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1、2020年四川省泸州市中考英语试卷一、基础知识运用(共两节;满分10分)第一节单项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑1(1分)Would you mind turning down the music? Im trying to solve the math problem Ill do it in a second()ASureBOf course notCThat sounds impossibleDNever mind2(1分)Who is the man in black over th

2、ere?MrSmith He teaches math()AweBourCusDourselves3(1分) Lets go to another restaurant instead Its not necessary The food here is than before()AdeliciousBless deliciousCmuch deliciousDmore delicious4(1分)Mom,look at all the clothes I bought onlineAgain? You shouldnt spend so much money clothes()AinBfor

3、ConDwith5(1分)How was your trip in the mountains last weekend?FantasticWe even a tent by the lake and lay in it()Aput onBput offCput downDput up6(1分)Because of COVID19 in February, the government advised us to the public places less()AgoingBgoCto goDgone7(1分)MrCollins like tea He makes a cup of tea f

4、or himself every morning()AmustBmayCcantDmustnt8(1分)Our plan to have a graduation ceremony_in the next class meeting()Awas discussedBwill discussCis discussedDwill be discussed9(1分)Did you catch the first bus to school this morning?No I didnt It had started moving_I could get on it()AafterBsinceCbef

5、oreDas soon as10(1分)Mary, could you tell me_the pencil box?Oh, yes I bought it in a store on the Internet()Awhere you boughtBwhen you will buyCwhen did you buyDwhere will you buy第二节 完形填空(共2小题;每小题5分,满分20分)通读下面的短文,然后从后面各题所给A、B、C.、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号除黑11(5分)One evening, while my family

6、 were watching TV in the sitting room, my father began to smoke a cigarette (烟草) Soon the room(1) full of smokeMother asked him to stop smoking,(2) Father said it was too difficultI sat aside and wondered what I could do Then I had(3) idea The next day I gave a packet of cigarettes to my father and

7、said something to him in a low quiet voiceSeeing that, Mother looked surprised Some days(4) , Mother wondered why Father didnt smoke any longer Father explained that the cigarettes I had given him were a special kind,which could help people give(5) smoking We all laughed(1)A isB wasCareDwere(2)A soB

8、forCsinceDbut(3)AaBanCtheDthat(4)AlateBearlyClaterDearlier(5)AupB outCawayDto12(15分)Police Officer Fang was a generous man He always tried to help people who were(1) Many policemen just arrested (逮捕)people whenever they did anything(2) ,but Police Officer Fang really(3) people If he saw a beggar in

9、the street,he did not arrest him for beggingInstead,he gave him(4) coins to buy a meal If he saw children behaving badly, he did not take them to the(5) and charge (指控)them with an offense Instead, he tried to find out(6) they were behaving badly and then lectured them on the importance of good beha

10、vior One day he saw a small girl(7) in the street She was crying loud and tears (眼泪) were rolling down her face Hello, he said to her,and whats your problem? The small girl looked up at him(8) her tears Ive(9) my money,she said Oh,dear! Police Officer Fang saidAnd how did you do that? My(10) fell ou

11、t of my pocket, the small gird saidIt had all my money in it And she continued(11) Its all right,Police Officer Fang saidDont worryIts not the (12) of the worldTell me how much money was in your wallet (13) dollars, the small girl said Police Officer Fang took out his wallet He(14) it, took ten doll

12、ars and gave it to the girl Here you are, he said Heres ten dollars Now you can stop crying But instead of stopping crying, the small girl cried even(15) , still standing there Now whats the matter? Police Officer Fang said I wish Id said Id lost fifty dollars, the small girl replied(1)Ain surpriseB

13、 in troubleC in excitementD in peace(2)AwrongB rightC unusualD good(3)Athought ofB talked aboutC cared aboutD heard of(4)AlittleB a littleC fewD a few(5)Apolice stationB bus stationC schoolD hospital(6)AwhenB whereC howD why(7)AsleepingB standingC dancingD drawing(8)AacrossB overC underD through(9)A

14、spentB lostC forgottenD saved(10)AwalletB moneyC cardD phone(11)AaskingB speakingC cryingD playing(12)AbeginningB middleC endD part(13)AFiftyB FortyC SixtyD Ten(14)AopenedB closedC handedD showed(15)AloudB louderC highD higher二、阅读理解(共4小题;每小题10分,满分40分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑13(10分)In


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