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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上A public house ABBBB1、 Mr. James was2、 Mr. James had3、 Mr. James built4、 Mr. James found5、 The writerA farmer had BAAAA1、 The farmer bought2、 The four thieves3、 The farmer began4、 The four thieves5、 The farmer was All over the BABAA1、 According to2、 The writer3、 People all over4、 From t

2、his passage5、 The writers Australia is ABAAB1、 From the first2、 The two-way3、 The the sick person4、 The children on5、 All the AustraliansAfter having BBAAB1、 Albert lived2、 Albert was3、 Albert and4、 The dog5、 Albert had Computers can ABAAB1、 A computer screen2、 Hand and wrist3、 Your eyes an4、 It is

3、good for5、 The best titleCan trees talk? ABAAB1、 Its implied that2、 The willow tree3、 The willow tree4、 It can be inferred5、 The author holds Cool is a ABBAA1、 We know that2、 The word3、 If you are4、 The writer takes5、 The writer suggests Do you want ABABA1、 It is understood2、 Trees brought3、 The sci

4、entists4、 Studying dead5、 The people hadDo you forget BAABB1、 The author intends2、 According to3、 According to the4、 Thanks to5、 The best titleDo you still AAABB1、 People in China2、 China made3、 The Chinese4、 Some students5、 The main ideaFoulsham House ABABA1、 Foulsham House2、 We learn from3、 The se

5、ntence4、 The third Foulsham5、 We can inferIt was Monday ABABA1、 Mrs. Smith2、 The dog3、 The butche4、 The dog always5、 At the end ofIf you travel AABBA1、 The passage2、 Forests are3、 The need for4、 Well have5、 The writerIn Sydney AABBB1、 An annual2、 The race starts3、 The race is4、 Local citizens5、 Old

6、agedIn choosing a ABAAB1、 The writer2、 If you3、 Good friends4、 This passage5、 The meaningIn 1933 an AABBA1、 Walt Disney2、 The first3、 Clarence Nash4、 The underlined5、 The underlinedMark Twain was ABBBA1、 The passage2、 According to3、 Mark Twain didn t4、 Mark Twain gave5、 John lied onMy Aunt Edith BBA

7、AB1、 Aunt Edith2、 From the3、 In Aunt Ediths4、 When Aunt Edith5、 Michael DeBakeyNo one is BAAAB1、 It is a few2、 Long ago,3、 Using the4、 If a man5、 One whoNo one is ABBAA1.It is not.2.Long ago3.Using the4.If a man5.One whoNo one knows ABBAA1、 This passage2、 Marco Polos3、 Ice cream was4、 Ice cream was5

8、、 Development of iceOne way BBBAA1、 The scientists2、 The first two3、 The first group4、 Normal mice5、 The text tellsPeople often say AAABB1、 The home2、 The British3、 According to4、 The man5、 The writerRamon was ABABA1、 Franks cold2、 Ramon called3、 Ramon felt4、 Blackie barked5、 The storyThe total area

9、 BABAA1、 The total area2、 The area of3、 Oceania is4、 As mentioned5、 The largestThe year was 1932 ABAAB1、 Her engine went2、 When Amelia Earhart3、 According to4、 Amelia Earhart5、 A DangerousThe world is ABABA1、 The world2、 3% of water3、 From the passage4、 To avoid the5、 The title ofWeather has a ABABA1、 If thin people2、 Students in the3、 People in the4、 Storms can5、 The best title专心-专注-专业


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