nice to meet you, too!Thank you!Its pink.Good morning, teac

4、her!I am 12 years old. 七、连词成句,并在句末标上适宜的标点符号。(18)1. money you got enough Have 2. wanted Anne skate to 3. earth Our space like from looks this 4. interesting stories are than more Some others5. good at Peter drawing Youre 6. Picture One are shops in There more八阅读理解。(6) 阅读以下短文,根据内容判断正误,正确的填“T,错误的填“F。On

5、e day, Anne saw a dictionary in a bookstore. She needed one for school. It was fifty yuan. She had only forty-five yuan.ANNE: Can I look at that dictionary, please?SHOPKEEPER: Of course. Is it useful enough?ANNE: Oh, yes! It is ! Its small enough. I can put it in my schoolbag.SHOPKEEPER: Its fifty y

6、uan. Have you got enough money?ANNE: No, I havent. Ive got only forty-five yuan.SHOPKEEPER: Look! Its got a dirty mark on the cover. I will sell it to you! Here you are!ANNE: Oh, thank you. Thank you very much!判断正误: 1. Anne saw a toy in a bookstore. 2. The dictionary was forty-five yuan. 3. It was useful for school. 4. Its not small enough to put in Annes schoolbag. 5. Anne have enough money to buy it. 6. Anne bought(买) the dictionary in the end.


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