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1、BABSON COLLEGENote on Consumer Decision Making ProcessesBy Ken MatsunoConsumers As Problem SolversTraditionally, consumer researchers have approached decision making process from a rational perspective. This dominant school of thought views consumers as being cognitive (i.e., problem-solving) and, t

2、o some but a lesser degree, emotional.1 Such a view is reflected in the stage model of a typical buying process (often called the consumer information processing model) depicted in Figure 1.Figure 1The Consumer Information Processing ModelSource: Adopted from Kotler (1997), Schiffman and Kanuk (1997

3、), and Solomon(1996)In this model, the consumer passes through five stages: problem recognition, information search, evaluation and selection of alternatives, decision implementation, and postpurchase evaluation.Problem RecognitionIn this information processing model, the consumer buying process beg

4、ins when the buyer recognizes a problem or need. For example, Doug may realize that his best suit doesnt look contemporary any more. Or, Kathleen may recognize that her personal computer is not performing as well as she thought it should. These are the kinds ofproblem that we as consumers encounter

5、all the time. When we found out a difference between the actual state and a desired state, a problem is recognized. When we find a problem, we usually try to solve the problem. We, in other words, recognize the need to solve the problem. But how?Information SearchWhen a consumer discovers a problem,

6、 he/she is likely to search for more information. Kathleen may simply pay more attention to product information of a personal computer. She becomes more attentive to computer ads, computers purchased by her friends, and peer conversations about computers. Or, she may more actively seek information b

7、y visiting stores, talking to friends, or reading computer magazines, among others. Through gathering information, the consumer learns more about some brands that compete in the market and their features and characteristics. Theoretically, there is a total set of brands available to Kathleen, but sh

8、e will become aware of only a subset of the brands (awareness set) in the market. Some of these brands may satisfy her initial buying criteria, such as price and processing speed (consideration set). As Kathleen proceeds to more information search, only a few will remain as strong candidates (choice

9、 set).Evaluation and Selection of AlternativesHow does the consumer process competitive brand information and evaluate the value of the brands? Unfortunately there is no single, simple evaluation process applied by all consumers or by one consumer in all buying situations.One dominant view, however,

10、 is to see the evaluation process as being cognitively driven and rational. Under this view, a consumer is trying to solve the problem and ultimately satisfying his/her need. In other words, he/she will look for problem-solving benefits from the product. The consumer, then, looks for products with a

11、 certain set of attributes that deliver the benefits. Thus, the consumer sees each product as a bundle of attributes with different levels of ability of delivering the problem solving benefits to satisfy his/her need. The distinctions among the need, benefits, and attributes are very important. One

12、useful way to organize the relationships among the three is a hierarchical one (Figure 2). Although simplified, Figure 2 is an example of how a bundle of attributes (i.e., a product or, more specifically, personal computer) relates to the benefits and underlying needs of Kathleen.Figure 2Hierarchica

13、l View of Needs, Benefits, and AttributesFrom this figure and the preceding discussion, you might recognize that the product attributes are relevant and important only to the extent that they lead to a certain set of benefits. Likewise, benefits are meaningful only if they can address the problem an

14、d be instrumental to satisfy the underlying need. As the underlying need is often personal, consumers differ as to their beliefs about what product benefits and attributes are more (or less) important and relevant in satisfying their needs. Based on their personal judgment on importance of benefits

15、and attributes, consumers develop a set of attitudes (or preferences) toward the various brands. One may express his/her preferences of the brands in terms of ranking, probability of choice, and so forth.Decision ImplementationTo actually implement the purchase decision, however, a consumer needs to

16、 select both specific items (brands) and specific outlets (where to buy) to resolve the problems. There are, in fact, three ways these decisions can be made: 1) simultaneously; 2) item first, outlet second; or 3) outlet first, item second.2 In many situations, consumers engage in a simultaneous selection process of stores3 and brands. For example, in our Kathleens personal computer case, she may select a set of brands based on both the produc


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