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2、须用0.5毫米黑色墨水的签字笔在答题卡上的指定位置作答,在其他位置作答一律无效。一、单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,计15分)在下列各题A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个能填入题干空白处的最佳答案。1The Marco Polo Memorial Hall stands at the east end of Dongguan Street _ Yangzhou.AtoBonCatDin2“Whats that?” is _ of the first things that children say.AsomeBeachConeDthat3Teamwork doesnt happen _ in

3、the workplace or school. It needs training.AnaturallyBcorrectlyCwildlyDespecially4Look! My sister _ the table. Lets give her a hand.AsetBsetsCis settingDwas setting5China has made great efforts _ other countries build high-speed railways.AhelpBto helpChelpingDhelped6Our monitor is _. He always spend

4、s a lot of time helping with our class projects.AgenerousBhumorousCnervousDcurious7As we all know, the Yangtze River _ as a “mother river” of the Chinese nation.AknowsBknewCis knownDwas known8How does this new washing machine work?Its easy. You _ touch this icon.AevenBalmostCeverDjust9Many think SOS

5、 is short for “save our ship”, but it doesnt really _ anything.Alook forBstand forCpay forDtry for10You cant eat an elephant all at once. Eat it one bite _.Aon timeBat a timeCall the timeDat the same time11Since I was born, my family _ in the same flat.AliveBwill liveCare livingDhave lived12_ you ar

6、e too tired to do all the things on your To-Do list, try a To-Dont list.AIfBUntilCAlthoughDUnless13Do you know why zebrafish are taken to Shenzhou-18?They have _ like small size and short development cycle.AstagesBadvantagesCmessagesDpassages14Teenagers dont always understand _ their parents have so

7、 many rules.AwhyBwhichCwhereDwhat15I hear youre leaving for Guilin for your holiday? _. And Im looking forward to it.AIt doesnt matterBIts a pleasureCThats rightDNever mind二、完形填空(共 15 小题;每小题1分,计15分)阅读下面短文,从文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。Before Anne Frank went into hiding with her family, she was a care

8、free girl like any other.Anne Frank ran down the stairs as fast as she could. She was supposed to do her , but it was so boring. Margot, her perfect sister, might be happy reading books all day, but Anne wasnt.Other children were already out on the sunny Amsterdam streets. Some were rolling hoops, o

9、thers doing handstands against the wall. Anne was at handstands, but knew another way to get everyones attention.“ this!” she cried, lifting her arm high in the air. Anne waited until everyone was looking at her, then she swung her arm around fast. All the boys and cheered.Hearing the of laughter, A

10、nnes mother, Edith, looked out the window.“I bet that girl hasnt done her homework,” she thought. It was always hard with Anne. , she was glad Anne had got used to Amsterdam life so easily. Anne was only seven.That night, Annes father, Otto, put Anne to bed as usual.“Tell me a story about Good Paula

11、 and Naughty (淘气的) Paula, Daddy!” Anne said, “ I have one about Naughty Paula? Shes more fun.”“Margot Good Paula,” Otto said.“Well she would,” Anne replied, angrily. It was having Margot as an older sister.Otto what she was thinking. “You could be good, too, Anne.”“Ill try, Daddy, I promise,” Anne s

12、aid. “ to make you happy!”The next day, when Anne got back from school, Edith was preparing supper. “We have tonight,” she said.“Whos coming?” Anne asked eagerly.“Miep, from Daddys work and her friend Jan.”“Hooray!” Anne cried. the doorbell rang, Anne rushed to let them in. The next moment, she was

13、throwing them . “How are you Miep? Whats it like working for Daddy? Hello Jan!” Then Anne stopped and looked at them , her brown eyes shining with interest. “Ooh! Are you Mieps boyfriend?” she asked.Edith cut in, “Quiet, Anne!”“Time for supper,” added Otto, gently.16AcookingBshoppingChomeworkDsports

14、17AendlessBfearlessCmeaninglessDhopeless18AWatchBFindCConfirmDSearch19AjumpedBwhisperedClaughedDrushed20AorderBsoundCcallDvoice21AMoreoverBOtherwiseCAnywayDSo22ACanBMustCNeedDShould23AwoundsBhatesCsurprisesDprefers24AhardBdifferentCdangerousDimpossible25AdoubtedBguessedCbelievedDproved26ANothingBNo oneCAnythingDAnyone27AcitizensBhostsCcustomersDguests28AWheneverBBeforeCWhileDAs soon as29AquestionsBdishesCinstructionsDsuggestions30AallBbothCeitherDany三、阅读理解(共15 小题;每小题2分,计30分)阅读下列内容,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。AChina has named the spacecraft t


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