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1、形容词比较级和最高级的构成1. 规则形式单音词的变化: 一般情况:+er (比较级)+est (最高级)eg : quiet-quieter-quietest bright-brighter-brightestdear-dearer-dearestclever-cleverer-cleverest 词末为-e (不发音)+ r +steg: fine-finer-finestnice-nicer-nicestcute-cuter-cutestclose-closer-closestwhite-whiter-whitest large-larger-largestfree-freer-frees

2、t(特 殊) 闭音节单音节词如末尾只有一个辅音字母,须先双写这个辅音字母,再加-er, -esteg: hot-hotter-hottestbig -bigger-biggestred-redder-reddestwet-wetter-wettestsad-sadder-saddestfat-fatter-fattestthin-thinner-thinnestfit-fitter-fittest 如果是y结尾的单音节词和双音节词,改y为i,再加er、est。eg: easy-easier-easiest heavy-heavier-heaviestfriendly-friendlier-fr

3、iendliesttidy-tidiertidiestempty-emptier-emptiestsunny-sunnier-sunniestdry-drier-driestcloudy-cloudier- cloudiest snowy-snowier-snowiestrainy-rainier-rainiestwindy-windier-windiest双音节词的变化: 少数以-er,ow,-ble结尾的双音节词,末尾加-er (比较级),-est(最高级)。以-e结尾的 词只加-r和-st。eg: clever cleverer cleverest narrow narrower nar

4、rowest able abler ablest 其他双音节都在前面加单词 more 和 most.多音节词.三个或三个以上音节的形容词只能加 more和mos,只能说more beautiful而不能说 beautifuller;只能说 the most beautiful 而不能说 beautifullest。但是,以形容前缀un开头的三音节形容词不适合上述情况,如unhappy,untidy,我们可以说: unhappierunhappiest, untidieruntidiest(2).由-ING分词和-ED分词演变过来的形容词(包括不规则动词如knowknown)只能加 more 或

5、 most 来表示它们的比较级和最高级more(most) striking, more(most) interesting, more(most) wounded2. 不规则形式good /well口better bestbad /ill 口worse worstmany /muchmore 口mostlittle 口less 口leastfar 口farther farthest further furthestoldolderoldesteldereldest小贴士 1:elder 和 eldest 可用来表示兄弟和子女的长幼顺序:my elder sister 我的姐姐 my elde

6、st brother 我的大哥 their eldest son 他们的长子 小贴士 1:further 表示“较远”外,还可表示 “进一步的”;而 farther 仅表示距离:The farther plants are too cold. 更远的行星太冷。Do you need any further help? 你还需要更进一步的帮助吗? 记忆口诀:合二为一共三对,坏病两多和两好, 一分为二只两个,一是远来二是老, 还有一词含双义,只记少来不记小。3. 英语里有些形容词由于其词义而不可能有比较级形式 ,比如:right, wrong, wooden, absolute, main, wh

7、ole, universal, final, perfect, excellent, primary 形容词比较级和最高级的用法1. 表示两者的比较,用“形容词的比较级+than-clause”。女口:There are fewer hours of sunlight in winter than (there are hours)in summer.She plays ping-pong better than I (do).注:1. 在 than-clause 中,与主句相同的部分通常省略。2. 来自拉丁文的senior, junior和superior (较好的,优秀的,上等的)用来构成

8、比较级时, 要用介词 to.He is two years senior to me. =He is two years older than I.2. 表示两者以上的比较,用“the+形容词最高级(+名词)+of (in, among.)”女口: This is the happiest day in my life.Mary is the best singer in our class.in后一般跟表示范围的集体名词。如in class,inChina, in the world. of和among后面一般 跟所有参加比较的对象,即个体名词复数形式。如果形容词最高级后没有名词,要使用of

9、的结构。This book is the easiest of the four I have got. 注:比较级是用来比较独立的事物或人物。最高级则是和一个群体中的一员与整个这样的群体(其中包括这个成员进行比较)Mary is nicer than her three sisters. ( Mary 与另外三个进行比较,不把 Mary 计算在内, 所以用比较级。)Mary is the nicest of the four girls in the family. (将 Mary 与所有的四个女孩进行比较, Mary 包括在内,为其中之一,所以用最高级。)3. 比较的对象不能相互包容 在同

10、一范围内作比较时,进行比较的双方应互不包含,否则就出现了自我比较的错误。为避 免错误的出现,应在句中加上other或else。不同范围内的比较则不加这两个词。any other+单数主语+比较级+than+all( the) other+复数anyone elseObama is darker than any other president. ( Because he is the first black president of the U.S.奥巴马比任何一个总统都黑。因为它是美国第一个黑人总统。)Bush is more foolish than all (the) other pre

11、sidents.(布什比所有其他的总统都要愚蠢。)4.表示两者中较.的一个,比较级前加“the”,而且还用of the two, of the pair短语: John is the cleverer of the two boys.Of the two boys, John is the cleverer.5. 在最高级前可以加序数词the表示“第几最”Mike is the second strongest boy in his class6. “one of the+最高级”表示“最之一”,形容词后的名词用复数形式。Mr. Green is one of the most popular

12、 teachers in our school.7. 表示两者是同等程度,用“as+形容词原级+as”;表示不同等程度,用“not as(so)+形容词原 级 + as”如: There are as many students in our class as in your class.This river isnt as/so deep as that one.I havent seen as old a car (=a car as old) as this for years.注:表示否定比较还可用“less+形容词原级+than”,这种用法常用“not as/so+原级+ as” 所

13、代替。形容词前如加 least 则表示最不It is less cold today than (it was) yesterday.important 重要 less important 较不重要 least important 最不重要8. 加强或削弱比较等级的方法在形容词比较级前用 much, far, a lot, a great deal, even, still, twice, three times, 25%, 3/5, a bit, a little, rather, slightly 等程度状语,或用 an inch, one kilo, two miles, an hour

14、 等表示计量的 程度状语。This room is much brighter than that one.Im spending a lot more time on English than before.The book is two inches thicker than that one.This year well produce 75% more colour TV sets than we did last year.9. 倍数的表示,数词+times+as.as.女口: Beijing is ten times as big as my hometown.This room

15、is twice as big as mine.数词 + times+the size of.This reservoir is four times the size of that one.10. 用“比较级+and+比较级”的结构来表示事物本身程度的增长,译为,越来越”The weather is getting colder and colder.The city is becoming more and more beautiful.She felt herself becoming more and more nervous.11. 用“the+比较级,the +比较级”的结构表示一方的程度随另一方的程度平行增长,译为 “越.(就)越.如: The higher the ground, the cooler the air.The more , the better.The harder you work, the more you will learn.注 1. than 前


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