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1、阳山县南阳中学 高一英语 科课时计划教 师梁金玲时 间2013 年 9 月3 日,第 1 周星期二课 题Unit 1 (some key words and expressions)课 时1st Period三维目标知识与技能1.To grasp the usage of the key words and expressions (peaceful, relaxing, stressful, complain, go off, take up, be filled with)2. To improve the students ability of summarizing the main

2、points.过程与方法Self-study , co-operation, creation情感态度与价值观To develop their confidence and interest in learning English.教学重点How to use the main words and expressions in Unit 1 Warm-up & Lesson 1 correctly.教学难点How to improve the students ability of summarizing the main points.教具及电化教学手段Attached papers & t

3、he blackboard教学方法Task-based Approach教 学 过 程Step1. Greetings Greet the students kindly to create a warm and friendly class atmosphere.Step2. Presentation1.matter n.事情,麻烦 vi.要紧 Whats the matter with you ? It doesnt matter.2. peaceful adj.和平的,安静的- peacefully adv.- peace n. in peace=peacefully 和平地 at pe

4、ace 处于和平(反义:at war) People all over the world hope to live in peace.3. relaxing adj. (多指物)令人放松的relaxed adj.(多指人)感到放松的-relax vt./vi Listening to music is very relaxing. I felt relaxed after a long talk. You can relax yourself by dancing.拓展:boringbored, interestinginterested, surprisingsurprised, tiri

5、ngtired disappointingdisappointed4. stressful adj.充满压力的,紧张的- stress n.压力 vt.强调 put/place/lay stress on把重点放在.上 stress the importance of 强调的重要性 Most students think their school life is stressful.5. suppose vt.认为,猜想 suppose sb. to be 认为某人 be supposed to do.理应,应该 He supposed her to be a good girl. You w

6、ere supposed to get there an hour ago.6. complain vi. 抱怨,投诉- complaint n. - complainer n. 抱怨者,投诉者 complain to sb. about / of 向某人抱怨. complain thatHe complained to his mother about his hard work.7. switch on / off = turn on / off8. go off (爆竹,铃等)响,事情进展顺利 go-went-gone The bell went off. The meeting wen

7、t off very well.拓展:go ahead 开始,前进,干吧,领先 go down 下降,下跌 go out 离开,熄灭 go in for 参加,从事,应试9. take up 占据(时间.空间),拿起,从事(活动),着手处理,继续 take took -taken The table takes up too much room. When did you take up teaching?拓展: take off 脱下,(飞机)起飞 take out 取出take away 拿走 take back收回 take over 接管,掌管 take on ( a new look

8、)呈现一幅新面貌 take in 吸收,欺骗10. be filled with = be full of fillwith The room is filled with smoke. Fill the bottle with water.11. urgent adj.紧急的,急迫的-urgently adv. urgency n. - urge vt. urge sb. to do 催促某人去做某事 He urged Tom to leave London.12. at midnight / noon / dawn / dusk / night / 6 oclock in the morn

9、ing / afternoon / evening on Monday / Sunday morning / on the evening of June 1st13. bored adj. 感到厌烦的-boring adj. 令人厌烦的- bore v. The boring film made me bored.= The boring film bored me. Life in the country bores me.Step3. HomeworkReview the new words and expressions we have learnt and do exercises

10、in the exercise paper. Predicting problems(预测问题): 1.Time control; 2. The teacher and the students could not co-operate well; 3. Some mistakes may be made.Predicting solutions(解决办法): Create a warm and friendly atmosphere in class and well control the limited time as well as encourage the students. Teaching reflection(教学反思): _ _3


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