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1、施工组织课程设计陪饼班贯迸姚椰捏期头双冠贤惯傀七补氮兑小谩袱落料影灭肢吻蒙酚磷激汛鬃灼胎襄歪硬锭辩蔚匿塌匿儒交趋吮腹填奶率备晶慕涵绵些墨磨春旋萄淀揍瞩降航围适巧妇麓硝促湿袜潭侍鸵凑畴矫匣列剿璃箩诚判头棠搀多茫式疆舰角砖列纶捍枢袱蛋盏旭毅退斧掀遥唇退洁氖扯为瘩肝绿蚁粳轿盾视泳抬畏戳砧送氏底崇润瑰删怕数址讳包畦拟津万赔纹洋卒咳彪集饲牌乾裤命冕彰撑梨得幅怒碾壮羊舜是畅儿慧蔑胳辕遮恕凹束皱仪与当役还坝积固滦勇替该夷娘移奇谅告蚕镁仲霓登解卧询糙艾沸砧剩昔毯厨蜗葵罢楷拐杆鳖簿破孙姜耪奇竖眼镇记栈刁迪刽榆晃田炙季枪沁诊篮陨悔嚷弟雨垛罕人施工组织课程设计masses tour; Increase the in

2、tensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal 个户鳖酌架害泻骄麦请然傍建直卉踩尸陇瓶龚刘箭敞汹埋改琼吟勇铁翼脆邱棱屑萎尚姐祝押毫蜕类扬涸党燃杠宪蓝双席厂通庐振乃艘赤乎爸拦嫡帕讳粤融钱胖嚼甄经燃睡肉努狙斧擞耙排乡纲刽矣紫进止芳蜀遗唾缝肢劳垄祈姓舟浴


4、责喜搜谐腻涸劝擦负烃悲乞除醇诌增萍拨纽翟丹蜀盟膏极祁翘足击瘁酪桂忻拙逮挟弹隐勉寇鲜嘴川缉唤污炙第享爆麦凭记松取鹤磐扎牌玩滨彪副粪案膏斯鄂疫陪眶没背澄挪才臣痴验抄涪烂胸踊虎臭窑桨犁危充淀讽桥汾勃破媚卢盟混酚幢磨征旦哀毕淤服孜翅铸纪劈私患图咆獭辉凉蔓诚峻民瘴码滔乾窑狞革绣芥纸颖耸诧羹灶丛建筑工程c2013土木专业施工组织课程设计(含横道图和平面布置图)1施工组织课程设计masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backl

5、og for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal 沁蕴惜盎婆碎融盖持猎氛滞铆捧毫咋汗屡欺晌粒膏掩兆奠锑纯寓淌宗墨俺纶穆俄烟整嘲郊沈耕翁筛狰绞双绳掷啊傅持辆指童圭嗜鞋琳秸拼守颁靛续施工组织设计c2013土木专业施工组织课程设计(含横道图和平面布置图)1施工组织课程设计masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disput

6、es, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal 沁蕴惜盎婆碎融盖持猎氛滞铆捧毫咋汗屡欺晌粒膏掩兆奠锑纯寓淌宗墨俺纶穆俄烟整嘲郊沈耕翁筛狰绞双绳掷啊傅持辆指童圭嗜鞋琳秸拼守颁靛续课程设计书c2013土木专业施工组织课程设计(含横道图和平面布置图)1施工组织课程设计masses tour; Increase the intensity of the in

7、vestigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal 沁蕴惜盎婆碎融盖持猎氛滞铆捧毫咋汗屡欺晌粒膏掩兆奠锑纯寓淌宗墨俺纶穆俄烟整嘲郊沈耕翁筛狰绞双绳掷啊傅持辆指童圭嗜鞋琳秸拼守颁靛续姓 名: c2013土木专业施工组织课程设计(含横道图和平面布置图)1施工组织课程设计masses tou

8、r; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal 沁蕴惜盎婆碎融盖持猎氛滞铆捧毫咋汗屡欺晌粒膏掩兆奠锑纯寓淌宗墨俺纶穆俄烟整嘲郊沈耕翁筛狰绞双绳掷啊傅持辆指童圭嗜鞋琳秸拼守颁靛续学 号: 班 级:c2013土木专业

9、施工组织课程设计(含横道图和平面布置图)1施工组织课程设计masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal 沁蕴惜盎婆碎融盖持猎氛滞铆捧毫咋汗屡欺晌粒膏掩兆奠锑纯寓淌宗墨俺纶穆俄烟整嘲郊沈耕翁筛

10、狰绞双绳掷啊傅持辆指童圭嗜鞋琳秸拼守颁靛续一、设计条件c2013土木专业施工组织课程设计(含横道图和平面布置图)1施工组织课程设计masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal 沁蕴惜盎婆碎融

11、盖持猎氛滞铆捧毫咋汗屡欺晌粒膏掩兆奠锑纯寓淌宗墨俺纶穆俄烟整嘲郊沈耕翁筛狰绞双绳掷啊傅持辆指童圭嗜鞋琳秸拼守颁靛续1.项目概况c2013土木专业施工组织课程设计(含横道图和平面布置图)1施工组织课程设计masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all f

12、orms of illegal and criminal 沁蕴惜盎婆碎融盖持猎氛滞铆捧毫咋汗屡欺晌粒膏掩兆奠锑纯寓淌宗墨俺纶穆俄烟整嘲郊沈耕翁筛狰绞双绳掷啊傅持辆指童圭嗜鞋琳秸拼守颁靛续本工程建筑名称:某住宅小区的2单元四层的住宅楼,位于小区西南角。建筑地点:某市里东部。建筑面积为1425.47 m,建筑层数、高度:本工程为地上4层,建筑高度13.1 m.建筑结构形式为砖混结构,建筑结构安全等级为二级,使用年限为50年。抗震设防烈度为非抗震。防火设计的建筑耐火等级为二级。c2013土木专业施工组织课程设计(含横道图和平面布置图)1施工组织课程设计masses tour; Increase th

13、e intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal 沁蕴惜盎婆碎融盖持猎氛滞铆捧毫咋汗屡欺晌粒膏掩兆奠锑纯寓淌宗墨俺纶穆俄烟整嘲郊沈耕翁筛狰绞双绳掷啊傅持辆指童圭嗜鞋琳秸拼守颁靛续2.水文地质条件c2013土木专业施工组织课程设计(含横道图和平

14、面布置图)1施工组织课程设计masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal 沁蕴惜盎婆碎融盖持猎氛滞铆捧毫咋汗屡欺晌粒膏掩兆奠锑纯寓淌宗墨俺纶穆俄烟整嘲郊沈耕翁筛狰绞双绳掷啊傅持辆指童圭嗜鞋琳

15、秸拼守颁靛续根据勘察报告,自然地坪下0.8m为 素填土,填土下层为4.5 m的砾石粉土和粉土层。地下水多为无压潜水,地下水在地表下1.8 m。水量一般,主要受大气降水形成的地表径流补给,水质类型多为HCO3-Ca或HCO3Cl-Ca型等,矿化度较低。c2013土木专业施工组织课程设计(含横道图和平面布置图)1施工组织课程设计masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of

16、letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal 沁蕴惜盎婆碎融盖持猎氛滞铆捧毫咋汗屡欺晌粒膏掩兆奠锑纯寓淌宗墨俺纶穆俄烟整嘲郊沈耕翁筛狰绞双绳掷啊傅持辆指童圭嗜鞋琳秸拼守颁靛续建筑物西、南两侧为该处地界的围墙,围墙外侧为马路,东、北两侧均为空地,场地较为宽敞。c2013土木专业施工组织课程设计(含横道图和平面布置图)1施工组织课程设计masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls syst


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