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1、英语中考习题练15一选择1You shouldnt park your car here,or it will get in_ _ way of the traffic.Athe BaCan D/2The people who are more confident have more_ _ to make themselves successful.Aeducation BchancesCpride Dexcuses3Please dont drive the school bus so quickly.The_ _ of our children is the most important.

2、Aprogress BstudyCsafety Dfriendship4I felt very_ _ in the math class this morning.Did you stay up too late last night?Asleepy Brelaxed Cwell Dsick5I regretted_ _ his advice at that time.Atake Bto takeCtaking Dto taking6Bob,where is Linda?She_ _ be in the library,but Im not sure.Amust Bmay Cneed Dhas

3、 to7_ book is this?It_ _ Anna.AWho;belong to BWhich;belong toCWhose;belongs to DWhose;belonging to8Only then_ _ his mistakes.Ahe realize Bdid he realizedCdid he realize Dhe realized9Trees can prevent the wind_ _ the earth away.Afrom blowing Bto blowCblow Dblows10I think students should wear uniforms

4、._ _We look smarter in our own clothes.AI agree BI disagreeCI think so DI dont know二完型There are many kinds of pollution around us,_11_ air pollution,soil pollution,noise pollution and light pollution.They are bad _12_ our health in many ways.Burning gas,oil and coal creates air pollution.It can caus

5、e sore eyes and _13_ problems.With the increase of pollution and the development of industry,litter is everywhere.It makes our environment dirty.People put lots of rubbish in the land.Farmers use too many _14_ in the fields.They destroy the soil.So soil pollution has become serious.Noise pollution c

6、an make people _15_For example,people may lose their hearing if they work in a _16_ place for a long time.Too much noise can cause high blood pressure _17_Working for a long time in strong changeable light _18_ cause some kinds of illnesses.It makes people feel _19_ and is especially bad for the eye

7、s.With _20_ pollution,our planet will become greener and our health will be better.Lets be greener people.11.A.such as Bfor exampleCsuch like Das well as12.A.toBinCforDat13.A.breaths BbreatheCbreathed Dbreathing14.A.chemical BchemicalsCchemistry Dchemistries15.A.blind Blame Cblack Ddeaf16.A.noise Bn

8、oisy Cnoisily Dnoises17.A.as well Btoo Ceither Dalso18.A.must Bshould Cmay Dneed19.A.terrible BcomfortableCterribly Dcomfortably20.A.little Ba little Cless Dfewer三阅读Dear Donna,Help!Im a 15yearold high school student in New York.In eight months,Im going to take an entrance exam.To prepare,Im studying

9、 six hours a day.I want to do well,but Im really stressed (焦虑不安的) these days.I cant sleep.What can I do?Yours,MaryDear Mary,Many students around the world have the same problem as you.Here is some advice to help you deal with the stress.Good luck!1Make a study plan for yourself,but dont study too mu

10、ch in one day.You can remember more by studying one hour each day for six days,than six hours in one day.Also,dont study late at night.2Have a rest for 15 to 20 minutes every two hours.Go outside and walk.Doing exercise is a great way to reduce stress.3Dont eat a lot of sugar or drink a lot of coffe

11、e.Eat foods high in Vitamin (维生素) B (for example,eggs,milk,green vegetables,and rice)These give you energy and help you think more clearly.4A study partner (同伴) can help you practise for the test.When youre worried about the exam,you can talk to your partner.This can reduce stress,too.Yours,Donna21W

12、hat is Marys problem?_ _AShe is so worried and cant sleep.BShe cant pass the exam.CShe cant communicate with others.DShe cant study English well.22Donna thinks Marys problem is_ _Agreat BcommonCwonderful Dserious23The word “reduce” in the passage probably means “_ _”A减少B排除C加强D增加24Donna thinks that_

13、_ can help Mary think more clearly.Aeating a lot of sugarBstudying six hours every dayCdrinking a lot of coffeeDeating foods high in Vitamin B25Which of the following is TRUE according to Donnas letter?_ _AThe best time to study is from 10 pm.to 1 am.BWalking outside can make you remember more.CIts good to tell a study partner about your feeling.DIts necessary to have a rest for 15 to 20 minutes an hour.


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