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1、 BOI Period Moule Asn aLab Ot 一、Introducon. Wods but gena science. Trasa e foowig: 1.大众科学 .固体 3. 液体 4. 气体 5. 存在 6 加热 7. 膨胀 8. 收缩 9金属 10.钢 1. 铁 2.混合物 1 物质 4. 氧气 15表面 16. 自然的,天然的 7. 人造的 2. Do Ex. ,3,(P1)二、Vcabularyand eaing. Laguae std 1 (1)十二(一打) (2)二十 (3)百 (4)千 (5)百万 ()十亿 (7)oensof (8) sr o ()undrds

2、 f (1)hosnds of (1)lions f 2分数:13 /5 a quarter 3/4 口诀:“分子基数词,分母序数词。分子大于1,分母加s”三、Rading an Vaulary Redng comphnsion.istn t assageA and filin theblnks.It s hrd o a word without mtals Different metl hveifferentuses, , stelis used in cars, and ion ectrical eipent. hen wue metls, i i imporant to nwo they

3、 wthdffeet , forxame, wtr and oygn.h of meals anb re stabl wth mets tatreactmost , ndt mtals haeat leat . ead pasageBandfilli te blns1 asae B hsus . he firstpart f passage aily tells s 3.The text descrbs thereacio of iron in , an .4. the eperiment,coton ool usedto and i is ued to . 5. plaserite dwn

4、ttre concluiosof he eperiment () (2) () . Read t psgeA B cefullyad anwert olowing qutio. 1. Which is bst tie frhe passag A A. The iffrn uses fMetal B. TheReaction o Metls C h cionof etlswith ateD. The action fMetals wih en. codingto Pssge A, we know that is oftensd incars, n s ofenused n eleccal equ

5、ipme. . see, cp ron,zc C el, io. ir, coper3. Wichmea doesnt reac wih waer A. dm B Irn C. Cper. tassi 4 hc metal rets wiheam A Cacium ZincC. Cper. Sodi 5I put a sov (铁锨)i adap plac, itwil there. . u Bform an odeC. no r D.eep t lace d 6. Iron usts i . A. d air B. ai-fee ae . ordnar i D.rdinarywater Ac

6、coding o assa, know thtte “ar-free w” probab meas . A.air wth a lot of ater B. iritout we C. waer wh plnt oair Dwaterwithut air 参考答案:一、1. geneline2. olid 3. liquid4.air 5. exi6.heat. xand. contrct metal1. el. irn12. mxture13.sustane4. oxygen 15. sufac 1 atur17. ma-ade 二、1. dozen2. scor . hdred. thos

7、and . million6.blion . 许多,大量的.许多9.成百上千1 成千上万的 11. 百万计的.分数:one tirdforffths14thr quartes 三、. tnk o for eampe used n ract substnce rctin put in order a he top at otm .1.ho rn eact wih air an ith wter 2. theam nd th paratusof thexperimnt 3. dry ai,ai-fr watr odinry waer4 eep the air dry k theairout oft

8、hewar . (1)Inde not ust in dryair (2) Iro do tutinarfree ate (3)Irruss in rdinary wter . 1. B2. C3. C.B D7erio Moule5 Introdctio & Reding . Lanuageoints: 1. exisv 存在,生存eistencen 使产生,成立 开始存在,产生 你相信存在上帝吗? . ha n 热,热度 . 加热,使兴奋1) y ornng (她只温些牛奶作早餐)。 2) (神舟6号发射使我们很兴奋) 3)The un (给我们光和热)4) (热烈的讨论) 3. expnd v. 膨胀,伸展,扩大 crct . 收缩Metals


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