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1、初中英语(常用)词组1小菜一碟(容易) a piece of cake 2. 许多,大量 a lot of (lots of, plenty of )3. 几个 a few4. 一些 a little5. 许多 a lot of 6. 一张,一块,一条 a piece of 7. 一套, 一副, 一组 a set of 8. 一双 a pair of 9. 两个,一对,几个 a couple of 10. 在对面 across from 11. 根据 according to 12. 添加,增添 add to 13. 把。加到。 add to14. 把。加起来 add up15. 总计 add

2、 up to 16. 在前面 ahead of 17. 毕竟 after all 18. 课后/放学后 after class/ school19. 同意做某事 agree to do sth.20. 赞成某人(达成共识) agree with sb. (be in agreement) 21. 就某事达成一致 agree on sth. 22. 各种各样 all kinds/ sorts of 23. 一种 a kind of24. 总的来说 all in all25. 全世界 all over the world26. 一年到头 all year round27. 同一道,伴随除了 alo

3、ng with 28. 到达 arrive in/ at 29. 一就 as soon as 30. 至于、关于 as for 31. 只要,既然 as long as32. 像往常一样 as usual33. 也,还/以及 as well (as)34. 和一样 as as35. 尽可能 as . as possible36. 据我所知 as far as I know37. (作为)结果 as a result 38.求助 向要. ask for39. 让某人做某事 ask sb. to do sth. 40. 询问某人某事 ask sb. sth.41. 叫某人不要做某事 ask sb.

4、 not to do 42. 在几岁时 at the age of 43. 在家 at home 44. 吃饭 at table 45目前 at present46. 出生时 at birth47. 在夜晚 at night48. 瞄准 aim at 49. 此时,现在 at the moment50. 目前 at present51. 偶尔,有时 at times 52. 立即,马上 at once ( right now)53. 同时 at the same time54. 最初 at first 55. 最后 at last 56. 的起初;的开始 at the beginning of

5、 57. 地点/+时间 最后;尽头;末尾 at the end of 58. 至少 at least59. 能够 be able to 60. 即将,将要 be about to 61. 恐惧,害怕 be afraid of 62. 不敢,害怕 be afraid to do 63. 被允许做什么 be allowed to do sth. 64. 生某人的气 be angry with/mad at sb.65. 为什么而生某人的气 be angry with sb. about sth.66. 对什么有害 be bad for/harmful to67. 出生 be born 68. 天生

6、具有 be born with 69. 忙于做什么事 be busy doing sth. 70. 忙于 be busy with 71. 当心;小心 be careful 72. 离很近 be close to 73. 和什么不一样 be different from 74. 以著名 be famous for 75. 作为而出名 be famous as76. 在(范围、对象)出名 be famous to 77. 对某人友好 be friendly/good to78. 来自 be from/ come from 79. 装满的 be full of/ be filled with80.

7、 高兴做某事 be happy/glad to do 81. 在某方面善长, 善于 be good at 82. 对什么有好处 be good for 83. 对某人有帮助 be helpful to sb84. 身体健康 be in good health85. 处于困难中 be in trouble86. 对某方面感兴趣 be interested in (take interest in )87. 迟到 be late for 88. 像 be like89. 由制成(制成以后看不出原材料) be made from 90. 在生产或制造(产地) be made in 91. 由制成(制

8、成以后还看得见原材料) be made of92. 受某人欢迎 be popular with 93. 安静 be quiet 94. 表*的缩写 be short for 95. 严于做某事 be strict in sth.96. 对某人要求严格 be strict with sb. 97. 对。满意 be pleased/ satisfied with 98. 对。感到激动 be excited about 99. . 被希望干什么 be expected to do 100. 对。熟悉 be familiar with 101. 有空的、闲的 be free 102. 将要,打算 be going to 103. 务必做某事,一定会做某事 be sure to do 104. 意见一致,同意 be in agreement 105. . 习惯做某事 be used to doing106. 值得做什么 be worth doing107. 是。的缩写 be short for108. . 因为,由于 because of 109. 开始做某事 begin to do/ begin


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