高二牛津英语 期末复习讲义汇总

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1、 上教考资源网 助您教考无忧 高二英语(上)期末复习讲义 Module 5 Unit 1I. Useful expressions 1. get along with sb./ sth. 与某人相处 ;在方面进展 2. make friends with sb. 与某人交朋友3. develop friendships with sb. 发展与某人的友谊 4. (sth. )be (well )worth + n. / doing 某事 (很)值得做5. a best friend 一个非常好的朋友 6. have a surprise maths test 进行了一次突如其来的数学考试7.

2、feel betrayed by sb. 感到被某人出卖了 8. since primary school 自从小学以来9. get good marks at school 在学校成绩很好 10. be worried about sth. 担心某事11. score the lowest mark 得了最底分 12.feel ashamed 感到羞愧 / 难为情13. overlook ones studies 忽视学习/ 不用心 14.be determined to do sth. 下决心做某事15. promise (not ) to do sth. 答应做/不做某事 16. kee

3、p ones secret 保守秘密17. feel like crying 感觉想哭的样子 18. must have done 相必/一定做了某事19. keep ones word 信守诺言 20. have a dilemma 碰到了一个进退两难的尴尬处境21. have an important match against sb. 和某人有一场重要的比赛22. as a result 结果/ as a result of / because of / owing to / due to / thanks to 由于 23. get angry with sb. 生某人的气 24. y

4、ell at sb. 冲着某人嚷嚷25. give a great performance 有出色的表演/表现 26. turn into a horrible argument 变成一场激烈的争吵27. keep on doing sth. 不断地做某事 28. feel guilty 感到内疚29. say some really mean things 说一些很刻薄的话 30. stand sth. / doing sth. 容忍某事/ 做某事31. apologize to sb. for sth. / make an apology to sb. for sth. 因某事而向某人道歉

5、32. cant help doing sth. 情不自禁地做某事33. avoid doing sth. 避免做某事 34. agree with sb. on sth. 在某事方面同意某人意见35. be of the same opinion 意见一致 36. spend time with family 和家人共度时光37. be absorbed in sth. 专注于;全神贯注于 38. in the world 到底;究竟(一般用于特殊疑问词后或否定句中以加强语气)39. have different attitudes towards sth. 对某事持不同态度 40. hes

6、itate to do sth. 做某事犹豫不决41. hesitate about / over sth. 在某事上犹豫不决 42. without hesitation 毫不犹豫地43. be based on shared activities or interests 以共同的活动和兴趣为基础44. on the other hand 在另一方面 (on one hand 一方面)45. regardless of 不顾 46. teenagers friendships 青少年的友谊观47. cant help wondering 情不自禁地纳闷48. friendship in t

7、rouble 陷入窘境的友谊49. take care 保重50. be cruel to sb. 对某人残酷/ 残忍51. in public 当众;在公共场合52. persuade sb. to do sth. / persuade sb. into doing sth. 劝说某人做某事53. persuade sb. not to do sth. / persuade sb. out of doing sth. 劝说某人别做某事54. discourage sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事55. amusement park 游乐场56. get through

8、(电话等)接通57. be consistent with 与一致/符合58. focus ones attention on / upon sth. 把焦点集中在59. delay doing sth. 推迟做某事60. second to none 首屈一指II. Grammar & Sentence structures 1. To find a best friend is difficult .= It is difficult to find a best friend .(不定式做主语)2. I need to sleep for eight hours every night

9、. (宾语)3. I asked him to come over . (宾补)4. I have a very important meeting to attend . (定语)5. His intention was to cheer me up . (表语)6. My dad arranged some swimming lessons to surprise me .(状语)7. Things seem to be getting better. (不定式进行式)8. John pretended not to have seen me .(不定式完成式)9. It is likel

10、y that the two shared little about their feelings with one another .10. Its no good / use doing sth. 做某事是没用的11. sb./ sth. be to blame for sth. 某人/物应对某事负责任;某人/物因某事而受到责备/指责 e.g. 1) It is the father who is to blame for the spoiled child .2) Some scientists say carbon dioxide and other industrial gases

11、are to blame for climate change around the world.III. Word spelling 1. I didnt see him _(后来). Now I can hardly remember his figure .2. I wonder why she is so _(焦虑) about the result of the examination .3. I _(忽视) this mistake in your paper the first time I read it .4. The idea that the number 13 brin

12、gs bad luck is _(荒诞的).5. We agree that the ideas in his various speeches are not _(一致的).6. There were no signs that the fire had been set _(故意地).7. I cant _ (原谅) that type of behavior.8. Kids get _(难为情) if their Mums kiss them in front of their friends .9. The police are trying to discover the _(身份)

13、 of the killer 10. The jury (陪审团) found him _(有罪的) and he was sentenced to prison .11. The boy was so a_ in reading that he didnt hear his mother knocking at the door .12. It is considered that she had many good q_ despite her apparent rudeness .13. The p_ of Chinas developing nuclear weapon is to d

14、efend the worlds peace .14. Because he had some important things to do , he told me b_ what had happened .15. I told him it was a bad idea , but David was so s_ that he just wouldnt listen .16. An a_ refers to a young person between the ages of 12 and 18.17.The manager tried to p_ the young man to stay in the company .18.If I have made any mistake Im ready to a_.19. Its a common d_; Should you stay where you have friends and family , or take that good job in a far-away city ?


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