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1、Teaching Plan Unit 1 Topic: FriendshipTeachingAimsLanguage knowledge 话题:熟悉有关Friends and friendship, how to make friends和 how to make friendship的话题。 功能:在日常交际中有效使用得体的语言表达态度:(a)同意和不同意:I agree; I think so; Exactly; I dont agree; I dont think so; Im afraid not.(b)肯定程度:Thats correct; Of course not.语法:掌握陈述

2、句、一般疑问句和特殊疑问句的直接引语和间接引语。词汇:重点理解、掌握下列词汇: add; share; dare; suffer; advice; calm down; be concerned about; go through; set down; a serious of; on purpose; in order to; join in Language skills听: 听懂Miss Wang of Radio For Teenagers 的回信,并能回答就信中主要内容提出的问题。说:能围绕中心话题Friends and friendship, 与同学交谈,合作,共同完成调查问卷设计

3、任务。读:能从Annes Best Friends中获取主要信息,理解课文的内容和细节;理解“语言运用”部分的两封信,为下面的听和写做好准备。写: 能根据提示,以编辑的身份为 Xiaodong写封回信。Cultural conscious-ness 了解英语交际中如何恰当地表达态度。通过课文学习,了解德国法西斯残害犹太人的历史,感受外国历史文化。Affect& Attitude加深对友谊、友情、朋友的理解,学习如何正确交友,对待友谊、友情,处理朋友间发生的问题。Learning strategies 认知策略:总结语言材料中有关直接引语和间接引语的规律并加以应用。 交际策略:在课内外活动中积极

4、围绕话题与同学交流。 调控策略:合理分配注意力。 资源策略:学习有效地使用词典等工具书。Teaching key pointsTeaching important points(1)本单元所出现的词汇的用法。(2)陈述句、一般疑问句和特殊疑问句的直接引语和间接引语。(3)对于个人观点态度的表达法。TeachingperiodsPeriod 1The whole content Warming up of unit 1(听说活动课)Period 2Reading: Annes best friend (阅读课) Period 3Learning about language (词汇语法课)Per

5、iod 4Reading and listening (听说课)Period 5Reading and writing(写作课)Period 6Summing up revision (复习及课外阅读课-P44 friendship in Hawaii)Period 7Test (单元测试)备注Period 1 Title The contents warming up Teaching aimsKnow about the contents of the whole texttalk about friends and friendship Teaching proceduresActivi

6、tyObjectives(设计意图)InteractiontimeStep 11. About the contentsLook through your book and find the answers to these questions.a. How many units are there in the book?_b. The book is made up of two parts, what are they?_c. How many parts are there in the appendices?_To know the structure of the whole mo

7、dules. Individual work修改与备注:修改与备注:About the themeLook at the list of contents. In which unit can youa. learn the history about the development of English?_ b. learn how to protect oneself and help others in disasters?_c. Study vocabulary of landforms(地貌)?_d. Read the introduction of some famous peop

8、le?_e. Read the suggestion about how to get along with others?_Know the theme of every unit and develop students fast reading skills.Pair work 修改与备注:修改与备注:About the grammara. Which grammar structure is dealt with in the fourth unit Earthquakes?_b. Which structure can we use to report others ideas?_c

9、. What can we talk about using the present continuous tense? In this book, what new idea can we get?_To get a general impression about the grammar.Pair work 修改与备注:修改与备注:Step2Leading-in (warming up)Ask the Ss to describe one of their friends-their appearance, personality, hobbies, etc.Qs: Whats your

10、friend like?What does he/she like to do in his/her spare time?What personality does he/she have?To develop Ss speaking skills .Individual work修改与备注:修改与备注:Step3Have the Ss get into groups of four to list some qualities of a person they would like as a friend.F Forgiving, fair, forever, faithful, frie

11、ndlyR Real, responsible, reliable, respectfulI Important, interestingE Enjoyable, everlasting, equal, encouragingN NiceD DevotedS Sincere, sharingH Helpful, honestI IndependentP Pure, polite, precious, patient本环节通过引导学生描述朋友,进而探讨好朋友应具备的优秀品质,循序渐进地引入本单元的中心话题,真实性强,为学生学习和运用本单元的功能意念项目提供了很好的机会。Group work 修改

12、与备注:修改与备注:Step 4Doing the survey1. Do the survey on page 1 in the textbook.2. While doing that, encourage students to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words (if necessary).3. Have students work out their scores on page 8.4. Discuss the results: 4-7 points: not a good friend; 8-12 points: a fairly goo

13、d friend; 12+ points: an excellent friend.为了有效完成设计调查问卷的任务,首先对它有一个直观的认识,弄清调查问卷的结构和形式,为下面设计问卷这个中心环节做好各方面的准备。对于问卷中个别的生词和短语,应鼓励学生围绕“中心话题”和上下文去猜测。)修改与备注:Individual work修改与备注:Step 5Step 3 Designing a questionnaire1. Divide students into groups of four.2. Ask each group to design one question accordingly w

14、ith three possible answers each.3. Give a score to each answer.4. Set down the question and answers to make a questionnaire.本环节的目的是通过设计问卷,创设真实的语言情景,为学生探讨友谊、友情提供广阔的空间。重点进行口语交际方面的练习,同时培养学生发现、思考、解决问题的能力,树立正确的人生观和价值观)Individual work修改与备注:Step 6Trying the questionnaire1. Check the questionnaire through and try it out on your own group.2. Share yo


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