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1、CNN news:美军调整中东兵力部署撤出伊拉克进驻科威特CNN student news is back.We want to say hello to the eighth graders at P. Middle School in North across Georgia.We hope you and all of our viewers out there had a great Thanksgiving holiday.And were readyto dig into some global headlines.First up,the Arab League votes fo

2、r sanctions,a formal punishment against the middle eastern nation of Syria.Citizens there have beenprotesting against their government for months now.And Syrian military forces have cracked down the protestors.Therere estimatesthat thousands of people have died,and one Arab League official said,quot

3、e, we have responsibilities ,not only as Arabs, but as humanbeings ,to stop the bloodshed in Syria.One way the Arab League is trying to do that is with these economic sanctions.19 countries voted for them.Iraq and Lebanon did not.Those are two of Syrias biggest economic partners.So theres some debat

4、e now about how effective these sanctions are gonna be if those countries dont participate.Arab League said its trying to resolve the situation before other countries get involved.Nextup,Egypt.Thecountry hasanew primeminister.Buthemightjustbe a temporaryone.Parliamentaryelectionsarescheduledtostart

5、today and a new parliament will decide whether to keep the newprime minister or not.Egypts current military rulers are fighting withprotestorswho are angryaboutthemilitaryhasbeenrunningthings .Therehas beenviolence.ButonSunday,E.Watsonsaidthemove seemed to be shifting.ThecrowdsarebackhereinTahrirSqu

6、are.Aseaofhumanity ,really.And instead of selling gas masks like they were a fewdays ago when the floody street battles under way, now trinkets andpatrioticEgyptiancolorsforsale.SomepeoplearecallingthisanextensionofthepreviousrevolutionthatbroughtdownHosniMubarak, those protests in January and Febru

7、ary that helped forceout the former president.But part of the anger here is directed againstthe ruling military council that replaced him.Our final stop in this part of the worldisinKuwait.ThatswherethousandsofAmericantroopsaregoing asthey head homefromserving in Iraq,which is right next door to Kuw

8、ait.The US is scheduledto pull all of its troops out of Iraq by the end of this year.Martin S. is inKuwait.Hes going to explain the process that these men and womenwill go through on their way home.This is the main staging area for the convoys that have been comingout of Iraq and are in the process

9、of going home.These soldiers shouldspend about 5 to 8 days here as they wait for their flights to return tothe state.Time to decompose,time to do a lot of paperwork,time to doa lot of packing.Remember,the president said he wants all US troopsout of Iraq by Dec 31st.Well,just3 monthsago,therewereabout50,000 troops in Iraq.Right now,we are told that the number is downby about 11,000.Butwhat it reallymeansis that overthenext 2weeks,its really going to be crunch time,not only at this base ,but ata number of other bases in Kuwait.


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